Game Market 1983

Chapter 96: Pilgrims...

Chapter 96: Pilgrims...

Diary of a University Student Gamer Who Bought 'The Empty Streets' on Release Day -

November 20, 1989, Monday.

Finally... Finally, it's tomorrow.

The release day I've been waiting for all year long for Super Family!!

Priced at 25,000 yen. It feels a bit pricier than expected, but it doesn't matter.

I must... I must get my hands on it.

Furthermore, tomorrow, there's an autograph session with the illustrator I admire so much, Mr. Morita Shinpei.

Just the thought of being able to see the hand that created Psych Battle Ryuha Young and Azusa Ren fills my heart with excitement.

I doubt I'll be able to sleep peacefully tonight. I wish tomorrow would come quickly.

November 21, 1989, Tuesday.

I'm on cloud nine.

Honestly, I want to lie down in bed and sleep right now, but first, I need to finish writing my diary and set up Super Family.

Even though it's a weekday, Akihabara, which I visited early in the morning, was packed with people. Even the regular store owner I often visit seemed to have a different determination today.

I asked if they had 'The Empty Streets' in stock, but they said it would only be available at the Pentagon Soft event venue today.

I sighed for a moment and looked towards the event venue, where people had gathered like a cloud due to the launch of Mintendo Super Family.

I managed to find the end of the line at the event venue, but it kept growing longer and circled around the building endlessly.

After a while, the event venue's doors opened along with a greeting from Mr. Mintendo Kamauichi Hiroshi, and the line started moving faster.

However, because the line was so long, it took about two hours to reach my turn, even though I was standing in the middle.

Come on, people, hurry up...

As I stood in line, I observed the titles that people were buying in a line. Most of them were also purchasing 'Super Marigi World' along with 'Super Family.'

The yellow package of 'Super Marigi World' looked twice as large and more luxurious than the Family package. It gave viewers a pleasant thrill.

So, after a while, it was my turn.

A pretty lady at the cash register greeted me with a bright smile.

I even had some strange delusion that maybe she was interested in me due to her excessively friendly smile, but she greeted the next person with the same smile.

Darn. She had me fooled with that fake smile...

I spent 31,200 yen to purchase Super Family and Super Marigi World.

It was expensive, and in the blink of an eye, half of the money I earned from part-time work in a month vanished. But I have no regrets. I achieved my first goal.

Now, on to the second goal: to buy 'The Empty Streets.'

Pentagon Soft set up a separate event venue for Super Family buyers, and when I arrived, the line had already extended endlessly.

Darn it... Should I have bought 'The Empty Streets' first? I hope they still have some left.

After wandering around the building, I finally reached the end of the line and set down my heavy Super Family, eagerly awaiting the start of the event.

That's when an incredibly cute lady approached me.

"Excuse me, is this the line for 'The Empty Streets' purchase?"

She looked about my age, and her long hair and a hint of playfulness made her look incredibly cute.

"Oh, yes, it is."

"Phew, I'm relieved. I found the right place. Thank you."

She smiled at my response and stood in line behind me.

Unbelievable. A girl this pretty is into gaming? Despite the long wait, her breathing behind me made the time feel eternal.


Lost in various daydreams, I was startled when she called out to me.


"You like games, right? You bought Super Family, didn't you?"

"Y-yes, of course! I love games!"

"I love them too!"

My heart... My heart...

In my mind, her words, "I love them too," kept echoing.

By the way, this woman... She oddly resembles 'Miyuki,' one of the heroines from 'The Empty Streets,' right?

Ah... a pretty girl who likes games, what is this?

Yeah, this is an opportunity given to me by the heavens.

The deity who pitied my life as a solo until the age of 21, in return for all the loneliness, has sent her to me!

Let's gather courage...

Let's gather courage...

But what should I say?

I can't just suddenly confess my feelings, right?

Right, her name. I should start by asking for her name.

With my fists clenched tightly in my heart and after practicing several times in my mind, I turned my head to look at her.

"Uh, what's your name?"


Of course, I shouldn't have asked her name directly! It's not natural. I'm such an idiot!

But a little later, she smiled and told me her name.

"Ishikawa Yuki."

Yuki... not only does she resemble the heroine Miyuki from 'The Empty Streets,' her name is similar too!

It's destiny. This is fate. To obtain this destiny, I need courage.

I have to tell her my name...

"My... my name is..."

That's when it happened.

"Yuki!? What are you doing here!?"

What? I turned my head to see a man in a suit boldly calling out Yuki's name and approaching us.

But what made me sadder was her reaction.

"Oh, Junhyuk!"

The smile she directed at that man, while waving her hand, was more than what she showed me.

The man approached Yuki and asked, lowering her name, "Why are you here in such a windy place?"

"I'm here to buy 'The Empty Streets' too."

"Why are you waiting in line like this? You're amazing, really..."

"But I really want to wait here and buy it."

This guy doesn't seem to understand why we, who are in line to buy the game, are doing this.

A foolish fellow who doesn't understand the heart of a girl who loves games.

To Yuki, you're someone too precious for the likes of him!

The man, whether he had important business or not, left again, and Yuki, who was left alone, shivered in the cold wind and stayed with us.

I could already feel glances from the people around us.

I moved a little closer and silently shielded her from the cold wind. This way, we'll look like we're a couple, right? Heh heh.

Time passed slowly, and with Mr. Morita's greeting message, Pentagon Soft's event began.

'The Empty Streets' was released with three heroines on separate cartridges as announced before its release. When the event started, the stock count of the three heroines was displayed on a billboard above the entrance.

From left to right, there's Setuna Ootani, the senior at the family restaurant where the protagonist works. Then, childhood friend Miyuki Hasegawa.

Lastly, the freshman at the university the protagonist attends, Nanase Ogiso.

Each heroine had 1000 copies in stock.

A total of 3000 copies. It seems like they adjusted the stock quantity for the launch of the new model.

Darn it. At least 1500 people are standing in front of me, and I hope Miyuki isn't sold out before I get there. Please... still be available.

Ah... I wrote this diary for too long.

It feels like I've written it down so vividly with all the emotions I had on the scene...

I haven't finished yet, but my eyes keep wandering to the Super Family and 'The Empty Streets' package placed next to me.

I should connect it to the TV and continue writing later~

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