Game of Thrones: Paladin of Old Gods

Chapter 76: ' Never Enrage the Quiet Wolf ' Part I

Chapter 76: ' Never Enrage the Quiet Wolf ' Part I

POV: Ned Stark;

In an abandoned temple about two miles from Riverrunn.

Ten seconds after the word 'Lannister' was mentioned...

"Assuming I believe this story or not, this is the secret the world shouldn't know? The Lannisters' lineage?" Ned asked slightly annoyed every time the name was mentioned.

"Yes, in case you want to keep the peace. Oldtown and House Hightower would like to see the Podrick Lann dynasty destroyed as soon as possible.

Carcosa is the exact opposite.

The peace agreements stipulate that the true history of Magic and the Hero of the First Men will not be spread. In return, Oldtown will not act directly against House Lannister.

House Lannister is a sworn enemy of House Hightower... only Lord Tywin doesn't know it yet." The boy.

"... I don't trust the Lannisters.

They think they're above everyone.

Lord Tywin wouldn't hesitate to slaughter every Targaryens he could get his hands on." Ned.

"That is true, Lord Stark." Duncan.

"His son, Jaime Lannister..." Ned was interrupted.

"Ser Jaime is a hero." Duncan.

Ned was stunned by this inane statement.

"A hero?! Ser Jaime stabbed the king he was sworn to protect in the back!

He is a knight without honor. He only acted when he risked nothing." Ned replied fiercely.

"... Ser Jaime Lannister sacrificed his honor for the sake of over 500,000 citizens of King's Landing, Lord Stark.

His 'dishonorable act' also saved your life and the lives of all the Northmen inside the city gates." Said the boy in response.

"... What are you talking about?" Ned.

"Do you know what the Wildfire is, Ned?" Duncan.

"Of course I do.

King Aerys burned my father alive with a pyre of Wildfire..." Ned.

"If I told you that the city was overflowing with barrels of Wildfire scattered at every key point in the city and that Aerys the Madman wanted to set it on fire, sacrificing every inhabitant within the walls so as not to deliver it into enemy hands,

Would you believe me?" Ned did not know what to answer.

"If you, Lord Stark, had been in that knight's place, and had tried again and again to plead with him to surrender to the enemy at the gates to avoid a massacre, but your king, the one to whom you swore your oath, ordered you to hand over your father's head...

What would you have done?... ' More seconds of silence passed.

"What if I had been there when Aerys was ordering his Pyromaniac Hand to blow up everything, including the Red Keep?

Hearing a madman yell [Burn Them All!] repeatedly.

What would you have done, Lord Eddard Stark? Would you have kept that oath?

Would you have, My Lord?

Was your honor worth more than all those lives, Ned?

Would the words of that oath have been enough to silence the thousands of screams of pain from innocent men, women, and children?!

... Well?

The answer, Ned!" The boy asked, deliberately provoking his interlocutor.

Ned could only steel himself against the blows without any possibility of defending himself. His silence was accompanied by a look that expressed pure indecision and internal conflict.

The boy stepped back to give the poor man some breathing space and a few moments of reflection.

After almost a minute, Ned asked:

"Is what you say true? He... Did Ser Jaime kill Aerys for these reasons?" Ned.

"That is the truth, Ned.

Thousands of Knights would have boasted of such heroic deeds, yet he did not... He acted as a true Hero.

He is the Hero without honor.

To this day there remain hundreds of hidden barrels of Wildfire under the streets and buildings of the city. I dare not act without the help of the Alchemists' Guild.

It only takes one mistake to turn King's Landing into the greatest hearth the world has ever seen." The boy.

"... I had no idea.

I will apologize to Ser Jaime." Said Ned, thinking back on all the moments he had spent misjudging the poor knight.

He had even suggested to Robert that he send him to the Wall...

"There will be an opportunity, my lord." Duncan.

"In any case, Lord Tywin slaughtered thousands of innocents during the sacking of King's Landing...

He would have killed Targaryen children as well. The man cannot be our ally. He hates the Targaryens more than Robert.

The way I see it, I'd much rather ally myself with House Hightower, 'the potential enemies of the North,' than with House Lannister." Ned.

"... Ned, I would be more afraid of facing House Hightower than all the other Houses of Westeros combined.

Even if it holds first place, the Iron Bank doesn't have the military resources that House has...

To give you an example, my Lord.

If, at the Trident, you, Robert, and Jon Arryn had faced an army of 40,000 from House Hightower rather than Targaryen-Tyrell-Martell, you would have been decimated in less than an hour...

Even if we had the full support of House Lannister, we'd have no chance of winning in a war against Oldtown in its current state.

Even with all the power of House Tallhart and the North, I couldn't come up with a realistic plan to successfully attack that City.

If the Hightowers really wanted the Iron Throne, they would simply get it. Currently, there is no army in Westeros that can stand up to them." Duncan.

Ned considered those words carefully. The boy looked bloody serious. Showing equal seriousness, the Lord of Winterfell said:

"... Prove your previous assertions to me.

I find it hard to believe that such an enemy has been hiding so well for millennia without anyone in Westeros noticing." Ned.


Prepare yourself, Eddard of House Stark. All that has caused you discomfort these past few days was nothing compared to what I will tell you in the next few minutes." Duncan.

"May the Old and New Gods protect me, Duncan of House Tallhart."

End POV.


POV: Duncan;

In an abandoned temple about two miles from Riverrunn.

Seconds after a very brave man prepared for the worst....

"Let's start by saying, that there are and have been people, who don't belong to the top four centres of power, who have understood, or at least had a strong intuition of Oldtown's true potential...

Two of them are still with us in Westeros, and they're very old.

Maester Aemon Targaryen, the third son of King Maekar, who currently serves at Castle Black.

And Lady Olenna Tyrell, the mother of Lord Mace Tyrell, who is also known as 'The Queen of Thorns'.

I know for a fact that Lady Olenna, the true undisputed lady of Highgarden, fears the Iron Bank and House Hightower with the proper amount of awe that they deserve.

I don't think she's aware of the magical world, but she's certainly smelled a giant hiding in Oldtown.

A very wise move to force her tender and naive son to marry Lady Alerie Hightower, Lord Leyton's third child.

A strange marriage in the eyes of many. In short, the only son and heir of Hightower marrying the second daughter of one of his vassals.

I don't know if you know this, Lord Stark, but the House of Hightower is the only House in Westeros that has the right not to answer the call to arms of its lord or king.

They enjoy a unique privilege, as they are considered the keepers of knowledge and belief. The ten thousand soldiers defending Oldtown could remain there for another hundred wars without anyone noticing or making a complaint.

They are also currently the wealthiest House in Westeros. Lord Tywin is trying to maintain the same high standard of living as the House, but... Queen Cercei, Lord Tyrion, and a hundred other Lannisters, including cousins, uncles, and distant relatives, are quite an expense to bear.

The Casterly Rock mines are running out. My accountants estimate that House Lannister should have no more than 20,000,000 G.D. set aside at present.

The mine can only produce another four or five million...

House Hightower however... has never had to go to war, they have always focused on trade and prosperity. They don't get attacked, and the ports of Oldtown are always bustling. The citadel tower is quite an expense, but they have other incomes not widely known to the rest of the world that can easily offset those outgoings...

Even Zick's organization couldn't give me an accurate estimate, but according to them, House Hightower has no less than 400,000,000 G.D. in their underground coffers, and that's just gold...

The Iron Bank should have about 500 million of its own and access to just over a billion in outside funds...

Fortunately, Carcosa also has its fair share of coins... phew...

I assure you that these numbers are correct.

I've taken a look at some of the Oldtown militia myself. I have a good eye for individual talent.

We might call it "another skill" to give you an idea.

How do my boys look to you? I speak of the Guardian of Winter." I asked.

"... Impressive. Ser Haymitch thinks those 150 men-at-arms of yours could win against at least 1,000 of mine." Ned.

"Ser Haymitch has a good eye, Lord Stark. I commend you for getting him on your side.

Giving you an approximate scale of fighting skills of ten levels. Therefore a rating for each individual from one to ten:

Level [1] , equals a peasant with no combat experience or training.

Level [2] = A page who dreams of becoming a squire.

Level [3] = A novice squire.

Level [4] = A squire about to become a knight.

Level [5] = A novice knight, more experienced in jousting than in fighting.

Level [6] = An experienced knight who knows how to use a sword.

Level [7] = An experienced knight, worthy even to be part of the personal escort of an esteemed Lord, or even an honest Kings Guard.

Level [8] = An experienced warrior, who has lived many experiences in the balance between life and death. Whose sword is an extension of his own limb.

Level [9] = Ser Haymitch.

Level [10] = Ser Arthur Dayne, or Ser Barristan Selmy in his heyday.

If you care to know, you're at the top of level [8]. You're a very good sword, Ned.

Of course, there are many other factors to consider in determining the winner of a battle.

Strategy, equipment, supplies, physical condition, troop morale, terrain, and differences in numbers are among the most relevant.

But for now let's just focus on the numbers...

Most of your militias are at level [4].

Most of House Tallhart's militias are at level [5].

The Winter Guardians currently hovers between level [6-7].

Now let's talk about the military forces of House Hightower.

Excluding the topic of magic for the moment...

Let's just talk about steel-armed military forces.

You yourself fought against the former Lord Commander of the Kings Guard, Ser Gerold Hightower, Ned. How would you rate his performance?" I asked Ned.

Eddard thought about it for a few seconds and then answered:

"Lord Gerold was a fine knight. Despite being just in his early fifties at the time, he was a tremendous opponent. I'm pretty sure that if he had been even fifteen or ten years younger, he might have even been able to hold his own against Ser Arthur." Ned.

"Ser Gerold, Lord Leyton Hightower's uncle, was by no means one of the best among the armed forces of House Hightower....

Carcosa is set on {3}. Oldtown is {7}.

From what Zick tells me, there are three teams of seven warriors or assassins, called 'The Seven Keepers', 'The Seven Secrets, and The Seven Paladins', who are at the same level as the personal guards of the King in the Yellow. They are knights who using only the sword, reach a skill level of at least [10].

Zick also gave a hand to House Hightower to train them.

My master is a completely neutral person and well disposed to follow the art. If his help is requested in the right way, Zick refuses no one. The Watcher is one of the main glue that avoids conflicting fractures in the world. For this he has earned the title of Guardian of Love.

Both Oldtown and Carcosa have great respect for my Master.

However, among those seven former students of Zick, there are two individuals who surpass even Ser Arthur Dayne.

Each of those Warriors is in command of six elite men-at-arms. I managed to cross paths with one of them by pure chance.

Level [9], my Lord. Probably, the remaining 41 are as well.

'The Blades of Seven' who, together with the Paladins, form the sworn guards of the priests of the Starry Temple.

Lord Hightower and the Citadel also have a similar militia.

A squad chosen for each power centre in Oldtown: The Hightower, The Citadel and The Creed.

They never leave the city. They don't participate in any tournaments and they never show off.

Then we come to the elite squadrons.

These belong only to the Citadel and Hightower House.

700 men chosen for each of them. All at least level [7].

These forces may already be enough to defeat all the forces of House Tallhart...

Then we have the veteran army of House Hightower: 3,600 soldiers trained and ready to fight at any time. They are mostly at level [6].

And finally, we come to the regular army... 10,000 soldiers at the same level as my father's army.

Now... these are just the soldiers defending Oldtown, my Lord.

Oldtown has over 300 masters of arms, 400 blacksmiths ready to train and arm an army in unprecedented time, a team of over 1,000 healers ready to receive the wounded in the best hospital facility in the Kingdom, and barns always overflowing capable of withstanding a siege of at least 5 years...

The troops of Oldtown are well equipped, Ned...

These soldiers, they don't waste time just patrolling the streets and walls... No.

They practice constantly by holding a simulated battle training every year. They regularly rotate units by sending novices to Sothoryos for their first field experience. I assure you they would know their way around a real battle.

There are always 20,000 unenlisted recruits among the citizens of Oldtown. In times of war, House Hightower could add another army of superior training and equipment to its ranks in no time at all.

If necessary, they could add 20,000 more within six months.

And then there's the creed... One of the most powerful weapons in Oldtown.

If forced to do so, they could call the people of Westeros loyal to the Seven's creed to arms. commoners, soldiers and knights from all over the realm. They wouldn't need permission from the crown to do it...

They'd just sing the right song at the right time.

Many a fighter in Westeros would have no qualms about betraying their Lord and King in the name of the Gods.

On an honestly realistic estimate, the creed could field at least another 100,000 swords in less than a year...

These are just the forces on our continent.

There are currently 20,000 swords in Sothoryos that reside there permanently and are loyal only to Oldtown.

They call themselves 'Sons of Light'. They compete in a constant but regulated fight against the forces of Carcosa, the 'Sons of Night'.

Of course, Oldtown has the means and capabilities to engage many... many more swords in Essos, should another open war break out.

And then there is magic, which we have decided not to consider so far....

Tell me, Lord Stark... if what I've just told you were true, what would you say is the richest and most powerful house in Westeros?" I asked in a slightly ironic tone.

Ned did not answer.

He could only stare at me with wide eyes full of anxiety and concern.

"Do you believe me now when I say, I am more afraid of Oldtown than I am of Braavos?" I asked.

Ned nodded...

"How did they manage to hide from the eyes of the world?" Ned.

"... Mainly in three ways.

By bending the knee to any ''mighty'' king or lord who came with an army in front of their city.

By choosing in most cases, neutrality and prosperity in any major conflict in our lands.

And the Citadel... The order of Maesters is loyal to House Hightower, my lord...

Another power as dangerous as belief.

In every castle in Westeros, there's a Maester who sits by a lord's side and whispers wise suggestions in his ear.

They teach us history...

They write the texts that we keep in our libraries...

they tell us what is real and what is not...

they read all our messages ...

And they have access to all the information of our house..." I waited for an outsized reaction from the man.

Ned just stood there and stared at me with a very serious look.

Then he said:

"Are you serious, Lord Duncan?

... Are your accusations well-founded? Do you have proof of what you claim?" Ned.

"... I'm afraid I do, Lord Stark. As far as I know, there are only four Maesters in Westeros who aren't loyal to Oldtown--

One of them serves me.

In addition to my own and Lord Qyburn's testimony, I have hundreds of records of evidence-- detailed reports collected from all the great Houses in the North.

House Dustin, House Mormont, Manderly, Glover, Cerwyn, Hornwood, Umber, Karstark and many others, can testify in my favour if necessary... I have long since given warning to the great Lords, and they, making due verification, have found the evidence for themselves.

... Every three moons, Lord Stark, all the Maesters of Westeros send a report to the Citadel. In each report, there is key information. I discovered the treachery of my former maester, Golbarth, when I was less than three years old." I said.

Ned's real trauma was upon us...

He simply asked:

"Maester Luwin?... "He waited for an answer with his eyes closed.

"A complex matter...

I have a couple of agents in Winterfell who are diligently monitoring the maester. Every three months they cull a raven and replace it with a new one to discover the information sent... " I replied.

" We will discuss your ' two agents ' at another time....

And?... Is Maester Luwin betraying me? Speak, Lord Duncan." Ned.

"Yes and no, my lord... In the early days he was very detailed in his reports. For about two years now, he has been sending less clear and precise information....

I believe he is growing fond of your family.

He's more concerned with preventing you from coming into conflict with Oldtown than he is with being loyal to it...

In any case... yes, he also sends reports to the order of masters." I said in an even and balanced tone.

Ned massaged his fountain and temples, trying to keep calm and composed. He clenched his fist a couple of times to vent some of his anger and frustration.

After a couple of minutes of silence, I poured myself another cup of water asking my counterpart if he liked it.

"Yes, please." He filled Ned's cup as well.

After a few sips, Ned asked:

"Who are the 'Unfaithful' Maesters in Oldtown?"

"Maester Qyburn, in the service of my house, whom I hold in the highest trust and esteem.

Maester Aemon Targaryen, in the service of the Knight's Watch.

Achmaester Marwyn, the black sheep of the order, a lover of magic and a secret supporter of its return. He's currently lending us a huge hand down in Oldtown.

And Maester Endry, in direct service of Lord Rodrick Harlaw, also known as 'Rodrick the Reader'. The elder Maester had never agreed with Oldtown politics, and was sent to die in the Iron Islands because of it.

He did, however, properly educate young Rodrick, and ever since, the boy has been more interested in books than axes.

Lord Harlaw is secretly on our side in this rebellion.

There is also Maester Wolkan, in the service of House Bolton... But... there he is, a bit of a special case... Let's just say he was more afraid of Lord Roose Bolton than of Oldtown..." I explained.

"Shouldn't House Targaryen have known better? After all, they were from Valyria... They didn't know anything about Oldtown?!" Ned.

"... A complex matter.

I have medium and minor evidence on some Kings and theories on others.

This is the most delicate point of the evening, Lord Stark..." I said.

"I want to know everything." Ned.

"... So be it."

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