Genius Martial Arts Trainer

Chapter 50:

Chapter 50:

As Mu-jin continued his volunteer work at the free clinic, he realized it was almost time and stood up.

Having enjoyed a pleasant time of treatment and service, it was now time to earn some money.

“The appointment time is approaching, so I should head to the professional facility.”

“Alright. I’ll go with you.”

“I’ll join you as well.”

Following Mu-jin, Beob Gang and Beob Hwi moved together.

Beob Gang was a disciple of Hyun Gong, the Head of the Jurisdiction Department who succeeded the Thunder General. Because of this, he had been selected as a disciple responsible for electrotherapy at the clinic.

Beob Hwi, who was the previous disciple of Hye-dam and the master of Mu-gung, was in charge of heat therapy.

Since there was one more second-class disciple assisting with electrotherapy and heat therapy for the free clinic, there was no major issue with the two leaving.

Thus, the three of them left the free clinic and moved to a high-end estate.

After taking a short rest, the estate’s door gently opened, and their first scheduled client arrived.

“Mu-jin, this is Lord An Hee-seung, the magistrate of Deungbong-hyeon.”

The magistrate, a seventh-rank official, equivalent to a county magistrate or chief in Joseon, was the head of the county.

To have the magistrate of Deungbong-hyeon as their first client, the connections of the Cheonryu Sangdan’s leader were indeed impressive.

‘Well, considering their scale, having a magistrate as a client is actually rather modest.’

There was a possibility that higher-ranking officials like the provincial military commanders or provincial governors might visit later.

“Nice to meet you. I am Mu-jin, a third-class disciple of Shaolin, and I will be in charge of your treatment.”

Mu-jin gave a respectful Shaolin bow, and An Hee-seung nodded with a stern expression as he accepted the greeting.

‘Tsk. To think I have to receive treatment from a mere third-class disciple.’

In truth, An Hee-seung had not come with high expectations for Mu-jin’s treatment. He had only reluctantly come due to the recommendation of Ryu Ji-gwang, the owner of the Cheonryu Sangdan.

If it weren’t for Ryu Ji-gwang’s direct management of the clinic, he might have thrown a fit about being treated by a third-class disciple.

Although Mu-jin sensed An Hee-seung’s reluctance, his expression remained calm.

He had already dealt with enough difficult clients in the modern world to be unfazed.

“For the treatment, I will start with an examination and acupressure. Could you please lie down here?”

The place Mu-jin pointed to had a bed made of very luxurious fabric.

Mu-jin gently applied acupressure to various parts of An Hee-seung’s body as he lay on the bed and spoke.

“It seems that the magistrate’s pelvis and back are the most misaligned.”

As expected, having spent his youth studying for the civil service exams, he had issues similar to modern office workers.

“First, I will start with acupressure to relieve the tension in your muscles and alleviate the pain. It might hurt a little at first. If it hurts too much, please let me know.”

“Hmm. Go ahead.”

Hearing An Hee-seung’s curt reply, Mu-jin gently pressed the iliopsoas muscle to release his twisted pelvis.

“Ugh! You rascal!!”

An Hee-seung’s eyes widened in response to the intense pain, and he sat up abruptly.

However, Mu-jin knew that showing fear or embarrassment when confronted with anger could make him appear guilty, even if he had done nothing wrong. So, he remained calm and spoke in a composed tone.

“This is part of the process to release the muscle. If pressing lightly causes you such pain, it means the muscle is significantly tensed. I assure you on the names of Shaolin and Cheonryu Sangdan. Please trust me.”

As Mu-jin invoked the names of Shaolin and Cheonryu Sangdan, An Hee-seung frowned but eventually lay back down.

“If this treatment causes any issues, I will hold Ryu Ji-gwang, the head of the Sangdan, and Shaolin accountable.”

His words carried a tone of threat.

Of course, Mu-jin was not the type to be intimidated by such threats. He continued the acupressure to appropriately relax the muscles.

Initially, An Hee-seung had reacted with exaggerated pain, but as the acupressure session ended, he felt relief in the previously painful area and cleared his throat awkwardly.


The relief embarrassed him, as he remembered his earlier exaggerated reaction.

Afterward, just as he had done with Hyun-gwang, Mu-jin conducted simple manual therapy and close-range spear technique.

“If we only proceed with this treatment, the muscles will tense up again in the future. So, we will now start light exercises to maintain the corrected musculoskeletal alignment.”

He then began the Pilates session in earnest.

“Wow. As I saw yesterday, it’s quite impressive.”

Mu-jin couldn’t help but laugh to himself as he looked at the Pilates equipment.

The splendor of the high-end treatment facility was not limited to its exterior.

The interior was adorned with luxurious decorations, and even the Pilates equipment was vastly different from those in free facilities.

Parts that should have been made of metal were entirely replaced with gold, and the screws and similar parts used to adjust angles or lengths were all adorned with jewels.

Even the leather covering the equipment was entirely different in appearance and texture from the leather in free facilities. Although he couldn’t identify the type of leather, it looked expensive to anyone who saw it.

‘If it were me, I wouldn’t be able to exercise without worrying about damaging the leather.’

As a former fitness center owner, the thought of how much it would cost to repair any damage to the leather came to mind first.

Naturally, An Hee-seung, being used to such luxurious equipment, took it for granted.

About half a si-jin later, they finished the exercises using the splendid equipment.

Beob Gang and Beob-hwi continued with heat therapy and thunder energy therapy, and finally, Mu-jin and the physician provided consultations while enjoying luxurious Longjing tea and refreshments. Acupuncture and herbal decoctions were administered as the last steps.

It was an extravagant treatment process that lasted an entire si-jin.


As the treatments neared completion, even the usually stern-faced An Hee-seung broke into a satisfied smile.

The next day.

The Musculoskeletal Treatment Clinic, where Shaolin disciples were performing free services, began to see a bustling crowd.

Those who had initially visited out of curiosity started to spread the word about how refreshed they felt after their treatments, drawing more and more people to the clinic.

Grateful for the free treatments, the villagers who had received help the previous day brought gifts in appreciation.

“Venerable Monk, please have some of this while you work.”

“This is medicinal herbs I picked myself early this morning! You’re treating my mother, and I’m sorry this is all I can offer.”

One elderly woman brought rice balls she had made early in the morning, while a middle-aged man offered herbs he had personally gathered, thanking the monks for treating his mother.

“Hahaha. We are fine, benefactor. It is our joy to be able to offer help with our humble skills. Amitabha.”


Despite the continuous refusals from Hye-min to accept the gifts from Deungbong-hyeon villagers, he did so without showing any signs of annoyance.

In fact, he felt a sense of fulfillment.

‘Mu-jin was right.’

Living in the secular world did not make the villagers uneducated or shameless.

Although they did not help with the martial arts they had dedicated their lives to, they were helping sentient beings as Buddhists. And the sentient beings were grateful. Hye-min and the second-class disciples could clearly feel this.

However, the happiness was limited to the Shaolin disciples. The guides from Cheonryu Sangdan were having a hard time.

Despite the large number of tools brought into the vast estate, only about thirty treatments could be conducted simultaneously. This was only when using relatively small tools like foam rollers or barrels; when using equipment like reformers, accommodating even twenty people was difficult.

Yet, the number of visitors had exceeded three digits, meaning they had to limit the number of people on a first-come, first-served basis.

“My mother is in more discomfort than theirs!”

“What kind of rule is this? We’ve been waiting here since early morning too!”

While the villagers were endlessly kind to the Shaolin disciples treating them, those who were turned away due to lack of capacity were irate with the guides, complaining about the unfairness.

It was then that Mu-jin stepped in.

“Everyone! Treatments are conducted four times a day. Also, our treatments are effective even if you receive them once every three days! Since our treatments are combined with exercises, getting treated too often can strain your body!”

Mu-jin, who had just turned fourteen, was now about five cheok and eight chi tall (approximately 174 cm). His physique had become sturdy from exercise, but his face still retained a lot of baby fat.

In other words, he was unmistakably a novice monk.

Seeing a young boy suddenly appear and give them instructions, the villagers’ attention naturally shifted to Mu-jin.

“Oh? Isn’t that the young monk everyone’s talking about?”

“Indeed! That young monk must be the Buddha-Handed Novice!”

Realizing Mu-jin’s identity from the rumors they’d heard, the crowd started to follow his instructions diligently, eager to receive treatment from him.

“Starting today, we will record the date and name of everyone who enters! So please come back only once every three days! In the meantime, do the Close-Range Spear Technique exercises we’ve taught you in the morning and evening to help your recovery!”

Mu-jin took a position next to the guide, personally helping to admit people in the order they arrived and assisting with the record-keeping.

Other Shaolin disciples who had been watching from the back joined Mu-jin, helping the patients to enter in an orderly manner and record their names.

“Keep a record of those entering. Cross-check with the records from the previous days, and if anyone comes consecutively, let us know so we can turn them away.”

Mu-jin’s words were a godsend to the guides.

There was one more person watching Mu-jin with a peculiar expression.

‘He looks about my age…’

She was Ryu Seol-hwa, the youngest daughter of Ryu Ji-gwang, the head of Cheonryu Sangdan.

Having visited the clinic briefly on the day Mu-jin descended the mountain, she had taken a break yesterday and returned today. She observed the scene from within the curtains of her palanquin, hiding her appearance.

The next day, at the prefectural office of Deungbong-hyeon.

An Hee-seung, the county magistrate, was handling his duties while gently pressing his pelvis, which had started aching again. He thought back to the treatment he received two days ago.

‘Huh. As expected, it doesn’t heal completely in one or two sessions.’

In truth, treatments from other clinics were the same; the pain returned after a few days, even with acupuncture and moxibustion.

However, the Shaolin third-class disciple who treated him had mentioned that the exercises were meant to maintain the corrected musculoskeletal alignment by building strength.

Aside from that, the lavish reception and the unheard-of thunder energy and heat therapies sparked a desire to experience them again.

‘Of all days, I have an appointment with Brother Kang today. What to do…’

Brother Kang, whom An Hee-seung was thinking about, was Kang Jae-wan, a local influential figure in Deungbong-hyeon.

Despite being the magistrate, An Hee-seung was merely an official appointed by the emperor, holding the relatively low rank of seventh grade. Maintaining connections with local leaders was crucial.

Torn between visiting the clinic and keeping his appointment, he soon had an idea.

“Ahaha! I’ll just bring Brother Kang along!”

Finding a clear solution, An Hee-seung laughed heartily.

The treatments were not the only draw; the luxurious facilities and excellent service surpassed those of any guesthouse.

Given that the social gatherings with local elites usually left him with a stiff back and twisted pelvis, he decided it would be better to combine the treatment with the meeting.

Having made his decision, An Hee-seung headed to the clinic with Kang Jae-wan right after finishing his work.


He noticed the clinic was far busier than it had been on his first visit.

Entering the splendid facility with Kang Jae-wan, they were greeted by Mu-jin. An Hee-seung asked Mu-jin,

“Young monk, I understand that treatments here are quite expensive. How do all these people afford to come here?”

Mu-jin briefly explained the free facility, contrasting it with the professional one. He mentioned that the free facility conducted treatments in groups and did not include individual acupressure or manual therapy, but focused on teaching exercises like the Close-Range Spear Technique and rehabilitation exercises (Pilates).

“This is all thanks to benefactors like yourself, Magistrate. Because of patrons like you visiting our clinic, Shaolin is able to help those in need.”

Mu-jin concluded with a flattering remark, which made An Hee-seung smile with satisfaction.

“Ahem. As the magistrate, I should set an example by caring for the people of my county. Starting tomorrow, I will issue an order to send herbs and food to this place. Distribute them to the people using the free facility.”

An Hee-seung’s decision wasn’t out of pure benevolence.

While Mu-jin’s flattery did improve his mood, he was a moderately corrupt and ambitious local official.

Since his position required him to demonstrate good governance, it was advantageous for him to show such generosity in a visible manner, especially in front of influential people like Kang Jae-wan.

Sensing An Hee-seung’s intentions, Mu-jin responded with an appropriately gratifying reply.

“We will make sure to inform the patients that Magistrate An has provided the herbs and food.”

An Hee-seung and Kang Jae-wan laughed heartily at Mu-jin’s response.

Watching their laughter, Mu-jin thought to himself,

‘I’ve just gained a regular.’

And not just any regular, but a powerful one in the region.

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