Genius Martial Arts Trainer

Chapter 89:

Chapter 89:

Unfinished Duel (4)

“It is not possible.”

Yunheo Zhenren replied immediately, as if there was no room for hesitation, and added a further explanation.

“To be precise, it is possible to fight him, but that would result in too much bloodshed in Jianghu. I would wield my sword to save someone, but I cannot wield a sword that would spill so much blood.”

At Yunheo Zhenren’s excuse, which was not really an excuse, Mu-jin merely nodded, thinking, ‘as expected.’

Hyeok Jin-gang was the leader of an organization called the Pa-gyeom Sect. And Pa-gyeom Sect was one of the seven pillars of the demonic faction, known as the Seven Pillars.

The organization that these Seven Pillars had formed an alliance with was called the Demonic Alliance (사도련), and Hyeok Jin-gang was not only the leader of Pa-gyeom Sect but also the leader of the Demonic Alliance.

In other words, if Yunheo Zhenren were to fight Hyeok Jin-gang, it could directly lead to a great war between the righteous and demonic factions.

Knowing these circumstances, Mu-jin had only asked out of a ‘just in case’ mindset.

‘In fact, if a war between the righteous and demonic factions broke out, it would be fortunate; the worst-case scenario would be if only Wudang suffered complete destruction.’

Despite the existence of the Demonic Alliance and the powerful entities known as the Seven Pillars within the demonic faction, the righteous faction held a significant advantage. There were as many as fifteen entities in the righteous faction comparable to the Seven Pillars, including the Nine Great Sects and the Five Great Families.

However, because the balance of power was so skewed, the righteous faction rarely united easily.

They were constantly engaged in underhanded deals and power struggles to gain more significant advantages over one another. This behavior was especially pronounced since most of the large righteous factions were located close to each other.

If Yunheo Zhenren were to attack the Demonic Alliance and confront Hyeok Jin-gang, there was a high chance that the Jegal family, which shared Hubei Province with Wudang, would support the Demonic Alliance from behind.

Outwardly, they would pretend to criticize the Demonic Alliance while doing so.

Therefore, to deal with Hyeok Jin-gang, at least one of three conditions had to be met.

Unite the righteous faction as one. Create a single force capable of opposing the Demonic Alliance. Or make the Demonic Alliance collapse from within.

‘Hmm. Should I rather use Wudang to keep the Jegal family in check?’

Not immediately, but certainly, someday an incident related to the hidden forces within the Jegal family would occur.

If history were to follow its original course, Jegal Jin-hee would also lose her life due to that incident.

‘I have built some rapport with her, so maybe I could intervene before the incident happens?’

If Jegal Jin-hee provided information in advance, it might be possible to resolve the incident through Wudang.

When Mu-jin was deeply contemplating that complicated matter, Yunheo Zhenren asked him a question.

“By the way, why is a disciple of Shaolin like you trying to make such a cruel request?”

A request for an assassination. It was something unbefitting a Shaolin disciple.

In response to Yunheo Zhenren’s question, Mu-jin gave an answer he had prepared in advance.

“I have a personal grudge against the Pa-gyeom Sect from my time in the secular world.”

Anyway, they were a demonic faction, so there would be many who held grudges against them. It was a convenient excuse to deflect the reason.

“I see, that’s how it is.”

Suddenly, Hyun-gwang joined the conversation.

‘What does he mean by that’s how it is?’

Mu-jin looked at Hyun-gwang, trying hard to hide his bewildered feelings.

“I heard from senior brother Bang-geon. He said that your family was exterminated, Mu-jin. The First-class Disciple who found you as an orphan on the streets brought you into Shaolin, and now it seems the ones who destroyed your family were from the Pa-gyeom Sect.”

“Th-that’s right!”

‘Does this really work out this way?’ Mu-jin thought to himself, but he responded, trying to appear calm.

Fortunately, Mu-jin’s acting seemed to work, as not only Hyun-gwang, but also Yunheo Zhenren and the young Taoist priest next to him looked at him with sympathetic expressions.

“How could I, this old man, understand the resentment of losing one’s family? Even though you joined Shaolin, I wouldn’t force you to calm that feeling. So don’t worry, Mu-jin. Amitabha.”


“Stay strong. Amitabha.”

With the comforting words from the old master, Yunheo Zhenren’s bitter expression, and the young Taoist priest’s encouragement, Mu-jin felt strangely uncomfortable.

“Ahem. I’m much better now. I just asked on a whim. I couldn’t think of anything to request right away.”

“The grudge must have been so great that you couldn’t think of another wish… Don’t worry. Even if I don’t intervene, that person has accumulated countless grudges. As they say, ‘The net of heaven is vast and wide, but nothing escapes it.’ Someday, that person will be punished.”

The net of heaven is vast and wide, but nothing escapes it.

It meant that someday, Hyeok Jin-gang would receive divine retribution.

‘No, I mean, I don’t actually have a personal grudge.’

There was no way he could reveal the truth now. Mu-jin felt the need to change the subject.

“Then, I’ll make the request later. For now, can we proceed with the treatment first?”

“Oh, I must have made you very uncomfortable. Please, go ahead.”

Perhaps due to the pitiful story Mu-jin shared, Yunheo Zhenren extended his arm with a much friendlier attitude.

Mu-jin began with acupressure as usual, then used simple Close-Range Spear Techniques to loosen the wrist and surrounding muscles.

“Please remember the movements I show you now and practice them slowly once or twice a day.”

Then, Mu-jin turned his head to look at Hyun-gwang.

“Grandfather, please only perform heat therapy.”

In addition to tenosynovitis, Yunheo Zhenren also had carpal tunnel syndrome, and the symptoms were quite severe. Rehabilitation therapy would have been counterproductive, so Mu-jin decided to proceed with acupressure, Close-Range Spear Techniques, and heat therapy only.

“If only we had paraffin.”

Paraffin, the most commonly used tool for wrist treatment, was not something he could easily acquire.

While Hyun-gwang emitted heat onto Yunheo Zhenren’s wrist, Mu-jin, who had prepared paper and ink, began to write something down on the paper.

Living with the medical staff at the Musculoskeletal Treatment Clinic, he had learned about medicinal herbs effective for inflammation and noted them down.

“Lastly, wrap this cloth around your wrist like this. It’s best to put down the sword until the pain completely subsides. If you absolutely can’t put it down, just hold it without swinging it.”

Saying this, Mu-jin wrapped Yunheo Zhenren’s wrist and hand with the cloth, almost like a wrist guard.

“If you loosen your wrist once a day with Close-Range Spear Techniques, receive heat therapy, and take these medicinal herbs, you will gradually see improvement, provided you don’t overexert yourself.”

Mu-jin added more words after completing the prescription.

“This process will take quite some time. Do you plan to stay at Shaolin or in Deungbong-hyeon?”

Yunheo Zhenren, who seemed to ponder Mu-jin’s question for a moment, carefully asked.

“If possible, could you accompany me to Wudang?”


“Yes. As I mentioned earlier, there are several patients in Wudang, not just myself. So, if it’s alright with you, I would like you to come to Wudang with me. Ah! If you agree to come with me, I will never forget this favor.”

Hearing Yunheo Zhenren’s urgent words, Mu-jin glanced subtly at Hyun-gwang.

“Hahaha. Wudang’s martial arts are also excellent, so experiencing them firsthand would be good.”

When Hyun-gwang indirectly expressed his approval, Yunheo Zhenren stroked his beard and spoke.

“Hmm. You mean to disguise it as an exchange visit rather than a treatment trip. Thank you for your consideration.”

Only after hearing Yunheo Zhenren’s words did Mu-jin grasp Hyun-gwang’s hidden intention.

If the rumor spread that Mu-jin went to Wudang for ‘treatment,’ it would inevitably lead to talks about problems in Wudang. To prevent such issues in advance, they proposed the excuse of an exchange visit.

“Hahaha, why bother with a false pretense? Mu-jin is in the midst of honing his skills, so he genuinely needs the exchange. Don’t worry, Daoist Mal-ko.”

“Don’t worry. I’m more than happy to welcome martial arts exchanges, given the favor I’m receiving.”

With Yunheo Zhenren’s curt speech, Hyun-gwang laughed heartily and added.

“In that case, we need some time to arrange an official exchange visit.”

“Wudang must also prepare to receive guests. I’ll return to Wudang tomorrow and report this matter to the head of our sect.”

Thus, the martial arts exchange between Shaolin and Wudang was established.

In reality, it was Mu-jin’s treatment expedition.

* * *

That evening.

At Hyun-gwang’s residence, Yunheo Zhenren and Hyun-gwang sat facing each other.

“Hahaha. Would you like a drink too, Daoist Mal-ko?”

As Hyun-gwang laughed heartily and offered a drink of the Xiao Hong Wine gifted by Hye-gwan, Yunheo Zhenren let out a dry laugh.

“Truly, you’ve become a real drunkard since I last saw you.”

Daoist Yunheo, who spoke so nonchalantly, also extended his cup as if it were natural, accepting and drinking the Xiao Hong Liquor.

The two elders alternated drinking the Xiao Hong Liquor for a while without saying a word.

And perhaps because he was slightly intoxicated, Daoist Yunheo clicked his tongue once and began to speak.

“Click. I thought that damned monk was just lying around, but it seems he picked up and raised a strange kid from somewhere.”

“It’s the same for both of us. Daoist Mal-ko also brought a peculiar child. Didn’t you intend to show that child the duel?”

“Click. And weren’t you, too, planning to show the duel to that boy, Mu-jin?”

In response to Daoist Yunheo’s question, Hyun-gwang tilted his cup instead of giving a direct answer.

Watching him for a moment, Daoist Yunheo asked,

“So, is that boy Mu-jin continuing your teachings?”

“As always, this monk merely pointed out the direction.”

Daoist Yunheo could grasp the underlying meaning in Hyun-gwang’s usual nonchalant response.

“A child who can realize it on his own just by being pointed in the right direction.”

“Heh heh heh.”

Listening to Hyun-gwang’s laughter, Daoist Yunheo recalled Mu-jin’s appearance from today.

Given that Daoist Yunheo had already reached an exalted state, he could roughly gauge Mu-jin’s level through his gait, each of his movements, his aura, and his developed muscles.

Even with those alone, Mu-jin had already far surpassed the level of his peers. However, that was equally true for his own grand disciple.

Reading the pride on Daoist Yunheo’s face, Hyun-gwang lightly laughed and asked,

“What kind of child is that young Daoist?”

“If I were to describe Cheong-su with one word, ‘Sword Fool’ would be the most fitting.”

Sword Fool. A fool for the sword.

It did not mean a fool who could not master the sword. It meant a fool who knew nothing but the sword.

“Come to think of it, we’re in similar situations. I also do not so much teach that child martial arts as I point out the direction of life. So that the child won’t use the sword for nefarious purposes.”

The obsession of a Sword Fool towards the sword could lead them to become a Sword Immortal if they went in the right direction, but if they grew in the wrong direction, they could become a Sword Demon.

“Indeed, a Sword Fool… That explains why he was so mesmerized by Daoist Mal-ko’s sword.”

While exchanging techniques with Daoist Yunheo, Hyun-gwang had also been observing the young Daoist named Cheong-su.

He had noticed the look of ecstasy on Cheong-su’s face as he watched Daoist Yunheo’s swordsmanship.

Daoist Yunheo had also been watching Mu-jin closely.

“That boy Mu-jin is quite unique. Despite facing an overwhelmingly high level, he didn’t get intimidated. At first, he seemed surprised, but there was a determined look in his eyes.”

“That’s precisely why I bothered to show him the duel. Heh heh heh.”

Hyun-gwang’s laughter was filled with pride and affection for Mu-jin.

As he observed Hyun-gwang for a moment, Daoist Yunheo recalled the various behaviors Hyun-gwang had displayed throughout the day.

Naturally, Daoist Yunheo came to a crucial realization.

“It seems you haven’t changed, but have done it intentionally. Despite gaining great enlightenment, you chose to remain in the mortal world.”

In his youth, Hyun-gwang had been a figure who embodied the term ‘Buddhist.’

That same person was now calling him ‘Daoist Mal-ko’ and engaging in bizarre behaviors such as drinking alcohol, which had puzzled him.

Daoist Yunheo realized that these were deliberate actions by Hyun-gwang.

“What attachment made you forgo such a precious opportunity?”

“If it’s Daoist Mal-ko, you can surely guess.”

Disciples. And the sect.

Because he had similar concerns, Daoist Yunheo could easily deduce it.

“Then, how much time do you have left?”

“Roughly five years, I’d say.”

“…I’ll visit you often, then.”

“Heh heh heh. There’s no need. Our remaining time isn’t that long. It would only increase the lingering regrets.”

“Would you even have lingering regrets for me?”

Daoist Yunheo smiled faintly at the remark.

And the two quietly sipped their drinks, as if there was no need to continue the conversation.

“By the way, Mu-jin’s qi is quite remarkable. Did you perhaps give him a Great Restoration Pill?”

“Heh heh heh. It happened by chance.”

“Click. No matter how much you dote on your grandson, giving him a Great Restoration Pill already.”

“Didn’t you also give a Supreme Pill to that boy, Cheong-su? Daoist Mal-ko.”

“Cheong-su has the talent to deserve it!”

“Mu-jin is no different.”

Then, as grandfathers typically do, they began to boast about their grandsons.

“Hmph. Do you know how smart my Cheong-su is?”

“Didn’t you just call him a fool a moment ago?”

“I said Sword Fool, not a fool!”

“Click click. If he’s learning from such a foolish Daoist Mal-ko, that child’s future is also clear.”

“Hmph. Just wait and see. That boy Mu-jin won’t be able to match Cheong-su.”

“Heh heh heh. There’s nothing more disgraceful than entrusting what you couldn’t achieve to your grandson.”

“…Shall we have a rematch now?”

“What’s the point of a rematch? We’re both old now. Besides, Mu-jin will win anyway, so I’ll leave it to him. Heh heh heh.”

They were truly indulgent grandfathers.

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