Genius Martial Arts Trainer

Chapter 62:

Chapter 62:

Paedobang (2)

“What were you doing here?”

Mu-jin pointed to the dining table with an incredulous expression. He was referring to the dazzling array of meat dishes he was eating.

However, Mu-jin’s act didn’t fool Hye-gwan.

“Hehehe. Are you telling me you came to this tavern in the middle of the red-light district just to eat meat?”

Realizing that his clumsy lie wouldn’t work, Mu-jin decided to reveal the truth, only concealing what was necessary. After all, he needed Hye-gwan’s help for his plan.

“Actually, I was trying to gather some information about the dark sects and the unorthodox groups that have settled in Nanchang.”

‘Although that went out the window the moment you appeared,’ he thought, but saw no need to say it out loud. Hye-gwan would understand.

Mu-jin had dressed in expensive silk clothes, bought costly food, and even given a silver coin to the waiter as a tip, all to act like a rich fool.

This was to lure out the dark sect or unorthodox forces managing this grand inn.

In martial arts novels, wasn’t it common for dark sects or unorthodox forces to try and swindle rich young masters?

He planned to turn this on its head. That is, until Hye-gwan showed up.

Responding to his companion’s question, Mu-jin now posed one to Hye-gwan.

“I’ve answered your question and bought you a drink. May I ask you for a favor?”

“I’ve gotten a free drink, so as long as it’s within my ability, I’ll do it. Hehehe.”

After saying this, Hye-gwan alternated between drinking Geomnamchun and Yeoa Hong, prompting Mu-jin to smile slyly.

“Could you help me with what I’m planning to do?”

“Do you mean catching the dark sect and unorthodox forces?”


“I refuse.”


A man who broke the vow of non-killing to deal with the evil deeds of the dark sects and unorthodox forces was refusing this?

Mu-jin’s astonishment was evident on his face as he asked again.

“May I know the reason?”

“It’s impossible to completely eradicate the dark sects and unorthodox forces anyway. Human nature is inherently evil; even if I clear them out, others will simply take their place. Therefore, I only target the most vicious ones. Killing every single moderately active individual is a waste of energy.”

Hye-gwan clicked his tongue and downed more Geomnamchun and Yeoa Hong.

“So you purposely didn’t hide your presence and came here?”

“Hahaha. An interesting deduction. Well, I won’t deny it. If anyone dares to act out knowing I’m here, it means they are either extremely confident in their skills or completely insane.”

Hye-gwan’s response made Mu-jin look at him with a peculiar expression.

‘Is he still a Shaolin disciple?’

Despite being a drunken monk who violated the vow of non-killing, Hye-gwan at least intended to avoid unnecessary killing.

However, Hye-gwan’s values were his values, and this matter needed to be resolved. Moreover, the target this time was indeed worthy of being on Hye-gwan’s ‘kill list.’

“In that regard, you need not worry. The dark sect I am after are human traffickers who kidnap and sell women and children.”

“Hehehe. And how do I know I can trust your words?”

“The information comes from Sangdanju Ryu Ji-gwang of the Cheonryu Sangdan.”

At Mu-jin’s calm lie, a momentary sharpness flashed in Hye-gwan’s eyes, which had seemed drunken.

“You’re saying you’re tracking this dark sect on the request of the Sangdanju?”

Hye-gwan deduced the situation from just one sentence that Mu-jin uttered.

He quickly realized that opening a branch here wasn’t just to take care of patients but also to investigate that dark sect.

He only misunderstood that the mastermind behind the plan was Ryu Ji-gwang, not Mu-jin.

“So, how much information do you have about this dark sect?”

“Other than the name Paedobang, I know nothing.”

“Hahaha. So that’s why you were moping around here without a drink. But why were you looking for information here instead of asking the deputy leader of Cheonryu Sangdan?”

“It’s partly because there’s no guarantee that the deputy leader can be fully trusted, and more importantly, bad people tend to know the most about other bad people, don’t they?”

“Hehehe. You’re well aware. Then, we must wrap this up as quickly as possible.”

Mu-jin couldn’t even be sure if the deputy leader was an ally. Moreover, the deputy leader had been gathering information on Shaolin due to his position at the clinic.

If it was discovered that they were probing into Paedobang, the enemy might hide.

“Hey, you there!!”

Having reached his conclusion, Hye-gwan suddenly called over the waiter.

“Bring us another bottle of Geomnamchun and Yeoa Hong!”

In an absurd move, he ordered more alcohol.

But his purpose wasn’t the alcohol. When the waiter approached with the bottles, Hye-gwan subtly grabbed him and whispered quietly.

“Have you ever heard of a gang called Paedobang?”

As he said this, Hye-gwan gave a slight nod to Mu-jin.

Mu-jin, catching on, discreetly pulled out another silver coin from his sleeve and handed it to the waiter.

“If you provide any information, I’ll give you an additional silver coin. Hehehe.”

Hye-gwan, with a lascivious grin that made one question his status as a monk, then took the bottle of Geomnamchun from the waiter and downed it.

It seemed the main purpose was indeed the alcohol, not Paedobang.

* * *

A mansion located in a secluded corner of the large city of Nanchang.

In one of its pavilions, a man referred to as the Bangju (chief) and his subordinate were conversing.

“How are the preparations going?”

When the man called Bangju asked, the subordinate lowered his head deeply.

“I’m sorry, Bangju-nim.”

“Hmm. If something had gone wrong, rumors would have spread within the county. I already know about the failure. I asked to understand the specifics.”

“……Initially, as per my plan, those hypocrites who called themselves the righteous sect went to find the Shaolin disciples.”

“‘At least they went to find them’……”

Yet, if no rumors had spread, it meant Shaolin had left.

If there had been a violent conflict, rumors of Shaolin using force would have spread naturally.

However, the subordinate’s response overturned the Bangju’s expectations.

“During a heated argument, Shaolin’s Hye-gwan appeared.”

“You mean that fallen monk?”


The name Hye-gwan was a famous Dharma name known to virtually everyone in the martial arts world.

This was not only because of his frequent eccentric behavior but also due to the sheer number of demon cult members who had met their end at his hands.

“The unorthodox and dark sects in Nanchang must be trembling in fear.”

Despite saying this, there was not a trace of fear on the Bangju’s face.

He didn’t consider himself inferior to Hye-gwan in martial prowess. As someone who had trained in martial arts, he even harbored a desire to test his skills against the monk who never retreated from demons.

His only regret was that he had to conceal his identity due to his mission.

“But if that drunken monk got involved, there’s no way there wouldn’t be rumors.”

“Yes. While Hye-gwan did intervene, he did not participate in the duel.”

As the subordinate continued, he explained the events that unfolded.

Hye-gwan arranged a duel between Mu-jin and Kang Geo-wan. And the young Mu-jin, who seemed just about school age, won decisively.

The righteous sect group, embarrassed by the outcome, decided to keep today’s events under wraps.

“That’s why I dislike the ways of the righteous sects.”

Inwardly, they were just as greedy as the dark or unorthodox sects, wasting time and energy on their self-righteous pretense.

The Bangju’s words made the subordinate bow his head again.

“I made a wrong judgment. Please punish me.”

“Enough. I entrusted you with this task.”

“If you give me another chance, I will personally make those Shaolin disciples withdraw.”

The Bangju pondered for a moment before responding to the subordinate’s plea.

“Enough. Just leave it be.”

The subordinate looked at the Bangju with a puzzled expression, prompting the Bangju to respond nonchalantly.

“Fighting against a passing shower is foolish. Shaolin won’t be able to stay here for long anyway.”


Seeing the subordinate’s confused expression, the Bangju clicked his tongue and offered further explanation.

“Tsk. Do you think those righteous sect scoundrels will leave Shaolin alone? In a few days, another commotion will likely arise from the righteous sect.”

The Bangju understood the ways of the righteous sect very well. It was because he understood them that he despised them.

However, even the Bangju couldn’t predict everything.

He was unaware that Shaolin had already begun searching for them.

“What do you plan to do?”

Mu-jin asked, looking at the mansion with the signboard ‘Heuksa-bang’ hanging at the entrance.

Heuksa-bang was not the hidden identity of Paedobang.

Damn it, the inn’s waiter had never even heard of Paedobang, despite being a local of Nanchang.

However, the waiter didn’t seem to be lying. He appeared genuinely greedy for the silver coin and disappointed he didn’t get more.

Instead, the place the waiter had informed them about was this one. It was said to be a well-known dark sect in Nanchang, likely knowledgeable about the underworld.

Thus, they had to use Heuksa-bang to find Paedobang.

“Hehehe. What is there to ponder?”

Hye-gwan, taking a swig from the Geomnamchun he brought from the inn, walked confidently toward the front gate of Heuksa-bang.

Mu-jin followed, thinking Hye-gwan must have a plan. When they reached the front gate of Heuksa-bang, Hye-gwan kicked it open, breaking it down.


“Who are these bastards!”

Startled by the sudden attack, several men appeared, armed with knives and swords.

“Stand aside, lackeys, and bring me your Bangju.”

Hye-gwan shouted at the men, but they didn’t heed his words.

“Are you seriously just two?”

“Crazy bastards!”

The minions of Heuksa-bang didn’t recognize the infamous Hye-gwan of Shaolin.

It was only natural. Hye-gwan was in disguise at Mu-jin’s suggestion.

To extract information about Paedobang, Mu-jin had persuaded him that it would be best to conceal their identities as Shaolin disciples.

“Do you know where you are!”

“Kill those bastards!”

The five men who had appeared first charged at Mu-jin and Hye-gwan simultaneously.



The man leading the charge was knocked out by a kick to the solar plexus from Hye-gwan before he could even swing his knife. The rest were swiftly taken down by Mu-jin and Hye-gwan’s Striking Bone Technique.

“Tsk. These guys are weaker than that Kang Geo-wan fellow I faced earlier.”

As Mu-jin clicked his tongue at the thought, dozens of dark sect members began to appear, flooding the area.

They reminded Mu-jin of cockroaches.

“You bastards! Do you know where you are and dare to cause trouble!”

“These dogs must have a death wish!”

The men repeated the same lines over and over.

At that moment, a path opened in the center of the thirty or so men, and a middle-aged man with a beard like a bandit appeared.

“Who are you!”

“I don’t know about that. We came to ask a question, and if you answer truthfully, we’ll let you live.”

Hye-gwan responded in a mocking tone to the man who seemed to be the Heuksa-bangju.

Naturally, a vein popped out on the Heuksa-bangju’s forehead.

“Show these arrogant fools the fear of Heuksa-bang!”

As soon as the Heuksa-bangju gave the order, the dozen or so men in front simultaneously charged at Mu-jin and Hye-gwan.

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