Game Market 1983

Chapter 181: Brachio- Saurus~

Chapter 181: Brachio- Saurus~

Kurakagi, smiling at the users, held in his hand a grey object that unmistakably was the Gear Station I knew.

"In this meaningful place where people from around the world gather, I am extremely honored to introduce the first console created by Sony to all of you."

The unexpected announcement made by Kuragaki holding the Gear Station prompted flashes from the cameras. Truly, no one had expected this turn of events.

Sony, shunned by Nintendo, entering the console market this swiftly.

But the most shocked person was Nakayama, the CEO of NEGA.

Though the preparation might have been a bit lacking, NEGA's strategy aimed to quickly dive into the 32-bit market, intending to seize the market ahead of Nintendo. Who would have thought that Sony would show up with their own hardware at the conference?

Kurakagi, with a smile on his face, casually waved the Gear Station towards the cameras, exuding a sense of ease.

"Before I introduce the Gear Station's capabilities, I want to express my gratitude to 'Nintendo,' which greatly assisted in device development. In fact, the Gear Station was initially a joint project with Nintendo. However, considering our relationship with Nintendo, we decided to use the same device name, expressing 'deep' gratitude to Nintendo."

Kurakagi Kentaro...

He was an outstanding talent, known as an all-around engineer, a top-class talent even in Sony's development department, where the current era's engineers gathered.

In the '80s, when he saw his son enjoying the Family system made by Nintendo, he was convinced that Sony's path had to be in games. Impatient by nature, he promptly implemented his plans, providing sound chips for the Super Family and CD-ROM technology for NEGA.

Even with his reckless behavior, he couldn't be stopped due to his exceptional skills.

Ultimately, when President Ouga of Sony challenged Kurakagi with confidence, saying if he was so certain, then go ahead and do it, Nintendo and Sony rushed the development of the next-generation console under the name 'Gear Station.'

However, the relationship between these two companies wasn't smooth sailing from the project's inception.

Why? Simply put, they had different preferences for the storage medium they wanted to use...

For Nintendo, ROM cartridges were an attractive storage medium that brought in substantial profits, while Sony, using CD-ROMs, aimed to redirect the royalties Nintendo gained from cartridge production their way...

As the choice of storage medium significantly impacted the profit structure of both companies, Nintendo couldn't simply give up ROM cartridges.

Given Nintendo's decade-long lead over Sony in the gaming medium, they couldn't force the issue. Hence, Kurakagi had to meet President Kamawuchi for an extended period, advocating for the advantages of the CD medium to change his mind.

Kurakagi, possessing exceptional engineering skills, was also adept at persuasion. He reached a compromise with Sony, maintaining a balance on the royalty for the storage medium without offending Kamawuchi.

It seemed like the next-gen console's storage medium would lean towards CDs, but then came the release of the NEGA CD at that exact time.

And as everyone knows, it failed miserably just after its release...

Witnessing the complete failure of the CD medium, President Kamawuchi promptly decided to revert to ROM cartridges for the next-gen model.

For Kurakagi, it was maddening, but convincing the now firmly decided Kamawuchi was an impossible task.

Some might not understand this part, but if one examines the bottom of the Super Family, there's an inexplicable empty slot.

And through this vacant slot, one could gauge just how cunning Kurakagi was; it was a reserve slot meant to connect the Super Family, made by Sony, to the CD-ROM.

At a time when it was uncertain if the Gear Station project would succeed, he had planned to involve Sony in the next-gen console war. (Of course, thanks to the MEGA CD, the project blew up in mid-air...)

And now...

As soon as Nintendo's Project 64 conference ended, Sony promptly announced a completely new next-gen model.

"What's this? Could that be the next-gen model made by Sony?"

"That... seems like it, right?"

"Wow... this is mind-blowing. The most chilling moment at this year's CES."

Revealing the physical product at the conference without any prior notice astonished gamers immensely.

Perhaps due to being a globally recognized giant, Sony's marketing prowess was truly exceptional...

Morita and Hayashi, too, found themselves speechless at the unforeseen situation.

"Why are you all so dumbfounded?"

"Why... Boss, why are you so composed about this?"

"I expected this much. Sony isn't a company that would just 'Okay, understood,' after being played by Nintendo, right?"

"Well, that's true, but I didn't expect them to strike back this swiftly."

"Their pride must have been hurt. They're not just a company known in Japan, but also globally. Could they have just sat quietly after being tricked by Nintendo?"

Kamawuchi of Nintendo, Yamanka of NEGA, and Ouga of Sony were all very hot-tempered and possessed extreme personalities. In short, they were those who wouldn't take a loss lying down...

Famous politicians or CEOs often have a strong will and a self-centered tendency to not listen to those around them. Coincidentally, the three mentioned here belonged to that category.

Initially lukewarm about the Gear Station project, President Ouga reportedly exploded with anger during a meeting over Nintendo's unilateral contract termination.

It was as if he had sent his daughter off to marriage only to have her return due to a broken engagement. Out of frustration, President Ouga strongly supported developing the Gear Station independently.

"It doesn't matter how much it costs. Make the best console in the industry."

That was President Ouga's order, and Kurakagi, carrying it on his shoulders, rose from a regular employee to the President of Sony Computer Entertainment.

Only after receiving enough flashes from the camera did Kurakagi finally bring the microphone to his lips.

"The Gear Station developed by us at Sony boasts the most powerful performance among all existing gaming consoles. And based on that performance, I promise to deliver a new experience to all of you. The reason I confidently state that the Gear Station is the best is because of the R3000A, a super-speed processing unit inside it. I'll provide additional information since explaining with just the model name might not be clear. The R3000A is a CPU used in top-tier workstation computers."

"What! A CPU for workstation use!?"

"No way. How could they include a workstation CPU in a home gaming console?"

"They're truly a giant among giants, showing no mercy in their component choices..."

The statement that they used the most high-end CPU in existence shocked the users, while employees from NEGA and Nintendo stiffened at the announced CPU model.

Following that, Kurakagi began explaining the 3D chip used in the Gear Station.

"The current gaming market is about to face another significant change compared to ten years ago."

"That's the introduction of polygonal 3D technology. The Gear Station anticipated this change from the early stages of development and maximized its 3D performance. And this is the result."


As Kurakagi finished speaking, a metallic sound echoed from the speakers installed on stage,

and the Gear Station displayed a movie using 3D polygons on the screen behind him.

The audience was mesmerized by the realistic, high-speed screen performance of the Gear Station.

Seeing the 3D polygons on the screen, some people even went as far as saying, "Is that a movie?" "No, that's impossible!" And, "This is something entirely different from anything we've seen so far!"

Following the announcement of the 3D chip, Kurakagi displayed the polygonal 3D movie. The rendering of the 3D model of a dinosaur was so astonishing that one could mistake it for a real dinosaur.

As the movie ended, the screen changed to display the specs of the Gear Station.

"And lastly, I'll introduce the most powerful function of the Gear Station."

The audience was already mesmerized by the 3D polygons, but Kurakagi's next words piqued their curiosity even more.

"The Gear Station is compatible with CD-ROMs."

As Kurakagi stated this, the audience fell into complete silence.

This statement wasn't just directed at NEGA; it stunned everyone in the gaming industry.

The media present at the conference felt the earth-shattering news conveyed through the simple words of Kurakagi.

"The Gear Station has the ability to play music CDs as well as CD-ROMs. With this, the Gear Station becomes not just a gaming console but a comprehensive entertainment system."

The conference hall was plunged into complete silence due to this news.

With a mischievous smile, Kurakagi concluded his presentation.

"And so, the Gear Station will arrive in stores worldwide in late 1995. Please look forward to it."

The hall was immediately filled with the sound of applause and the clicking of cameras.

In this manner, Sony, with the Gear Station, had taken its first step into the gaming world.

As I grappled with the meaning of those words, silence lingered for about three seconds.

"What? Seriously? The Gear Station is releasing on December 4th this year?"

"Saturn's coming out in November, isn't it? They're releasing it in December!?"

As the president announced the launch of the main Gear Station using the software release date, the CES hall was enveloped in screams.

Even those unfamiliar with gaming rushed to Sony's booth amidst the cheers erupting every ten seconds, crowding the area around the president.

"Quite the persuasive speaker..."

I chuckled inwardly, arms crossed, observing Sony's conference.

Next, Kurakagi stepped back, hinting at the limitations of the 'Workstation' CPU and 3D chip used in the Gear Station. A single demo shot appeared on the massive screen on stage.


The impact conveyed through that single image was truly astonishing.

"A Tyrannosaurus..."

The 3D dinosaur, created by squeezing out all the power of the Gear Station, evoked memories of last year's theatrical release, 'Jurassic Park.'

The incredibly detailed computer graphics back then depicted lifelike dinosaurs, leaving a deep impression on the audience.

Kurakagi cleverly utilized this, incorporating it into the Gear Station's marketing.

While the console's fantastic graphics stunned users, it also somehow cultivated an underlying sense of unease.

A console showcasing such superb graphics would never come cheap...

However, Kurakagi's closing statement after all the presentations provided the knockout blow of the stunning conference.

"The Gear Station will be released at $299."


Amidst the uproar resembling screams, I found myself unconsciously blocking my ears.

"Good heavens, $299!?"

"Saturn's $399, though!"

"Sony really played hardball!!"

With unbelievable performance and an astonishing price, Sony's booth resembled pandemonium. Kurakagi wore a satisfied smile on stage, basking in the users' reactions.

"Dude, what on earth just happened at Sony?"

As I returned with Morita and Hayashi to the Pentagon booth, Kawaguchi, adjusting his collar for the conference, approached me with a visibly pale face.

"Sony just announced the next-generation model called the Gear Station. It's a device with workstation-level performance and a price tag of $299."

"2... $299?"

"That drove the attendees wild. It was a successful conference, surpassing even Nintendo's achievements."


Kawaguchi slumped into a chair upon hearing my report.

Indeed, with Sony dropping such massive news just before our conference, the pressure was beyond imaginable.

Just then, Miyazaki peeked into the waiting room, tilting her head towards us.

"Sir, people are gathering in front of our booth. It seems like we should start soon."

"Ah... alright."

Wiping his sweat with a handkerchief, Kawaguchi rose from his seat, heading towards the stage. With this much tension, can he conduct the conference properly?

Concerned, I grabbed Kawaguchi's hand as he headed toward the stage.

"Sir, hold on a moment."

As Kawaguchi, carrying the script, was moving towards the venue, he was taken aback by my action. The trembling in his fingertips hinted at the fear he was feeling.

"Step onto the stage a bit later, please."


"I'll go up first instead of you. The promotional video sequence, as I've just arranged, will be played."

"Really? Oh, alright!"

"Counting on you."

Swiftly untying my necktie and tossing the suit jacket onto the chair, I, now in a light navy shirt, rolled up my sleeves to the elbows and took a casual step towards the stage.


Appearing in a relaxed attire unlike the usual conference hosts, I grinned lightly, microphone in hand.

"Hello, everyone. Just now, Sony unveiled an incredibly powerful new model called the Gear Station. As a gamer myself, this conference was undeniably intriguing compared to our competitors."

The gamers gathered at the Pentagon booth nodded in agreement and cheered at my words.

"In this heated atmosphere, I'd like to express my 'deep' gratitude to Sony."

I briefly held the microphone, sending applause towards Sony's booth.

"First of all, let me introduce myself. I'm Kang Junhyuk, leading the second development team at Pentagon. If you're not familiar with the games I've made, we have titles like Dragon Emblem series and..."


"Streets Without Me."


"Valentine's Day."


"Psych Battle."


"And Tamago Monsters."

With each work I listed, the audience's excitement grew, and my heart seemed ready to burst at any moment.

"Today, I'm also here to introduce two new titles."


The moment I announced the unveiling of new titles, the audience's expressions brightened. Stepping back, I opened my mouth.

"But before that... does anyone here happen to like operas?"

Looking at the users, sporting puzzled expressions, I took a step back and continued.

"Let's calm the excitement for a moment with this video before we begin Pentagon's conference."

I glanced back at Uchimura, who gave me the OK sign.

Nodding slightly, the familiar title appeared on the screen set up on the stage.



With the record-breaking success of 4 and 5 in North America, Final Frontier's latest installment, much more recognized internationally than Dragon Warrior, had a high profile. As the sixth title appeared on the screen, people started expressing their anticipation.

And moments later...

On the white screen, a beautiful musical backdrop played while a female character in a dress walked onto a terrace, starting to sing.

Thus began the Opera scene of Final Frontier 6, touted as the greatest event scene in the series' history.


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