Genius Martial Arts Trainer

Chapter 76:

Chapter 76:

Over the Wall (1)

Interior of a Grand Hall

A man was bowing down, reporting to an elderly man seated on a dais.

“The plan being carried out by the Cheonryu Sangdan has encountered a setback.”

“If it were a minor issue, you wouldn’t have reported it in such a manner. It must be quite significant.”

“…It might take decades to recover from the damage incurred this time. Those we planted in the main faction have been wiped out. Those who made contact with the sub-faction are also being tracked.”

“So, the Cheonryu No. 1 plan has failed.”

Cheonryu No. 1 referred to the first spy infiltrated into the Cheonryu Sangdan, meaning Geum Pyo-gu.

“Hmm. According to the previous report, the plan seemed quite promising.”

The man hesitated before replying to the elder’s remark.

“…It seems there was an unexpected obstacle.”

“An obstacle?”

“After investigating the failed operation, it was found that a rumor had been circulating within the Cheonryu Sangdan main faction. The rumor claimed that the Shaolin Saint Monk had come back to life.”

“The Shaolin Saint Monk… You mean that Hyun-gwang?”

For the first time, the always composed elder showed signs of surprise.

“Yes. It is said that he was present at the seventieth birthday banquet.”

“What was Cheonryu No. 1 doing, carrying out the plan with Hyun-gwang at the banquet?”

“Apparently, until this incident, no one knew that Hyun-gwang had regained his martial prowess.”

“…He hid his recovery.”

“Though it’s just a rumor, if true, it suggests that he not only recovered but reached an even higher level.”


The elderly man couldn’t help but let out a laugh.

“At merely thirty-two, he was among the top ten masters of his time. If he has advanced another step, he might now be on par with the current top three swordsmen in the world.”

“…Since it’s only a rumor, we’ll need to delve deeper to obtain accurate information.”


The elder fell into contemplation at his subordinate’s words.

Once hailed as the greatest prodigy in the world.

A monster who was expected to become the unrivaled best in the world within ten years.

Thus, they had to deal with that monster somehow.

They hadn’t worried about Shaolin, which was on the brink of self-destruction due to its own lofty airs. But given time, Hyun-gwang could grow into a monster capable of damaging their century-long plan all on his own.

When the demon cult stirred, they had mobilized their collected elite forces to attack Hyun-gwang, disguising them as a special force of the demon cult.

They lost nearly a hundred masters and only managed to cripple Hyun-gwang. And now, he was resurrected.

‘No, it’s already been thirty-five years. Even if Hyun-gwang has revived, our forces are far stronger than back then.’

The man brushed off his negative thoughts.

While Hyun-gwang lived as a recluse, they had grown stronger. They had trained far more masters than the ones they had lost back then.

Not only that, there were even a few masters comparable to the Seven Kings or the Three Swords of the World.

Furthermore, there was something else needed to train more and superior masters.

“There is no need to be overly concerned about that. For now, focus on verifying the truth of the rumors. Also, due to changes in our original plan, concentrate our manpower on Daegum and Eunha Merchant Groups instead of Cheonryu Merchant Group.”

“Are we abandoning Cheonryu Merchant Group completely?”

“Since Ryu Ji-gwang’s suspicions have reached their peak, trying to act again now would be a self-defeating move.”

“I will follow your orders.”

Watching the subordinate leave after paying his respects, the old man organized his thoughts.

To train numerous masters, various children were needed. The more unique the child’s constitution, the better.

To secretly obtain such children, they planned to devour large merchant groups or establish secret connections.

Cheonryu Merchant Group was one of the top five merchant groups in the world, heavily focused on transportation. If they could have swallowed Cheonryu Merchant Group alone, there would have been no need to approach the other top five merchant groups.

However, they were persistent, dreaming of a hundred-year plan, so they did not rely solely on Cheonryu Merchant Group.

In case something went wrong, they had already established connections with Daegum and Eunha Merchant Groups.

Using those two groups, they could manage the current problem somehow.

‘Compared to completely taking over Cheonryu Merchant Group, the loss would be immense, but…’

Thinking about it naturally brought the name of the culprit who ruined this plan, Hyun-gwang, to his mind.

* * *

Shaolin Temple of Mount Song. Abbot’s Room.

In that place, Abbot Hyun Cheon and Hyun-gwang were having a private meeting.

“Mu-jin is seriously injured, you say!?”

Abbot Hyun Cheon, who heard about the events at Cheonryu Merchant Group from Hyun-gwang, asked back with a shocked face.

“Yes, Abbot.”

Hyun-gwang, wearing a solemn expression instead of his usual amiable one, nodded and handed a bundle to Abbot Hyun Cheon.

It was a bundle Hyun-gwang had carried since he descended from Deungbong-hyeon to Mount Song.

“What is this?”

“This is what Ryu Ji-gwang offered to our temple as a token of appreciation for this incident, Abbot.”


The Abbot, who always maintained high moral conduct, receiving a personal reward?

Feeling bewildered, Abbot Hyun Cheon untied the bundle handed over by Hyun-gwang.


He stared at the items inside the bundle for a long while.

The bundle was filled with gold and silver treasures that looked extremely valuable at first glance.

Though Abbot Hyun Cheon was not well-versed in worldly matters due to living secluded in the mountains, he could instinctively tell that each small piece of gold and silver treasure in the bundle was worth as much as Shaolin’s annual budget.

Hyun-gwang, who had extracted such immense compensation from Ryu Ji-gwang, still wore a somber expression as he began to speak.

“Now that I have personally gone to such lengths to secure this compensation, it is time to give Mu-jin that remedy, Abbot.”

“Wh-what do you mean by that remedy?” Hyun Cheon asked in a hesitant tone, as if Hyun-gwang was demanding something he had left in his care. Hyun-gwang replied as if it was only natural.

“The Great Restoration Pill.”

“Th-the Great Restoration Pill?”

“What are you talking about, Abbot? Our Mu-jin almost died! He was wandering around trying to earn money to support our Shaolin with his frail body, and that’s how he ended up like this!”

Hyun-gwang, usually calm, shouted loudly with a pained expression, causing Abbot Hyun Cheon’s already pale face to grow even paler.

“But, senior brother, no matter what, the Great Restoration Pill is…”

“Knowing that you would say that, I went ahead and secured funds for this reason! Do you know how embarrassed I was, asking Ryu Ji-gwang for compensation!”

In reality, Hyun-gwang had confidently extracted money from Ryu Ji-gwang without changing his expression.

Of course, from Hyun Cheon’s perspective, unaware of this, there was no valid argument to refute.

Nevertheless, it was not easy for Hyun Cheon to give the Great Restoration Pill to Mu-jin.

“Senior brother, you know as well as I do. The Lesser Restoration Pill can be made if we have money, but the Great Restoration Pill cannot.”

The Great Restoration Pill and the Lesser Restoration Pill, symbolic items of Shaolin, were made from various medicinal herbs gathered from Mount Song, where Shaolin was located.

Given Shaolin’s frugal and, to put it another way, impoverished lifestyle, this was an entirely natural method.

However, like most medicinal herbs, those from Mount Song could also be found in other regions or mountains. This meant they could be obtained on the market, with one exception.

And that one exception was the biggest difference between the Lesser Restoration Pill and the Great Restoration Pill.

There was a special spiritual herb that grew only in the most sacred places of Mount Song. Without this herb, the ingredients for the Lesser and Great Restoration Pills were not significantly different.

In other words, while the Lesser Restoration Pill could be made if one had money, the Great Restoration Pill could not.

This spiritual herb took decades to grow properly and could only thrive in those sacred places.

Thus, Shaolin could only produce two or three Great Restoration Pills per generation.

Creating the Lesser Restoration Pill from the leftover ingredients after making the Great Restoration Pill was a common practice.

Of course, that didn’t mean they couldn’t make new ones. There were still some Great Restoration Pills left in Shaolin.

The reason Abbot Hyun Cheon opposed it.

“And above all, there is no history of Shaolin bestowing the Great Restoration Pill upon third-class disciples.”

It was because of Shaolin’s tradition.

The Great Restoration Pill could only be made in twos or threes per generation.

It was a tradition to bestow it upon second-class disciples. Those who would later become the abbot of Shaolin or those whose martial arts were exceptionally strong and would be responsible for Shaolin’s defense.

The Great Restoration Pill was given to the most important talents who would protect Shaolin’s future.

“No matter how admirable Mu-jin’s efforts are and how limitless his potential may be, it is still too early to give him the Great Restoration Pill. Senior brother. If Mu-jin becomes a second-class disciple, he will receive the Great Restoration Pill even if you do not mention it.”

“If that’s the will of the Abbot, there’s no helping it.”

As Hyun-gwang nodded his head, Hyun Cheon inwardly sighed in relief. He thought he had successfully persuaded his senior brother.

But that was a mere illusion. By the time Mu-jin became a second-class disciple, Hyun-gwang would have already departed from this world.

Therefore, Hyun-gwang made up his mind.

“If the Abbot cannot give it to him, then I will take it myself.”

With that, Hyun-gwang stood up, and a chill ran down Hyun Cheon’s spine at the smile he wore.

“The location of the medicine hall should be around here.”

Muttering something that could be a threat or just talking to himself, Hyun-gwang turned accurately in the direction of the medicine hall.

A massive amount of natural energy began to converge around him.

“I will give it to you!!”

The panicked Abbot Hyun Cheon urgently threw himself at Hyun-gwang, clutching his pants and shouting.

Whether Hyun-gwang was pleased by his desperate cry, the massive natural energy converging around him dispersed like a gentle breeze.

“Hohoho. This old monk doesn’t know what to do with the Abbot’s wise decision.”

As he watched Hyun-gwang laughing cheerfully, Hyun Cheon thought.

‘I thought I would uproot the foundation of Shaolin to save my senior brother…’

Perhaps, it wasn’t about saving Hyun-gwang, but Hyun-gwang might uproot the foundation himself.

* * *

A few days later.

A letter from Shaolin arrived for Mu-jin, who was enjoying his recuperation at the Musculoskeletal Treatment Clinic in Deungbong-hyeon.

The letter, sent by Hyun-gwang, stated that he would soon start intensive training to overcome the wall and that Mu-jin should return to Shaolin immediately.

On the road to Mount Song.

Ryu Seol-hwa, who had accompanied Mu-jin, asked with a worried expression.

“Are you really okay? You haven’t fully recovered yet.”

“Haha. I’m fine. Lady Seol-hwa. My grandfather knows about my injury, so he wouldn’t subject me to training that would make it worse.”

Mu-jin replied with an awkward smile.

Every time he moved his body, worried about muscle loss, she would yell at him and cause a commotion, making her somewhat scary now.

Not that he disliked it, but it felt like being scolded by a mother in a drama.

Although he didn’t have a mother, he imagined this was roughly how it would feel.

“Then I’ll go up for training. If you need anything, please send a message.”

“Take care, Mu-jin.”

After exchanging farewells, Mu-jin climbed Mount Song with a lively step.

Thanks to consuming enough nourishing food and the dedicated treatment from the clinic, his body had almost fully healed.

Only a few deep scars on his left forearm and back remained.

After walking lightly up Mount Song for a while, Mu-jin passed through the Shaolin gate and soon arrived at Hyun-gwang’s residence.

“Welcome, Mu-jin.”

“Greetings, grandfather.”

As Mu-jin greeted him with a bow, Hyun-gwang smiled gently and handed him a box.

“What is this?”

Mu-jin wondered if it was medicine for the scars on his left forearm and back, but the answer was beyond his imagination.

“It’s the Great Restoration Pill.”

“!? ”

“Haha. You were seriously injured this time, and it seems the Abbot felt sorry for the hardships you’ve endured at such a young age for Shaolin. So he generously bestowed it upon you. Haha.”

Moved by Hyun-gwang’s words, Mu-jin replied with a grateful expression.

“I will definitely thank the Abbot when I see him.”

“Haha. It’s best if you don’t encounter the Abbot for a while.”

“Is there something wrong with the Abbot?”

“It’s not something you need to worry about, Mu-jin. Focus on breaking through your limitations.”

Mu-jin felt that the matter was being vaguely glossed over.

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