Genius Wizard Takes Medicine

Chapter 211

“I had planned to deal with the Cartel executive we met last time like this. The situation became complicated only because a high-ranking president suddenly appeared and mediated.”

By the time Demonic Eye completely subdued Eolara, Lennok had never intended to kill her from the beginning.

Although he didn’t rule out the idea of killing her on the spot to vent his anger, he believed it would be more effective to capture her alive and gather information given the current circumstances.

However, unlike this instance, Virgil intervened and the situation came to a halt, which was why Lennok finally brought up the Charm of Earth’s Embrace.

“In that sense, it was quite lucky that such a high-ranking executive was moving alone. In the worst-case scenario, I was even thinking of blocking the roads and confronting armed forces…”

Velita expressed her disapproval with a disapproving click of her tongue at Lennok’s nonchalant words.

“Girard Ozet is a slaughterer specialized in solo operations among the higher-ups of the Cartel. As you’ve seen, his unique appearance and bizarre personality cause a lot of trouble, but there’s no doubt about his skills.”

“In the mercenary industry, he’s well-known as a crazy guy you should avoid when encountered in operations. Even though his external activities have decreased since he was appointed as a director of the Cartel, he’s not the kind of opponent to easily reveal his weaknesses.”


Although their conversation remained composed, it was tinged with unmistakable admiration, most of which was directed towards the effectiveness of Lennok’s employment of the magic spell, Charm of Earth’s Embrace.

‘With this performance, it will surely work against even higher-level opponents.’

While Lennok nodded in satisfaction, he contemplated the spell’s successful application. This marked its inaugural use in actual combat, and his contentment was evident.

It had initially served as a contingency plan while dismantling Cartel’s collaborative ventures, but opportunities to employ it had been scarce until now.

This was largely attributable to Girard’s relentless pursuit of Lennok, making it possible. Furthermore, Girard’s unique abilities and preference for solo operations, even as a director-level member, had facilitated this outcome.

Attempting to overpower Girard conventionally would have demanded significantly more time and resources. However, Charm of Earth’s Embrace, a potent magic spell that freezes a specific space and entirely restrains its target upon activation, left no room for resistance within its encompassed space.

Lennok closely monitored Girard’s condition, silently stroking his chin.

‘This is my first time restraining a skilled person with a space-based magic spell. I need to remember the related phenomena and the flow of mana well.’

Given that it required a minimum of ten seconds to activate Charm of Earth’s Embrace, such a flawless capture might not recur easily.

The success had been attainable because, much like Velber, they had meticulously strategized to overpower their adversary through sheer force and had preheated the artifact.

Although Lennok had initially sought a time-based magic spell or artifact, fate had led him to possess space-based relics or artifacts. Nevertheless, he had not neglected to study space-based magic spells.

While distinct categories, space and time intertwined to form a unified axis that constituted the world. Understanding one could potentially shed light on the other.

“Velber. So, what will you do? I think it’s better to kill him cleanly while he can’t resist.”

“Personally, I recommend starting by auctioning Girard’s possessions. There are quite a few who hold grudges against him, so you could get a good price even if you sell a limb.”

As Velita playfully kicked Velber’s shin for his casual suggestion resembling tactics employed by criminal organizations, Lennok made a decision.

“Velber’s suggestion seems interesting, but for now, let’s aim to imprison him in a suitable place and interrogate him.”

Lennok firmly grasped and raised Girard’s hair, but Girard’s eyes remained unyieldingly frozen, devoid of movement.

“There must be a lot he knows, being a high-ranking executive eligible to be affiliated with the Cartel’s management representative.”

Velita voiced her concerns with a furrowed brow, “He won’t open his mouth easily,”

“Considering that he becomes stronger when he bleeds or gets hurt, physical torture won’t work either.”

Certainly, once the Charm of Earth’s Embrace is removed, it would be difficult even to properly tie him down.

“Don’t worry about that.”

Lennok’s grin widened as he pressed Girard’s head against the ground.

“I have my own expertise in torturing mana users.”


Sweat streamed down from Virgil’s upper body as he pressed his arms against the ground, straining against the thick chains that bound him. Despite the limiting constraints on his muscle movement and the heavy burden they imposed, Virgil continued his exercises in silence.

Three system windows floated above his head, displaying their information with a sense of gravity.




[4: Virgil. You must have heard, right?]


[4: Girard was captured alive by a wizard named Van. This is a much bigger problem than him being dead in that maniac’s hands.]

“……So what?”

[3: Hey, why are you responding like that?]

Annoyed voices rang out in succession.

[3: Weren’t you in charge of this operation, Virgil? Then you should handle the damn situation properly. Now, over five of our business units have been smashed on our side, are you just going to leave it like this?]

“If you guys want to solve it, feel free to do so.”

[3: What the hell?]

Despite the barrage of curses, Virgil continued to respond, his focus on the stimulation of his muscles.

“I was in charge of this matter until the report went up to the chairman because a person in charge was needed until then. I did report the whole story to the chairman, but I have no intention of getting involved personally.”

[1: What do you mean by that?]

As the first speaker chimed in for the first time, Virgil lifted his head slightly and grinned.

“The chairman had completely forgotten about Jenny until I reported directly to him. But it’s clear that we were the first to act. That means one of you three started the trouble with them first, right?”


“I don’t know if it’s one or two, but it’s definitely not all three. Finish what you started. I can’t believe I have to say this, but are you thinking of evading responsibility now?”

While the responsible party behind the destruction of Jenny’s bar remained undisclosed, it would be relatively simple to identify by aligning the Cartel members involved in that operation.

Ever since the night he confronted Van directly to save Eolara, Virgil had long abandoned the idea of physically confronting Van.

“The wizard named Van. He’s strong. Much more dangerous than you guys think.”

[4: But he’s just a freelancer…]

“Except for Jenny and the others, it would be difficult to easily catch and kill a wizard of that caliber. Once you plant an irreparable grudge, you won’t be able to catch him, and incidents like this will repeat, and the losses will be clearly reflected in the performance evaluations, right?”

This time, the others fell silent.

In the end, the issue boiled down to a simple fact: the Cartel had far more to lose.

The harm the Cartel could inflict upon their adversary paled in comparison to the damage Van alone could wreak upon them.

Aware that Lennok’s intention was to instill this perspective in the Cartel and make them hesitate to act, they couldn’t help but be influenced.

“Rather than messing with them when their business has fully taken off and expanded, the timing to intervene was wrong. Whoever’s mistake it was, a price has to be paid.”

[3: This damn guy, let’s see.]

The voice grew more incisive.

[3: You’re just going to put your name up there and let the one who made the mistake among us handle it, and then take a decent pretext for yourself, is that it?]

[1: Merilda. Stop it.]

A weighty voice intervened, halting the harsh exchanges.

The monitor marked as number 1 continued.

[1: Virgil, I understand what you want to say. For now, since Girard was technically the representative of a business unit I was managing, let me handle the cleanup first.]


[1: But this is a funny situation in itself. It’s been years since we’ve had such a lack of consensus among ourselves… And surely, your provocative actions are also to blame.]

“I admit it.”

[1: If things don’t go well, you might not know it, but the executives of your line will have to be prepared for their responsibility. Even Eolara, whom you care about, won’t just be overlooked. Oh, hasn’t she fully recovered yet?]

Virgil’s eyes gleamed with intensity as he lowered his head, though no one noticed his gaze.

Long after the meeting concluded, Virgil finally rose to his feet, his body drenched in sweat. He carelessly tossed the thick chains onto one of the many pieces of exercise equipment nearby and muttered to himself, a towel draped over his head.

“It doesn’t seem like a coincidence that Jenny was targeted at this point…”

Upon initial inspection, the unfolding events seemed like random occurrences, but upon closer examination, they were expertly designed to provide a fitting justification and unilateral advantage to both Van and Jenny.

More precisely, these events were systematically and unmistakably eroding the Cartel’s power.

Regardless of how monumental a mistake might be, if such precisely calculated losses were accumulating, it couldn’t be attributed to mere chance.

“Someone has turned their back on the chairman.”

There was a traitor within their ranks.

A shift in the internal order of an organization that had remained unchanged for decades.

For Virgil, this issue was far more critical than the existence of Van, the wizard opposing the Cartel.

* * *

[Didn’t Jenny make it?]

“……Due to circumstances, she couldn’t make it. She asked for understanding.”

With Lennok earnestly dismantling the Cartel’s operations, Jenny and Jordan had to exercise even greater caution in their public appearances.

Especially after Jordan had been kidnapped and nearly killed, the two had no choice but to refrain from actions that might weaken the protection provided by mercenaries like Dray.

Jenny would have accompanied Lennok if he had requested it, but Lennok didn’t insist.

[That’s a bit disappointing. I wanted to see her face before it’s too late.]

Lennok faintly smiled at the doctor’s words.

“Doctor, you will not forget her face. Because of Kaiser’s memory, you’ll remember her.”

[I know.]

Yakson gazed up at Lennok and communicated through telepathy.

[But the fact that she, who grew up as Kaiser’s bloodline and lived as if she were dead, started to change little by little after meeting you, I will probably forget that.]


[Memory is the record of time… Forgetting means completely erasing that time. My time has been stopped for a very long time.]

Lennok’s expression turned bitter, and Yakson smiled.

[Well, you don’t need to worry about it. Just the fact that you rendered Dominic Cabaro incapable is a miracle enough in my not so short life. Asking for more would be greed, wouldn’t it?]

There was no hint of regret on Yakson’s face as she spoke these words.

Was this how she bid farewell to countless patients with whom she had communicated in this manner?

Bound by her own folly, her time remained stagnant, eternally tethered to the past.

What had started as a quest to advance her medical skills had ended with all moments of experience and memory dissipating like a bubble as she bid farewell to her patients.

Therefore, Lennok needed to be more cautious than sympathetic toward her.

Even geniuses taking steps toward unfathomably distant goals could tragically crumble without recognizing what was right in front of them.

The trajectory of an elderly woman’s life shone in a particularly solitary manner.

[This is the last masterpiece created by a foolish old woman before forgetting all her gratitude.]

Yakson uttered these words and pushed a long wooden box in front of Lennok.

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