Genius Martial Arts Trainer

Chapter 71:

Chapter 71:

Three days before Yeon Ga-hee’s seventieth birthday celebration.

In the afternoon, the carriage carrying Mu-jin and the Shaolin disciples sped down the main road of Deungbong-hyeon and arrived at the entrance of the Musculoskeletal Treatment Clinic. Mu-jin and the Shaolin disciples disembarked from the carriage.

Mu-jin then found himself face-to-face with a woman whose features seemed strangely familiar.

‘Where have I seen her before?’

While Mu-jin tilted his head, trying to place her among the young ladies who frequently visited the clinic, the woman recognized him first. She smiled brightly and spoke.

“Mu-jin Novice! Have you just returned?”

Hearing her voice, Mu-jin was finally able to identify her.

“Seol-hwa Benefactor?”

“Yes! You’ve changed so much since I last saw you. I don’t think I can call you a novice anymore.”

It had been almost five months since Mu-jin had left Deungbong-hyeon. During that time, Mu-jin, who was still in his growth phase, had grown about an inch taller and had lost some of his baby fat.

However, these changes paled in comparison to those of Ryu Seol-hwa.

“I almost didn’t recognize you either, Seol-hwa Benefactor.”

Although her attire, typical of this era, was loose-fitting and did not reveal her figure, she no longer gave the impression of being overweight.

Her clothes were now the size of those typically worn by other women, unlike the oversized garments she used to wear.

However, it was her face that was most striking.

‘This is more extreme than I expected.’

Mu-jin had always thought her features were beautiful, but her now-revealed jawline and nose exceeded his expectations.

“Have I changed that much?” Ryu Seol-hwa asked, a blush spreading across her cheeks as she turned her head slightly, as if embarrassed.

‘Hmm. It seems she’s still lacking in self-confidence.’

Mu-jin concluded that she was still not confident about her appearance.

‘Well, after living like that for years, it’s hard to change your personality completely in just a few months of exercise.’

Having made up his mind, Mu-jin decided to boost her confidence.

“You’ve changed so much that I didn’t recognize you, Seol-hwa Benefactor. I’m worried the men of Deungbong-hyeon might suffer heartache over you. Hahaha.”

At Mu-jin’s compliment, Ryu Seol-hwa’s face turned not just pink, but a deep shade of red.


During the nearly five months that Mu-jin was away, she had worked extremely hard.

She avoided sweet and oily foods, which she heard made one gain weight, and continued to visit the clinic for exercise even on days when there were no female patients.

As a result, as Mu-jin mentioned, she had recently started receiving countless love letters.

She was already a precious daughter of the Cheonryu Sangdan. Now that her beauty, previously hidden by her weight, was revealed, men were practically lining up for her.

However, her decision to lose weight was not made to attract men.

Before the men started flocking to her, there was one man who had looked at her differently and had sent her the first love letter she ever received.

Therefore, she wanted to be acknowledged by the man who had sent her the first love letter.

“So, what do you think, Mu-jin Novice?”

“Do you think I see things differently? You’ve really become beautiful. Amitabha.”

As Mu-jin and Ban-dangju complimented her, Ryu Seol-hwa’s face turned so red that she began to twist her body like a snake.

However, Mu-jin was preoccupied with other important matters and didn’t pay much attention to her unusual behavior.

‘Seeing that Ryu Seol-hwa is still alive, it seems nothing has happened within the Sangdan yet.’

Nevertheless, just in case, Mu-jin asked cautiously.

“So, has anything special happened at the main house recently?”

“Lately, we’ve been busy preparing for Grandmother’s seventieth birthday celebration. Oh! Will you be attending the birthday celebration, Mu-jin… monk?”

She deliberately avoided using the term ‘novice’.

Mu-jin smiled slightly as he responded to her question.

“Yes, I plan to attend. But I’m not sure if I should participate in a family gathering. Haha. Isn’t this also a rare chance for you to see your brothers again, Seol-hwa Benefactor?”

“My brothers are so busy with work, just like Father, that we hardly see their faces. There are only three days left until the celebration, and neither of them has arrived yet.”

Although she had left before Ryu Seol-ho, there was still a lingering worry. However, after hearing her answer, it seemed that nothing had happened yet.

Still, there were many issues.

Although not a martial sect, the Cheonryu Sangdan was one of the five great merchant groups in the world, and it had gathered a significant number of masters with gold.

So, if Mu-jin’s fears were correct and they intended to cause trouble at the birthday celebration, the enemies would certainly bring many masters with them.

Mu-jin did not have the strength to stop them all by himself. Bringing a large number of Shaolin disciples lacked justification.

He couldn’t just storm into the Cheonryu Sangdan’s main house without evidence. If that were possible, he would have already dealt with Ryu Seol-ho with the Shaolin disciples without coming here.

Additionally, forcibly bringing in many Shaolin disciples might cause the enemies to cancel their attack. If that happened, it would only strain the relationship between the Cheonryu Sangdan and Shaolin for disrupting the birthday celebration.

Despite these complicated issues.

Mu-jin wasn’t worried.

He knew someone who could attend Yeon Ga-hee’s birthday celebration without causing problems and who possessed more reliable strength than several Shaolin disciples.

“Seol-hwa, Siju-nim. Is Grandfather Hyeon-gwang inside?”

* * *

The hall located deep within the Musculoskeletal Treatment Clinic.

“Mu-jin! What brings you here?”

Beob-geon, who was in the yard, looked at Mu-jin with a surprised expression.

“Hahaha. Come on in.”

Hyeon-gwang, who was receiving rehabilitation treatment from Beob-geon, welcomed Mu-jin with a hearty laugh.

“Master. I just returned here after finishing the matters in Nanchang.”

Mu-jin, bowing to Beob-geon and Hyeon-gwang, then asked Hyeon-gwang,

“Grandfather, have you heard that Grandmother Yeon’s seventieth birthday celebration is being held in three days?”

“Hahaha. If it’s Lady Yeon, she visits here often even now. Of course, I’ve heard.”

“Then, are you planning to attend the celebration?”

At Mu-jin’s question, Hyeon-gwang shook his head.

“I heard it’s being held modestly to spend time with family. Since I meet and talk with her often, wouldn’t it be better for her to enjoy time with her grandchildren on that day?”

Mu-jin’s question about why Hyeon-gwang’s name was left off the guest list was answered.

However, Mu-jin needed Hyeon-gwang’s help to resolve this matter.

As much as he wished to avoid involving Hyeon-gwang in difficult affairs due to his still inconvenient body despite his exceptionally high status, this time it couldn’t be helped.

“Grandfather, if it’s not too much trouble, would you accompany me to the seventieth birthday celebration?”

At a glance, it might seem like a child was embarrassed to attend a party alone and was dragging an adult along.

But Hyeon-gwang knew that Mu-jin was not an ordinary child. If he was uncomfortable attending, he was the type to outright refuse.

“Hahaha. It seems there’s a reason behind this.”

“There’s one concern that I have.”

“What is it?”

“Since it’s a gathering of flowers, I thought that perhaps insects might be attracted.”

The owner of the giant group known as Cheonryu Sangdan was ultimately Ryu Ji-gwang, and if Ryu Ji-gwang were to die, Cheonryu Sangdan would end up in the hands of one of his family members.

But what if the entire family were wiped out at once?

A power struggle to take over the masterless Cheonryu Sangdan would ensue, leading to it either being divided or falling into someone else’s hands.

Hyeon-gwang, who boasted outstanding intelligence, easily understood Mu-jin’s metaphor.

“But the fence protecting those flowers is made of a vast amount of gold and is very sturdy. It wouldn’t be easy for the insects to get in.”

“I’m afraid the inside of that fence may have already rotted, and insects might have emerged from within.”


At Mu-jin’s words, Hyeon-gwang took a deep breath and then chanted a prayer.

Mu-jin simply looked at Hyeon-gwang in silence.

Ryu Seol-ho had not yet done anything. Naturally, there was no evidence to be had.

Thus, Mu-jin had no choice but to use the expression ‘worry’ and resort to metaphor instead of direct statements.

Knowing that Ryu Seol-ho would become the leader of the merchant group in the future, he couldn’t exactly persuade Hyeon-gwang by claiming that Ryu Seol-ho seemed about to cause trouble this time.

After a moment, Hyeon-gwang, who had been chanting with his eyes closed, opened his eyes and replied with a profound gaze.

“I will join you. If my grandson is worried about something, shouldn’t I roll up my sleeves and help?”

“Thank you, Grandfather.”

Mu-jin expressed his gratitude to Hyeon-gwang with a bow, feeling a sigh of relief inside.

* * *

The next day.

Mu-jin, together with Hyeon-gwang, visited the main base of Cheonryu Sangdan.

When the gatekeeper sent a message inside, the chief officer came out to guide them to the leader’s hall.

Ryu Ji-gwang warmly welcomed the two who had suddenly visited.

“Thank you for coming. Monk Hyeon-gwang. Novice Mu-jin.”

“Hahaha. I am sorry to take your time when you must be very busy. Amitabha.”

“We are the ones who should apologize. Sangdanju-nim.”

In response to Hyeon-gwang and Mu-jin’s words, Ryu Ji-gwang waved his hand.

“Hahaha. Not at all. Have you come because of my mother’s seventieth birthday celebration in two days?”

“That’s correct. I apologize for the sudden change and for causing any inconvenience.”

“No need to apologize. My mother will be very pleased if Monk Hyeon-gwang attends.”

“Hahaha. Actually, apart from attending, there is another favor we would like to ask, which is why we came.”

“What kind of favor…?”

“The truth is, our Mu-jin here asked if he could stay at the Cheonryu Sangdan main house starting today.”

“At our merchant group? May I know the reason, Novice Mu-jin?”

At Ryu Ji-gwang’s question, Mu-jin pretended to be embarrassed and replied.

“Since there will be many guests and grandchildren coming to the seventieth birthday celebration, I thought it would be difficult for me to spend a long time with Grandmother.”

“Hahaha. So, you want to stay here for two days in advance and celebrate my mother’s seventieth birthday?”

“Ahem. Yes.”

As Mu-jin scratched his head and acted embarrassed, Ryu Ji-gwang burst into hearty laughter, which was unlike him.

‘Did it work?’

While he expected that trouble would occur during the seventieth birthday celebration, it could also happen before the actual day.

Ultimately, the most dangerous moment was when the Ryu family gathered together.

Thus, Mu-jin made up this odd excuse to infiltrate Cheonryu Sangdan in advance with Hyeon-gwang.

He couldn’t exactly tell Ryu Ji-gwang that his own son might be preparing to kill him.

Perhaps Ryu Ji-gwang found Mu-jin’s concern for his mother endearing. He readily accepted Mu-jin’s request.

“If that is the reason, you are more than welcome. It’s not just anyone, but Novice Mu-jin. Hahaha. I have already heard about the matter in Nanchang. You sent the Jegal family back and made officials your regulars.”

Ryu Ji-gwang, who was smiling and talking, was actually thinking something entirely different.

‘What an excellent prospective son-in-law! He’s a capable young man with a caring heart for his grandmother! This is a great chance to show him how comfortable it is under the roof of our Cheonryu Sangdan!’

Ryu Ji-gwang was still full of schemes to return Mu-jin to the secular world. He just kept his thoughts to himself because he couldn’t reveal them in front of Hyeon-gwang.

After a brief amiable conversation between Hyeon-gwang, Mu-jin, and Ryu Ji-gwang,

the voice of the chief officer was heard from the entrance of the leader’s hall.

“Sangdanju-nim. Young master Ryu Seol-ho, the head of the Nanchang branch, has arrived.”

At the chief officer’s words, Hyeon-gwang laughed and spoke to Ryu Ji-gwang.

“Oh dear, it seems we have taken too much of the busy Sangdanju-nim’s time.”

“Not at all. Monk Hyeon-gwang and Novice Mu-jin are always welcome.”

“Since time with your son is also important, we should take our leave now.”

“Yes. I will instruct the chief officer to guide you to your lodging.”

After saying this, Ryu Ji-gwang called towards the entrance of the leader’s hall.

“Let him in!”

As soon as Ryu Ji-gwang’s call ended, the door of the leader’s hall opened, and Ryu Seol-ho entered.


Upon discovering Mu-jin in the leader’s hall, Ryu Seol-ho’s face momentarily displayed a hint of bewilderment.

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