Game of Thrones: Paladin of Old Gods

Chapter 73: ' History's Greatest Forgotten Hero '

Chapter 73: ' History's Greatest Forgotten Hero '

POV: Bloody Snow;

In an abandoned temple less than two miles from Riverrun.

Ten seconds after the motto of a house loyal to House Tyrell was spoken...

"I know what you're thinking right now, Ned...

[All bullshit. Even if there was some truth in what you've told so far, House Hightower is one of the most honorable and respected houses in the Kingdom].

Did I get close to it?" The boy asked, noticing the look full of doubt and confusion on the man in front of him.

"... Something like that." Said Ned giving him a sign to keep talking and explain himself better.


It means that the maester who taught you history did his duty with commitment and fidelity." Said the boy causing the man to frown more deeply.

"Please, Lord Duncan... Speak more clearly." Said Ned in a tone that was always polite, but a little more annoyed.

"Certainly. Unfortunately... to get a clearer idea of what I'm about to tell you. That is, the next part after the surrender of Oldtown, I will have to explain some notions to you...let's say more numerical and bloody.

How are you with numbers, my Lord?" Bloody Snow.

"Fairly well, I dare say. I've spent the last five years flipping through stacks of papers filled with numbers almost every single day... " The Lord of Winterfell replied.

"Excellent, Lord Stark. Here...

Some paper and ink to help you follow the speech.

A faithful associate of mine, named Ronan, studied for a while in Braavos...

Not many people know that The Iron Bank holds to a second, longer unofficial motto. The guideline if you can call it that. It reads:

[ Words are wind. A very difficult language to interpret.

Actions are a map. Easier to see and understand, but still too imprecise.

But numbers... Numbers never lie. ]

Very wise words, upon which the Bank's founders built an empire.

Although. I would change the last sentence to:

[Math... Math never lies.]

If a friend of mine ever asked me:

[Duncan, what language do you think the Gods speak to each other in?]

I would confidently answer:


Let's start with the basis that you should always have a clear number in mind, Lord Stark.

{ 3 }.

A number that pops up everywhere in magic languages and prophecies.

You'll also need to have two figures clearly in mind.

A { Circle }, and a { Sphere }.

What is the easiest unit of measurement for you for measuring liquids, weights, and lengths? I'm talking about small to medium measurements right now." The boy asked after drawing a fairly precise circle on a piece of paper and placing a black dragon glass sphere on the table.

"... Gallon, cup, spoon, and drop are clear to me.

Weights...I would prefer ounce, pound, and quintal...

Length...thumb and foot if possible." Ned.

"Well... Phew... Professor Carter, how I miss you and your metric system... " The boy sighed quietly.

"Excuse me, Lord Duncan? " Ned.

"Nothing, my Lord! Forgive me... The blackberry wine is beginning to take effect. Nothing to worry about." The boy.

"I see... Carry on, Lord Duncan." The man.

"Well... Let's start to get back to the subject of Magic...

Magic, especially here in Westeros is frowned upon by the people and commoners, even the nobles.

Blood Magic is the most despised. Believed to be evil and against the Gods... But, few know that every Magic has a 'Price' to pay. And the price to pay, my Lord, believe it or not, is the blood of the Gods...

We are all descended from the Gods, and no matter how slight the trace or purity, everyone, and I mean everyone here in Westeros has a tiny bit of magic in their blood.

Yes, my Lord, even you. Especially you.

Only the scholars of magic and the upper echelons of Westeros and Essos know how to classify the ' Purity of this blood '.

I would point out to you, that anyone who goes to the Iron Bank to ask for funding for a war... Almost certainly, those bankers will start a conversation about how expensive war is in terms of 'BLOOD and GOLD'...

Very few know, that the Faceless Men of the House of Black and White, set the [ Price ]of the Name to be offered to the God of a Thousand Faces, based on the blood to be offered to the Gods...

Not only the victim, my Lord... but also how much blood would be spilled should that name be offered.

The Leaders of that sect, God's only know-how, can calculate every single drop...

That's why there's a big difference in price between asking for the death of an ordinary commoner and a King.

If that King were to die, and war were to break out over it... rivers of blood would be spilled.

And that's not all...

Every individual in the known world has a degree of purity of

{ Divine Blood } in their veins.

I will forewarn you, that these names may seem distasteful and discriminatory to you...but that is how Carcosa, Braavos and Oldtown classified them. Sure... there's a millennial verbal diatribe over the naming of the first and second... but since House Hightower avoids the 'Sons of Man ' as if they were afflicted with the gray disease, I'd say use Carcosa's classification.

Divided into {Three} Hierarchies.

In the 1st Hierarchy, in ascending order, we have:

[Low Blood];

[Dirty Blood];

[Common Blood];

[Non-Common Blood];

[Rare Blood];

[Very Rare Blood];

[Semi-Pure Blood];

2nd Hierarchy

[Pure Blood];

[Purest Blood];

[King Blood];

[Legendary Blood];

[Blood of the Sons of the Gods];

[Semi-Divine Blood];

[Divine Blood];

The third Hierarchy is a little different.

There is only one type of blood in this list....

{Blood of God}

Each of them has a market value.

With the exception of the last three...

For a single drop of God's Blood, a worldwide fight would break out to the last man.

Suffice it to say, Ned, that one drop of God's Blood...could be enough...I'd say it could offset the ancient spells placed on The Wall.

Now, Lord Stark... You may wonder why I am speaking on such bleak and discriminating subjects.

As previously stated, every magic... ' EVERY KNOWN MAGIC' needs a tribute of Divine Blood.

All magic could be classified [ Blood Magic ].

Think of a sword without a handle, Ned....

A dangerous weapon, but a weapon nonetheless. With each slash you'll inevitably spill blood if you wield the edge of the blade instead of a comfortable leather handle...

So where's the way out?....

The stone you have there in front of you, my Lord....

That is the handle, hilt and pommel of all spells used to date.

That's right, Lord Stark.

That [Mana Stone] or also called ''Reserve of Magic'' is the solution to have no side effects on the spellcaster's body...

To create a Mana Stone... you need three components.

Dragon Glass.

Divine Blood.

And Runes...

Runes are those symbols you see etched into the stone.

Each spell dissolves and partially consumes a stone.

The one in front of you, Ned, is called the Base Stone....

But...let's do a little practical example first.

Just a moment, my Lord." The boy rose to reach a small trunk.

A few seconds later, he placed three black candles on the table....

"These are Candles of Valyria... also called [ Candles of Affinity to Magic ]....

Based on them, all scholars and masters of the Arcanum are able to determine how good an individual is at magic.

I would like you to test for yourself to understand, Lord Stark." Duncan.

"... You want me to perform magic? I already tell you that I tried many times as a child playing with my brothers.... I assure you I am no Wizard." Ned.

"Who knows Lord Stark...there are not only Wizards or Sorcerers in this world." Duncan.

"... Do I have to?... I mean... Cougff... coff... It's not that I don't trust you, Lord Duncan, but... honestly, your nickname, Bloody Snow, worries me a bit... " Said in a slightly worried tone, Ned.

"... If you do as I say, you won't spill a drop of blood, Ned...

You'll be forever cursed by gods or men for trying...

Honestly, I'm a little offended, 'My Lord.'" Ned after a few expressions of doubt and shame was convinced to try.

"What should I do?" Ned.

"Take that stone in your hand, move three fingers this way ... Yes like this. And immediately speak the word { DHUGRAR } "Bloody Snow.

"... { DHUGRAR!!! }"... A blue flame lit on the first candle to the man's left. A portion of the black stone dissolved.

"Mmm... Not bad Ned... And you didn't even pass out." Bloody Snow.

"What do you mean passed out?!!? You said there was no danger!!!" Ned.

"No, I didn't say that. I said you wouldn't shed a drop of blood or be cursed by the gods or men...

MY LORD! Please!... I assure you that at most you would have fainted!

I'd have you back on your feet in no time, I swear!" Ned, after clenching his fists and gritting his teeth a bit, sat back down and regained his composure.

"So... Do you want to explain to me what that flame means and why I might have fainted?" Ned.

"Of course, my lord. The blue flame means that you have a 'Rare' affinity for the Divine Blood. You have [Rare] blood in your veins, Lord Stark. There are seven colors, which I prefer to call ''Wraiths of Light''.

Seven colors are repeated for each candle. The third candle is more for tradition than for use. If that candle had been lit, my Lord, perhaps even I would have attacked you to steal your blood...

Seven colors of three different flames.

For the flame respectively:

Infima attunement = Red;

Dirty tune = Orange;

Common tune = Yellow;

Non-common attunement = Green;

Rare Attunement = Blue;

Very Rare Attunement = Purple;

Semi-Pure Attunement = White;

And so on repeating for the second.

The color of the third flame is a mystery to the world.

Everyone thinks it's Red...but who knows.

For the fact that you haven't suffered physical or mental setbacks.... well that's a bit more complex. Some alchemical reagents can help lessen physical and mental stress, but now is not the time to talk about that.

Remember, Lord Stark. Magic is an art composed of three factors mostly.

1) The Word, or the correct pronunciation and design of the Magic Rune.

2) Knowledge, which is the ability to understand the secrets of the World...the secrets of Magic.

3) The Blood, of which we have already spoken.

Let's say that based on your outcome. If you abandoned the path of the sword and from your duties as a Lord to devote yourself exclusively to the study of the arcane, you would succeed in becoming a wizard, Ned.

As you can see, your younger self had an insight. Ahaha!...


There are three types of magic, Lord Stark.

1) Arcane Magic or [Draconic Magic]. What you just did.

2) Divine Magic or [Singing Magic].

3) Nature Magic or also called [Life Magic].

Each individual is born with a specific attunement to one or more particular types of magic, depending on the factors that characterize that individual.

To give you an example, Lord Stark...

Wizards of Sorcerers, like the one about to visit you, use Arcane magic. Intelligence and wit distinguish them.

Priests or Venerators of the Gods, are distinguished by their ability to communicate with their God. A 'Charismatic' factor if you will.

The Druids or also called ' Warg, Shapechange and Green Beings ', are distinguished by their affinity with Nature.

... I would have bet you were more of a Druid than a Wizard, but as they say ' Life is full of surprises! ' Ahahahahah...

... Anyway.

There are hierarchies even for spells, Lord Stark.

The one you just performed, was a minor spell... I like to call it [Parlor Trick].

More useful than dangerous. It can hardly be used as a weapon... Well at least on our continent. Who can say.

Each type of magic has different Runs or Languages.

Only Druids know the language for spells. All others, unless they have an affinity with nature at superhuman levels, cannot remember or even pronounce the language of the World Tree.

The Chants or Prayers of the Priests are peculiar and different from each other. There is no specific language that characterizes them and they are the only ones that do not need runes.

The more a priest can make himself heard by his God, paying the necessary blood tribute, the more powerful a spell will be.

Divine magic has a peculiarity of its own that the other two do not have. Namely, the [Blood Power of Kings]... but at least for today, it does not concern us.

There are primarily 9th circles of magic, Ned.

That magic you just performed is not within that scale. We could call it level 0 if that helps you more.

It is 9 circles since that is the most powerful magic recorded by man... It is said that the three Fathers of Creation, The Dragon God, The World Tree, and The Phoenix, were able to perform 12th Circle magics. Magics that could reduce mountain ranges to dust, sprout a forest in the middle of the desert, or drain oceans...

There are three main hierarchies. All are divided by hierarchical subcategories: Minor, Intermediate, High.

When you ever hear a priest serving deities other than the Seven or Drowned God faith, and it bears the title High... always offer warm hospitality, my Lord...

1) Mages; Druids; Priests.

Able to use spells up to the 1st-3rd circle.

2) Great Wizard, Great Druid, and Great Priest.

Able to use to cast spells of the 4th-5th-6th Circle.

3) Archwizard, Archdruid and Archpriest.

Monsters in human form that can use higher-level spells...

Now, the third hierarchy is very, very rare...

Luckily for us, our enemies should not have such beings. Phew... Praise be to Seraphi..." The boy bit off the last word realizing he was about to make a mistake.

"You were going to say Seraphine?!! Then it's true! Do you know the name of an Ancient?! Are those words the language of the World Tree?!!" Ned asked immediately with deep curiosity and excitement.

"No, no... I wasn't going to say... emm..." Duncan.

"Don't lie to me, Lord Duncan! Please talk!" Ned.

"LORD STARK!... This is not the time, my lord. Dark possibilities loom over us! I am trying to explain in detail a world unknown to you... " Said the boy shamelessly defensively.

"... We'll talk again, my Lord" Ned.

"Yes... As I was saying...

The King in Yellow is a powerful sorcerer. The strongest living Archwizard at the moment.

A minor Archwizard... but don't use the word minor as much as you will address him.

That being is capable of using 7th Circle magic... very dangerous magics, Lord Stark.

In his blood, flows the blood of rank [King]. Blood of a dynasty even older than that of House Stark.

The words [Respect] and [Honor], will be the shields that save you and your family from very... very hard to break Arcane curses... "Bloody Snow.

"Now Ned Stark, know that stone... that Greedy Usurious and Cheating Bloodsucker Josua of Jhala sold me for 289 golden dragons!!.. is a Base Stone.

But before we talk about Gold, Stone, and Blood... I'd like to tell you another story. A story that connects to a mythical and fierce figure, a Guardian if we can call it that.

A story of love.

The story of a young hero who changed the fate of the world.

A squire named Pod... Podrick of House Lann."

End POV.


POV: Bloody Snow;

In an abandoned temple less than two miles from Riverrun.

Soon after a squire's name was mentioned...

"Podrick of House Lann?... Unfortunately, I don't even know the name 'Lann'... but I'm getting used to it now." Ned.

" Good for you and your family, my lord... My master, Zick, did not tell me this story until he was certain I could, at least in part, bear the consequences.

This is a story that only seven people at the moment should know.

Three Sorcerers... a Druid... a Banker... a Watcher, yours truly... and soon you, Lord Stark.

Not even the Three-Eyed Raven could glimpse that time. Powerful curses and spells were cast to disrupt and hinder The View.

A story that only Zick could tell... Agreements some twenty years ago were renewed. Because a new and powerful organization had made its way to the top, upsetting the balance of the world.

Do you need any more of my admonitions to know 'What' would happen, if you ever shouted out this story in a crowd, Lord Stark?" The boy asked, disturbing poor Ned for the umpteenth time.

"If that were the case... Why would you want to tell to me? Wouldn't you get yourself and your loved ones into trouble ?" Ned.

"It would increase the risk sure, but this story is essential to explain to you later the events that involved your family..." Duncan.

Ned sighed inwardly, thinking of how many burdens he was already carrying...but would he be able to bear one more for the sake of his loved ones.

"... I'll keep your secret. I will listen to your story, Lord Duncan." Ned.


Love and stories move the world, Lord Stark.

Stories... are the most powerful force that spurs people to action. Stories of lineage, war, and blood, stories of cultures and beauty, and stories of 'Love and Magic'...

Love... is the most powerful of all magic.

... But as much as it illuminates, Love generates very long shadows.

Many say that The Knight's Watch cannot have children and wives to prevent them from feeling the love. Love is the death of duty... Not that it's wrong. But I think instead that they cannot feel love because of those shadows.

Returning to the time of the [3] curses cast by the Son of Night. A curse to deprive Three Children of Love, Beauty, and Magic.

A legend rises from that story. A legend that will later tell of a prophecy... A prophecy was created to break that curse. The cause of all evil and disharmony in the world.

All who try to change the fate of the world will have to face it.

{... Before succeeding in seducing the Maiden of Light, to generate the three sons the Harpy, the Stallion and the Man, the three fathers the Bird, the Horse and the Monkey, fearing that their minor descendants were not equal to the direct daughter of the Great Phoenix Mother. They asked a friend of theirs for help. A Guardian of lesser beings...

A direct son of both the Dragon God, the Tree of Life, and the Phoenix. A half-brother of the Maiden of Light...

A figure with mighty scales, lion-like features, and phoenix wings. A son of both Fire, Light, and Life.

One of the most powerful children of the Gods. Perhaps even on par with the Three Great Founders...

He granted his three friends help.

He taught the bird a love song.

The most melodic song that had ever been created.

[The Phoenix Song.]

He helped the horse build the most beautiful gem ever made.

A gem as black as night but imbued with tiny infinite points of light.

[The Gem of the Stars.]

Finally, he handed the monkey a chalice.

A chalice made of pure wood from the World Tree, with the Blood of God inside.

[The Chalice of Life.]

The Maiden of Light receiving these magnificent gifts,

She wept with joy and love hearing that song... and fell in love with the bird.

Her heart throbbed when she saw that gem... and she fell in love with the horse.

She was breathless when she saw the sacrifice made by the last one... he could have lived forever drinking from that cup, but the monkey decided to perform the most powerful magic of all...

The sacrifice of love...

If the monkey drank the blood in that cup himself, he could become an eternal being. A being worthy of the Maiden of Light.

The monkey renounced to drink from the Cup of Life and promised that blood to all the children that the Maiden would beget. The Maiden fell madly in love with the monkey.

But the Son of Night was about to come...

The three lesser fathers, fearing for the safety of their children, ran to seek the help of their friend... The Guardian.

The Guardian answered their call.

Unfortunately, before he arrived, the Son of Night managed to curse the three learners.

Knowing that Harpy's father sang a love song, the Night stole his daughter's voice and used it in turn to sing the curse that deprived her of Love...

Knowing that the Stallion's father had bestowed the most beautiful gem ever created, Night extinguished the stars of that gem and used her power to deprive him of Beauty...

Knowing that the Monkey's father had performed the greatest and most powerful magic ever created... The night was defeated for a moment, not knowing how to compensate for that power. A great sacrifice was required.

Night grabbed the chalice of life, opened a wound dripping with Divine Blood, and offered his blood as a tribute to deprive the man of his magic...

Not one, but many [3] cups of blood. He tripled the offering to replicate the most powerful spell ever created by the sons of the Gods. }

From here, Lord Stark, you can explain why the descendants of Man especially despise Blood and Shadow Magic...

The scholars and wizards of history who wanted to find a way to break this curse all agreed on one point. The third curse is the most powerful of them all...

Therefore, many believed that if they could find a way for Magic to return to the descendants of man, the world would regain its harmony.

By chance... The Phoenix Song... The Star Gems... and the Blood of God, do they remind you of anything?" The boy asked, pointing to a clue near the man.

"The mana stone... " Said Ned looking at what was left of the stone.

"That's right... The magical and non-magical people were not always at war with each other. Peace and harmony were finally found.

The Magical People joined forces to find a way for the Non-Magical to benefit from magic as well.

The Mana Stone. A magical object that contained the attributes of all three Artifacts stolen by the Son of Night...

At that time the Andals, Ghiscarians, and Dothraki made peace agreements. A lasting peace

No one knows why the Andals decided to invade Westeros to start a new world war.

But back to the events of a certain Guardian...

[He rode with pleasure to the First son of their protgs, the Harpy...

When the Guardian reached the Harpy, he saw the suffering and hatred that her actions caused to all beings. No longer able to feel love, the Harpy betrayed even her blood. Even the Bird was captured and tortured by it...

The Guardian intervened. A song had spawned that curse, and only a song could break it.

The Guardian gathered all the warmth and light within him and sang magical verses to rekindle hope.

As soon as the Harpy was hit by that song of joy, love, and life, she cried. When the Guardian came to the Man, he didn't know what to do. His power was not enough to help him. Having lost his magic, Man was vulnerable and ostracized by everyone. The Guardian stayed by his side to protect him. A hundred days and a hundred nights passed and the Guardian found a way to help the Man, now his closest friend finds his magic again. He asked his twin brother for help, the only one who could extinguish his light forever.

The Keeper wanted to sacrifice himself to break the curse of the Night.... ]

Do you know the legend of Azor Ahai, Lord Stark? " He asked immediately after concluding the Guardian's story.

"... I know it is the name of the Hero of Dawn. The one who is supposed to have led men to victory against The Long Night. I don't know much more than that... "Ned answered truthfully. While still skeptical of what the boy in front of him told him, the man found the story very pleasant to hear.

"Legend has it that Azor Ahai, before becoming the hero he was, worked on a sword. A sword that could defeat the bringer of the Long Night.

There is controversy and discordant points as to whether or not he was a follower of R'hollr the Lord of Light or also called the Red God.

This sword was called the {Lightbringer}...

To forge this legendary sword, believed by many to be a divine artifact, Azor Ahai made [3] attempts.

He worked on the sword for thirty days and thirty nights, but when he attempted to temper it in water, it shattered...

The second time.

He worked on the sword for fifty days and fifty nights. He tried to temper the sword by plunging it into Lion's heart, but it shattered after Lion roared a death rattle...

The third time...

Azor Ahai wept knowing what had to be done...

The third time, with a heavy heart, because he knew in advance what he had to do to finish the blade, Azor Ahai worked for a hundred days and a hundred nights until it was finished. This time he called his wife, Nyssa Nyssa, and asked her to uncover his breast. He drove his sword into her living heart, her soul combined with the steel of the sword, creating Lightbringer, the Red Sword of Heroes.

As you see Lord Stark...this pesky [3] comes out often." Duncan.

Ned didn't answer. He had noticed the coincidences and similarities in the stories told. Many similar or identical factors came up often.

"Now that I have mentioned to you the events of perhaps the most famous Hero in history...

I would like to tell you about the Greatest Hero forgotten by History."

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