Genius Martial Arts Trainer

Chapter 127:

Chapter 127:

Sichuan (2)

After resting in Renhuai County for four days, they reorganized their muscles and gathered additional clothing and wigs needed for their disguise. The group finally arrived in Ziyang City, Sichuan Province, after several days of travel.

Ziyang City was quite a distance from Chengdu, the provincial capital of Sichuan. It was also the stage for the “Divine Thief’s Grave” incident, which would occur a year or so later.

Of course, since the incident hadn’t happened yet, it wasn’t easy to spot martial artists on the streets.

At least, it wasn’t supposed to be easy.

“Is the Yongbongji Conference being held here too?”

“It seems like there are as many martial artists here as in Woe-hyeon, Senior Brother Mu-gung.”

Wherever they went, they saw countless martial artists wielding various weapons like swords, sabers, spears, and axes, wandering the streets.

Unlike Woe-hyeon, these weapon-wielding martial artists were divided into groups, each watching the others warily.

The city was filled with a tension so palpable that it felt like it could explode at any moment with just a tiny spark.

“Doesn’t it feel like everyone is watching us?”

“It’s probably because we’re outsiders.”

Mu-jin had a gut feeling that, if they weren’t careful, they could become the spark that ignited the tension.

Despite their disguise as monks and Taoists, they stood out due to the monkey they were leading around.

“Let’s find lodging first.”

Not wanting to draw unnecessary attention, Mu-jin led the group forward.

Fortunately, the people here weren’t so crazy as to start a fight just because of a brief eye contact.

Well, there was one crazy guy.

“Cheongsu Dojang, stop.”

Mu-jin’s voice transmission made Cheongsu Dojang look at him with a bright smile, puzzled as to why he was stopping him.

“This place seems like the perfect spot to cultivate my swordsmanship.”

He looked eager to engage in a duel immediately.

Of course, Cheongsu Dojang wasn’t the type to pick a fight with just anyone. He only enjoyed dueling with masters who could help improve his skills.

However, the city was teeming with martial artists, some of whom were mere riffraff, while others exuded an aura that hinted at their mastery.

And every time Cheongsu Dojang’s eyes met those of the apparent masters, his hand involuntarily moved toward his sword.

“Once we secure lodging, I’ll spar with you. So, please hold back for now.”

“Hahaha. In that case, I’ll wait as long as you need!”

Cheongsu Dojang, convinced by Mu-jin’s sweet talk, let go of his sword with a bright smile.

Thanks to this, they managed to avoid a small scuffle and found an inn without much trouble.

However, due to the influx of martial artists in Ziyang City, most inns had no vacant rooms.

It took passing by several inns before they finally succeeded in renting an entire private room.

“The garden inside the walls is included with the private room, and if you need bath water, just call for it! Meals can also be delivered to your private room if you wish!”

After listening to the detailed explanation from the inn’s attendant, Mu-jin took out some silver from his pocket and handed it to the attendant.

It wasn’t a gift for the thorough explanation.

“I have a question.”

The silver was payment for information.

The attendant, experienced enough to understand the intent, leaned in closer to Mu-jin and cautiously replied.

“I’ll answer whatever I can.”

“Are there usually this many martial artists in Ziyang?”

“There were a few small sects and martial arts halls, but never this many.”

“Then why is the town’s atmosphere like this?”

The attendant glanced around nervously, as if afraid to say too much.

Of course, there was no one else in the private room except Mu-jin’s group and the attendant.


Seeing through the act, Mu-jin flicked another silver coin from his pocket towards the attendant.

Mu-jin, who had made a fortune by betting on his victory in the Yongbongji Conference, didn’t care about a couple of silver coins.

With two silver coins in hand, the attendant’s face broke into a wide grin.

“Well, there’s been a rumor recently. They say the famous Divine Thief’s grave is hidden near Ziyang County.”

“The Divine Thief’s grave?”

“Yes! The Divine Thief! A great thief who was active over a hundred years ago. The items he stole were so varied and renowned…”

The attendant started to explain in great detail about the Divine Thief, but Mu-jin only half-listened, letting the rest go in one ear and out the other.

‘It was unimaginable…’

The future had changed.

The Divine Thief’s Grave incident began sooner than it was supposed to in the original timeline.

While the exact cause of this shift was unclear, it wasn’t the time to speculate or seek the reason.

‘This disrupts all my plans…’

Mu-jin’s original plan was to raid the Divine Thief’s Crypt before the incident occurred.

Whether the crypt itself was fabricated by the shadowy forces or if the real grave of the Divine Thief was found by these forces and the rumors were spread by them, was uncertain. However, it was known that the crypt near Ziyang contained numerous treasures, legendary swords, and martial arts manuals.

It was only natural. If the crypt contained nothing, even fools would realize it was a trap set by the shadowy forces.

To instill deep-rooted distrust across Sichuan, the treasures had to be real.

Thus, Mu-jin had planned to preemptively raid the crypt prepared by the shadowy forces.

‘If I recklessly move to raid the crypt now, I might end up making enemies of all the martial artists here.’

Even Mu-jin didn’t have infinite internal energy. It was impossible to fight against hundreds of martial artists.

It might be different if they were all low-level, but there were undoubtedly some experts mixed in.

During these thoughts, Mu-jin realized something peculiar.

“Why are all the martial artists staying here in Ziyang?”

Mu-jin’s question puzzled the attendant, as if he couldn’t understand the intention behind it.

“The Divine Thief’s Crypt is said to be nearby. Why aren’t the martial artists going there, but instead are engaging in this standoff here?”

“Ah… According to rumors, the person who held the map of the crypt mentioned its location was near here before dying. The problem is, the map went missing, so they’re all just watching each other, unsure of the exact location.”

Hearing the attendant’s explanation, Mu-jin’s eyes gleamed.

‘So it’s not too late.’

Mu-jin knew the identity of the shadowy forces’ pawn who was supposed to scatter the map in Sichuan.

* * *

They stayed in the private room in Ziyang City for a day, avoiding outside activities to not attract the attention of the martial artists there.

The next morning, they left the private room, pulling a cart of indistinguishable contents.

Once again, they drew the gazes of the martial artists on the streets, but Mu-jin ignored them.

Mu-yul played with Ling-ling while following Mu-jin without much thought, and Cheongsu Dojang occasionally reached for his sword, but otherwise caused no issues.

They soon left Ziyang City, traveling along the official road connecting the towns.

– Mu-jin, someone seems to be following us from behind.

Mu-gyeong cautiously sent a voice transmission.

– Ignore them. They’ll turn back if we keep following the official road.

Mu-jin believed these were just suspicious individuals wondering if they held the crypt’s map.

However, they didn’t possess the map, nor were they heading towards the crypt.

As they continued down the official road for about half a shichen (an hour), the pursuers began to fall back one by one.

“Shall we run for a bit?”

Without waiting for an answer, Mu-jin started running.

After running for another half a shichen along the official road, they managed to shake off the remaining pursuers.

Some pursuers lacked sufficient internal energy or stamina, while others decided there was no need to continue chasing.

After traveling for over a shichen on the official road, a new county appeared before them.

Gan-yang County.

Located midway between Ziyang City and Chengdu, it was Mu-jin’s destination.

Although it was close to Ziyang City by continental standards, the actual distance was nearly 40 kilometers. As a result, Gan-yang County felt somewhat more relaxed compared to Ziyang.

As in Ziyang City, Mu-jin rented a private room at an inn and summoned the attendant for questions.

“Which are the famous sects in Gan-yang County?”

Offering a piece of silver, Mu-jin listened attentively as the attendant listed and located the famous sects.

After sending the attendant away, Mu-jin addressed his companions.

“Take a nap for a bit. We have places to go tonight.”

With that, Mu-jin left the inn alone.

* * *

As night fell over Gan-yang County.

Only a few taverns and inns were lit, with the moonlight and starlight gently illuminating the county.


Mu-jin and his companions quietly left their private room and exited the inn.

– Follow me carefully.

Mu-jin led the group along the route he had scouted during the day.

His experience in a special unit proved invaluable in situations like this.

By noting places that would be dark at night or appear blind spots from other locations, and moving quickly through these areas, they could move stealthily without much difficulty.

After moving for a while under the cover of darkness, a signboard of a sect appeared.


According to the attendant, although it wasn’t the largest sect in Gan-yang County, it was reputed to be the most virtuous.

They didn’t extort money from the common people and often helped those in difficult situations, earning a stellar reputation in the county.

However, Mu-jin inwardly scoffed at this description. The attendant’s explanation had two major flaws.

Firstly, how could such a virtuous sect be responsible for scattering the crypt map and turning Sichuan into a bloodbath? That was absurd.

– We’re going to raid that sect.

Some of them showed signs of surprise at Mu-jin’s voice transmission, but Mu-jin made a gesture to silence them and continued.

– According to the attendant, that place is known for its wickedness in Gan-yang County. As disciples of the orthodox faction, we can’t just leave such villains alone. Right?

Mu-jin had gathered information from the attendant alone for this very reason.

Had he told them the sect’s external reputation, everyone would have hesitated.

– If that’s the case, we must teach them a lesson!

– Hmm. Not a bad opponent for my first martial expedition.

Mu-jin’s lie stoked their spirits, especially Mu-gung, whose enthusiasm seemed ready to burst.

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