Genius Martial Arts Trainer

Chapter 84:

Chapter 84:

Mountain-Crushing Divine Steps (2)

“It’s not possible.”

“What!? But Grandfather.”

Mu-jin, who had hinted at his current situation and the solution he thought of to Hyeon-gwang, was immediately rejected.

“I understand your feelings, but now is the most important time for training.”


Mu-jin was momentarily at a loss for words at Hyeon-gwang’s fundamental stance. Seeing this, Hyeon-gwang continued.

“No matter how close Luoyang is, even if we open a clinic branch there, it is over a hundred li (about 50 km) from here to Luoyang. It’s impossible to commute back and forth, so can you really train properly there?”

“……It would probably be difficult.”

Mu-jin nodded with a disappointed expression, and Hyeon-gwang smiled mysteriously.

“So, if you want to open a clinic branch in Luoyang, shouldn’t you be able to make a round trip from here to Luoyang in at least one shichen?”

When Mu-jin made a face that said he didn’t understand, Hyeon-gwang added more.

“From here to Luoyang. You need to train your body so you can make the round trip of over a hundred li within one shichen. That is my condition.”


“Hahaha. This old man also knows what kind of martial arts you’re practicing. But no matter how excellent your defensive techniques are, if you’re slower than your opponent, what use is it?”

Finally understanding Hyeon-gwang’s intention, Mu-jin asked with an admiring expression.

“Then, Grandfather, will you teach me the body technique?”

“Hahaha. I will do so.”

Mu-jin was overjoyed for a moment at Hyeon-gwang’s words. But then, something suddenly came to mind, and he slyly asked Hyeon-gwang.

“By any chance, does this body technique training require a lot of internal energy?”

“Hmm. Not necessarily.”

“Then, would it be okay for the other kids to train in the body technique with me?”

Since things had come to this, Mu-jin decided to involve his three nephews, the cause of the trouble.

After all, why should only the uncle suffer alone?

The next day.

In the courtyard in front of Hyeon-gwang’s quarters, Hyeon-gwang and the Four Masters of the Mujae Sect were gathered.

Mu-yul was as bright as ever, Mu-jin was in a calm mood, while Mu-gung and Mu-gyeong seemed somewhat nervous.

Both Mu-gung and Mu-gyeong had been sternly lectured by Master Uncle Hye-jeong in preparation for training with Hyeon-gwang.

Being a great elder of the Shaolin, even the smallest mistake was not tolerated.

In fact, Mu-yul had heard the same lecture, but—


Mu-yul wasn’t one to take such precautions to heart.

Watching the Four Masters of the Mujae Sect show various expressions and reactions, Hyeon-gwang spoke with a gentle smile.

“Did you all hear about the training we will be doing from today?”


“We heard it will be body technique training!”

“I forgot!”

Immediately after each answered Hyeon-gwang’s question, the other three looked at Mu-yul with incredulous expressions.

“Hahaha. It’s fine. You’re truly a pure child.”

However, Hyeon-gwang didn’t seem to mind and continued his explanation.

“As you said, from today, we will be training in body techniques.”

“Does that mean we will be learning new martial arts?”

Mu-gung asked with a slightly expectant expression, but Hyeon-gwang shook his head.

“How could all four of you, who are different, learn the same martial art? What you will be learning from today is not a martial art, but the body technique itself.”

At Hyeon-gwang’s cryptic words, all four tilted their heads in confusion.

Finding their expressions endearing, Hyeon-gwang softly laughed and then asked Mu-gung, who stood firmly like a model student, “What do you think the body technique is?”

“I understand it to be a martial art that allows one to run fast.”

“Hahaha. You know it well. Then, how can one move quickly?”


When Mu-gung didn’t answer easily, Hyeon-gwang’s gaze moved to the side.

“By moving your legs faster!”

And Mu-yul, who met his gaze, gave a very simple answer.

“Hahaha. That is one way, but it’s far from the essence of the body technique.”

Gently smiling at Mu-yul, Hyeon-gwang then looked at Mu-gyeong.

‘Indeed, he is excellent in a different sense compared to Mu-jin.’

Noticing Mu-gyeong’s deep contemplation, Hyeon-gwang was quietly impressed.

He realized that Mu-gyeong was recalling the numerous martial arts he had learned and was reviewing the key principles and characteristics of the body technique.

Deciding not to interrupt Mu-gyeong’s thoughts, Hyeon-gwang turned his attention to his great-grandson, Mu-jin.

Finally, Mu-jin, who had been contemplating and pondering, opened his mouth with a hopeful thought.

“The very name ‘body technique’ means a method to lighten the body. So, is it about increasing speed by making the body lighter?”

“Hahaha. You got it right.”

Hyeon-gwang laughed heartily at Mu-jin’s answer.

Mu-gyeong had exceptional wisdom and gradually understood even the most complex matters through deep contemplation.

In contrast, his great-grandson, Mu-jin, had remarkable intuition.

Rather than understanding and solving complicated problems step by step, he found answers through intuition.

In this sense, Mu-gyeong was more similar to Hyeon-gwang himself than Mu-jin was, showing the mysterious nature of human connections.

‘Hahaha. I too am entangled in this web of mysterious connections.’

Having briefly entertained these trivial thoughts, Hyeon-gwang continued his explanation with a gentle smile.

“As Mu-jin said, the body technique means a method to lighten the body. It is a martial art that increases speed, but there is a trap.”

“A trap?”

“Yes. Think about it. If you throw a light bird feather with all your strength, does that feather move quickly?”


Even Mu-yul exclaimed in understanding at Hyeon-gwang’s explanation.

Mu-yul recalled his past experience of throwing a crane feather that had fallen in the yard during his Crane Fist training.

“But if you look closely, because it is light, the speed at the moment it is thrown is very fast. It’s just that it cannot resist the force of the wind because it is light.”

“Then how can one move even faster?”

“Very advanced body techniques, such as the Kunlun Sect’s Cloud Dragon Eight Styles, discuss methods to reverse the flow of the wind or create gaps in obstructing wind, but that is too advanced for you. First, you will learn the basics. And the basics of body techniques, contrary to their name, involve making the body heavy.”

At Hyeon-gwang’s words, all except Mu-yul seemed to grasp the concept to some extent.

“When you kick off the ground, you make your body light to increase explosive power, and when you move, you make your body heavy to resist the force of the wind?”

Hyeon-gwang responded to Mu-gung’s question.

“That is just the beginning. The essence lies in the shift of balance. In each moment, you can make your body heavy and then light again. Or you can alter the weight distribution at each position of your body to produce explosive speed or create ever-changing movements.”

After explaining up to that point, Hyeon-gwang swept his gaze over the four with a gentle look and said,

“If you grasp the essence of this body technique, you will be able to apply it to any lightness skill or stepping technique. So, the first thing you need to learn today is the method to change your body’s weight. It’s called Thousand-Jin Drop.”

After giving a brief outline of the steps they would need to master, Hyeon-gwang then explained the method and principles of the technique known as Thousand-Jin Drop.

“Now, take your stances and practice Thousand-Jin Drop.”

As soon as Hyeon-gwang gave the instruction, the three of them, except for Mu-yul, took their stances and tried to operate their internal energy while recalling the key points Hyeon-gwang had taught them.

Mu-yul quickly raised his hand.

“Master Uncle! I’m sorry, but I forgot the key points!”

“Hahaha. It’s all right. This old man will teach you slowly.”

Having heard about Mu-yul’s characteristics from Mu-jin, Hyeon-gwang smiled gently and carefully went over the key points again with Mu-yul.

‘He may not be brilliant, but he has a wild, instinctive talent.’

Hyeon-gwang had heard that although Mu-yul was slow to understand and master the key points due to his lack of aptitude, once he ingrained them into his body, he had the talent to apply them freely.

While instructing Mu-yul on the basics, Hyeon-gwang used his natural energy to keep track of the other three children’s training progress.

‘As expected, these two are the fastest.’

Even though he had only just explained the principles of the Thousand-Jin Drop, Mu-gyeong and Mu-jin were already awkwardly attempting to perform it.

Mu-gyeong, with his exceptional understanding, had grasped the principles completely, while Mu-jin, already at the stage of qi sense, demonstrated the essentials with his advanced perception.

Even the dirt floor of the yard where Mu-jin stood was gradually being crushed or pressed down.

Although Mu-jin had not yet fully mastered the Celestial Weight, his power was extraordinary due to his possession of much more internal energy than Mu-gyeong.

Following the lead of Mu-gyeong and Mu-jin, Hyeon-gwang observed Mu-gung with natural energy.

“Hehehe. Hye-dam’s disciple is not bad either.”

While not a prodigy, he at least had the talent to be considered a top student.

Moreover, despite the fact that the two prodigies were surpassing him, he steadfastly focused on his own training.

At such a young age, it was common to feel impatient and jealous of those more talented than oneself, yet he did not.

“Hye-dam has taught him well.”

Hyeon-gwang could easily surmise that it was thanks to Hye-dam’s unique and steadfast training in the Immovable Heart technique.

“These children will become the pillars of Shaolin in the future.”

A smile had naturally formed on Hyeon-gwang’s lips as he taught the Mujae Faction’s Four.

* * *

About a month had passed since the training with the Celestial Weight began.

One day, Hyeon-gwang and the Mujae Faction’s Four were together on the outskirts of Shaolin Temple, halfway up Mount Song.

“Since you have all adapted to the techniques of the Celestial Weight, we will now begin practical application training.”

As he spoke, Hyeon-gwang pointed to a peak of Mount Song visible through the bushes.

“From now on, use your learned qinggong to retrieve this from the tree at the top of that peak.”

In Hyeon-gwang’s hand was a wooden tablet.

“And Mu-jin, since you have more internal energy than the others, I have hidden your tablet further away. Do you see the slightly higher peak behind that one?”

“Yes, Grandfather.”

Mu-jin replied, looking at the peak slightly higher behind the one Hyeon-gwang pointed to.

“Then, start now.”

As soon as Hyeon-gwang’s words fell, the Mujae Faction’s Four moved towards their goal.

Especially notable was Mu-jin’s speed, significantly faster due to his much higher level of internal energy compared to the others.


Watching the children run, Hyeon-gwang laughed heartily and his body floated lightly into the air.

Utilizing natural energy, Hyeon-gwang soared into the sky, following the running children and observing them.

The children, who started running quickly from the beginning, soon encountered difficulties.

Though they had started from a fairly wide open area, as they progressed, dense bushes and trees began to block their path and view.

“Hehehe. Let’s see how they handle this.”

Hyeon-gwang had intentionally chosen this forest path over an open or wide area.

The Qinggong technique is not simply about ‘moving quickly.’ It was a martial art, a skill ultimately meant for combat.

Running while avoiding trees, bushes, and animals that suddenly appeared along the way—that was training in Qinggong that closely resembled actual combat.

Surprisingly, the child who excelled the most in this combat-like Qinggong training was none other than Mu-yul.

In terms of sheer speed, Mu-jin, with his overwhelmingly superior internal energy and physical prowess, was far ahead.

‘Huh. Truly an animalistic movement.’

Mu-yul displayed agility and bizarre movements that even amazed Hyeon-gwang.

To avoid a tree directly in front of him, he leaped to the left. However, there was another large tree in his path on the left side.

But instead of abruptly twisting his body or stopping to avoid this second tree, Mu-yul…


With a strange laugh that could have been joy or surprise, he kicked out with his leg.


Using the rebound force from kicking the large tree trunk, he propelled himself to the right.

Then, grabbing a branch that obscured his view as he moved forward, he swung himself like he was enjoying a horizontal bar, using the branch’s elasticity to launch his body.

‘He was the child who took the longest to master the Celestial Weight technique.’

In fact, the reason they had trained the Celestial Weight technique for a whole month was entirely because of Mu-yul. However, once he mastered the essentials, he used them more freely than anyone else.

Like a monkey, he grabbed branches to spring his body or ran along the branches.

Sometimes he came down to the ground, running on the flat terrain, then alternately kicking the large trees on either side to propel himself forward.

Considering the branches did not break, it was clear he was freely controlling the Celestial Weight technique.

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