Genius Wizard Takes Medicine

Chapter 171

Although she had condensed it into just three sentences, Lennok was aware that Lapis had deliberately distilled her words.

Lapis had observed during their brief exchange that Lennok prioritized substance and efficiency over courtesy and formality.

This attitude indicated that she had no intention of deceiving or misleading him.

Even at her young age, her cautious yet bold way of speaking genuinely appealed to Lennok.


Wearing an indifferent expression, Lennok crossed his arms and plunged into deep contemplation.

In reality, hearing it directly from her mouth only confirmed what he had already suspected, so there was nothing particularly astonishing.

Upon reflection, all the events he had undergone were eventually converging into a single incident.

‘Opening of the sky…’

Before her demise, The Great Seer had spoken of the order of the world.

The dark wizard from Pandemonium had asserted that a gifted individual was required to unseal the stagnant world.

Hadn’t Craig indeed brought fragments of such an apocalypse into existence?

He had meticulously recounted all these events to reach this juncture, and the time it had taken was exceedingly long. However, in the end, Lennok arrived at a single truth.

Those who desired to unlock the stagnant world and establish a new order, and those who aimed to thwart them and prevent a great catastrophe from befalling the world.

These two motives had subtly influenced the geopolitical landscape of the continent from behind the scenes.

And now, standing at the crossroads with both options in hand, he was finally at a genuine starting point.

After all this, he had at last entered the mainstream of this world.

The only thing Lennok was certain of was just that.

“I understand what you’re trying to say.”


“I have no intention of joining any organization right now. I’m not the type to like being committed here and there.”

What if Lennok had not encountered Lapis but had attended the Pandemonium and received an explanation from the dark wizard?

Wouldn’t the reason he sought to unveil the heavens be as lucid and persuasive as Lapis’s reason to oppose them?

Lennok chose not to rush to conclusions.

She might claim to be a descendant of the lighthouse keeper and present plausible justifications, but he couldn’t genuinely determine if The Great Seer’s intentions were aligned with the right organization.

He had never intended to arrive at a conclusion at this point.

Instead, if he could fully exploit this for his own benefit, then why not?

“However, if we can help each other out to some extent… perhaps we can reconsider our relationship more positively.”

As he spoke, Lennok gave a faint smile, gazing at Lapis, who raised her head.

“It’s about cracking the Drug Lord’s vault. What do you say, are you interested?”

This was the pivotal moment.

He should observe Lapis’s reaction, steer the conversation to match her disposition, and assess the potential of what The Great Seer’s intentions held.

And in the course of that, unlock the Drug Lord’s vault using the power of ‘The Great Seer’ that Lapis possessed.

It wasn’t an insurmountable task. If her stated objectives were authentic, they would inevitably be in opposition to the Pandemonium.

If he could delicately tap into that emotional aspect to encourage cooperation, then undoubtedly…

Just then.

“Don’t try any tricks, you bastard.”

Accompanied by the voice coming from right beside him, an immense force surged.

For a moment, there was an overpowering weight that nearly deafened his ears.

A colossal power that appeared to compress space itself rushed toward Lennok.

It wasn’t mana. It was a force entirely distinct in nature.

In comparison to countless mana users he had faced in the past, it was an energy not easily encountered.

A raw power, devoid of any technique, erupted and directly struck Lennok.


A colossal blast originating from behind Lapis swept through the entire area.

Simultaneously, the shield Lennok had summoned clashed with it, and the residual force began to disperse in all directions.

Nonetheless, nothing in the surrounding environment suffered damage, but for the individuals standing there, it was an entirely different story.

Amon, who had been observing from the shadows, suddenly bolted away in alarm, carrying the bound Byzen.

“Sister!! Are you out of your mind?!”

“Who’s your sister?”

Emerging from behind Lapis was a statuesque woman with dusky skin. She was adorned in loose, exotic attire and emitted a substantial yet otherworldly aura, standing with a slanted posture. The tattoos on her cheeks and a mist-emitting pipe hinted at her foreign origin.

Her eyes and the corners of her mouth, typically languid, sparkled as though she had discovered an amusing plaything. Despite the dust swirling in the air due to her formidable presence, her gaze remained unflinching, fixed on her adversary.

Lapis sighed, wearing a troubled expression as she looked at the woman.

“Grisha, I was still talking with Evan…”

“But you’ve said everything you wanted to say, haven’t you? It’s just that this guy was about to reveal why he’s here.”

Grisha responded, casually tossing her pipe aside.

“He’s not here to help you; he’s here for a trade.”


At that moment, an immense power began to radiate from her like a tidal wave.

Not only Lapis, who stood beside her, but even Amon, who was fleeing from the distant shards of light, paled at the sight.

“And we should check whether the one here for trade is even qualified.”

Grisha grinned and once again raised her hand to unleash that formidable sphere of energy.

“He seems a bit cocky, you see.”

[Red Veil]

A crimson curtain unfurled, descending upon the center of the area.


However, this time, Grisha’s power didn’t rebound.

Instead, it concentrated into a single point, narrowly missing Lennok, and dissipated.

As Grisha’s eyebrows twitched, Lennok advanced, dust swirling around him. His long black coat billowed with each step.

Gazing up at Grisha with unwavering eyes, he then glanced at Lapis and remarked,

“Since she lit up first, it’s okay if I light one too, right?”


Without awaiting a response, he retrieved a cigarette and lit it.

Watching him, a wide grin spread across Grisha’s face.

“…You’re more fun than I thought. Shall we continue?”

“I don’t mind, but…”

Lennok interjected,

“First, it would be better if you come down here to talk.”


At that moment, gravity chains concealed beneath Lennok’s feet manifested.

The instant Grisha realized that the other end of those chains was linked to her ankles, her expression vanished.


Her body plummeted beneath the platform.


It was an entirely anticlimactic outcome.

However, Lennok couldn’t help but notice that Lapis, who had been standing beside him, remained utterly unfazed.

Using [Gravity Chain] should have undoubtedly ensnared her, he was certain of it. Yet, if his binding magic had failed, it could only mean—

“You were quite good just now. You timed it perfectly to add an extra hit. Are you not a wizard but a physical type?”

This suggested that she might be employing a high-level evasion spell capable of deceiving Lennok’s magical detection.

Grisha, emerging from behind Lennok with an enthusiastic smile, playfully tapped his shoulder.

“Oh! You even have such a sturdy shield around yourself? I don’t know if it’s an artifact or a shield, but you’re quite cautious.”

Grisha chuckled.

“I like it even less.”

“A spellcaster, huh.”

Lennok murmured.

“I’ve been puzzled because the power you use isn’t magical, but now that I’ve been hit a few times, I get it. I’ve worked with guys who had a similar vibe.”

Slowly turning his head, he gently pushed Grisha’s hand away and continued.

“This is the first time I’ve met a spellcaster of this level.”


The unbridled power emanating from Grisha’s body was undoubtedly spell energy—the force required when casting spells. Spells had a unique characteristic of pursuing inefficient and seemingly irrelevant actions or processes, unlike typical incantations. They satisfied requirements such as actions, chants, conditions, or sacrifices that were typically unnecessary in standard incantations.

At first glance, this seemingly inefficient series of processes paradoxically expanded and refined the power and range of the spell. However, controlling such “triggers” to enhance spell power demanded inherent talent.

Among all incantations, spellcasting was notorious for requiring peculiar talents that seemed unrelated.

During his time as a freelancer, Lennok had encountered spellcasters as both allies and adversaries. They all exhibited eccentric behavior, like carrying around a deceased cat’s tail or extracting a fingernail before casting a spell.

Yet, the woman before him, Grisha, clearly harnessed spells without displaying any of these peculiar quirks. It wasn’t merely that she concealed her triggers skillfully from Lennok’s view. It was likely because she was a formidable spellcaster with the ability to finely adjust the spell’s triggers.

Thud thud thud thud!

Six spell projectiles tore through the air as soon as she extended her foot.

She held a glowing purple chain in the air after deflecting them with a shield, wearing a grin.

“It’s of the binding type, not bad. Shall we test our skills?”

“Tests are starting to get boring.”

Their voices overlapped as magical and spell energies fiercely clashed and intertwined.


Grisha unleashed dozens of attack spells in rapid succession, while Lennok manipulated the floating chain to deflect each onslaught, resulting in a deadlock.

Naturally, the aftermath sent splashes of magic energy in all directions.

The immense spell energy that Lennok repelled rained down on the arena like a relentless bombardment, resounding madly.

In contrast to Aman, who fled the arena in alarm, Lapis remained seated with a composed expression and closed eyes.

The two sorcerers hurled their power past the girl who sat serenely, as if they had made an unspoken agreement.


Various vibrant flashes burst into existence in mid-air, tracing every conceivable trajectory aimed at Lennok.

It was impressive to release an overflowing, formidable power in rapid bursts, but even more astonishing was the transformation of all that power into a myriad of spells—a feat that defied common sense.

Although it might appear as if he’s charging forward recklessly, he is actually masterfully controlling the power at his disposal.

She merely stands there and nonchalantly waves her hand, yet her power remains relentlessly lethal.

While it may seem like she’s randomly striking, her attacks are calculated with precision, systematically targeting areas beyond Lennok’s shield and gradually wearing it down.


However, Lennok has complete control over the gravity chain he wields.

Three chains summoned in mid-air swirled downward and, upon bouncing off the ground, intertwined in a complex pattern.

In an instant, the crisscrossed network of chains formed a barrier, obstructing Lennok’s path.


The gravitational force between the chain links nullified every attack aimed at his vulnerable spots.


Grisha burst into hearty laughter, unleashing flashes in all directions, covering both the ground and line of sight, and conjuring a new spell.


Simultaneously, as Grisha stamped her foot on the ground, a small twig growing from the tip of her shoe explosively extended, obscuring Lennok’s vision.

It was the first spell she had cast during their encounter, and it didn’t seem to possess any significant offensive capability. Was it merely intended to obstruct his view?

The moment Lennok considered this and prepared to watch for Grisha to emerge from behind the tree, the rapidly growing sapling transformed into a 3-meter tall wooden giant and lunged at him.

Simultaneously, the giant morphed into a prison, ensnaring Lennok by firmly embedding itself into the arena floor.

However, Lennok shattered the thick wooden wall in an instant, sending billows of smoke in all directions.

Five branches of the chain expanded like a colossal hand and surged toward Grisha.


Cold ice magic traveled along the gravity chains, rapidly freezing the nearby space.

[Frost Soul]


Even without direct contact, the chains affixed themselves to the surroundings, restraining Grisha’s movements and fixing her as the target.

Upon realizing the extraordinary power contained within the nearby chains, Grisha’s laughter faltered for a moment.

Amidst the explosions, Lennok, with mana in both hands, unleashed his magic as if pulling a trigger.


[Sudden Thunder]

A bolt of lightning spiraling counterclockwise shot forth, twisting as it went.

The turquoise lightning bolt streaked through the air, penetrating Grisha’s defenses before she could react.

Even before it reached her mana shield, it had already invaded her perception.

Realizing she was too slow to counter, Grisha opted for one last move. She expelled all her mana from her body, propelling herself forcefully to the side.

As she landed and regained her posture, the chains of gravity had already coiled around her arms.


“Do you plan to keep going?” Lennok inquired, extinguishing the cigarette that had been in his mouth.

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