Game of Thrones: Paladin of Old Gods

Chapter 106: ‘ Meeting of Titans ’

Chapter 106: ‘ Meeting of Titans ’

POV: Tycho Nestoris;

Hall of the Great Keepers of Keys, Iron Bank, Braavos.

Year 289 A.C., 10th Day of the Ninth Moon.

Three days after, seventeen individuals gathered in Oldtown...

This was the first meeting in which Tycho Nestorys took part. Promotion to Executive Director General included this honour.

The highest spheres of power of the most influential World Organization met here in this underground room. Thirteen members in total.

The current 216th acting President of the Bank, Ultherro Zorays.

The Vice President, Berbo Darel.

The Executive General Manager, Tycho Nestoris.

And the Ten Original Keyholders, whose identities were known to only two individuals in the Known World, President Ultherro and the High Priest of the House of Black and White.

Not even the Sealord of Braavos was aware of the existence of such individuals. Characters who had the power to depose the ruler of the free city at the mere whim of a majority...

There were initially twenty-three founding Keyholders, sixteen men and seven women, and there are still thousands of known descendants of said founders. Many descendants of the original Keyholders still proudly display the ceremonial keys on formal occasions. Those who have lost their wealth still retain the keys and associated honours. But what the World did not know was that a tremendous internal civil war was fought, a war of poison, backstabbing, intrigue, lies, gold and blood... Of the original twenty-three majority shareholders, only ten remained, absorbing almost entirely the shares of the thirteen losers.

To avoid the internal collapse of the institution, the officials invoked the help of the House of Black and White.

The names of the remaining members were offered as gifts to the God of a Thousand Faces, and in return, a powerful magical ritual erased the names of their descendants from world history. A pattern of protection that had to be renewed cyclically.

Every thirteen years, the ten chief Keyholders had to offer the gift of a descendant of their jamb in exchange for the protection of the Many-Faced God.

The Original Keyholders still owned 50% of the shares of the most powerful banking institution in the World.

The High Officials of the Iron Bank held 33%.

The remaining 17% belonged to the thousands of descendants, magisters, archons, triarchs, and investors from around the World.

All members assembled by sitting in their respective chairs.

Thirteen seats spread across a large circular table of a thirty-foot radius made of platinum veined marble. In the centre of the table stood a carved map. A work of craftsmanship made entirely of a golden heart tree that depicted in detail the entire Known World on a grand scale. Even every single island in the Thousand Islands archipelago...

Invisible strands of Acromantula silk, attached to a vast Dragon Glass chandelier, held up every single piece of the sculpture.

The map would have seemed to float as if by magic five feet above the floor for anyone who did not know the mystery of that work.

Tycho was currently one of those people.

The official could not stop admiring that masterpiece created by who knows what artist.

The new Director's attention shifted to the President standing a few steps away from him.

"I, Ultherro Zorays, 216th President of the Iron Bank, welcome all of you, dear pioneers of the World.

I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you, noble founders, for responding to our urgent call to attend.

I would also like to take this opportunity to introduce you to our new Executive Director-General, Mr Tycho Nestoris. He is an industrious young member of our institution with extraordinary ability and earned his position through merit and hard work. Let us grant him warm welcome applause."

*Clap*, *Clap* *Clap*, *Clap*. All members responded to the call.

Tycho stood up and repeatedly bowed in thanks for the much-appreciated gesture.

"Now that the proper pleasantries have been performed, I officially declare the meeting to begin." The President returned to his seat.

"Tycho Nestoris, huh? the former head of the Westeros trade section.

An excellent choice indeed, President. I don't think I'm alone in wanting to give credit for your work. You've brought us superior returns, increasing the North Section's profits by more than 18 times the best year ever. Indeed a remarkable feat, Director." Said a voice without gender or accent of any kind. The speaker was His Excellency "3." Numbers from 1 to 10 identified Keyholders. It was up to the President, the only one who knew the true identity of everyone in that room, to hand each respective Original Keyholder an ID number. Numbers were exchanged at each meeting. Ten identical magical Artifacts prevented any character from being recognised from body shape, age, habitual movements, tone of voice, accent, smell or emotion. Even 'The Watcher' couldn't distinguish any difference between the ten.

"Thank you, your Excellency. You do me honour. But the credit cannot be given to me alone. Without my valuable colleagues and masters of the art of coinage, I would have achieved little. In the West Trade Section, we have merely seized an opportunity clearly visible to many of my other colleagues." Replied Tycho in a friendly and respectful tone.

"We may even add the word 'Humility' to your praise. That pleases me, Director." Said his Excellency "7".

"Gentlemen, we can start as usual by starting with the minor issues. Vice President, please update us with the program lineup." Ultherro.

About thirty minutes later...

"King Robert recently withdrew the Crown's proxy for the loan application... It seems the Sovereign has found a lender for his onerous lewd pastimes. Unfortunately, we do not yet know precisely who was so clueless as to bestow such a sum." Explained Nestoris.

"For what reason, then, was the council summoned? I thought that the most pressing matter was placing a vote to approve the loan to the Crown." Excellency "10" asked, gathering the agreement of other like-minded people.

"Yes, your Excellency, the one million two hundred thousand golden dragon loan was the reason for that gathering, but other factors requiring the utmost consideration have developed quickly.

In less than two weeks, the Chief Sorcerer of the Confederation of Wizards, The King in The Yellow, will visit us. And accompanying him will be his eminence The Watcher, the Guardian of Love." Tycho caught uses keen attention of the disgruntled group.

"But The King in The Yellow has not left his tower, let alone the confederation's borders. So for what reason is he coming to Braavos in person?" Excellency "7" asked with what might have seemed impatience.

It was the President who took the floor.

"Mainly to deal in person with the Head Priest of the House of Black and White and sell us a large batch of Magic Blood worth five million. In addition, we will use the opportunity to acquire new stocks of Mana Stones before the price of Dragon Glass takes off...

Oldtown wants us to believe that their Glass reserves are still deep, but our estimates tell Gentlemen different stories.

Before times become more 'unforeseen', we ask the council to put the purchase of a large batch of Mana Stones worth at least ten million gold coins to a vote.

Raise your hand if you oppose the motion." Only a couple of hands were raised. The purchase was approved.

"Regarding the possible rise in the market price of Dragon Glass, what are we doing to get our hands on Targaryen treasure?" His Excellency "1" asked.

"Unfortunately, there have been no significant breakthroughs in recent years. We still keep Princes Viserys and Daenerys as guests here in Braavos, but they're not relevant given the circumstances...

We know that Rhaegar's son is alive and hiding in who knows what cramped and unknown place in the world. Yet, to no avail, we have turned all of Essos upside down, my Excellencies." Replied the President in a surrendered tone. Vice President Berbo entered the speech in support.

"In IB or the Summer Islands, there is no sign of Elia Martell or her children... Every day we ask for information on the 'price' for Aegon Targaryen's gift, and the answer tends to range from 835 to 820 million every now and then...

Unfortunately, the House of Black and White is inflexible about 'magical matters' prices. Obviously, the expense is unsustainable for us. Still, thanks to this information, we were also able to discard the hypothesis that The King in the Yellow or Lord Leyton themselves are protecting the heir of Dragonstone." The Faceless Men were able to estimate every magical repercussion in the World. Blood, magical creatures, Dragon Glass, artefacts... Anything that could stir the World's magic by granting the 'gift' to any target was estimated down to the last copper coin. If killing Aegon Targaryen moved the fortunes of such a tremendous magical heritage, not even the World's wealthiest and most influential organization could do anything about it.

"How do you know it's not Carcosa or Oldtown protecting the heir?" His Excellency "6" legitimately asked.

Berbo passed the poisoned ball to the newcomer.

"Simple, his Excellency. If the boy were protected by the Confederation of Mages or the Andalus High Council, the price would increase by two or three hundred million, as the case may be. In either circumstance, the 'Uncertainty of Fulfillment' clause would be known.

No. The Faceless Men guarantee the completion of the task. However, those fifteen million pluses and minus depending on the periods suggest that Aegon is protected by a Great Enchanted Power. The most plausible hypothesis is that the Red High Priestess Kinvara saved Aegon. Obviously, our 'eyes' and 'ears' have scrutinized every alley and whisper of Volantys, but without finding any trace..." Tycho explained meticulously. It took the Braavosian a few weeks to get up to speed and adjust to the New Wizarding World known to few...

"Then let's task the Faceless Men to get rid of Elia and Rhaenys! We'll stir the waters a bit, and the fish will jump out of the pond." Shot his Eminence "1" loudly.

"We'd be needlessly wasting rivers of gold if we did that..." Eminence "2" expressed the same thoughts as Tycho.

"And why is that? Let's hear it." Eminence "1".

"If Priestess Kinvara was, in fact, protecting Aegon, it is implied to assume that the same protection extends towards his mother and sister. Furthermore, the Faceless Men would not utter a peep about how or where. They would simply be fulfilling their mission in the name of the Many-Faced God. I doubt that even if Elia Martell or Rhaenys Targaryen died, the boy would move from his nest... Those protecting him are well aware of his value and what threat may or may not reach him. Would you invest over thirty million gold coins without getting a shred of information?" Eminence "2" asked, unseating his counterpart.

"And as for Prince Oberyn and Doran Martell? They almost certainly know where their nephew is hiding. If we put our hands..." He tried to suggest his Excellency "8" being interrupted by the same voice.

"Were we to lay hands on them and force them to talk? Please, your Excellencies, let us not waste time on unworkable assumptions. Even if Oberyn strays from the territory under Oldtown's protection, and we somehow manage to capture 'The Red Viper of Dorne', we would be violating the Peace Treaty by openly going against the Royal Nymeros Martell lineage." Eminence "2".

"If we act discreetly, no one will find out..." Eminence "8" tried to retort.

"The Guardian of Love will find out sooner or later...

He will only need to ask one direct question to one of our three members without their faces covered, your Excellency... Nothing can be concealed from The Watcher.

Let's move on to more relevant matters and focus on what all of you Excellencies still miss. Namely, why did The King in The Yellow leave his domains? It has been three hundred years since the Chief Sorcerer of the Confederation of Magicians has taken a step outside of Carcosa." Tycho was impressed with Number "2's" excellent judgment and critical skills.

The President took the situation back into his hands before Excellency "2" shamed all nine of his remaining counterparts.

"Well said, your Excellency. We really wanted to address this point... "

About five minutes of explanation and questions later...

"The tournament will take place on the first day of the first moon of the new year.

one hundred and eleven days from now, to be exact." Ultherro Zorays finished expounding.

"Why did House Stark offer hospitality to the Overlord of Carcosa? I thought Oldtown would ensure a strict taboo on all knowledge beyond the Yi Ti." Excellency "10" asked.

"I can answer that question, your Excellencies. However, I am afraid that all of these 'unexpected anomalies', including the recent numerous business innovations, have all stemmed from one particular individual.

A young Northern Lord with 'abnormally amazing' abilities.

The heir to Torrhen's Square, Duncan Tallhart. Also called 'Bloody Snow'... "Tycho.

"I know that name. The child in the song?" Excellency "6".

"Precisely, your Excellency." Tycho.

"So, the story of the two hundred 'Braves Companios' exterminated by a seven-year-old commander is true?" Excellency "Eight."

Tycho began to summarize and explain all the information he had gathered that eluded many council members.

About ten minutes later...

"Why is he still alive? Isn't it your job to weed out the 'potential risk factors ' before they get out of our control?" Excellency "7"

Excellency "2" rested a hand on her mask in a surrendered manner.

He took the trouble to answer his less informed colleague about the 'rules that govern their world nowadays'.

"Because until a few months before, he was under the protection of The Watcher...

{Try to touch The Watcher, and the world will turn on you.

Try to touch one of his protgs, and the Demons of the Otherworld will haunt you, your Past, your Present and your Future for eternity}.

Even the native children of Sothoryos know this nursery rhyme.

Please, Excellency "7", tell me that you are aware that the organization behind the Guardian of Love is ranked 4th in the hierarchy of World Powers." Number "2".

"HOW DARE YOU?!" Excellency "7" sprang to her feet with threatening gestures, but before she could turn a single step in the direction of her target, a faceless figure, dressed in a half-White, half-Black robe, armed with a knife, dropped down from the ceiling landing like a feline to protect Excellency "2".

The face covered by a black shadow, without eyes, mouth, nose or ears, was turned towards the attacker.

Excellency "7" froze for a moment and then slowly resided.

For thousands of years, the House of Black and White had guaranteed the council's safety. First, any 'disturbing element', internal or external, would be removed permanently. Then, a divine spell by the servants of the Many-Faced God, they would first threaten a possible masked aggressor, showing him, and only him, the face of his next successor...

The President rose, intervening.

"Your Excellencies, please. There is no need to go that far. Harmony and mutual cooperation are the key elements for the interests of all of us. Now... Director Nestoris, please continue." Tycho bowed his head, thanking his superior, and resumed the floor.

The Sicario vanished into the shadows of the room without uttering a sound.

"First of all, I would like to remind every member of the council that the student of the Watcher is no longer under his protection.

The House of Black and White has confirmed the information.

However, the Iron Bank has already tried a first 'solution' to the problem... however, with little success. It is not easy to act indirectly in the North nowadays. House Tallhart has forged many excellent relationships with all the great lords of the North. Including House Bolton...

Persuasions toward staff serving Torrhen's Square seem unworkable. The more insidious issue is that we cannot get relevant information in all of House Tallhart or Dustin's domains in recent years. Winter in the North is a very effective fog curtain.

However, we do know that large sums of money have been moved and spent to fund large projects whose nature or location we do not yet know.

Lady Barbrey Dustin applied to the Bank for a loan of nine hundred and fifty thousand gold dragons two years ago. We approved the request by obtaining excellent contracts on the Salt trade, " Tycho paused.

"Nine hundred and fifty thousand gold dragons? A sum bordering on Extraordinary Approval" replied Excellency "4".

Majority approval of the council had to be sought for approval of loans over a million. Iron Bank officials could approve any other sum below that threshold.

"The risk parameters were already far exceeded, your Excellency, even without exclusivity over the trade routes on the north coast of Essos from Braavos to New Ibbish. We also know that Lady Barbrey secretly solicited large sums of money from many other smaller banking institutions, managing to raise as much as 'Three' million gold coins." Tycho.

"Raising money for a military campaign, perhaps? Does the Lady of Barrowton have her sights set on Northern rule?" Excellency "9".

"That is not to be ruled out, your Excellency. Both House Tallhart and House Dustin have recently developed a considerable espionage and counterintelligence network... Moreover, some snippets of information suggest that the two Houses are not currently on good terms.

This is also one of the reasons we approved the loan. We know that The Widow of Barrowton has a particular grudge against House Stark.

In addition, we have learned that some delegates from House Dustin have come into contact with The Company of the Rose ." Many of the council members muttered among themselves.

The Company of the Rose is a mercenary company operating in Essos. It was founded by men, and according to some, even women from the North who refused Torrhen Stark's submission to Aegon the Conqueror and thus preferred exile to bend the knee.

It was the second largest sellswords in Essos. Ten thousand blood-hardened swords had served exclusive IB contracts for over two hundred years.

It was one of the few companies left that had no sympathy for the Titan of Braavos...

The Council had sights on controlling IB and New Ibbish scheduled by the beginning of the next century. Sooner or later, the Golden Company would face The Company of the Rose in the field.

For the Titan, this was great news. However, within a few years, House Dustin really decided to move for control of the North and managed to hire The Company of the Rose, a company renowned for not even having sympathies for Westeros and the North in particular, from their target, IB Island and control over Whale Bay, the Iron Bank would get two birds with one stone.

Creating instability in North Westeros and uncovering defences in North Essos...

The President took the floor.

"We still have no clear information on what is happening in the North, but many profitable opportunities are likely opening up.

Director Tycho has been invited to the wedding celebrations between Lady Barbrey and Lord Jorah Mormont...

All the great Magisters, Princes and Archons of Essos have been invited.

Myr and Lys have no great feelings for House Tallhart, who we know is a great supporter of House Stark. House Lannister and House Frey have also long been waiting for an opportunity to move against Torrhen's Square." The President was interrupted.

"House Lannister has been 'waiting' for an opportunity. House Tallhart is making good trade deals with the Lions of the West...not to mention that they just fought a war side by side.

Your Excellencies, let us not take opposing forces and uncertain conflicts for granted.

The Stags King would never allow such a conflict in the North.

Everyone knows that Robert Baratheon and Eddard Stark are like brothers." Excellency "2".

"A valid point, your Excellency," Tycho replied, supporting the opinion expressed.

He took the floor.

"The answers to our doubts will come at the Tournament celebrations. But, first, I will see which and how many forces are deployed on the checkerboard and, more importantly, lined up towards who.

The visit of the Chief Witcher of Carcosa is the most 'unpredictable' factor.

But what concerns us most is another matter, your eminences..." everyone's attention shifted to Tycho.

"Over the past three years, House Tyrell has steadily withdrawn large reserves of gold from our vaults. Currently, about half of the assets previously managed by the Bank remain. Less than a month ago, House Martell and several other emissaries from Dorne also arrived to request substantial withdrawals...

We surmise that the relative decline in gold management, experienced by many of our loyal backers over the past year, may link to the exact cause as The Reach and Dorne." Tycho.

"How much?" asked Eminence "2" "How much is the total gold withdrawn so far?" President Ultherro, Berbo, and Nestoris seemed a bit hesitant to answer.

"Here... the estimates are still inaccurate, Your Excellencies. Several merchants, brothel owners, artisans, heiresses, and many other depositors continue to arrive daily in the last quarter.

So far... about thirty million."


End Chapter.


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