Game of Thrones: Paladin of Old Gods

Chapter 18: "I hope it doesn't come today."

Chapter 18: "I hope it doesn't come today."

POV: Rhaenys Targaryen;

About two weeks after the Battle of the Trident....

Screams of men and women echoed from all the windows of the Red Keep. Elia's worried shrieks had frightened the little girl tremendously. The little girl had taken her black kitten Balerion and gone to hide under her father Rhaegar's bed in the room upstairs.

She was shaking and scared, not knowing what was going on. She barely knew the world outside of Maegor's fort. She held the kitten tighter and tighter in her arms.

"Maao, miaaoo!" Balerion.

"SHHT, shut up Balerion! Or they'll find us!" Said the little girl, speaking under her breath.

Louder than normal shrieks came from downstairs. First the little girl could hear screams of human distress, then her mother's screams of fright. The cry of an infant who must have been her little brother. Then the screams subsided...and Rhaenys heard quick footsteps coming up the stairs.

The child tried to crawl as far as she could to the end of the bed. The footsteps were getting closer and closer.

The man, who was looking around the room, approached the bed after a few seconds.

Rhaenys put her small hands over her mouth, trying to hold her breath. The mysterious figure knelt down and the little girl couldn't stop a small scream of fright....

End POV.


POV: Oberyn Martell;

A few seconds later a small scream....

Oberyn stared at a frightened little girl hiding under his father's bed.

He was completely unarmed, and had covered his sleeve by wrapping a cloth around his arm. He didn't want his niece to be scared. He knew she couldn't remember him. She was only 1 1/2 years old the first time they met.

Oberyn with all his efforts tried to appear calm and reassuring.

"Here she is my favorite niece and there is also the legendary Balerion, the cutest and fiercest kitten in all the realm!" Said Oberyn with a smile.

Rhaenys stared at her kitten for a moment, trying to think about the stranger's words. Then getting some courage he said:

"Who....are you? Where's Mommy?" Rhaenys.

"Don't you know who I am! Oh little Rhaenys you're going to make your uncle cry like that! Yet I had come all the way up here because my sister Elia, your mom, had said you were playing hide and seek. I wanted to play too but it seems you don't want me.....So I'm going play with my nephew Aegon and your mom." Said Oberyn making a sad face. He absolutely had to calm the little girl down. He shouldn't have screamed and had him and his rescue party discovered. The fortress hadn't fallen yet, hundreds of Targaryen guards were still vigilant inside the castle, and he only had 12 spears with him. Oberyn stood up again, pretending to walk away.

"NO! Wait! Wait uncle! Balerion and I want to play too!!.....but....don't want to go out....I'm scared." Rhaenys.

"But how? Your mom told me you were the bravest little girl in the kingdom! Elia lied. I thought with your kitten Balerion beside you no one could hurt you. I will go downstairs and tell Elia that she is a lying big sister! And that my niece Rhaenys is not the bravest child of them all! "' Said Oberyn folding his knee, staring at the little girl with an indignant but funny look.

"NO! NO! Don't tell mother! I AM! I am brave! I am not afraid!.....I.....I am not afraid!" Said the little girl starting to crawl out towards the man.

"Well if you are then...could you hold my hand? I am a little afraid of my sister...Will you help Uncle Oberyn?" Rhaenys hearing that name became more reassured. She didn't remember it well, but it sounded familiar to her. Elia had mentioned the name a hundred times in front of the child, but since she could not associate a face with a name without seeing the latter, she did not remember it perfectly.

"Yes Uncle Oberyn..." Little Rhaenys got out of bed and stood up, still holding Balerion in her arms.

Oberyn offered his hand and the little girl didn't know how to take it without leaving her cat.

"I can hold him while we go down if you want...but only if you promise not to order him to breathe fire on me!" Oberyn.

The little girl stared at the cat for a moment.

"Yes...Balerion don't hurt Uncle Oberyn!".... "Meow" she replied with a minute meow.

Rhaenys offered the cat and Oberyn grabbed it with his right hand on his belly gently...but quickly.

"Let's go quickly! Or they'll start without us!" Said Oberyn coaxing the little girl down the stairs quickly.

When they reached downstairs they found Elia holding little Aegon asleep on his feet. Ten men were inside, and two were outside as sentries and lookouts. They all wore Targaryen uniforms.

"Rhaenys little one! Come drink the juice." Elia said quickly in a worried tone. Oberyn glared at her making her realize not to scare the little girl. Their situation was very delicate...they couldn't afford a single mistake.

"But....but mom uncle said we had to play..." Rhaenys.

"Y...yes Rhaenys in a little while the game will start...but not before snack time! If you don't drink the juice no game!" Elia said in a calmer but authoritative tone.

The little girl thought about it for a moment...then she took the cup from her mother and drank all the juice. Only a couple of minutes passed and the little girl began to yawn.

Oberyn didn't think twice. "Take the cat and don't lose it." He ordered his man handing him the cat in a hurry.

"Yes my prince!" He obeyed without hesitation.

Oberyn took his niece in his arms, who didn't have the strength to rebel anymore...within a minute at most she would be asleep.

"If something happens to her I...." Elia said but yes interrupted thinking it wasn't the time.

"Trust me I have carefully dosed the sleeping pill within 2 hours at most she will wake up." Said Oberyn in a confident tone picking up the spear with his free hand.

"Now we should walk down this corridor for a hundred feet, calm but quick pace. You all know what to do." All the men and one woman nodded....

End POV.


POV Tywin Lannister;

About 8 hours later....

"HOW?" the 'Old Lion' asked with a roar, fixing the two knights, Ser Gregor Clegane and Ser Amory Lorch, with a murderous stare. Twenty trusted guards, were a few paces behind their Lord, and the two men were unarmed. Amory had a terrified look on his face, Gregor on the other hand looked as if he had just returned from an outburst of homicidal madness.

The giant's black plate armor was still stained with blood, small pieces of bodies were embedded in the cracks and joints of the metal gloves.

Gregor did not respond...he was not yet in full control of himself and wisely managed to think not to open his avoid further damage that would be irreparable.

"My..My Lord Tywin.....we don't really know yet. They weren't there...they....must have escaped before we were able to enter the castle. They wouldn't have had a chance to escape during the siege....the fortress was surrounded." Said Ser Amory sweating bullets, his throat drier than a desert.

"So you're telling me that, not only did you let them slip through your fingers, but you didn't even question anyone or try to check the surroundings and the docks?" Tywin asked.

Amory didn't know how to answer....he didn't have the strength and was afraid that anything he said would only make his situation worse.

"We have questioned every handmaiden and guard still alive in the direct service of Princess Elia Martell..." Gregor replied, looking at his companion with disgust. He had realized that Amory was now a useless being and that he would have to take matters into his own hands.

"And?...." Tywin asked not at all perturbed by Gregor's indirect messages of completed torture.

"No one knows how they escaped...but some handmaidens swore that Elia had been seen with their children this morning. It also seems that some found bodies of Targaryen soldiers before we were able to invade the keep. This is safe information My Lord.....three women and two soldiers swore to death...and all of them reported almost identical versions of the events." Said Gregor and continued.

"Shouldn't this be an order given by King Aerys.....everyone claimed that the King wanted to hold Elia and his grandchildren as hostages..." Finished the giant handing the few clues gathered to their feared and respected Lord.

"Are you implying that someone had them on the run before...that they already had an escape plan in case of a situation like this..." Tywin said loudly as he walked towards the balcony of the first knight's tower. The city was still in flames. The protector of the west stared silently at the horizon for a few seconds...

".....Martell....." Said Tywin Lannister managing to keep a high control of his emotions, anger and frustration were exploding inside him. The fires of the city were reflected in his eyes....

End POV.


POV Helman Tallhart;

Torrhen's Square...

Three weeks after the completion of a statue....

Helman was inside his office late in the evening. His brother Leobald sat across from him. They were both returning from a confidential meeting that had taken place about four hours ago. Four people attended that meeting requested by his son. He, Leobald, Qyburn, and Duncan himself.

The two brothers had yet to recover and manage to break the silence inside the room. Neither of them could start the, they could only exchange glances with each other and continue to drink the Arbor red from their cups. The bottle was now almost empty.

A few minutes later Leobald took courage and started talking....

"Where did you put them brother? And that key...Tell me you hid them fact I don't want to know where they are...I..." Leobald didn't know how to continue.

"In the safest places in the castle...I won't take them out unless absolutely necessary...but especially not before Mr. Ramas finishes training the first counterintelligence units..." Helman replied, knowing what his brother meant. He felt the same anxiety and fear for the weight of that those burdens....those documents.

... another minute and another full cup passed....

"You believe the 'Old Gods' short yes...that Duncan" Helman interrupted his brother.

"I do believe it Leobald...I have to believe it, otherwise I would never be able to sleep at night can't be a figment of his mind..." Helman continued.

"And to think that almost two years ago we were anxious about soap production...ahahah" Helman began to laugh...something he hadn't done in over a year...the wine was definitely helping.

"Yeah...ahahahah!!! Now I think even Ned Stark might come knocking on our door in person with an army behind him....ahahaha!" Leobald bent over laughing and his brother accompanied his laughter with flavour.

Another ten minutes of hilarity passed....

"So you'll give your consent to kick off the plan?" Leobald asked now that both men were less tense.

"....Yes..." Helman replied, staring at the empty bottom of his cup.

End POV.


POV Author;

About 5 hours earlier...

"Father, Uncle thank you for complying with my request." Said Duncan making his immediate family sit on chairs placed around a large round table. On the table was placed a large map of Westerose and a casket (one very similar to one received from some men of Dorne).

"So son, your uncle and I are curious. What did the 'Old Gods' show you this time?" Helman asked with a smile trying to encourage his son to talk and open up to them.

"One step at a time father. First take this key." Said Duncan handing over the carefully crafted piece of metal.

Duncan briefly explained the security measures of the chest emphasizing its fragility to impacts.

"Is this really necessary son?" Helman.

"Yes father, in the coming years I may not always be here in Torrhen's Square...or something may happen to me and no one, for the time being, other than the four of us in this room will need to know what it holds." Said Duncan causing both his father and uncle to frown.

The chest was opened...

"I would say we start that the war is over...the seven kingdoms will see at least five years of peace before another conflict is generated...or at least that is what the 'Old Gods' have shown me. House Tallhart will have to make the most of every single day of peace and stability." Said Duncan pulling out some clear papers and handing them to the two men.

At first glance the two did not realize what they were holding in their hands.

"It's not made from animal skin....but from trees....with a process at least 10 times cheaper than the common sheets used in the citadel, it's called 'paper'." Leobald and Helman both took a sheet for one and scrutinized and touched it to understand its differences and similarities.

"This....are you sure it's made from trees ? The ink is also absorbed better than our sheets....and it dries sooner too." Leobald was experimenting and talking at the same time explaining in detail to his brother what he could notice.

"That's right uncle, we can get the materials to make paper from trees of: pine, fir, cypress, redwood, poplar, beech, birch and eucalyptus...the first four are the ones that the wolf forest has in abundance. Although we have access to a portion of the forest...we will have to make trade agreements with House Glover and Forrester...if we do well we will be the new main suppliers of papers, for documents and books throughout Westeros and Essos." Said the boy as he waited for his father and uncle to assimilate the information and more importantly digest it. A minute passed Duncan resumed....

"As soon as production begins the first thing we should do is take a detailed census of all the Tallhart lands..." he waited for a response.

"We already receive a report every year from all the village heads and small landowners...." Said Helman confused by his son's request.

"Yes father...I am not saying that our land dwellers are stealing or cheating us...just that very few are educated enough to make a detailed is very inaccurate data based on an approximate general number. No, what we will have to do is take the information of every inhabitant of our lands. Who they are, where they live, their gender, age, and what kind of occupation they do. This data will be extremely useful to us in the future...not only for the annual tax levy but also so we can get a clear idea of how many men or women we have to be able to perform specific tasks. To give an example..if in the future we had to make 'another call to arms' we would immediately already have an estimate of how many eligible men we would be able to call up. It will also have an incredible benefit for our security in the territory, we will be able in the future to draw up an identification document for every man, woman and child living in the Tallhart lands. This way we will easily be able to know who is not from these lands and greatly reduce the risks of infiltration of 'enemies'." Said Duncan.

Leobald could immediately understand the benefits in his nephew's speech and was already thinking of other possible uses. Helman nodded in satisfaction at his son's explanation and motioned for him to continue.

Secondly, addition to paper, we have designed a device that will help us to create texts and documents with speed and low manpower...we have called it 'typographic machinery' or printing...but we will have to find a lasting collaboration with the citadel...they have a monopoly on the production and the printing.....If we can convince them to create this collaboration we could not only earn a substantial sum of money but also get our hands on much of the knowledge held by the citadel itself....we could create the 'second' largest library in Westeros.....the benefits that will come from this 'deal' will be amazing." Both Leobald and Helman reflected at length on the various 'possibilities' and 'repercussions'....

"For now I'd say let's stop on these two points...we'll elaborate let's move on to the other three projects...'increased food production'.....'development of crafts-increased mineral collection'....and lastly there's this text I've called....'The Art of War'..."

Three hours passed...

Helman and Leobald were mentally exhausted, shocked, thrilled, proud, anxious, scared and confused....

"To accomplish all this...we would need at least to invest..." Leobald tried hard to calculate the hundreds of expenses required for these projects...he was helped by Duncan.

"At least 500 thousand Golden Dragons (about $4.5 billions) uncle....though it would be better if we could borrow 600...but I already have in mind who to ask and how to get it, if you will give me permission to start negotiations..."

Duncan explained in the last hour the plan he had in mind to obtain the necessary funds....



POV Olenna Tyrell;

The 'Queen of Thorns' was in her study with her grandson Willas heir of Highgarden. She was helping her grandson as usual with his studies.

She had failed her son Mace....he had spoiled him too much and unfortunately...the 'idiot' son had never shown much aptitude in study...nor in anything else of consequence.

Willas and the other grandchildren would be the future of the 'Tyrell' household hoping to have the time to educate them properly and prepare them for 'the game'. She wasn't going to make this mistake twice....

"Grandma why are you so agitated today?" Willas asked slightly concerned.

"No use lying to the wittiest one in the family...Do you think you're ready to stick your finger in this big hornet's nest?" Olenna asked, recovering from her anxiety and throwing a smirk at her grandson.

"Of course! I want to help you if I can're already doing so much for House Tyrell..." Willas frowned thinking of his poor father...loving sure...nice too...but even he couldn't get the word 'idiot' out of his mind.

"Well the reason I'm so 'tense' ,if we can say so, is that today is a particular day...shortly our House should receive a message for probable negotiations. I sincerely hope it doesn't come today..." He explained to his grandson Willas, was now 9 years old. He wasn't very big but he had already shown himself to be more mature and responsible than many other 'noble' children in Westeros.

"You mean House Tallhart? Why don't you want it received today?" Willas.

"There is a new player on the 'grand chessboard'...I don't know who it is fact we can say I have suspicions about who it might be...but I hope I'm wrong." Olenna took a sip of wine and continued....

"You already know that we failed in that little 'expedition' I mentioned to you a few days ago. Well now I am quite certain that this new 'player' will require us a 'me'... to start a negotiation. They now have all the cards out of their hand...a strong position to negotiate and they will not let it slip away, nor am I certain." Olenna finished the wine from her cup, set her glass down and concluded her speech.

"So to conclude, before these old vocal cords give out, I don't want that message to arrive today for one simple reason...We have 'wronged' the North...and they responded to the insult with ferocity and elegance...the fact is that this 'wrong' lasted exactly 1 year, 7 moons and 12 days. Do you know what this period represents?" Olenna asked, questioning the grandson.

"The duration of the last winter that just passed..." replied Willas quickly.

"That's right..." Said Olenna with a slightly proud look on her face.

"Today is exactly 1 year, 7 moons and 12 days since we received the 'gift' from House Tallhart....if the message were to arrive would mean that negotiations would be very tough. Our 'player' would send us a subtle and imperceptible message:

'I am not willing to give in or forget easily.' So in conclusion our House will have to pay a high price to give relief to your poor grandmother's huge headache." He concluded, smiling.

Willas thought deeply on his grandmother's words. Now he was beginning to understand....

*Tock!* , *Tock!*, *Tock!*...

Olenna sighed closing her eyes.

"Come in..." Lady Olenna's assistant quickly entered...he was hurried.

"My lady Olenna, Young Lord Willas, a message has arrived! A message from House Tallhart!!!" Said the poor boy in an elated tone.

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