Genius Martial Arts Trainer

Chapter 31:

Chapter 31:

Hyun-gwang (2)

“Senior brother Hyun-gwang was once called the greatest genius under the heavens.”

“The greatest genius under the heavens… Are you serious?”

Mu-jin’s question was laced with doubt.

He had felt that Hyun-gwang was an extraordinary figure during the Entrance Examination, but what puzzled him was why such a person had now become so frail and sickly.

“That’s correct. When our Hyun-mun was still a Second-class Disciple, senior brother Hyun-gwang, at the mere age of thirty-two, had already surpassed the realm of the Master Uncles of the Beob Gong faction.”

Hyun Seong, who was also part of the conversation, added his comment.

“At that time, the Master Uncles of the Beob Gong faction predicted that given ten years, senior brother Hyun-gwang would undoubtedly become the number one figure in the world.”

“…How could someone of that stature… Did he damage his body by practicing too strenuously?”

To Mu-jin’s question, the two elder monks shook their heads.

“He was not one to invite disaster through excessive greed. Not only was he versed in martial arts, but he was also deeply immersed in Buddhist practices.”

“Senior brother Hyun-gwang’s injuries were the result of an invasion by the demon cult.”

“The demon cult!?”

“Yes. About thirty years ago, when we were Second-class Disciples, the demon cult invaded the Central Plains. Even our Thousand-Year Shaolin, which holds the mission of saving all sentient beings, had to join the war to stop them.”

“So, he was injured during that war?”

Once again, the elder monks shook their heads in response to Mu-jin’s question.

“War is a place where unforeseeable accidents can occur. The venerable monks, hoping to entrust the future of Shaolin to senior brother Hyun-gwang, prevented him from participating in the war.”

“Instead, only the Master Uncles of the Beob Gong faction and the Second-class Disciples of that time, who were the gold badges, joined the war.”

“And, in some ways, that decision was the beginning of the misfortune…”

“The demon cult took advantage of the fact that our Shaolin’s main forces were engaged in the war and dispatched a separate contingent.”


“One, at that time, Senior Brother Hyun-gwang was already at a level to be called one of the ten great experts under the heavens. It was impossible for the demon cult’s special unit to harm him.”

Upon hearing the last words of Abbot Hyun Cheon, Mu-jin couldn’t help but wear a puzzled expression. Then why had things come to this state?

And that question was soon to be answered thanks to the follow-up conversation between Abbot Hyun Cheon and Hyun Seong.

“However… the problem was us. The second-class and third-class disciples who remained at Shaolin at the time. Our Hyun-mun faction and Hye-mun faction were not yet at the level to handle the demon cult’s special unit.”

“And Senior Brother Hyun-gwang prioritized protecting his disciples and relatives over annihilating the enemy.”

“Each time Senior Brother threw himself to save the lives of his disciples and relatives, his body accumulated more wounds…”

The faces of the two elderly monks, reminiscing about that time, were filled with deep regret.

If only they had died instead, allowing Hyun-gwang to remain unharmed.

Then perhaps, the name of Shaolin would now be held even higher.

Although still ranked among the Nine Great Sects, Shaolin had become a sect that could no longer discuss being the best in the world.

Especially for Abbot Hyun Cheon, who was now leading such Shaolin, not dying in place of the others at that time remained a lifelong regret.

Originally, it was Senior Brother Hyun-gwang who was supposed to take over as the sect leader from the Hyun-mun faction.

And after hearing the entire story about Hyun-gwang, Mu-jin sank into thought.

It wasn’t solely because he was deeply moved by the great tale of Hyun-gwang. Rather…

“So… you are saying that Senior Grandmaster Hyun-gwang has become like this due to the injuries he received thirty years ago?”

“That is so.”

“Hmm… Then I might be able to offer some help?”


It was because he felt that somehow he might be able to treat him to a certain extent.

After all, was it not strikingly similar to the situation Choi Kang-hyuk had experienced? The time when he was forced into early retirement due to the worsening of an injury he received during an operation.

And upon hearing the unexpected words from Mu-jin, a faint trace of anger tinged Abbot Hyun Cheon’s face.

“The ones called divine healers used the pinnacle of acupuncture, but the effect was merely momentary. Even with our Shaolin’s Great Restoration Pills, we couldn’t heal the Senior Brother. And now, you say you might be able to treat him?”

Even faced with the Shaolin leader’s anger-tinged question, Mu-jin responded with a calm expression.

“Firstly, it goes without saying that I cannot restore Grandmaster Hyun-gwang’s internal energy to its former state. Nor can I completely heal his body as it was in the past. However, I might be able to treat him to at least become mobile.”

Saying so, Mu-jin turned his head toward the Arhat Faction leader, Hyun Seong.

“Master Uncle, you must have heard, Master Uncle Beob Gang also had a bad knee, didn’t he?”

“Are you saying the method you used on Beob Gang could also work on the Senior Brother?”

“What are you talking about, Arhat Faction leader?”

Prompted by Abbot Hyun Cheon’s question, Hyun Seong began to explain the events that had taken place in the Arhat Faction.

Having seen the results of the entrance examination, Hyun Seong had already planned to spread Mu-jin’s training methods throughout Shaolin. He explained to Abbot Hyun Cheon what had happened in the Arhat Faction.

He described how Mu-jin had treated Beob Gang’s knee and how the external energy levels of the new disciples had been raised with Mu-jin’s training methods.

“Is, is what you say truly factual?”

“Hasn’t it been sufficiently proven with today’s entrance examination? Abbot.”


A training method that could develop muscles and bones.

If this story were true, it would be a training method that could significantly advance Shaolin’s level.

Who in the martial world would not want to develop their physique? Countless clans and families had searched for ways to develop their physique in the direction they desired.

Mysterious sorceries, techniques using acupuncture and herbal decoctions, or even the horrifying and ignorant method of forcibly twisting and aligning the bones of children whose physiques had not yet fully developed.

However, all such attempts, without exception, either failed to produce the desired results or led to severe side effects.

But Mu-jin’s method was different.

Unlike methods that had appeared in the martial world, which attempted to change muscles and bones instantly, his required one’s own consistent effort.

In the end, with time and effort, one could ‘safely’ change their physique.

“And judging by the results of today’s entrance examination, the training method indeed seems credible.”

However, the immediate concern was not advancing Shaolin with that training method.

“So, can you really heal Senior Brother Hyun-gwang’s body with that training method?”

Abbot Hyun Cheon, with a skeptical expression, posed the question, to which Mu-jin calmly replied.

“Since the condition is much worse than Master Uncle Beob Gang’s knee, it is impossible to heal with just my training method. Therefore, certain conditions are necessary.”

“What are the conditions! If it means curing the Senior Brother, Shaolin will do whatever it takes.”

This was Abbot Hyun Cheon’s sincere sentiment.

Even if it meant not recovering the internal energy as Mu-jin indicated, or if it only made moving around possible.

For the hero Hyun-gwang, who saved Shaolin, Abbot Hyun Cheon was willing to uproot the very foundations of Shaolin if necessary.

If it required Great Restoration Pills, they would be provided, and if his own sacrifice was needed, he would willingly cut off an arm, just as the second-generation Shaolin leader, Hye-ga, did in the past.

However, the conditions Mu-jin requested were quite different from what Abbot Hyun Cheon had anticipated.

“Do you perhaps have martial arts in Shaolin that use Extreme Yang Energy or martial arts that handle Thunder Energy?”

Naturally, both Abbot Hyun Cheon and Hyun Seong were filled with confusion at this request.

* * *

After a short time had passed.

Two monks came looking for the Abbot’s office.

One was a middle-aged monk with a physique as sturdy as that of the Guardian Kings, and the other was an elderly monk whose face was etched with obstinacy.

“Come in. Head of Jurisdiction Department, Senior Disciple Hye-dam.”

The man resembling the Guardian King was Hye-dam, who had taken Mu-gung as his junior disciple, and the stern-looking elder was none other than Beob Gong, who oversaw the Jurisdiction Department.

After Abbot Hyun Cheon casually welcomed the two to the office, he turned to Mu-jin.

“The Head of Jurisdiction Department is practicing one of the Seventy-two consummate arts of our Shaolin, the Vajra Divine General. This is the martial art using Thunder Energy that you mentioned, Mu-jin.”

The Vajra Divine Palm, inspired by Sakra Devanam Indra, a deity from Hinduism known for controlling lightning and is one of the Tridevi, showcases its formidable power and lethal capabilities among Shaolin martial arts.

And the Head of the Jurisdiction Department, Beob Gong, who has mastered the Vajra Divine Palm to its extreme, is charged with the role of punishing Shaolin disciples who have committed sins alongside external evil practitioners.

“Uh? If he’s the Head of the Jurisdiction Department, would he be Master Uncle Beob Gang’s master?”

When Beob Gang was considered a strong candidate for the position of the Head of the Jurisdiction Department upon taking an elder’s role, it was natural that Beob Gang’s master belonged to the Jurisdiction Department, and hence, Beob Gang’s grandmaster. Mu-jin recalled overhearing that the grandmaster was the current Head of the Jurisdiction Department.

As Mu-jin was recalling this, Abbot Hyun Cheon briefly introduced Hye-dam.

“And this is Hye-dam, the leader of one of the One Hundred Eight Arhats, who is practicing the Tathagata Palm using Extreme Yang Energy.”

Introduced by Abbot Hyun Cheon to Mu-jin, Beob Gong and Hye-dam looked at Mu-jin with curiosity.

They had been called to the Abbot’s office at this late hour for what they assumed must be an important matter, yet why were they being introduced to this young disciple?

However, their confusion was soon addressed by Abbot Hyun Cheon’s following words.

“Head of the Jurisdiction Department and Hye-dam, listen well. This young one has a method to treat Senior Brother Hyun-gwang.”

“…Is that really true?”

Though their reaction was not overtly surprised, those familiar with the typically stoic Hye-dam and the obstinate Beob Gong could understand the significance of their expressions.

Addressing them, Hyun Seong reiterated the information he had shared with Abbot Hyun Cheon.

“And to treat Senior Brother Hyun-gwang, the martial arts you two have mastered are needed, as Mu-jin has mentioned.”

“…If my martial arts can assist Senior Brother Hyun-gwang, I am more than willing to help.”

Hye-dam’s face remained expressionless as he responded, but internally, he felt a slight discomfort.

“Hmm. You’re the one who treated Beob Gang’s knee.”

On the other hand, Beob Gong, who was Beob Gang’s grandmaster, spoke with a hint of friendliness, uncharacteristic for him.

Then, tell us what needs to be done.”

Prompted by Beob Gong’s question, Mu-jin immediately extended his arm towards Beob Gong and opened his mouth.

“Master Uncle, Head of the Jurisdiction Department, would it be possible for you to apply the Vajra Divine Palm on my arm with its power greatly weakened?”

“What on earth are you talking about?”

If he didn’t want his arm burned by thunder energy, why would he make such a ludicrous request?

Beob Gong had assumed that, by calling upon him, who handles thunder energy, and Hye-dam, who deals with Extreme Yang Energy, they were going to perform a procedure to unclog blocked meridians. A process involving burning away the waste clogging the meridians with thunder and yang energy.

However, regardless of Beob Gong’s surprise, Mu-jin continued calmly.

“Is it impossible? I don’t mean for my arm to be burned or torn by the thunder energy, but to use the Vajra Divine Palm at a very minimal level. Just enough for a very fine flow of thunder energy.”

Provoked by Mu-jin’s challenging words, Beob Gong slightly furrowed his brow and stepped forward.

“How dare a third-class disciple insult a grandmaster.”

Beob Gong then pushed his palms towards Mu-jin’s right arm and operated his internal energy according to the essence of the Vajra Divine Palm, using only the minimal internal energy required by Mu-jin’s condition.


Instead of necrotizing or burning, Mu-jin’s arm started to spasm under the transmitted thunder energy.

In fact, Beob Gong was somewhat accustomed to adjusting the power to subdue Shaolin disciples who had sinned or external evil practitioners without killing them.

“How is it?”

Naturally, he asked with a confident tone.

“Are you trying to kill Senior Grandmaster Hyun-gwang!?”

Mu-jin quickly withdrew his spasming arm and exclaimed in disbelief.

“Using such powerful force will not be bearable for Senior Grandmaster Hyun-gwang, who has grown frail. You need to reduce the power to less than half of what you just used. If that’s impossible, please let me know now. I will look for another method.

Although Mu-jin spoke as if he was considering his opponent, to Beob Gong, who had been practicing martial arts for nearly fifty years, it felt like a stronger provocation.

“Cough. I can do it!”

“There is no need to push yourself. This is about Senior Grandmaster Hyun-gwang’s safety and treatment.”

“I can do it!”

Beob Gong, after shouting loudly, took a deep breath to compose himself and then began to focus inward.

He needed to use the Vajra Divine Palm with much weaker force than before.

He started to extract a very small portion of his substantial internal energy residing in his danjeon.

The internal energy pulled out by Beob Gong circulated through his meridians like a thin thread, following the pathway dictated by the technique.


A very faint current of electricity flowed through Mu-jin’s arm, which was touching Beob Gong’s palm.

“How is it?”

Beob Gong asked with a tone full of confidence, and Mu-jin nodded his head in response.

“Not bad at all! This level of power is just right for the treatment.”

“…This level?”

“Yes, Master Uncle, Head of the Jurisdiction Department. From the first to the fifth level, if you can continuously emit a fine amount of electricity with the same strength at each level, it will be of great help in treating Senior Grandmaster Hyun-gwang!”

Feeling the electric current in his arm, Mu-jin spoke with a satisfied expression.

In these terribly inadequate conditions, proper physical therapy or rehabilitation was nearly impossible.

Master Uncle Beob Gang was still young and had some muscles around his knee, so it was enough to perform close-range spear technique and acupressure.

But Hyun-gwang’s case was different. Proper physical therapy equipment was needed to treat Hyun-gwang. However, in these inadequate conditions, there was no way to obtain such equipment.

Therefore, Mu-jin had invited a master to perform the role of equipment instead.

The role Mu-jin expected from Beob Gong was that of a device always found in modern physical therapy rooms.

It was an electrical stimulation therapy machine.

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