Game Market 1983

Chapter 154: The Beginning

Chapter 154: The Beginning

Soon after, I gathered the Critical members separately in the staff lounge of Tamago Shop for a brief get-together. There were eight of us attending the meetup, including me, and since we were all meeting for the first time, there was a hint of awkwardness in the air.

As I introduced myself and explained the party play for the "Hop Goblin Dungeon" we were about to play, setting up a special event zone, everyone looked at me in surprise.

"So... You're Mr. K, the developer of Dragon Emblem, and you're asking us to demonstrate the dungeon strategy while people watch?" Chandra clarified, eyeing me.

"Yes, that's correct. So, I was wondering, do we have any level 10 players here?" I inquired.

About five individuals raised their hands. With Gunpei and myself, that made seven... We were missing one more person. Just then, Miyazaki, who had been behind me, raised a hand and spoke up.

"Sir... I have a level 10 character too."

"Oh, really? That works out well. It would have been a bit disappointing to showcase the party play only once. At least now we can give it a try twice," I remarked.

At this, one of the Critical members interjected hesitantly, "Um, we haven't confirmed our participation in the event yet, have we?"

I mirrored the hesitation in my response, "Is that so? We were planning to offer the Dragon Emblem 2 full version for free to those participating in today's event, but it's unfortunate."

Shock flashed across the faces of the Critical members.

"Just for playing the game, you're giving it away for free?" someone questioned.

"Our company, Pentagon, will also benefit significantly from your gameplay as part of our promotional efforts. So, it's only fair we offer compensation, don't you think?" I reasoned, and the members nodded in agreement.

Taking advantage of the slight wavering in their decisions, I made another proposal.

"So, what will it be? Will you participate in the event? There's no obligation, of course. If you'd rather watch, that's perfectly fine. But one thing I can promise..."

As I gazed into the curious faces of the members for a moment, I continued, "It'll definitely be an enjoyable experience. You'll be remembered as the first users to play 'Monster Raid' in Dragon Emblem, after all..."


Are there any other words that excite a man's heart as much as 'first', 'best', or 'strongest'?

The Critical members, who had just gathered to enjoy a casual game, slowly nodded in agreement at my words.

"Yeah. This is how it should be."

And as time passed, more people gathered during the afternoon hours.

Suddenly, from the speakers installed in Tamago Shop, the theme song of Dragon Emblem played, announcing a surprise event.

"Later on, there will be a Monster Raid for users who have achieved a level 10 Dragon Emblem character. Those curious about party play in Dragon Emblem, please gather in front of the Battle Zone now. Once again..."

"Huh? Monster Raid? What's that about?"

"Maybe it's an event related to Dragon Emblem 2?"

"They call party play a raid?"

"I don't know, but let's go check it out."

As Miyazaki's announcement echoed, people inside the shop started moving towards the Battle Zone. Amidst them, I, who had been preparing for the demonstration with the Critical members on the raised Battle Zone, felt suffocated by the surging crowd.

As the area in front of the Battle Zone quickly filled up with guests, Taya, a Paladin player, swallowed nervously, wearing a tense expression.

I tapped his shoulder gently and encouraged, "Don't worry about the onlookers, Taya. Just focus on the game."

"Oh, right. Our party is the second to play, isn't it?"

"Yes. Once the first party, composed of Critical members, finishes their raid, it'll be Taya, me, and Miyazaki whom we met earlier."

"Huh? So, it's three people? But isn't a raid supposed to be a four-member party?"

"Well, there's still one missing..."

Just then, Miyazaki's voice came from behind me.

"Sir! Gunpei just arrived."

"Sorry for being late."

"Why are you so late? I called you earlier in the morning..."

"You have a car, so it's easy for you to come, but not for me, you know? Do you realize how long it takes from my house to Akihabara by train? I was working overtime until early morning, so I'm exhausted..."

Ignoring Gunpei's grumbling, I replied casually, "We're planning to participate as the second party. Take a rest for now."

"What? There are two parties?"

"Eight in total, including you and me."

"Wow, there are eight people who cleared level 10 in this hellish difficulty? That's more surprising..."

"I've made it clearable for us, you know?"

"Geez, you're making it sound like I'm thinking of mice as elephants."

Gunpei teased me with a smirk. Admittedly, among the games I've developed so far, there hasn't been one that's comfortable to enjoy. However, games like those are being released by other developers without Pentagon Soft needing to produce them...

For instance, Mintendo, with a different style opposite to Pentagon's, often releases works that people of all ages can enjoy together...

Every game-making company has its own unique style.

Even utilizing a horror genre like Valentine's Day, the 2000s "Luigi Mansion" created by Mintendo had cute ghosts and hidden humor, making it enjoyable for children.

In that sense, Pentagon's color was quite hardcore. Just by announcing Dragon Emblem 2, enthusiasts would feel anticipation and excitement. They may also play Super Marigi, but the satisfaction from overcoming hardship, even if it's a bit difficult, provides players with tremendous catharsis.

That's why I can't forget the expressions people had when I first unveiled information about Dragon Emblem.

"What kind of extreme difficulty will this new release show me? What unexpected twist will hit me this time?" That was the reason users liked Pentagon Soft's games.

And I knew how to use their psychology well.

After a moment, the emcee, always bellowing "Monster Battle, Fight!!" at the Battle Zone, stepped onto the stage. Behind him, four community members, their faces tensed with anticipation, slowly settled into the chairs arranged at the table, taking out their consoles.

"Hello, everyone! Today, I've taken this stage to introduce a special party play available in the Dragon Emblem trial version," he announced.


"Thank you for your support! However, I must regretfully admit that I haven't had the chance to play an RPG game with a four-member party before, so bear with me if the broadcast is a bit clumsy."

"Really? So, this is your first time watching a party play as well?"

"Yes, indeed. Hence, in a way, we're all here witnessing a historic moment for the Dragon Emblem series together."


"Now, let me introduce the players who will take on the first monster raid. First up is Nakamura-san, the leader of the first party."

Upon the emcee's introduction, Nakamura-san rose from their seat, blushing at the applause from the users, and bowed modestly.

"Hello, Nakamura-san. Can you briefly tell us about the class and position of the character you're nurturing?" the emcee inquired.

"I'm a lancer. My position is a tanker," Nakamura replied.

"Here, Nakamura is referring to the 'tanker' position, which acts as the vanguard of the party, protecting teammates. It’s known for its high defense, diverting enemy attention while enduring attacks," the emcee explained, referring to notes in hand.

The employee overseeing the event seemed well-versed in the game and added a friendly, understandable explanation.

"Now, let me recap the jobs and positions of the first party," the emcee continued, presenting a clearer explanation.

"The party entering the Hop Goblin's Dungeon consists of a lancer, archer, rogue, and healer. In terms of positions, they represent tank, DPS, DPS, and healer, respectively. It's a well-rounded party setup, akin to the basics of an RPG."

Meanwhile, the crowd showed subtle signs of nervousness, exhaling softly as they powered up their consoles. Cables securely attached and batteries fully charged, everyone prepared for the historic moment as the miniature camera of the Dragon Emblem on their devices projected onto the ceiling's four projectors.

"Now, finally, in the history of portable gaming, we have four players gathered in one place to enjoy the game. But here's another surprise event for you all. Is there anyone here who has achieved level 10 for their character?"

Several users immediately raised their hands in response to the emcee's question.

"Oh! For those who raised their hands, if you desire, you can participate in the 'Hop Goblin's Dungeon' event. Hurry to the counter, certify your level 10 character, and apply for participation. As a special treat for today's event participants, we will give away Dragon Emblem 2 for free!"


"I'm a member of the Critical community! I came all the way from Nagoya just to see this!!"

"Wow! It's starting!"

As excitement filled the air, participants swiftly drew out their consoles, prompted by the prospect of acquiring Dragon Emblem 2 for free.

"Now, let's officially begin the 'Hop Goblin's Dungeon' event. Are the first participants ready?" the emcee asked as the users at the table nodded in unison. On the white screen hung from the ceiling, the characters of the four participants displayed the quest window for 'Hop Goblin's Dungeon.'

"Alright! Let's begin!!"

The first party members exchanged glances, nodding at each other before simultaneously pressing the A button.

As their characters boarded a carriage headed towards the 'Hop Goblin's Dungeon,' transitioning from the loading screen to the first stage of the dungeon, an audible gasp escaped from everyone watching the screen.

Even the emcee, supposed to facilitate the event, couldn't contain his tears upon seeing the familiar game screen.

"Ah! This! This is—!"

Shaking with emotion, the emcee exclaimed, "It's a simulation RPG format!! The Dragon Emblem's system lives on!"


"I knew it!"

Amidst the uproar, I let out a silent chuckle, feeling a bit out of place among the ecstatic crowd. I had just witnessed the raid system exclusive to Dragon Emblem, fitting for the retro era I lived in. The turn-based tactical simulation RPG system, where I controlled my raised character, fighting against enemies at each turn. It was a glimpse into the raid system that would emerge a decade later in MMORPGs.

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