Genius Martial Arts Trainer

Chapter 12:

Chapter 12:

“Why are you out here?” (2)

Once again confirming that this bright-eyed fellow had built a wall between himself and the use of his head, Mu-jin deliberately ignored Mu-yul and opened his mouth.

“Since Mu-gung has decided to join us, let’s continue the conversation we were having earlier.”

“The conversation from earlier?”

“You said you were curious why you keep losing to me, Mu-gung.”

“Oh! That’s right, I have to keep my promises!”

The guy who was so nonchalant about fighting together was surprisingly enthusiastic on this subject.

Despite the unimpressed attitude, Mu-jin continued with his teaching, as it would also be helpful to Mu-yul and Mu-gyeong.

“Your Revolving Fist Technique, Mu-gung, is certainly fast and powerful. But, on the flip side, that’s all there is to it.”

“If a martial technique is strong and fast, that should be enough. What else is there?”

To Mu-gung’s answer that was close to a straightforward martial law, Mu-jin sighed and assumed the first stance of the Revolving Fist Technique.

“Let’s have you experience it with your body to understand. Now, I am going to attack you with the first form of the Revolving Fist Technique, try to dodge it.”

As soon as Mu-jin threw his punch, Mu-gung dodged it effortlessly.

“Good. Now, I’ll attack with the second form, so try to dodge again.”

This time, Mu-jin pretended to assume the second form’s stance and then suddenly swung his leg in a low kick, striking Mu-gung’s thigh.

Of course, Mu-gung, who had moved only his upper body to avoid the punch, was hit squarely by the low kick and limped.

“What the! Why are you lying!”

Mu-gung, feeling wronged, shouted out, and Mu-jin clicked his tongue once before replying.

“That’s the point. Who would willingly get hit if they knew exactly what the opponent was going to do? You have to deceive like this to land a hit.”


“Understand? Your punches are fast and powerful, but it’s obvious what you’re going to do just by looking at your stance before you even throw a punch.”

“Ah, so I just need to attack fast and strong enough that even if you know, you can’t stop it!”

Sounding irritated from taking a hit to the leg, Mu-gung came back with a nonsensical rebuttal.

“Yeah. Well, your words aren’t completely wrong. Maybe one far-off day when you become the unparalleled number one in the world, then what you say might be true.”

For instance, like the protagonist of [Legend of the Evil Emperor], the second work of the author who wrote [Chronicles of the Shaolin Saint Monk], which Mu-jin joined.

The protagonist, known as the number one under the heavens or the supreme swordsman, was described in the novel as having an ‘incomprehensible sword technique that could not be blocked even when known.’

Conversely, it meant that such ludicrous statements did not apply unless one was the number one under the heavens.

“That’s why, until you become the number one under the heavens, you need to know how to do this. Understand?”

After contemplating Mu-jin’s explanation for a moment, Mu-gung seemed to agree, nodding his head thoughtfully.

Then he added a curious statement.

“Still, I’ve learned something good, so I’ll give you one piece of advice.”


“When you fight those guys. It’ll be dangerous if you underestimate them thinking of me.”

Mu-jin tilted his head at Mu-gung’s words.

‘What nonsense is this guy spouting all of a sudden?’

Was he about to make some strange excuse that he had been holding back until now?

“So, you’re saying you’re stronger than them?”

“If I were really fighting, I would be stronger, since I would use my family’s martial arts.”

“Are you saying you’re stronger when you use your family’s martial arts?”

“Yes. When I use my family’s martial arts, I can use my internal energy.”


Only then did Mu-jin understand what Mu-gung was trying to say, but a question arose.

“Then why didn’t you use your internal energy when you sparred with me?”

“Because I’ve only learned the form of the Revolving Fist Technique and the Buddha Mind Technique so far, I haven’t learned how to infuse my internal energy into the Revolving Fist Technique.”

“Why not use your family’s martial arts?”

“What kind of crazy person would come to Shaolin to become a disciple and use their family’s martial arts during sparring?”

“…You’re implying I’m the crazy one, aren’t you?”


As Mu-jin glared with half-closed eyes, Mu-gung discreetly turned his head away.

After staring down Mu-gung for a moment, Mu-jin casually asked another question.

“…So, don’t tell me, are those guys also capable of breaking rocks and such, like Master Uncle Hye-jeong showed us?”

“That’s something only Master Uncle Hye-jeong can do because of his level. Considering the level and age of those guys’ families, they might not be as good as me, but the difference probably won’t be big.”

Upon hearing Mu-gung’s response, Mu-jin contemplated for a while.

He had initially thought that they were dealing with opponents at the level of a somewhat competent sixth grader or a first-year middle schooler, but they could be more skilled than he had anticipated.

It wasn’t just himself or Mu-gung; there was a risk that Mu-yul or Mu-gyeong could get hurt.

‘Telling Master Uncle Hye-jeong and ending it might be one way to handle it…’

Mu-jin slightly turned his head and looked at Mu-gyeong, who was squatting down in disarray.

A child whose self-esteem had already been shattered by prolonged bullying.

The reason why Mu-jin was willing to fight that gang wasn’t just to correct the misguided entitlement of children believing in their parents’ authority; it was more to help heal the child’s trauma.

He wanted to gift the experience of standing up to the bullies and overcoming them with his own two fists.

Still holding on to that sentiment, Mu-jin, with a sense of maybe, asked Mu-gung.

“Then, could you show me just once the level of those guys? I’m talking about that family martial art you mentioned.”


“We’ll fight if it seems worth fighting after seeing it, or we’ll just inform Master Uncle Hye-jeong otherwise.”

After a brief moment of astonishment at Mu-jin’s bold request, Mu-gung looked around discreetly and spoke cautiously.

“Let’s go over to that secluded spot then. If the Shaolin elders catch us using martial arts from another clan, we’ll be marked.”

With a trivial excuse, Mu-gung headed towards a more secluded area.

“Mu-yul, could you help Mu-gyeong up for a moment?”


As Mu-yul helped Mu-gyeong to stand, Mu-jin picked him up and followed in the direction Mu-gung had disappeared.


Watching the three of them, Mu-yul smiled brightly and followed behind, apparently amused by something.

As Mu-jin, Mu-gyeong, and Mu-yul followed, Mu-gung assumed the ready stance to demonstrate his family’s martial arts.

‘Heh. They’ll be surprised.’

In truth, the biggest reason why Mu-gung decided to show off his martial arts was to protect his own shattered pride.

He wanted to show Mu-jin, who had beaten him twice, just how skilled he really was.


Mu-gung concentrated his mind and manipulated one of the two small energies located at his Danjeon.

It was the internal energy obtained through his family’s internal energy secret techniques, which he had sealed away to learn the martial arts of Shaolin.

Though the internal energy gained from the Buddha Mind Technique was intended to naturally absorb this internal energy once its realm was elevated, Mu-gung still had more of his family’s internal energy than what he had obtained from the Buddha Mind Technique.

Having completed his preparations, Mu-gung began to move his arms and legs while employing his internal energy.



With every punch and kick he swung, there was a small sound of the air bursting.


Watching the scene, Mu-jin let out a small exclamation of admiration.

Indeed, compared to when he was only using the Revolving Fist Technique, both the power and speed had increased noticeably.

Of course, it wasn’t an extraordinary power, perhaps akin to a professional MMA fighter in training, or a high school boxing athlete?

‘Considering the age, even that doesn’t quite make sense.’

After all, a thirteen-year-old was exhibiting strength and speed greater than that of an average adult.

But this level was certainly enough to warrant an attempt.

Judging by Mu-gung’s words and level, neither he nor those guys had reached the realm of freely manipulating internal energy.

In simple terms, it meant that they could only use internal energy when swinging their fists according to specific forms and techniques.

‘And if the martial arts they use are the Revolving Fist Technique, then their movements will be predictable.’

Though they might be stronger and faster than Mu-gung, if the techniques they could use were the same, it would be manageable.

‘The problem lies with Mu-yul and Mu-gyeong.’

If Mu-gyeong gets beaten up while he’s taking down one of the opponents, this plan would be for naught.

Even if they couldn’t win, they needed at least to have the experience of standing up for themselves.

“Alright. Now that we know their level, let’s start preparing.”

Therefore, Mu-jin intended to prepare Mu-gyeong and Mu-yul to be able to face disciples who could use internal energy.

“Yul, try taking the first stance of the Revolving Fist Technique.”


Without hesitation or question, Mu-yul smiled and took the first stance as instructed by Mu-jin.

“Now, swing your fist in rhythm with the form.”


“Now, as you can see, the first form of the Revolving Fist Technique requires spreading your legs shoulder-width apart, starting from the tips of your toes, twisting your waist, and swinging your fist. In other words, when you take the proper punch stance with your legs shoulder-width apart, it means you are using the first form.”

And so, Mu-jin began to go over the characteristics of each stance within the Revolving Fist Technique one by one.

“At this time, the path of the punch flies straight towards the opponent’s solar plexus. Now, the question is, which side will be exposed?”

Mu-jin didn’t stop there; he explained the openings created by each stance as well.

This was based on the analysis he had done a few days earlier in preparation for sparring with Mu-gung.

“For the fourth form, it’s an initial form that counters while breaking the opponent’s defense, but if you just induce it, it actually creates a bigger opening. After drawing out the fourth form with a feint, you can immediately dive inside.”

A peculiar scene unfolded at the Shaolin Temple: a Shaolin disciple teaching another Shaolin disciple how to counter Shaolin martial arts techniques.

* * *

Three days later, during the evening’s free time, in a secluded spot between the Arhat Faction dormitory buildings.

Three novice monks were kicking the ground with their feet while having a conversation.

“Mu-tae, he’s coming today, right?”

“Of course. I whispered to him earlier today. If he doesn’t show up, I’ll send word to his family. Heh heh.”

Mu-tae replied with a sly smile to his friend’s question. They were both from the same secular disciple clan at Shaolin and had grown up together.

“Time to loosen up the hands after a while.”

“Keuk. What do you mean after a while? It’s only been two days, man.”

“If we do it every day and then take a two-day break, it feels like a while~”

“Ah, does it work like that?”

Laughing at his friend’s jest, Mu-tae and the other friend burst into hearty laughter.

Three days ago, they had beaten someone up more severely than usual, so they had no choice but to take the last couple of days off.

They still had nearly a year and a half left to endure the tedious time before they could officially obtain the status of Shaolin’s secular disciples.

During that year and a half, if they wanted to use Mu-gyeong as a punching bag without getting caught, they had to manage him just right, which is why they let the last two days slide.

“Hey. But lately, it seems that kid has been hanging out with some weirdos?”

“You mean that crazy Mu-jin and the dumb Mu-yul?”

“Yeah. And Mu-gung was mixed in with them too?”

“Why is that braggart bear cub mingling with those weirdos?”

“How would I know? Hey, you don’t think Mu-gyeong is gonna bring those three with him today, do you?”

“Heh. So what if he does? It just means there are more guys we can beat up.”

At Mu-tae’s confident response, the other two also let out a small chuckle with a ‘pfft’.

Despite being only thirteen, the three of them overflowed with confidence in their ability to handle internal energy. It was understandable, given that nearly no one among the adults in their family could match them.

Blissfully unaware, the young trio didn’t realize that the adults in the family often lost to them on purpose, due to the head of the family— their parents—coddling them excessively.

“Hehehe. I’ve been wanting to teach that crazy Mu-jin a lesson for a while now, it would be great if he came along.”

“Right. That guy is way too presumptuous. He just doesn’t get it.”

“Then I’ll take care of Mu-gung. I really can’t stand his arrogant act.”

“Hahaha. Remember how Mu-gung cried a few days ago?”

“Hehehehe. That was so funny, I thought I was going to die laughing.”

“If that guy comes along too, I’ll be the one to make him cry this time, so look forward to it.”

As the three novice monks unleashed small, sinister laughs with cunning smiles on their faces.


Small footsteps began to approach from behind the building where they were seated.

A moment later, as Mu-gyeong turned the corner of the building, a cruel smile appeared on the lips of the three novice monks.

“Hey. Did that brat really bring them?”

Following Mu-gyeong, the figures of Mu-jin, Mu-yul, and Mu-gung appeared, and broad grins spread across their faces.

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