Gate of Revelation

Chapter 755

Chapter 755

“God’s punishment… will descend upon you all!”

After getting besieged by the five of them for a short time, Horus shrieked out wretchedly and his spirit body contorted before gradually dissipating into thin air.

At the same time, a loud rumbling sound rang out. At a nearby spot, sands were pushed aside as the Divine Temple slowly rose up from the ground.

Terraflame, Aliosha and Ghostfox exchanged glances before giving a slight sigh of relief each.

Despite Horus’s greatly weakened form and the combined effort to besiege him, killing Horus had still consumed a considerable amount of their strength in the end.

Just imagine, how much stronger would Horus be if he had possessed a wholesome body.

If it hadn’t been for Mr Moonless, who had shown them the path to victory and stood guard nearby, their two guilds combined would have faced complete extermination in the end.

The three of them had also received an instance dungeon notification in their personal systems.

“Indeed, it is as I had anticipated… … no, it is even more generous than what I had anticipated.” After checking the rewards, the eyes of Terraflame and Riche lit up. However, when they turned to look at one another, their faces turned entangled.

On the distant hill, the Team Leaders of the various minor teams had also received the notification. However, the two great guilds were already the leaders for this instance dungeon. No matter how envious they were, they dared not let it show on their faces.

Furthermore, given their level of strength, if it were not for the two guilds, they would have died many times over.

“We have no words to express our gratitude!”

Terraflame bowed respectfully towards Chen Xiaolian.

Riche and Myriad Baiter, who had been utilizing long-ranged attacks from behind, also came to stand before Chen Xiaolian before bowing respectfully.

“You deserved it.”

Chen Xiaolian revealed a nonchalant smile. Inwardly, however, he was feeling terrified.

If he had not immediately thought about putting the metal boxes into his storage watch, making Horus incapable of finding a top-grade body to take over, there was no telling what the current situation would be like.

Should Horus be allowed to regain a physical body, he would kill off all the Players and Awakened ones participating in this quest. That would be the equivalent of failing this instance dungeon. As for Chen Xiaolian, the Moonless Fivefold Light Armour could stop Horus from killing him. However, he did not possess the ability to kill off Horus.

Should that happen, the quest will remain incomplete. It was possible that he would end up getting trapped in this instance dungeon forever.

And if Riche and the others could kill off Horus, the moment his shortcomings were revealed, they would surely suspect him.

Thankfully, the fa?ade that Chen Xiaolian had put on did not break down, for now.

“Our Starfall Guild received a total of 63,400 points for the second phase. Additionally, we also obtained a Horus Totem. It allows the user to summon an [A+] class Horus to fight for the user. There is no limit to the number of times it can be used. However, it has a summon time of 10 minutes and a cool down time of 24 hours. As for the other miscellaneous rewards, I believe that Mr Moonless would be completely uninterested in them, so I will not be going into the details.” Terraflame raised his head to look at Chen Xiaolian with a sincere expression. “I am thinking of… using 30,000 points and the Horus Totem to express the feelings of gratitude and respect of our Starfall Guild.”

“What?” When Chen Xiaolian heard Terraflame’s words, he failed to conceal the shock within him. He stared at Terraflame with widened eyes.

However, the word had only just left his mouth when he realized his mistake. An [A+] class summoning prop with a cooldown restriction and 30,000 points? For someone with his ‘identity’, these things were not even worth one fart.

Thankfully, Terraflame misunderstood Chen Xiaolian. He hastily waved his hand and said seriously, “Mr Moonless, please believe me. I have absolutely no intentions of insulting you. I understand that these things are nothing worthwhile in your eyes. Rather, it is likely that they would be of no use at all to you. However, no matter how I think about it, I really can’t think of any other methods to express my gratitude and respect.”

“Is that so?” The shocked expression on Chen Xiaolian’s face flashed by swiftly and he recollected himself. Next, he gave a gentle nod and said, “I understand your feelings. However, there is no need to give me anything.”

“Do you think… … it’s too little?” Terraflame grew somewhat anxious and he hastily continued, “I just…”

“No need to say anymore.” Chen Xiaolian interrupted Terraflame, sounding somewhat irritated. “Like I said, I understand your feelings.”

“Yes.” Terraflame immediately stopped talking. He nodded and said no more.

“And you, there is no need for you to bring up the same thing.” Chen Xiaolian gave Riche a glance. “Come, let’s hurry up and complete the quest for the fourth phase.”



Both of them nodded their heads. They relayed orders to the other members using their guild channel to have them stay put while following Chen Xiaolian into the Divine Temple.

Chen Xiaolian had both hands clasped behind his back as he walked forward leisurely. No emotions could be seen on his face. Inwardly, however, his heart was aching so badly he felt as though he might lose the ability to breathe.

30,000 points! 30,000 POINTS!!!

The C11 mine could produce Star Sand at a stable rate for his guild and he had also found Jiang Long to buy them up. The amount of points they would receive from that was considerable. Even so, to be able to obtain 30,000 points without expending any efforts? For Chen Xiaolian, that 30,000 points was no small sum.

Starfall Guild was merely one of the collective forces involved in killing Horus. And yet, it had obtained over 60,000 points. Thorned Flower Guild, which had contributed equally must have obtained roughly the same amount of points. Clearly, despite the outrageously high difficulty of this instance dungeon, the rewards offered were also correspondingly bountiful.

Not to mention, there was also the prop capable of summoning Horus. Although the summon time was only 10 minutes and there was a cooldown restriction of 24 hours, that was still an [A+] class summoned creature.

The strength of this Horus should definitely be stronger than that Fallen Avenger, Lancelot.

At present, Chen Xiaolian had returned to his starting point, losing all the attributes and skills he had accumulated. So far, he had yet to discover the reason for that. Before he could restore his strength, having that summoning prop would certainly be of use.

Even after he had recovered his strength, he could give it to Qiao Qiao or Soo Soo as a means of protection.

However, even though he was inwardly salivating over them, he could not accept it.

Firstly, considering the identity that he had established for himself, there was no way he would be interested in points and props.

Secondly, this was not Zero City. There were no props to help him hide his identity during a transaction. Utilizing their personal systems to conduct a transaction would mean that Chen Xiaolian’s identity would be put on display before the other party.

The mysterious Mr Moonless suddenly became the Guild Leader of Meteor Rock Guild, Chen Xiaolian…

Should that happen, the expressions on these two fellows’ faces would be quite interesting.

Thus, no matter how much it pained him, Chen Xiaolian could only continue to put on a look of indifference and lead the way.

Unknown to Chen Xiaolian, as Riche and Terraflame were walking behind him, they were also looking at the watch on Chen Xiaolian’s wrist.

The Divine Temple emerged not far away from them. After walking for just ten plus minutes, the six of them had arrived before the entrance to the Divine Temple.

The massive Divine Temple was built using countless large, red-coloured rocks. On either side of the gate were two large Pharaoh statues. The Pharaoh statues were in seated postures. Chen Xiaolian and the others, who were standing before the gate, were only barely taller than the statues’ feet.

All was dark beyond the gate and they could not clearly make out what was inside.

When the six of them approached the gate, a stone slate suddenly rose up before them, creaking as it did. The surface of the stone slate was filled with carved hieroglyphs.

Although their personal systems came with a translation function, it was limited to speech and not text. Chen Xiaolian looked at the strange-looking symbols on the slate, but he was unable to understand what they meant.

“This is the forbidden site belonging to Osiris, the King of the Underworld. Only a maximum of three people is allowed to enter.” Terraflame hurriedly looked through the stone slate to help Chen Xiaolian interpret the symbols. “Mr Moonless, if so… … the three of us.”

He stretched his hand out and pointed at himself and Riche.

Chen Xiaolian nodded his head and was the first to walk inside.

A thin layer of faint light veiled the entrance to the Divine Temple. After Chen Xiaolian walked in, the layer of light flickered slightly, resembling the ripples of a water surface.

After all three of them had entered the Divine Temple, the layer of light flashed and became solid and clear. It had become like a layer of glass, which sealed the entrance to the Divine Temple.

The interior of the Divine Temple was a long and paved pathway. Both sides of the pathway were filled with various paintings, depicting the various Egyptian myths. The protagonist of the myths had green skin and a white Pharaoh crown.

That person was likely the master of the Divine Temple, Osiris, the King of the Underworld.

Their footsteps kept echoing about within the dark depths of the Divine Temple.

“According to the description given by the instance dungeon, killing off the two BOSSES, Anubis and Horus is the final phase of this instance dungeon.” Terraflame, who was walking slightly behind Chen Xiaolian, leaned his head forward to explain their situation to Chen Xiaolian in a whisper. “After waking up Osiris, we’ll be able to receive the rewards. It seems there is no need to fight.”

“All three of us can obtain an immortal body?” asked Chen Xiaolian, who continued to walk forward. “This instance dungeon is quite generous.”

“Given how high the difficulty level is for this instance dungeon, it is only natural for it to be generous with the rewards.” Riche, who was also walking behind Chen Xiaolian, said with a smile. “Speaking of which, this is the hardest instance dungeon I have ever participated in.”

“Is that so? Shen’s subordinates are so inexperienced?” Chen Xiaolian revealed a faint smile, his legs not stopping in the slightest.

“We can already be considered as the best guild amongst the Players.” Riche smiled. “Of course, we cannot be compared to you. Rather, even our Guild Leader might not be as strong as you.”

“It has been a while since I last met Shen. At present, he may have grown stronger compared to me. There is no way for me to be certain about this,” Chen Xiaolian replied coolly, not worried at all about how outrageous his boastful words may be.

At any rate, Shen had never revealed his true strength before his subordinates from Thorned Flower Guild before.

For the members of Thorned Flower Guild, Shen had already reached an unattainable level of strength. During the battle for Zero City, he had singlehandedly defeated three [S] class powerhouses from Zero City. That was already the height of their imaginations.

Firstly, there was simply no need for Shen to reveal his ability to ‘modify the laws’ to them. Secondly, should he display a power beyond that given by the system, the response would not simply be awe anymore. Rather, it would be pure dread.

To put it into perspective… … consider the ordinary humans in the ‘real’ world. When they see a heavyweight boxing champion, their natural response would be: He is so strong!

Because that power was still within their scope of understanding.

However, if the one to appear before their eyes was a Super Saiyan capable of blowing up the Earth with a single punch…

It was likely that not a single one of those ordinary humans would consider the Super Saiyan as a member of the same species that they could get along with.

“Speaking of which, as an Awakened one, have you been to Zero City before?” Riche gave a few dry coughs before suddenly asking.

“Zero City?” Chen Xiaolian immediately grew wary. He repeated the words, not answering the question.

“Yes, Zero City. The Holy Land of the Awakened ones. Even if you have never been there before, you must have at least heard of it,” Riche said in a hushed tone. “Our Guild Leader has always wanted to attack Zero City. Not too long ago, for some unknown reason, Zero City’s entrance was opened to outsiders and left unguarded. Our Guild Leader led us to attack Zero City.”

“Really? Did he succeed?” Chen Xiaolian turned to give Riche a glance.

“I… do not know.” Riche sighed. “Back then… … I had followed our Guild Leader to enter Zero City. Additionally, I had also personally killed off quite a few Awakened ones. Judging by the difference in power between the two sides, we should have been able to smoothly capture Zero City. After all, back then, there were also a high number of Electronic Guardians participating in the battle.

However, the final result was most peculiar. We had practically destroyed all of Zero City’s resistance forces and smoothly captured their central hall. Only a small number of Awakened ones from Zero City was able to successfully escape. Additionally, their escape was of no importance to us. Having lost Zero City as a place of refuge, the remaining Awakened ones simply could not make a difference in the end and could not last long. However, just as we were about to obtain victory, for some unknown reason, we were suddenly… … teleported out.

“Zero City, due to some unknown reasons, opened its entrance. Then, due to some unknown reasons, kicked everyone out… … at least, we had thought that everyone was kicked out. Soon, however, we realized that one person was missing.”


“Yes.” Riche nodded. “Our Guild Leader did not come out. Even now, we have yet to obtain any news about him. It is as though he had… … disappeared. This caused everyone within our guild to panic. In fact…”

Riche gave Terraflame, who was beside him, a glance. “Some of the Awakened ones from our guild chose to split away from the guild and form a new guild.”

“I see,” Chen Xiaolian answered nonchalantly.

He could roughly guess what Riche was trying to say.

For Thorned Flower Guild, losing Shen was the equivalent to losing their soul. Every guild required an absolute powerhouse to serve as their core. Only then could it continue to exist and develop.

It was similar to Blade Mountain Flame Sea Guild. After losing Skyblade, they quickly began to fall.

Naturally, Thorned Flower Guild’s foundation was very big. It was not something that Blade Mountain Flame Sea Guild could match up against. Even so, it could only delay their fall. Before Shen’s return, unless Thorned Flower Guild could gain a new powerhouse at the same level as Shen, there will always be a Sword of Damocles hanging over their heads.

Having seen the fa?ade of power that Chen Xiaolian put on, and also the ‘minor friendship’ between him and Shen, Riche must be hoping that he could lend his strength and help them find Shen. Or at the very least, help them slightly.

“You… … if you so desire, you should be able to enter Zero City.” Riche rubbed his hands and said with a smile, “I believe that you would find it regrettable if our Guild Leader ends up trapped inside Zero City forever.”

“I have never been to the place known as Zero City before.” Chen Xiaolian shook his head. He should not get involved in new problems now. Thus, Chen Xiaolian had directly rejected Riche.

“Ah… is that so.” Riche suddenly revealed a look of disappointment.

However, a peculiar smile suddenly appeared on his face and he leaned close to Chen Xiaolian’s ear.

“In that case, why is the storage equipment on your wrist a product of Zero City?”

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