Game of Thrones: Paladin of Old Gods

Chapter 110: ' The Great Lion ' Part I

Chapter 110: ' The Great Lion ' Part I

POV: A Confused Boy;

Lord's Solarium, Casterly Rock.

Soon after three words were spoken...

The Boy began to understand what the man meant.

He knew that part of the former King's Hand's life by heart.

Duncan had been evaluating the Lannister character for years, thinking if the man could still be a valuable ally or just a fake ally to be accommodated until the day his replacement arrived.

House Lannister boasted of hundreds of descendants who bore the blood and name of Lann. Plenty of candidates could have sat on the Throne of Casterly Rock. Gerion, Tyrion, Ser Kevan, Genna, even Lancel or Tyrek Lannister (if well-bred).

The direct and secondary branches rivalled the offspring of House Frey. However, none of them had a brilliant mind, iron tenacity, the baggage of experience, or innate leadership that could have touched this generation's pinnacle named Tywin Lannister.

Tyrion was undoubtedly the second most viable candidate, but Blade had yet to be appropriately tempered and sharpened. It was not Brightroar but a steel dagger of Valyria just as deadly when wielded well.

Tywin was the supporting trunk and heart of the thousand-year-old redwood that would tower over the entire forest, and Tyrion the roots in the shadows.

Had such perfect symbiosis come into being, the West, Westeros, and the rest of the Known World would have trembled at the Lion's Roar.

The ally the Foolish Dreamer sought, the True Keeper, would rise again...

"I know much of your past, Lord Tywin." The Boy sensed the pain of those memories. Tywin's past was undoubtedly glorious, but it was also full of sadness and tragedy.

"No. You think you know my past. It's very different.

Everyone in King's Landing thought Aerys was the mad dreamer who built castles in the sand and that I was the real backbone of the Kingdom. The royal realist kept his feet on the ground in the puppet king on the clouds.

Some of it was true. Some of Aerys' ideas were stupid, but others were valid...

Arranging marriages between all the Great Houses of Westeros was originally Aerys' idea.

I knew Aerys better than anyone. I was aware that alone, that mad dreamer would not have survived a single second on that throne in that den of ravenous vipers.

I was realistic and objective, true. But I was also the biggest supporter of Aerys' Dreams.

The marriages between the great Houses,

the development of the New Way in the Iron Islands,

control over the Stepstones and an end to the threat of Piracy,

a King's Road that would cross the entire Dorne Desert to Sunspear,

trade routes from King's Landing to the Jade Sea,

integration of Free Folk into the New Gift...

All of these dreams, though challenging to achieve, where possible. And for a short period, we worked side by side, strenuously supporting each other.

And then... the Targaryen curse struck the King, poisoning Aerys' mind day after day.

But I didn't give up... I had lost hope on Aerys, but all was not lost. Our dream, our Golden Age could still rise." Tywin paused, giving the Tallhart Boy the opportunity to get to the key point independently.

The dreamer was struck by a flash of lightning.

"Rhaegar... You hoped for Rhaegar. The marriage between Cersei and the Prince was not just for the glory and prestige of your household..." The Old Lion nodded, casting an imperceptible nod of praise.

"You may have hit the nail on the head with your point of view, catching me unprepared, but don't think I'm clueless. I know Dorne and all of its potential behind that Kingdom...

Who do you think advised Aerys to renew his alliance with House Martell? If Dorne had declared independence, who would have had the power to force them to submit to the Crown again?" The Lion rose to his feet and began to rage blow after blow, returning the offence he had previously suffered.

"But... If that were the case, why Elia... wait," something was missing.

"What was my greatest attempt at reconciliation with King Aerys, in your opinion?" Tywin asked, granting the Boy a chance to get to the solution.

"The Tournament in honour of Prince Viserys! You wanted to convince King Aerys to not only unite the Dragon and the Lion but also to arrange a marriage agreement between Dorne and the Crown!" Everything was beginning to take shape. Each missing piece settled into place in the puzzle.

"Mmm, and tell me what year I organized the Tournament?" Lion asked, more like a history teacher than a potential enemy.

"In 276... The same year Arianne Martell was born! Now it makes sense...

That's why you even rejected the marriage between Jaime and Elia!" That was the doubt that gripped Bloody Snow the most. The irrational choice to which he could not give a sensible answer.

If Tywin Lannister was a Lord who only cared about the good of his House and the glory of his lineage, why would he refuse the marriage between Jaime and Elia Martell?

Even if Tywin had already made an agreement in the past with Hoster Tully's daughter, Lysa, he would still have no reason to refuse.

House Tully couldn't hold a candle to Dorne.

That marriage between House Lannister and House Martell would have elevated Lion's line to heights never seen before. So why? Out of anger? Because of the pain of losing his wife Johanna just a few moons before the delegation arrived from Dorne?

No... but it would all make sense if Tywin had refused for the sake of the Kingdom's stability. The marriage between the Silverfish and the Golden Lion would have benefited the Crown more!

Tywin sacrificed his own blood for the sake of the Kingdom and the dream he still believed in!

"Not just Viserys and Arianne. Did you really think I simply proposed to the Princess Regent of Dorne, 'Tyrion', as the only option?

My wife Johanna, Emirrha Martell, and Queen Rhaella were good friends.

I had asked Elia's mother to wait for an opportunity. Doran that year had just married the daughter of the Triarch of Norvos, the successor to the Principality of Dorne would soon produce an heir.

I had managed to convince the Princess to wait. I wanted Elia to marry Ser Elbert Arryn, Jon Arryn's nephew and heir of the Vale..." Duncan took the floor.

"And at that point... That would leave only The Reach. If any other Stark or Martell candidate had married a Tyrell or Hightower heir... the entire continent would have been bound by blood, thus creating the greatest kinship in the history of the Seven Kingdoms."

The Lion nodded as he returned to his seat, looking tired. Then, tiredness turned to sorrow and anger. Finally, the Jungle King looked ready to roar.

"After all those attempts, the Kingdom still went down the drain.

Madness and stupidity!

I had even accepted defeat after the marriage between Rhaegar and Elia, still hoping that there was hope between Cersei and Viserys.

But then...Prince Viserys began to look like the spitting image of his father.

I knew that boy would become a disappointment to House Targaryen, and then came the Tournament of Harrenhall.

My daughter couldn't become queen, but there was still the heir to the Vale, Ser Elbert Arryn.

The Mad King killed him, too, along with Brandon and Rickard Stark...

At that moment, I realized the absolute evil of the Kingdom... That Iron Throne would, in time, pollute any future promising Dragon.

Rhaegar kidnapped Lyanna, and Aerys stole my blood. The union we worked so hard for between House Stark, Baratheon, Tully, and Lannister was thrown into the flames in a single day.

From that moment on, I realized that the dream of a prosperous, stable continent at peace would never be possible if the lineage of Aegon the Conqueror and his legacy had not been eradicated to prevent its return." Tywin concluded by releasing his clenched fingers into a fist.

"It's not just that... A part of you still believed in Rhaegar, didn't you?" Duncan asked, rekindling a tiny spark of surprise in Lion's golden eyes.

"And what makes you believe that?" Tywin.

"The Battle of the Trident... You are not Walder Frey's' The Retard'. You refused to join the fight, not for a simple strategic advantage.

The Lannister army would undoubtedly have determined victory and defeat for both factions. If you really had already taken sides, you could have attacked the backs of the Dragon's army, pretending to arrive as a reinforcement of the Crown. King's Landing would still have fallen. You knew the City's weaknesses better than anyone." The Old Lion's eyes narrowed as he more carefully assessed the individual in front of him.

Finally, Tywin relented.

"Yes, a glimmer of hope still remained in the last Dragon. You have never met him. Rhaegar had all the qualities to be a Great King. He was beloved, brilliant, strong, compassionate, and, if need be, ruthless.

I watched that boy grow throughout his life, my hand still wavering.

Let fate decide the fate of the Three-Headed Dragon. The Trident's victory or defeat would determine the future of the Seven Kingdoms.

And destiny spoke... That moment clarified what needed to be done.

Now, do you see my point, pioneer of the next Golden Age?" Tywin asked.

"You will never allow any other Three-Headed Dragon to sit on the Iron Throne again. Am I right?" Replied the boy.

End POV.


POV: The Old Dreamer;

Lord's Solarium, Casterly Rock.

Right after a question was asked...

"Exactly. So abandon your intentions, boy. The alliance you seek with the West will never exist as long as I sit on this seat. So save your gifts and dreams of glory for someone else." The Hero of the North lowered his gaze, placing a hand on his forehead. The look seemed empty and lost.

Tywin was a little disappointed by that gesture of weakness, but he didn't show it. After all, the boy was young and had yet to taste the bitter taste of defeat.

He still felt respect for the audacity and strength shown by his opponent. The Lion even lowered himself to confess what he would have revealed to no one else yet alive.

"You and your father may leave my domain whenever you wish. I will not demand any gifts or trade agreements from you. You have my word on that.

Previous agreements will remain until your debt to House Lannister is repaid.

I will leave out this attempted collusion with the Crown for this one time, but that will not happen a second time, boy.

This is what I offer for helping my House with the restoration of the Naval Fleet.

A Lannister always pays his debts, and the debt is paid." This was as much as Tywin would give to traitors to the Crown.

And then it happened...

The boy's gaze recovered and burst with joy and vitality, catching the Old Lion off guard.

"Ahahah! It's done! Ahahah! Shit happened!... oops, beg pardon, my Lord. Ahahah!"

'Has he gone mad?' thought the man instinctively with irritation.

"If you think this is a joke, boy, beware. I feel sympathy for you and your cause, but nothing more. Do not test my patience." He admonished Tywin with a severe tone and look.

The Hero of the North was joking with fire in a room overflowing with pitch.

The boy regained control but still maintained a victorious smile.

"I apologize, Lord Tywin. It was not my intention to cause you any offence. I simply...could not contain myself from joy." The boy stood up.

"Forgive me, my Lord. I just need a moment to collect myself." He didn't ask permission to do so; it was simply a warning.

The fool pulled back his white hair, closing his eyes and inhaling deeply.

"I feel it, and I see it...Hell, I even have chills! It's like I'm already there! Ahah! Seraphinus, you help me!

How much will the Titan shiver when the Frosty Winds rise?

How much will the Harpy shriek when the Fiery Sun burns?

And how much will the Tower tremble when the Raging Lion roars?

It will be absolutely Epic!"

'Titan?... Harpy?... Tower? What the heck is he rambling about?.... That's enough now.' Tywin stood up to alert the guards and have that individual removed from his presence. He had been patient for far too long... but his voice choked in his throat.

A tumultuous wave of the presence of mind hit the Old Lion on impact, forcing him to freeze.

Tywin's piercing green eyes widened. He felt the hair on his arms stand on end and his skin tightens like semi-treated leather left to dry in the sun.

He was not threatened by the presence, yet he felt its gargantuan intensity. A strange sight, to say the least.

The boy, in a burst of exhilaration, released the chains that held him until now and roared:

"The possibility not only exists but is before us! Clear and bright as the Sun in Summer! YES! WE CAN DO IT! Now I am certain of it! We can change this World!!!" So exulted the mad visionary, clenching his fist with the most determined look Tywin had ever seen.

Eyes sharper than the steel of Valyria that would intimidate any predator in the jungle of this vast and dangerous World.

"Lord Tywin!" his attention turned to the Lion.

Though shaken, the golden steel armour, hardened by a thousand battles named Tywin Lannister, stood ready to withstand the oncoming assault.

"That is enough, Lord Duncan. I have already warned you. You will face the consequences if you do not immediately give me a valid explanation for this senseless folly!" Roared the Lion with nods of controlled anger.

The roar barely seemed to caress the individual like a gust of wind against an immovable thousand-year-old oak tree.

The oak assumed a close look while maintaining the same intensity of gaze.

"You shall have it, my Lord, I swear it. I will not apologize to you for what just happened, but you shall have my apologies for doubting you with ill prejudice." The boy made a deep bow.

A bow of a true contrite Knight.

"I offer you my sincerest apologies, Tywin Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock, Shield of Lannisport, Warden of the West, Successor to the Lann Dynasty, and True Guardian of Westeros."

Although the man was slightly confused and displaced by the last two titles -never before used to address him-he was not beguiled.

"Explain your apology and your previous statements." So ordered the Lion intending to satiate his curiosity and clarify his doubts.

The boy looked up and explained, "So far, I have chosen not to cooperate fully with House Lannister because I doubted you. The alliances and agreements made so far between the West and the North were mere sedatives to appease the Lion's supposed fury. I thought you were the sort of man who would act only for the good of his House.

But not so... I had the answers before my eyes but was too blind and stupid to see them.

I simply looked but did not see.

You are the person I seek. The greatest ally and companion a crazy idealistic visionary like me could ever hope for to reach that dream.

You, Tywin of House Lannister, are that man. No one else I know deserves that title more than you.

To make up for this insult, I swear by all that I love most and believe that I will ensure that the Lannister name endures for millennia to come! I will give all of myself to ensure that the Lann 'The Clever' dynasty under your leadership will shine and echo with splendour and strength before all the World!" The Old Lion sensed no deception in the voice.

Every synapse in his mind shrieked that the boy truly believed in what he was trying to convey.

An involuntary part of the man could not help but gladly accept those praises and promises. But Tywin resisted!

"Open your ears wide, boy... I am not the ally you seek! Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, will ever convince me to support the return of House Targaryen.

I would march with all the forces of the West, squeezing every resource from this mountain and putting my family's name and legacy at stake to prevent Aegon Targaryen's return!" Roared Old Lion with more vigour.

"No, you listen to me! I never said I would support the return of House Targaryen to the Iron Throne! Fuck that malevolent piece of scrap metal!

It is but a symbol of the ruin of these lands!

I will never allow such an event to happen again. Even if I have to bury King's Landing in the depths of the abyss with my bare hands.

I, Duncan of House Tallhart, swear that I will do everything to keep any Targaryen alive from sitting upon the Iron Throne forged by Aegon I the Conqueror. May the gods and men curse me for all eternity if I should ever fail in my oath."

This was the most brutal and deadliest blow that crashed into Tywin Lannister's armour, cracking the shining metal of the armour like paper.

Flashes of confusion and illogic thundered through his mind stunning him for a few seconds.

"No... I will never believe a word you say. You have no way to..." The roar was broken.

"I will have no way to guarantee such a promise? Then let me put it this way, my lord. If you accept this alliance and fight with us in this war for the salvation of the World, I will ensure that the House of Lannister will grow beyond your imagination.

The West will have such great strength that even your grandchildren's grandchildren will always have a chance to oppose the return of a second Aegon the Conqueror.

Not even three new Targaryens riding Balerion, Meraxes and Vhagar with a horde of a hundred thousand Dothraki and a fleet of a thousand ships behind them will be enough to bend the West to a new tyranny of the Three-Headed Dragon.

The enemies we will face, the true enemies of Westeros and your dynasty, have long possessed this kind of power.

You can never prevail without our help, nor could we hope to win without yours."

'The Titan?" reasoned Tywin before asking more calmly, "The common enemy? Is this the second time you've mentioned him. Who are you referring to? By the Titan, did you mean the Iron Bank?"

"In part... The Iron Bank will inevitably be a fierce opponent for the North. But the enemy I fear most, is more dangerous than all the gold and ships of Braavos...

I cannot reveal anything to you unless you first agree, and even if you do, I cannot tell much of that magnitude until you have the means to repel it." Nevertheless, Tywin grasped much of the underlying message.

'Do you mean to say that should I discover the true intentions of this supposed enemy, he will still have the strength to crush me and my house like a bug?' Thought the Lion as he weighed all the possibilities.

He still found it hard to believe that such an entity existed, but Tywin was not so clueless as to dismiss this possibility, however unlikely.

For years the thought that forces in the world unknown to him could move the threads of the world.

It was that boy himself who was the forerunner of this. Five years earlier, when his brother Kevan returned defeated from Essos in hopes of forging alliances against House Tallhart, Tywin invested a lot of resources and effort to at least find out what kind of ally supported Bloody Snow in the shadows.

A nickname and a threat were all he got after squandering quintals of gold and losing dozens of valuable spies....

His trembling, stammering emissaries begged him on their knees not to send them to investigate further after uttering that name.

{The Watcher}

"What can you tell me about this enemy of the House of Lannister?" asked the Old Lion.

"It is ancient and has infected this world with deep roots that are hard to eradicate. It can unleash armies, turn family and friends against each other, raise and oust kings, call upon dark and forgotten powers, and it has no hurry or need to come out of the woodwork.

This enemy will not hesitate for a moment to sweep away anything that threatens its existence.

An adversary who makes no bones about unleashing whatever weapons he has in his possession to obtain what he most desires... EVERYTHING.

Knowledge!... Lives!... Inheritance!... Homes!... Riches!... Loves!..., nothing will be spared unless we stop him." Bloody Snow replied with a spark of horror and anger in his eyes.

Tywin spent half a minute in silence scanning with every fiber of his being the serious and determined face of that mad fighting dreamer.

Behind his back he felt an unfamiliar sensation never felt before.

A reassuring, warm, and comfortable presence irradiated him with energy, giving him for a moment the strength that only in his golden days, when he was known as the Young Lion, he felt...

Tywin turned and looked intently at the ancient banner of House Lannister.


End Part I


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