Genius Martial Arts Trainer

Chapter 58:

Chapter 58:

Local Branch (2)

“Are you perhaps referring to Beob Geon?”

“Yes. If it’s my master, he can sufficiently take my place.”

Beob Geon was Mu-jin’s nominal master, who was actually being taught by Hyun-gwang.

Above all, Beob Geon had been the one to watch Mu-jin treat Hyun-gwang for the longest time.

In fact, it was Beob Geon who was currently treating Hyun-gwang in Mu-jin’s stead, as Mu-jin had left for Deungbong-hyeon.

“Hmm. We should first discuss this matter with Beob Geon and senior brother Hyun-gwang.”

However, Beob Geon was also tied to Shaolin due to Hyun-gwang’s treatment.

To entrust Deungbong-hyeon to Beob Geon as Mu-jin suggested, both Beob Geon and Hyun-gwang would have to go to Deungbong-hyeon.

With that reasoning, Hyeoncheon, Hyeonmyeong, Mu-jin, and Ryu Ji-gwang left the head monk’s office and headed to Hyun-gwang’s pavilion.

“Master! Grandfather! I apologize for not visiting often as your disciple.”

“Hahaha. What brings you here today, having gone down to Deungbong-hyeon?”

As Mu-jin greeted Hyun-gwang and Beob Geon with a bright smile after a long time, Hyun-gwang welcomed him with a clear laugh.

After Hyeoncheon, Hyeonmyeong, and Ryu Ji-gwang finished their greetings, Hyeoncheon explained to Hyun-gwang and Beob Geon the reason for their visit.

“Are you referring to me?”

Beob Geon, having heard the full explanation, asked in a bewildered tone, glancing at Mu-jin and Hyun-gwang.

He was uncertain if he could completely take over Mu-jin’s treatment method, let alone drag his master Hyun-gwang to Deungbong-hyeon.

Hyun-gwang responded to Beob Geon with a compassionate smile.

“Hahaha. I’m fine with it, so why not give it a try, Beob Geon? You’ve given up so much for me. So, I think this is a good opportunity for you to undertake a task as a Shaolin disciple, not just my disciple.”

Beob Geon had been taking care of Hyun-gwang since becoming a third-class disciple. Tied to Hyun-gwang daily, he lacked time to train in martial arts or handle other Shaolin duties.

Although all Shaolin disciples understood this under the pretext of taking care of Hyun-gwang, Hyun-gwang himself felt sorry for his disciple who took care of him.

Hence, this task was seen as an opportunity for his disciple to finally fulfill his role as a Shaolin disciple.

Encouraged by his master Hyun-gwang, Beob Geon straightened his mind and saluted Hyeoncheon.

“Though I am an unworthy disciple, I will do my best. Amitabha.”

* * *

After Beob Geon and Hyun-gwang expressed their willingness to accept, they began a meeting to discuss the specifics.

And this meeting, too, was being led by Mu-jin.

Mu-jin targeted Gangseo Province’s branch leader and the Paedo Clan because he had been planning this operation in his mind for a long time.

‘Well, it’s not particularly different from what I did in modern times.’

It was also due to his experience as the owner of five fitness centers in Seoul.

Mu-jin was already familiar with creating branches, recruiting and training employees, and dispatching them to branches.

Ultimately, based on the various opinions Mu-jin proposed, the major framework was mostly set, and now only the detailed matters remained to be decided.

“Head Monk. Since Nanchang has many dark and unorthodox sects, it seems we will need more forces than in Deungbong-hyeon to prevent any unfortunate incidents.”

In particular, Mu-jin planned to drive out the dark sects involved in human trafficking, including the Paedo Clan, from that place, making combat inevitable.

‘As Master Uncle Beob Gang said, I will borrow Shaolin’s power this time. Hahaha.’

The enemies were villains involved in human trafficking and drug smuggling. Unlike when capturing spies, it meant he could bring in Shaolin disciples as much as he wanted.

“Don’t worry about that part. Besides the disciples who will be undergoing treatment, I will also send those skilled in external techniques.”

Abbot Hyun Cheon responded to Mu-jin’s request as if he could be trusted completely.

Watching the two for a moment, Ryu Ji-gwang spoke with a light smile.

“Then it seems the major framework is mostly set. Head Monk.”

“Indeed, Sangdanju.”

“Hahaha. Continuing these heavy meetings seems exhausting. Head Monk, there has been something I’ve been curious about for a while. If it’s not too much trouble, may I ask?”

“Hahaha. Speak freely, Sangdanju.”

“If someone who has become a true disciple of Shaolin has to return to the secular world due to unavoidable circumstances, what kind of punishment does Shaolin impose?”

At Ryu Ji-gwang’s absurd question, Abbot Hyun Cheon looked at him with a peculiar expression.

Then Ryu Ji-gwang added with a laugh as if it was nothing special.

“It’s just the foolish curiosity of a merchant tainted by the secular world. For example, if someone entered Shaolin as a true disciple because he was the second son of a family and the eldest son died without an heir, wouldn’t he have to return to the secular world to continue the family line?”

“Such cases have occasionally occurred. Amitabha. In those cases, we first allow the return to secular life after the disciple promises not to pass on any martial arts other than the basic skills permitted to secular disciples. If that promise is broken, their martial arts are abolished.”

“Then what if they want to teach martial arts to their children or disciples? As a Shaolin disciple, wouldn’t they want to pass on Shaolin martial arts to their children?”

“Hahaha. In that case, wouldn’t it suffice to send those children or disciples to Shaolin, Sangdanju?”

Concealing his curiosity about why these questions were being asked, Abbot Hyun Cheon responded.

The first question was understandable, but the second one was something a head of a major merchant group like Sangdanju should easily infer.

As Abbot Hyun Cheon pondered this, Ryu Ji-gwang posed yet another question.

“Then, what if it’s not to continue the family line but for an alliance between families? In other words, if a family seeks them out for an arranged marriage, what happens then?”

“…Whether it is due to a family’s request or because one finds a beloved woman, if one desires to return to secular life for such worldly reasons, all martial arts are abolished before allowing the return.”

“Hahaha. I apologize for asking foolish questions that may upset you, Head Monk.”

Replying as if he had no more questions, Ryu Ji-gwang then directed a peculiar question towards Mu-jin.

“Mu-jin, I’ve heard before that your treatment method comes from your family.”

“Yes, Amitabha.”

Mu-jin answered, trying hard to conceal his anxiety. He wondered if Ryu Ji-gwang was asking to find Mu-jin’s nonexistent original family.

However, Ryu Ji-gwang’s next words were unexpected.

“Then, do you not intend to continue your family line, Mu-jin?”


Not only Mu-jin but also Abbot Hyun Cheon and Hyun-myeong looked at Ryu Ji-gwang with shocked expressions.

That statement implied whether Mu-jin intended to return to secular life.

There was no reason for Ryu Ji-gwang to be concerned about the family of Mu-jin, whom he had never heard of. Ultimately, Ryu Ji-gwang’s purpose was singular.

‘He’s targeting Mu-jin!’

Abbot Hyun Cheon realized that Ryu Ji-gwang intended to draw Mu-jin into Cheonryu Sangdan by making him leave the monkhood.

And as Abbot Hyun Cheon guessed, Ryu Ji-gwang indeed coveted Mu-jin.

It wasn’t merely because Mu-jin had helped him multiple times. If that were the case, he could simply repay him with money.

The reason he coveted Mu-jin was:

‘A child truly born with commercial talent. Why must he be in Shaolin of all places?’

It was due to Mu-jin’s commercial talent.

He had been paying attention ever since Mu-jin persuaded Chubodangju when he first started the clinic and proposed the framework for its operation.

Watching Mu-jin grow the clinic further astonished him, and this recent planning of provincial branches confirmed his admiration.

‘Such brilliance, intelligence, and decisiveness unimaginable for someone of that age. A child truly born with commercial talent.’

Mu-jin’s commercial talent exceeded, if not equaled, that of key figures within Cheonryu Sangdan. And this was a boy who had yet to reach the age of twenty, not even the age of fifteen.

“Why is such a talented child in Shaolin?”

Just meeting Mu-jin was already a stroke of luck, but Ryu Ji-gwang couldn’t help but keep thinking along those lines.

He wondered what it would have been like if Mu-jin had been born into Cheonryu Sangdan.

‘Yes, even the Tang family in faraway Sichuan takes in adopted sons-in-law, so why can’t Cheonryu Sangdan do the same?’

The only issue was that Mu-jin was already an advanced disciple of Shaolin.

‘Abolishing his martial arts should not be a problem. The crucial aspect is not the martial arts, but his commercial talent.’

This was a manageable problem.

“Ahem. Mu-jin is a child we highly regard in Shaolin. Sangdanju, you are going too far,” Abbot Hyun Cheon said, a forced smile on his face, but the veins on his forehead were bulging.

“Hahaha. Isn’t his own will the most important thing, Head Monk?” Ryu Ji-gwang countered.

“While Mu-jin’s treatment methods are outstanding, they do not compare to his talent in martial arts. If Mu-jin dedicates himself to training for just ten more years, he could master the Seventy-two Consummate Arts and be hailed as the world’s greatest talent. We believe this so firmly that we even bestowed upon him the Great Restoration Pill, one of Shaolin’s treasures,” Abbot Hyun Cheon asserted, his smiling face unable to hide his desperation to keep Mu-jin.

Abbot Hyun Cheon considered Mu-jin a prodigy who could elevate Shaolin to new heights. He would rather lose an arm than let this boy slip away.

“Hahaha. While the Great Restoration Pill is indeed a treasure of Shaolin, there are countless treasures in the secular world, Head Monk. With Mu-jin’s abilities, he could certainly acquire many of these treasures.”

Ryu Ji-gwang’s words implied that Cheonryu Sangdan would provide these treasures.

“So, whether to return to secular life or stay in Shaolin ultimately rests on Mu-jin’s choice, doesn’t it?” Ryu Ji-gwang concluded, smiling as he looked at Mu-jin.

Abbot Hyun Cheon and Hyun-myeong also looked at Mu-jin, their forced smiles barely masking their concern.

‘What is this nonsense all of a sudden?’

From Mu-jin’s perspective, this situation was utterly ridiculous.

He understood that Ryu Ji-gwang wanted to recruit him, and the offer was indeed very tempting.

Cheonryu Sangdan was one of the five great merchant groups, akin to a conglomerate in the modern world.

If he accepted, he might live a life of luxury, spending money as he pleased.

But what about Shaolin in comparison?

If he excluded the fact that he could learn martial arts…

‘It’s just being a monk.’

Living in the mountains, chanting sutras, and eating a vegetarian diet.

Mu-jin had planned to leave Shaolin once he had learned enough martial arts because he disliked that life.

Ryu Ji-gwang’s proposal was tempting in many ways.

‘But if I lose my martial arts, dealing with the hidden forces would be difficult.’

Mu-jin couldn’t give up martial arts. Not only because of the fight against the hidden forces, but also because he had found great enjoyment in utilizing martial arts through internal energy.

‘That’s right. After mastering martial arts to a certain extent, I just need to leave Shaolin and join Cheonryu Sangdan.’

Wasn’t it enough to properly launder his identity? Like the faceless masks often seen in martial arts stories. If necessary, he could even go around wearing a mask.

Having calculated everything up to that point, Mu-jin alternated his gaze between Ryu Ji-gwang, who was looking at him with a mixture of expectation and concern, and Abbot Hyun Cheon before bowing.

“Amitabha. I apologize, Sangdanju-siju-nim.”

“Ahem. It seems you have set your heart on martial arts.”

Ryu Ji-gwang managed to barely control his expression from twisting at Mu-jin’s words, while Abbot Hyun Cheon and Hyun-myeong’s faces broke into wide smiles.

However, they had to compose their expressions again at Mu-jin’s subsequent words.

“Martial arts aside, I have no home to return to. Amitabha.”

“No home to return to? What on earth do you mean… surely not?”

“Yes. My family home was long destroyed in a catastrophic event. Amitabha.”

As soon as Mu-jin finished speaking, a cold silence settled over the room.

Mu-jin, who had calmly told this lie, had to make an effort to manage his expression.

There were two reasons why Mu-jin had come up with such an excuse.

One was to avoid clearly choosing Shaolin. Rejecting it now only to leave later to join Cheonryu Sangdan would be dishonorable. Such bat-like behavior would inevitably lower his own value.

The second reason was to eliminate his nonexistent ‘family home’ once and for all.

Instead of continually lying and risking getting caught, it was simpler to claim it never existed.

Thanks to this, both Ryu Ji-gwang and Abbot Hyun Cheon, who had been eyeing Mu-jin with interest, closed their mouths.

“Since the general direction seems set, may I go and greet my grandfather now?”

“Yes, go ahead.”

“We will take care of the detailed matters. Mu-jin novice monk.”

There was no better choice than this.

* * *

The next day.

Hyun-gwang, along with Beob Geon, descended Mount Song to arrive at the clinic in Deungbong-hyeon.

“Hahaha. It’s been a while, Mrs. Yeon. Amitabha.”

“Hohoho. I’ve felt quite lonely not being able to visit Shaolin, but I never imagined you would come to see me. Abbot. Amitabha.”

Meeting again at the clinic after a long time, Yeon Ga-hee and Hyun-gwang exchanged greetings, radiating an atmosphere like that of a senior citizens’ welfare center.

While leading the treatments for Yeon Ga-hee and Hyun-gwang, Mu-jin also conducted education for Beob Geon and Ryu Seol-hwa.

He also treated patients who came to the advanced facility, handing over each patient’s details to Beob Geon.

“Don’t overdo it, Siju-nim Seol-hwa.”

“I… I can do it!”

He also helped Ryu Seol-hwa with her exercises.

In addition, he looked after the elderly patients who came to the clinic as always, trained in external energy in the early morning, and practiced martial arts in the evenings.

About a month passed like this.

Finally, Ryu Ji-gwang visited the clinic in person. He had prepared to open a branch of the clinic in Jiangxi Province.

“Novice Mu-jin. I will be counting on you.”

Alongside Ryu Ji-gwang, there were twenty Shaolin disciples. These were the people who would travel with Mu-jin to Jiangxi Province.

‘I suspected it might be true when they said he was proficient in demonic arts…’

The person selected as the overall leader of this expedition was none other than the first-class disciple, Hye-gwan, known as the Unyielding to Demons.

Half of those heading to Jiangxi Province this time were second-class disciples from the Demon Extermination Squad, who had fought alongside Hye-gwan against the demonic beings.

“Hehehe. Since I’ve already greeted Sangdanju-siju-nim, let’s hurry up and depart.”

Hye-gwan, standing nonchalantly, spoke as if everything was a bother and then promptly climbed onto a carriage.

Following him, Mu-jin and the rest of the Shaolin disciples also boarded their respective carriages.

It was finally time to depart for Jiangxi Province.

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