Game Market 1983

Chapter 91: The Birth of the Super Family

Chapter 91: The Birth of the Super Family

"What do you want to talk to me about?" I asked.

"I want to emphasize that investing in the quality of the product is crucial unless you intend to use all that money for the afterlife's gambling. If we continue with a low-cost product for the console, the defect rate will undoubtedly increase after its release. In that case, consumers will become dissatisfied. The product's reliability will decrease, damaging Mintendo's image. After a few repairs, talk about the product's inherent flaws is bound to come up, and discerning consumers may demand a full recall or even initiate a boycott against Mintendo products."

"Is that going too far?"

But it seemed that President Kamauichi was more concerned about the prospect of a boycott and recall than the afterlife's gambling debts.

"A boycott?" I asked.

"While it's an extreme example, it's not impossible. Have you not noticed the subtle shift in the console market, different from previous generations? NEGA recently announced their plans to release a full-color portable game console along with their 16-bit game system. Even SMK, which has been making arcade games until now, seems to be eyeing the home console market."

"Well, I've heard some rumors about that."

"I wish the president had pushed a bit further. If you trust me, I am confident we can successfully launch the Super Family."

"You're quite self-assured, aren't you?"

"Of course."

I chuckled in response to President Kamauichi's skeptical expression.

Little did you know, there can be no failure for someone like me who has experienced time slips. The current market trajectory isn't so far gone that I can't grasp it. Rather than seeking groundbreaking innovations, I've focused on maintaining the game market's course, at least for the next few years, which can be easily predicted.

"Alright, I won't interfere with the reports you and your team submit from now on."


I inwardly sighed with relief at Kamauichi's response. Following Gunpei's advice, President Kamauichi sought assurance through others because he feared his own failure. In a way, it was similar to Mintendo's philosophy of valuing one genius over a hundred employees.

"I won't disappoint you."

"Both in the American market and the praise from Gunpei and Shige, you and your team have always achieved more than expected."

President Kamauichi relaxed his stern expression and looked at me.

"It's comforting to have a face-to-face conversation like this. I've been feeling empty, staring at the endless stream of approval documents every day."

"I also feel relieved that our conversation went smoothly, especially considering how restless I've been these past few days, worrying that my last project at Mintendo might fail."

As I tidied the documents on the table and smoothly broached the subject of my retirement, President Kamauichi hesitated for a moment, as if he couldn't grasp the meaning of my words.

"Kang Junhyuk? What did you just say? Your last project?"

I smiled as I replied, "Yes, I'm thinking of leaving Mintendo after completing the Super Family."


President Kamauichi's exclamation rang loudly throughout the office. Given that one of the main pillars supporting Mintendo was about to be pulled away, it was natural that he was surprised.

"In fact, I've been contemplating retirement for some time. I just wanted to finish the next-generation console development project properly."

"No, you can't."


"Don't leave."

President Kamauichi's voice trembled as he implored me not to go. It was a deeply somber expression that I hadn't seen in five years.

"Kang Jun? Where are you planning to go without another company in mind?"

"Well, I don't have a particular company in mind."

"What? You want to leave a perfectly fine job at Mintendo without another company in mind?"

"I have other things I want to do."

"You can't. Others might quit, but you, Gunpei, and Shige can't."

Really? I thought the president would be more relaxed about this. It wasn't going to be easy to hold onto Mintendo as the Super Family was about to take off, thanks to Gunpei's efforts and Shige's talents.

"No matter how much you try to stop me, my mind is made up. And there's no need for me to stay here; Gunpei and Shige are here, aren't they? Below them, we have talented individuals. Why are you so attached to me?"

"Because you are a genius who surpasses them all."


"In my early days, I considered myself quite smart. Even when I entered university, I was the same. But I wasn't considered a genius. I was just a bit better at studying than the average person, you know? But you, Kang Junhyuk, and Shigeru, you were different. When I first saw you and had a few words with you, I realized. These guys are the real geniuses. Extraordinary individuals who delve into territories that ordinary people can't even imagine. When you first sat down for the interview and suggested attaching a robot to the Family and selling it as a toy, I felt it. You and Gunpei, and maybe even more than them, have an exceptional sense... something beyond ordinary. You made me realize why I hesitated."


"That's why I can't let you go. Of course, when you returned from the United States to help Gunpei and Shige, I suspected that you might have ulterior motives, trying to spy on their work. But the results of your work were all significant successes, and still, you kept your position unchanged. If I ever had doubts, I apologize. So..."

"I understand your point, President, but if you've spent the past five years with me, you probably know the decision I'll make."

"Are you really leaving?"

"I will make sure to complete my current assignment."

I couldn't resist the president's pleading, but I also couldn't stay at Mintendo any longer. What I had done at Mintendo over the past five years was solely for the sake of the Super Family.

To establish my reputation as a developer who created the next-generation console, I had given interviews separately from Gunpei just last week. It's highly likely that I will be officially introduced in magazines next month, with a legitimate career as the developer of Psych Battle and the Super Family.

And the former Triangle CEO, who is currently wandering abroad, waiting for my return to Japan, needs to be told to come back. Two months ago, he was begging me to return to Japan when we had a conversation.

Regardless, with the chance to fully take control of Pentagon Soft only moments away, I couldn't stay tethered to Mintendo any longer.

"Junhyuk! Our wallet~"

Behind Ellis, a familiar voice reached my ears, and I turned to see Jon, Michael, and Rob approaching with outstretched hands, just like the first time we met in the MIT cafeteria.

While Jon and Michael looked almost the same as when we first met, Rob seemed to have grown taller, and his beard had become Santa Claus-worthy.

Who'd believe he's only three years younger than me?

"Rob, are you cosplaying as a yeti? What's up with that beard?"

"Give me a break. I was holed up in the hack club room until yesterday working on this. I didn't even have time to shave."

Rob raised his black bag and winked slightly.

At that moment, Yuki, who had been standing awkwardly by my side, greeted them in broken English.

"Hello. I'm Yuki Ishikawa, Junhyuk's 'girlfriend.'"

"Wow!! My!! Mr. Kang, your girlfriend is so cute!"

The chubby faces of the American gamers recognized they had indeed arrived in Japan.

I quickly led them out of the airport as they were causing quite a scene.

We loaded our luggage and people into the 9-seater vehicle I had borrowed from Chandra. As I stepped on the gas, the heavy vehicle began to move slowly.

"Kang, we're hungry. Where are we headed?"

Rob, while petting his stomach, asked me how long it had been since we got off the plane.

"We have a meal ready. But before we unpack, I have someone I want you to meet."


"Remember what I told you back in the U.S.? I said there's a crazy geek who helped me change the coding array during the Psych Battle game's development."

"Oh, the Indian friend? We wanted to meet him, but we had summer classes, so we couldn't."

"Who wants to mess with their GPA?"

"This is all because of your crazy GPU work that I missed classes and almost flunked!"

"Oh, really? My bad, but I compensated you generously."

"Thanks to that, I could pay my tuition without asking my parents, but..."

"That's a load off your folks."

"Ungrateful child."

"If you feel wronged, why don't you earn more money? Haha!"

We chatted, remembering our last day at MIT, while Yuki and Ellis watched us, shaking their heads, from the back seat.


"Oh!? It's Kang! Kang is here! Can we eat this now?"

"Wait, Pumala. Our guests just arrived."

Re:Lytex's holiday. As we entered the factory, Indian engineers, including Chandra, welcomed me.

"Junhyuk brought them like a horde."

"Is the food ample?"

Chandra, eyeing Rob, responded.

"I don't know. I didn't expect anyone among you to be as big as Pumala. Is it not enough?"

"If it's not enough, order more. Anyway, let's go in."

A while later, I formally introduced the Indian and American gamers to each other. Rob and Chandra, who could be considered the representatives of each camp, shook hands, and we began our own welcoming party with prepared food and canned beer.

Initially, it was a bit awkward, but soon, the engineers from both countries became close. In particular, the GPU device that Rob had brought caught the interest of Chandra and Pumala.

Fortunately, Chandra could speak English, so communication wasn't a big issue.

"How's it, Junhyuk? Amazing, isn't it? It's the 3D processing unit that helps with graphics, just like you said!"

"Ah... yeah?"

"Why are you reacting so coolly?"

As Rob took out the device, which was as big as an adult's forearm, I couldn't help but wonder how it would fit inside a desktop tower.

I took a deep breath and brought over a few packs of cigarettes that were placed nearby.

"Alright. You understand the structure now, right? Let's reduce the size to about the size of these four packs."

"What?! What's wrong with this lunatic?"

"Think about it, Rob. Who would use a graphics processor that can't even fit inside a desktop tower?"

I laid the four packs next to the device, and Rob, with his head bowed, started to reconsider my words.

"Yeah, Junhyuk is right. I could probably make it as small as half a pack."


At that moment, Rob, who was shaking his head just a while ago, widened his eyes.

"Wait, what did this guy just say? Half a pack of cigarettes? Then I can make it as small as a quarter pack!"

"What? You little Indian monkey!"

"Look at you, you fat American pig!"

The warm atmosphere where we had been praising each other's skills just a moment ago had suddenly turned 180 degrees. I secretly smiled at how fast this escalated.

"Ahem. Hey, let's calm down a bit, and maybe have some beer. I didn't call you to fight. I brought you together to learn from each other, not to argue."

"Kang Junhyuk, why are these American guys so rude?"

"What did you say? Who started it?"

"Okay, okay, stop it. If you really want to fight, do it with your skills, not your fists."


"The components listed there are the specs for the new Mintendo Super Family console."

After scanning the note I handed them, Chandra nodded.

"I see. But can we see something like this even though we're not allowed?"

"Remember that the copyright bill passed in Mintendo? Unauthorized game console replication is illegal now, and the unit price is so high that there's no need to worry about knock-offs like the old Family. It's more profitable to replicate cartridges than the Super Family itself."

"Hmm, I see. But why are you showing us this?"

"Based on the parts listed there, I'm going to create a prototype of a new console. And we're going to use this graphics processing unit that Rob brought. Regardless of whether it's one pack or two packs, this graphics unit must be included in the console. The prototype development period is exactly one year. The team that succeeds first will get a bonus of 100 million yen."

"1... 100 million yen?!"

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