Genius Prince’s National Revitalization from State Deficit ~ Right, Let Us Sell the Country

Book 4: Chapter 3

Book 4: Chapter 3

Allow me to explain again.

A few days had passed since their tea party with Lowellmina. The carriage swayed as it passed through the town. Ninym was addressing Falanya, who sat across from her.

You will be attending the ceremony to commemorate the fifth anniversary of Mealtars uniting with the Empire.

Not for the summit of the Imperial family.

Ninym nodded. That is a gathering exclusive to them. Outsiders cannot participate or observe. Meaning theres no real reason for everyone to be here. But the princes wished to gather the lands most influential people in the same place. This ceremony serves as the pretext to summon everyone.

Which the important guests knew. They had come for other reasons: to form ties with the Imperial princes, to appraise their competition, to satisfy their curiosity, et cetera.

The ceremony consists of a simple greeting and congratulatory address. The main event is the dinner party for the guests of honor and invitees. There, we will try to greet the stars of the night: the eldest prince, Demetrio; the middle prince, Bardloche; and the youngest prince, Manfred. As for their appearance and expected ideals

Its all right. I remember what Wein told me, Falanya said with a brave nod.

Her nerves were written all over her face.

Ninym lightly admonished her. Its only a greeting. No need to be so nervous.

I know, but I cant help myself. The princess pouted. If I could, Id like to stop my hands from shaking, too. But then I start wondering if I can pull this whole thing off, and I

It wasnt surprising, considering she was about to embark on the first significant venture in her life. However, Ninym could not let the girl collapse under the pressure.

In that case, what if you pretended to be Prince Wein?

What do you mean?

How do you think he would act in this scenario?

Hmm Falanya dug up all her memories of observing Wein from behind the scenes.

Her brother was kind and dependable. Even when he was totally cornered, shed never seen him tremble in fear like she did. His back was always the straightest whenever the situations got more difficult. He would hold his head high, stick out his chest, and smile.

Falanya pushed the corners of her mouth up with her fingers. What do you think? Am I smiling like Wein?

Its looking a little strained.

Ill need to practice.

It seems your hands have stopped shaking.

Falanya checked to see if it was true. There was still tension in her core, but her fingers were no longer trembling.

Ninym, Ill do my best and make sure I see this through.

I am certain you will, Ninym said respectfully. Neither I nor Prince Wein have any doubt that you will fulfill your role.

The carriage came to a slow halt. They could see a large building outside the window. It was the State Guesthouse, a landmark in Mealtars. People were already gathering inside. As Falanya looked on in awe at the foreign structure, servants of the city opened the carriage door.

Shall we, Your Highness? Ninym prompted.

Falanya took a deep breath and firmly nodded.

From the moment they stepped foot inside the venue, it was like they had entered another world.

Every available surface of the walls was meticulously decorated with intricate pieces. The chandelier almost looked like a jewel suspended from the ceiling, making all wonder in awe over its craftsmanship. It bathed the room in a soft light, giving the polished floors an indescribable gleam.

It was a banquet. The tables were covered with crisp cloths and set with floral centerpieces. They must have been imported. Their sweet nectar tickled the guests noses, filling the hall with the unfamiliar scent.

Even the attendees were suitably elegant for the occasion, though that was expected.

After all, this summit was intimately connected to the future of both the Empire and the surrounding nations. Should they trust the Empire or abandon it? Who would make a good ally? Who might become a threat? Those in attendance were here to sort this out.

Do not feel daunted, Your Highness, whispered Ninym from behind.

Yes, I know. Falanya took a step forward.

Smile, Falanya. Think of Wein.

Two steps. Then three. She straightened her back and wore her best smile.

The people around her began to whisper.

What a lovely lady. Where is she from?

I dont think Ive seen her before. But she appears well-mannered.

Accompanied by a Flahm attendant. A rarity.

Speaking of the Flahm, I hear they occupy vital posts that serve the royal family of Natra.

Then she must be

Princess Falanya. A pair of shoes clinked before her. I havent seen you since our tea party. How have you been?

It was the princess of the Earthworld Empire, Lowellmina.

The crowd really started to buzz. Of course. She was one of the guests of honor. All present were carefully watching her every move. And any blunder here would be unforgivable.

Yes, of course. Embarrassingly enough, I have a little too much energy, Falanya replied after taking a deep breath.

Lowellmina smiled. I see. I was worried for your health when I heard it was your first visit to a foreign nation. But I see that my concerns were all for naught.

I am grateful for your concern. My time in the Empire has been quite agreeable so far.

Falanya had managed to come up with this inoffensive reply when a third voice cut in.

As a citizen of Mealtars, I could receive no greater honor.

It was a middle-aged man. He looked unfamiliar.

As Falanya considered who he might be, Lowellmina introduced him. This is the mayor of Mealtars, Cosimo.

He bowed. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Princess Falanya.

Falanya curtsied in return. It is wonderful to meet you, Mayor Cosimo. Thank you for inviting me to this ceremony.

As an ally of the Earthworld Empire, it is only natural that you receive an invitation. It is unfortunate that we are unable to meet the rumored crown prince, but He offered a gentle smile. I never thought his stand-in would be so lovely. I must instruct my subordinates to offer a more cordial welcome.

My. You flatter me. As to be expected of the mayor of a merchant city.

No, not at all. In my youth, I wasnt the best at my job. After all, I lacked the most essential skill for any merchant: the ability to lie to the customer. Cosimo shrugged in jest, making Falanya and Lowellmina chuckle.

Do not let him fool you, Princess Falanya. You know how they say, study a religion to know God, and study under the Imperial military to fight? Well, you should study under Cosimo to get rich.

And for those inquiring young ones, I tell them: Make honest deals.

Hee-hee. If that were true, your ledger would only have a cover, Mayor Cosimo.

Its the strangest thing. If I even take my eyes off it for a second, all the pages in my ledger go missing. Fairies must be playing a trick on me.

Falanya burst out laughing.

Beside her, Lowellmina gave a mischievous grin. Oh, Ive heard of those fairies. If I remember correctly, they visit dishonest merchants at night.

I see! Well, Ive heard they are known to choose the wrong target on occasion. Cosimo shook his head in consternation.

Lowellmina was giggling as she leaned over to Falanya. What do you think? You should really be careful to not let your guard down around Mayor Cosimo.

Falanya touched shoulders with Lowellmina. It seems that way. If you give him the opportunity, hell deceive you before you know it.

As the two stared at him, Cosimo gave a wry smile and threw his hands up in defeat.

I fear I have fallen into your disfavor. I shall withdraw until my financial matters have been put into orderPlease enjoy the banquet, Your Highnesses.

With a bow, Cosimo left the two and went to mingle with other guests.

Falanya let out an internal sigh of relief. She was surprised after suddenly getting embroiled in a conversation, but as expected of a mayor, he was clever and witty. The interaction had ultimately put her at ease.

Well, Lowellmina said, interrupting her thoughts. Now that weve had an enjoyable time with Mayor Cosimo, Princess Falanya, allow me to guide you to our guests of honor since you have come all this way.

This proposal seemed to come out of nowhere.

The guests of honor. The three Imperial princes. Falanya glanced toward the center of the reception area. It had been swarming with people ever since she arrived. She imagined the princes were in the middle of it.

Wh-what should I do?

Accomplishing her goal meant breaking into that crowd and standing before them. But the sea of people was made up of influential figures with established reputations. Falanya was worried whether she could actually inject herself in that conversation.

But the banquet wasnt going to last forever. The princes had to have their own preparations to make before the summit. If she was careless, she would miss her chance. But if Lowellmina was acting as their intermediary, Falanya could make the most of this situation. On the flip side, if Lowellmina was the one to introduce her, the other attendees would note the close relationship between Natra and the Imperial princess.

Should she prioritize her goal? Or should she aim to resolve things on her own?

Falanya was filled with momentary indecision, but before she could settle on a conclusion, Lowellmina gently gripped her hand.

Well then, let us go.

Wait. What

Lowellmina was acting like this was no big deal, and Falanya began to follow out of reflex. Two or three steps later, the young princess realized she had no choice in the matter.

Sh-she got me!

With Lowellmina dragging her along, Princess Falanya made her way toward the princes. It seemed simple on the outside. But there were multiple layers and implications to the situation.

Lowellmina had managed to lower Falanyas guard by taking her side during their conversation with Cosimo. And when that happened, Lowellmina pounced.

In a fluster, Falanya craned her neck to look back at Ninym, who shook her head. If the princess cast aside Lowellminas hand, it would draw the attention of everyone around her. It would only lead to unnecessary complications.

U-um I should find a good reason to let go

Falanya tried to think of something, but Lowellmina was already one step ahead of her.

Princess Falanya, how much do you know about my older brothers?

U-um, a certain degree.

Oh, is that true? How are they perceived in Natra?

Um, well

Lowellmina started to unleash a stream of random topics.

Falanya was trying to answer and simultaneously think of a good plan. But that did not pan out too well.

Enough! I cant collect my thoughts! Falanya was screaming on the inside.

Lowellmina was worming herself into Falanyas brain by overloading her with information. And worst of all, Falanya knew there was nothing she could do.

Shes the worst! Falanya felt a rush of indignation, glaring at her.

Unsurprisingly, Lowellmina looked calm.

During this exchange, they arrived at the front of the throng of people. Falanya watched as the crowd parted when they noticed Lowellmina. Standing before them were three men.

My dear brothers. May I have a moment of your time? Lowellmina called out.

All eyes fell on her.

Falanya had no choice but to go along with it. She steeled herself.

What is it, Lowellmina? one of the men asked.

He sounded like he was in a bad mood, but Lowellmina pretended not to notice.

I want to introduce you to someone, she prompted, nudging Falanya toward the three.

These are the princes of the Empire

The eldest prince, Demetrio. His garments were the flashiest. He seemed to look down on both her and Lowellmina.

The middle prince, Bardloche. He had the build of a military man and a deep scar on his face. He stared at them with sharp eyes.

The youngest prince, Manfred. He was young, maybe a bit older than Wein, with elegant features. He looked at her with curiosity.

It is a pleasure to meet you. I am the crown princess of the Kingdom of Natra, Falanya Elk Arbalest.

As she bowed to the princes, she recalled a conversation with Wein before she had left.

Next, the Imperial princes.

After briefing her on Lowellmina, Wein had continued to the following topic.

First, the eldest prince, Demetrio. As the oldest among the three, he has the backing of the most conservative noble families. Basically, they only support him because hes the eldest. Theres nothing noteworthy about his abilities or personality. Well, hes the prodigal son.

A little like Lord Geralt, who passed away after that recent accident.

He isnt quite that bad I hope. Weins cheek twitched. That incident had been too unexpected, even for him.

Next, the middle prince, Bardloche. His main backers come from the military. Apparently, hes a great fighter, since a renowned soldier trained him from an early age. Hes even led his forces into battle as a general.

Hmm Hey, Wein, why cant he be the Emperor?

Bardloche fit the image of a strong emperor that many in the Empire longed for.

But Wein shook his head. He focuses on military affairs to the detriment of everything else, possibly because of his personal history. And he tends to disrespect civil officials. He wants to be more ironfisted with any provinces that wont fall in line, and thats made him some enemies.

Falanya found this answer persuasive. As she learned by watching Wein, she had started to develop a vague understanding about the importance of balance when running a nation.

Last is the youngest, Manfred. His support comes from the nouveau riche. It helps that he has a silver tongue. He keeps making promises to people that hell deliver once he becomes the Emperor, which is how hes managed to secure the cooperation of many provinces.

Is thatall right?

Who knows? Maybe hell keep his promises, or hell declare them null and void once hes on the throne Hes the hardest to read of the three. You should definitely watch out for him.

Wein shrugged and went on. Well, the princes are all in the same boat. Their support has flagged, because they messed up with a botched rebellion and the princess has been performing well. Theyre looking at the summit as their chance to make a comeback. Theyre planning to use it as an opportunity to persuade any important attendees, Mealtars, and Lowellmina to join their factions.

Ah, thats right. The princes havent realized her true goal yet and still see her as someone to win over.

This oversight could be attributed to Lowellmina positioning herself in just the right way. They would crush her if she was an obvious rival competing with them for the throne. But she had done a skilled job at portraying herself as a princess who simply acted out of love for her nation. Each prince was scheming to get her on his side, so the reputation of his faction would soar. For this reason, she couldnt afford to act recklessly. Falanya thought it was diabolical.

Plus, they arent gathering so many major players together to win them over: They want to exert dominance over the Empire while its ridden by turmoil.

It had been a year since the Earthworld Empire lost its emperor. But the princes remained in a standoff, and the next ruler was still yet to be decided. Naturally, the entire nation was in a state of perpetual anxiety.

They had invited people to this summit that would normally only be attended by the rightful heirs to the throne to prove that their influence had not fadedand to show they were mature enough to solve this with words.

In any case, that about sums up the three princes. When you meet, I imagine they will study you closely to gauge the relationship between Natra and Lowellminaand to see if they can undermine it.

And even if they try, I will not let them.


Wein stroked Falanyas hair.

Make sure you stay on guard. Youll be surrounded by people you dont know, so youll be under a lot of pressure. And dont forget to be careful out there. With you looking so cute, I imagine men are going to try to chat you up outside of the political sphere. Turn them down.

Please, Wein. You dont have to tell me twice. Falanyas cheeks puffed out as she faced her overprotective brother.

I know. But big brothers always worry about this kind of thing, Wein said, still stroking her hair.

Back to the present.

With the eyes of the princes and murmuring crowd on her, Falanya finally understood why Weins fears had not been unfounded.

Falanya had appeared before her fair share of large crowds at balls and other events in Natra. But the weight she currently felt on her shoulders threatened to crush those humble experiences.


Her brother had entrusted her with an important duty. This was no time to be scared.

Falanya looked straight at the princes.

Well, that is a surprise.

The first to speak was the youngest prince, Manfred.

Id heard your name, Princess Falanya, but I never expected you to be this lovely. I wish we had become acquainted earlier, he noted with the light and easy eloquence of a master musician.

Oh! he then exclaimed theatrically. Please forgive me. I am the youngest prince of the Earthworld Empire, Manfred Earthworld. It is a pleasure to meet you, Princess Falanya.

It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Prince Manfred.

The next introduced himself in a low voice.

Im Bardloche, the second prince I see the younger sister of the rumored Prince Wein has come in his stead.

I am terribly sorry. As prince regent, he was unable to get away from his many duties.

So Ive heard. Looks like he really showed the West a thing or two. I thought Id get a chance to talk to him. Thats too bad.

The last to offer his comments was the hostile eldest prince.

Im the eldest prince of Earthworld, Demetrio.

Something about his voice signaled he was displeased.

Thank you for coming all the way from the far north. But this is a crucial event for the Empire and our ally nations. Sending the crown princess

His eyes bored into Falanya.

leads me to believe youre looking down on us.

No, wed never

That left Falanya flustered. She had expected him to be outwardly welcoming to win people over, but Demetrio had just proven her wrong.

The swarm of influential guests seemed just as surprised. They must have expected him to cut off their alliance or do something similarly drastic because they paid extra close attention to the tense conversation.

Of all the things to say Lowellmina cut in.

Weve invited Natra to a ceremony to celebrate the unity between Mealtars and the Empire. I know its unfortunate we cannot meet Prince Wein, but I think its heartless to deem her unworthy of your time.

Everyone knew the true purpose of the gathering: the Summit of the Imperial Children, a matter of utmost importance to the Empire. But in the public sphere, they had gotten together for another reasonfor this ceremonywhich Lowellmina had just reminded Demetrio.

He glared at her in silence. But she didnt flinch, meeting his gaze and pressing him further.

Dont you agree, Manfred? she asked another prince.

Finding himself in the conversation, Manfred quickly surveyed the scene and shrugged.

It seems weve caught Demetrio in a foul mood. Here, Princess Falanya. Come with me. Let us chat.

It seemed Manfred had decided it would be more strategic to get closer to Natra than follow Demetrios lead. Manfred gently extended his hand to Falanya.

However, it wasnt as though Bardloche would allow this to pass without comment.

Wait, Manfred. Im interested in hearing what Natra has to say.

Bardloche, youre in for a reality check: I know youre a warmongering moron, but have you ever heard of waiting for your turn?

In that case, you should be conceding to me, little brother.

Just when Lowellmina had helped Falanya sidestep Demetrios verbal assault, the Imperial princess had introduced a new source of tension between Bardloche and Manfred. Falanya couldnt keep up with all these sudden twists and turns.

Your Highness, Ninym whispered into her ear from behind. If we stay here, we will be caught up in their argument. We should leave now.

B-but what should I say?

What about something like this? Ninym suggested.

Falanya nodded her head and turned to Manfred.

Prince Manfred, I am flattered by your invitation, but I ask that you grant this honor to someone else for today.

Do you find me a disagreeable conversation partner?

Most certainly not Falanya said before taking Lowellminas hand. I have already promised the princess that I would set aside time to speak with her.

What? Lowellmina looked surprised.

Hmm Manfred offered, searching for a true motive.

Since Lowellmina had been the one to make the introduction, Falanya would have already found it difficult to deny that there was a close relationship between Natra and Lowellmina. Given the situation, Falanya decided it was better to go all out and use Lowellmina as an excuse to leave.

Based on their current policy to remain distant from the fight for the throne, it was a last-ditch effort for Natra. But this was also the best way out.

Thats right. I am very sorry, Manfred, Lowellmina said.

I see Well, a promise is a promise.

The princes assumed Falanya had been part of Lowellminas faction from the start. This wasnt an odd request. Plus, Lowellmina benefited from pretending to be in an established allegiance. There was no reason for her to pass up this opportunity either.

Well, now that I have introduced you to my brothers, let us be on our way, Princess Falanya.

Yes, of course. Please excuse me.

Falanya bowed and joined Lowellmina. They walked together to the outer margins of the hall. As soon as they were out of earshot, Lowellmina began to giggle.

Hee-hee. You did excellent in getting us out of there.

Though they had only managed to sneak off because Lowellmina had gone along with her plan, it was her fault in the first place for dragging Falanya to the princes. The young princess was feeling conflicted about this whole thing.

Well then, Princess Falanya, what shall we do from here? I would not mind actually chatting together.

Falanya had succeeded in introducing herself to the princes. Lowellmina had succeeded in flaunting a close relationship with Natra. In other words, both had accomplished their goals. All that was left was to enjoy the banquets culinary offerings and mingle with the regular guests, and then Falanya would finally be free! Though if she was being honest, the conversation with the princes had already exhausted all her energy.

She must have been an open book, because Lowellmina flashed her a dry smile.

It might be best if you rest awhile. I will go speak with the other guests. My brothers are trapped by their followers, and I imagine they wont disturb you again in the reception hall. Ill see you again later, Lowellmina said before leaving.

When she was out of sight, Falanya heaved a heavy sigh.


You did well today, Princess Falanya, Ninym kindly offered at her side.

Falanya became timid. Hey, Ninym, I, um

No need to make such a face. You performed marvelously.

Falanyas face relaxed for an instant, but she quickly became dissatisfied.

Lowellmina had gotten the better of her. As Weins little sister, Falanya had hoped to report something worthwhile, but now she was full of regret.

But it was Falanyas first time in dealing with foreign diplomacy, after all. This was the expected outcome when facing important and experienced people.

That compelled Ninym to say, Diplomacy often becomes tangled by individual thoughts and heightened emotions, so it is only reasonable that things will not always go as planned. For now, we should rejoice that we have accomplished our goal.

Youre right, Ninym.

Falanya understood that outcomes were never certain. She felt guilty, but that was going to get her nowhere.

I think Ill rest for now. And when I feel better, we can brainstorm ways to help out Wein.

Yes, thats the spirit. Ninym smiled before her eyes suddenly flicked toward the reception hall. Princess Falanya, I am afraid I must leave you for a moment.

Whats wrong?

I have some affairs to attend to. I will return soon. Please do not worry Nanaki, watch over the princess until I come back. Ninym turned on her heel and raced toward the hall.

Nanaki instantly appeared at her side, and Falanya tilted her head in confusion.

I wonder whats bothering Ninym?

Beats me.

Hmm Hey, Nanaki, what are you eating?

A pastry. Theyve got more over there. Theyre pretty good.

I want one, Falanya said, and walked with Nanaki over to the table.

Beyond the reception hall was a pathway that Ninym followed. After a while, she arrived at a garden.

Standing at its entrance was a single woman. Ninym knew her face well. It was Lowellminas attendant, Fyshe Blundell.

Upon noticing Ninym walking toward her, Fyshe stepped to the side and pointed inside the garden. Ninym entered. Next to the fountain was Lowellmina.

If it isnt Ninym. What a coincidence that we would meet here. Lowellmina genuinely looked shocked.

Ninym sighed. Says the one who kept flashing me looks.

When Lowellmina had parted with Falanya, she had given Ninym a meaningful look from the corner of her eye.

It was easy enough for Ninym to decode this as a signal for her to come and meet Lowellmina alone.

Hee-hee, Im joking. Am I right to imagine that you were the one to come up with Princess Falanyas plan?

Wein told me to give her as much space as possible, but in a situation like that

I bet you were surprised Demetrio would dare to say such things to her face.

Our alliance nearly fell apart. Honestly, what was he thinking?

Ninym could understand if this had happened after the Empire had settled down. In that scenario, he could have picked a fight with Natra over something random and destroyed them at his leisure. But he had tried to make more enemies while the embers of civil war were still hot. It was madness.

Lowellmina answered her question flawlessly. Its simple: Hes the eldest son. Wein is doing well in Natra, and Weins little sister has come instead.

I still dont get it.

Its all about pride. Hes the eldest prince of the Earthworld Empirethe greatest power of the Eastern continent! But his reputation isnt the best, and its looking like his younger brothers may oust him. On top of that, their northern ally is performing well in the East and the West! Plus, Crown Prince Wein is younger than him! And as a kicker, Prince Wein has sent his younger sister to the gathering where Demetrio might be crowned emperor! My older brother must find it intolerable.

I wouldnt call that rational.

If hed been born with a brain, hed be sitting on the throne by now, Lowellmina said with a giggle.

Ninym let out another sigh and changed the subject.

Fine, lets leave it at that. What business do you have with me? I dont want to leave Princess Falanya alone for too long. Please make it brief.

Hey! Whos more important to you: me or the princess?

Princess Falanya. That should be obvious.

Aww! How could you, Ninym?

Ninym remained silent and turned on her heel.

Ah, wait. Time-out. I was just kidding.

Im busy.

I cant believe youre so cold after weve gone so long without seeing each other. But thats what I love about you!Oh, please dont leave!

If youre not going to get to the point, I will report to Wein that Fattymina has doubled in size.

Thats harassment! Fine. Theres obviously only one thing that Id call you for: Would you like to make a deal?

What kind of deal?

I want Princess Falanya to openly declare that Natra supports me.

Ninym narrowed her eyes. Isnt it already known that you have connections with Natra?

Yes, thanks to you. But I need one more push. It would have been one thing if the acting leader of Natra had actually come and done the same thing as Princess Falanya. But everyone is bound to question whether she represents the official position of Natra.

Ninym understood where she was coming from. This was Falanyas first foray into diplomacy. On the flip side, it was the first time other nations had a chance to engage with her.

In other words, no one knew her standing as a diplomator even if she had the ability to influence her own nation at all.

If she had kept a promise made to another nation as the representative of Natra, she would hold more value as a diplomat. On the other hand, if she did not have a say in international politics, Falanya would be reduced to a sight for sore eyes and not much else.

Of course, it would be hard to imagine someone from the royal family not having an impactbut the other nations must think she cant fully represent the kingdom, since Wein is the official leader.

That was why this final push was necessary. Lowellmina wanted a public declaration that Natra would side with her. If a member of the royal family made such an announcement, there would be no room for doubt.

Do you think you could put in a good word for me, Ninym? If it came from you, I think she would be inclined to agree. Please? Lowellmina made it sound as if she was asking for a small favor.

With her fine features, she certainly looked very sweet.

But Ninym remained cool. What will we get in return? I imagine you prepared something to hold up your end of the deal.

Of course. Incidentally, what do you think it is? If you answer correctly, Ill tell you one extra bit of information.

I dont care. Just tell me.

Hmph. Be that way. Lowellmina pursed her lips in disappointment. And in the next moment, her eyes housed something terrible.

Its about the summit. Her lips curled into a smirk. Dont you want to know more about the meeting thatll only be attended by me and the princes?

If Ninym had been some other foreign bigwig, she would have pounced without missing a beat.

After all, they were talking about the private meeting that could literally decide the fate of the Empire. What deals would be struck? Where would their choices take them? It wasnt an exaggeration to say every word that passed behind those closed doors was worth a fortune.

It was bold of Lowellmina to choose this moment to play her hand. It made clear she had her eyes on Natra and that now was the best opportunity to bargain with her target.

You all certainly are clever.

I wouldnt say that, Lowellmina reflexively responded. An instant later. You all?

Lowellmina went instantly on alert.

Ninym was suddenly all smiles. You know, Wein prepared an answer in case you came to us with a deal, Lowa.

There were two potential paths. One was where Falanya would deflect Lowellminas advances and keep a safe distance from the battle for the throne. The other was where Lowellmina would get the better of them and Natra would be considered her potential ally.

Wein had been expecting Lowellmina would bring up this bargaining chip, no matter the path they were on.

What did he say?

Ninym offered up Weins answer. Ill tell you verbatim: Back off. I dont need a deal.

Lowellmina was silent for a few seconds. I see Wein views the most important event for the Empire as a stepping stone for his younger sister.

Then she glared at Ninymand at Wein through his proxy. It seems weve been snubbed.

Ninym snorted derisively. If you dont want to be treated that way, pick up the pace and choose an emperor. Otherwise, nothing will change even if you continue talking, Imperial candidate.

The two stared icy daggers at each other for a few seconds, which was more than enough time for the faint of heart to swoon. Lowellmina was the first to break off her gaze.

This is unfortunate, but I guess you leave me little choice. If thats the case, I suppose I will shift my attention to solidifying my schemes at the summit.

I am cheering for you.

Wow. How sincere.

My heart is already taken. If you have nothing more to say, Ill be heading back.

All rightOh, just a moment. Lowellmina held Ninym back before she could turn away. Youve come all this way, so Ill tell you that extra piece of information I mentioned.

Even though I didnt answer correctly?

Call it a participation award. Lend me your ear. Lowellmina whispered something almost unintelligible.

Ninyms eyes widened in surprise. Is that true?

It is. Lowellmina nodded, smiling mischievously. Those two are on their way here.


Keeping to a corner of the reception hall, Falanya whimpered like a small animal.

Well? Did you figure it out? asked the boy next to her, Nanaki.

Sort of Falanyas eyes zeroed in on a group on the right edge of the room. It seemsthat the man over there has been talking the entire time, but the people around him arent interested.

Youre right, Nanaki replied. The attendees are used to keeping up appearances. But they tend to put all their energy into maintaining their expressionand neglect to care about the position of their feet. Look at how theyre all pointed in different directions. Its a sign their minds are checked out.

Nanaki was right. None of the people around the talking man had their feet facing toward him. Most were pointed toward the center of the halltoward the Imperial princes.

Are you always people watching, Nanaki?

Im a guard. It comes with the job, he replied curtly. Anyway, why did you suddenly ask me to teach you how to read body language?

Isnt it obvious? I want to help Wein, Falanya answered, as if it were the only logical answer. I failed this time. It must have been because I let Princess Lowellmina control the flow of the conversation. I want to observe the other guests to learn how to take and hold the initiative in a discussion. That way I can use it at the next opportunity. Right?

You dont know if there will be a next time.

But if there is, Ill be able to stand tall. I want to get revenge against Princess Lowellmina.

Falanyas eyes burned with a sense of duty.

Nanaki didnt look the least bit interested. In that case, he offered, check that group over there. You can probably learn something from them.

He pointed to a tight cluster of people on the left-hand side. Though smaller than the one around the Imperial princes, a considerable crowd had gathered around one person.

Umm Unlike with the other man, all feet are facing toward the one in the middle.

The speaker is petite, right? Being tall helps you stand out, but that also means its tough if youre short.

To draw this crowd, that person must be a great speaker, right?

And with clever use of gestures, the speaker has captured the focus of their sight and hearing. Conquering two of the five senses is huge.

Now that he mentioned it, Falanya remembered how Wein used body language to drive home points during his own meetings. It was a good reminder to study his mannerisms when she got home.

Falanya stepped forward. Nanaki, lets go over and listen.

Wait, in front of

Huh? Meep. She felt something bounce off her face.

By the time she realized shed run into something, she was on her way down. She could already imagine the crashing impact But in the next instant, an arm wrapped around her back and supported her.

Whoa. Are you injured?

It belonged to a man who must have been in the military. He did not pitch forward as he held Falanya up with one hand. His formal outfit for the ceremony looked stiff and uncomfortable.

Y-yes. Im fine. Falanya corrected her posture and bowed to the man. Please pardon my inattention.

Not at all. It was my mistake for not noticing sooner. Think nothing of it. The man offered a cheerful smile. His uninhibited expression eased the hearts of those who laid eyes upon it.

Someone called out toward them. Glen, whats going on?

Another man appeared, seemingly an acquaintance of the military man, since they were on a first-name basis. This new arrival gave off a completely different vibe from Glen.

His formal outfit fit him like a glove, and his gaze was keenly intelligent. If Glen was a typical military man, he was a typical civil official.

Oh, Strang. Nothing to worry about. Did you get what you needed done?

Yes, Ive finished speaking with Prince ManfredAnd who might this be? Strang turned to look at Falanya.

Oh, this is Glen trailed off. Shoot. I havent asked yet.

You really have to get it together. Strang looked exasperated. He faced Falanya. Pardon my companion. I am Strang Nanos, acting governor-general for the Imperial province of Burnoch. And this is

Glen Markham, humble soldier of the Empire.

They both bowed.

Falanya introduced herself. A pleasure. I am the crown princess of Natra, Falanya Elk Arbalest.

Falanya found their reactions odd. For some reason, they grew flustered after hearing her name.

She had initially thought it was because they were surprised by her rank, but that didnt seem to be the case. From their reactions, she could guess something else had thrown them off.

Is something the matter?

Glen was the one to answer, voice strained. Ah, um, no, thats My apologies. By Natra, do you mean the nation where Prince Wein resides?

Yes. He is my older brother.

Glen and Strang exchanged looks.

Falanya cocked her head to the side. Do you know him personally?

Strang cleared his throat. No He just happens to share the same name as an acquaintance.

Y-yeah. Though judging by Prince Weins stellar reputation, its audacious to even bring both of them up in the same breath.

Ah, I see.

Wein wasnt a rare name. And if these honest men were bad-mouthing their acquaintance, Falanya knew he must have been nothing like her brother.

Huh. I swear Glen sounds familiar

Where could she have heard it? It wasnt an uncommon name either, so it must have been from some unrelated memory.

Strang spoke up. I am terribly sorry, Princess Falanya. I hope youll forgive the rushed introduction. I am afraid we have somewhere to be. I am reluctant to part like this, but

Oh, is that so? Take no mind of me.

Thank you. I hope we have the chance to meet again Glen.

Right. See ya, Princess.

The two turned on their heels and exited the reception hall. They must have had some rather urgent business.

That Glen seems really deft. The other guys just a sack of bones, though.

Oh, really? Falanya asked Nanaki.

But I didnt get a bad vibe from him, he added, nodding.

Falanya had never seen Nanaki fight. But she knew both Wein and Ninym thought highly of his skills. If Nanaki thought Glen was strong, it couldnt be false.

All of a sudden, Falanya felt the compulsion to ask a mean question. Is he stronger than you, Nanaki?

It depends. Hes strong enough that I cant guarantee how a fight between us would end, Nanaki answered.

Falanyas cheeks puffed out at his textbook response.

But it would be a different story if you were involved, Falanya, he whispered.

Hmm? Did you say something?

Nothing. Nanaki pointedly turned his face away.

Ninym returned at that moment.

I apologize for the wait, Princess Falanya Did something happen, Nanaki?

Nothing. Didnt you want to listen in on that group over there, Falanya?

Ah, thats right. Lets all go together.

Falanya set off with Nanaki in tow.

Ninym cocked her head in apparent confusion and followed from behind.

The sun was starting to set on Mealtars. The city was awash with the red evening light.

And it was sundown, even in the far northern corners of Natra.

Phew, Wein let out, tossing a sheaf of documents on his desk after finishing some work in his office.

He glanced next to himto where Ninym normally stood over him. Of course, there was no one there now. She was in Mealtars, acting as his little sisters diplomatic aide.

Im worried, he accidentally let slip, quietly to himself.

IM! WORRIED! SICK! Wein boomed as if the floodgates had opened on his repressed emotions.

Ngh I wonder if Falanyas okay I know nothing will happen to her with Ninym and Nanaki accompanying her, but What if? No Unless?

Wein had taken the plunge and sent Falanya off with the delegation to Mealtars. She had wanted to go, and he had hoped it would help her grow. He had no regrets about his decision. None at all. But that didnt mean he wasnt worried.

I hope she isnt working herself too hard

If Falanya could see him now, she would smile at him dryly. On his face now was the same worried look she had whenever Wein went off to a foreign country.

Please pardon me, Your Highness. Someone knocked on the door and entered the room.

Oh, Revan. Ive finished up the paperwork.

Revan was the Flahm who served as an aide to Weins father, King Owen. He was currently acting as Owens nurse as the king recovered. But since Ninym had gone with Falanya, he filled the role as Weins temporary aide.

Please let me take a look. Revan gathered the documents and quickly thumbed through them. Everything appears to be in order. With this edict, General Hagal will be reinstated on paper and in practice.

The aides smile was a bitter one. You were rather reckless, Your Highness. Using the general to smoke out the rebels and whatnot.

It was originally a long-term plan. It was my fault for letting the West get the better of me Ive already got a ton of flak from Ninym about it. Try to go easy on me.

Ha-ha-ha. It appears that you two have a fine relationship. Out of respect, I shall say no more on the matter, Revan said. I would like to bring something to your attention, however. Those we have purged generally filled smaller roles, but we now have a few unfilled positions and domains. What do you advise we do?

There are Flahm with time on their hands, right? Move some of them around for now.

Revan looked surprised. Assigning Flahm to positions of power will invite opposition from non-Flahm. And it may cause the Flahm in those posts to grow conceited as they become used to their new status. Is that all right?

Let me ask you: Do you think Natra can be picky about personnel?

Revan remained silent.

Natra is getting biggergeographically and economically. We need to bring to bear all available human capital, even if it means enduring cuts or bruises or thorns, or well never get a handle on our situation.

I understand. Well then, as you wish. He bowed, then seemed to remember something. According to our schedule, the ceremony in Mealtars should be today.

Youre right. As long as its gone without a hitch, it should be just about over by now. Well, the real deal comes after that.

The ceremony was just a prelude, after all. The real heart of the matter was the Summit of the Imperial Children that would follow.

I really hope nothing happens Wein murmured.

As I expected. You are worried about Princess Falanya.

Im always the one going out. Ive finally realized what it feels like to be left behind.

Ha-ha-ha. Maybe youd like to take the fastest horse and rush to her side?

Your Highness, that was a joke.

I know. I was just calculating if its possible.

Revan broke into a cold sweat. Please do not scare me like that Let us simply pray for her safe return. Thats all we can do.

Youre right. I guess thats it.

The rays of the setting sun streaming through the window began to dim.

Night would soon be upon them.

The eldest prince, Demetrio.

The middle prince, Bardloche.

The youngest prince, Manfred.

Before the three Imperial princes, Crown Princess Lowellmina gave her declaration.

Let us discuss the future of the Empire

In a secret room for just the four of them, the curtain was about to rise on the Summit of the Imperial Children where the fate of the Empire would be decided.

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