Genius Wizard Takes Medicine

Chapter 129

“I told you, pointless wordplay is not only inferior, it’s meaningless…?”

“You, Mr. Wooshin. Rather, it seems to me that you wouldn’t even know if what we’re giving you is real data or not.”

Hina’s speech unraveled leisurely, her hand finding a resting place on her waist.

“I initially aimed for a smooth resolution, but if your intention is to meddle with our organization’s proceedings…?”

The once-relaxed ambiance suddenly tightened, and those who had silently engaged in a tense standoff now proceeded to silently ready their weapons.

Lennok meticulously observed his body, sensing the gradual surge of magical energy enveloping him.

‘My mana has somewhat regenerated, but… my condition isn’t favorable.’

Even though he hadn’t suffered direct injuries, executing the operation intact had required significant sacrifices.

By infusing mana into his leg during the mission, he had once again succumbed to mana addiction. Coupled with the aftermath of using Feather Fall, his leg was now covered in blood bruises from burst blood vessels.

Lennok retrieved a vial of recovery potion.

Hedlock, a remedy gifted by Dray.

Its taste was so repulsive that it induced nausea, yet there was a certain sense of wellness in its unpleasantness.

This was his second time ingesting it, but despite his determination, Lennok couldn’t surmount the peculiar aversion.

‘Just think of it as a dietary supplement. Swallowing a vitamin shouldn’t taste this awful, right…?’


His attempts to hypnotize himself proved futile.

Taking the potion now wasn’t for immediate relief; it was a form of long-term self-care.

He doubted he’d consider it unless he was in the midst of imminent combat.

With his preparations complete, Lennok began to gather his mana deliberately.

Stepping forward with gradual precision.

Yet, his aura was potent enough to dwarf everyone else in the space.



The lesser-experienced freelancers scowled, vexed by the unusual pressure.

However, those who recognized the significance of the magical force were even more deeply impressed.

Lennok’s mana, honed through countless battles on the front lines, carried more than just the intent to kill.

It bore a potent desire for victory, so intense that it resonated with the conviction emanating from Lennok himself.

His determination surpassed mere intent.


A composed but oddly frigid voice sliced through the escalating tension.

All eyes turned to the short-haired woman who had stepped forward.

Her smile was present, yet seemed somehow strained.

Recognizing her visage, Lennok furrowed his brow slightly.

From the time of the Dyke Corporation’s assignment, she was a member of the Plato Mercenary Office who had confronted Lennok at their headquarters.

Was her name Nicole?

Only upon glimpsing the face of Maoren, who stood hesitantly behind her, did Lennok realize that the Plato Mercenary Office had a role in this affair.

Nicole calmly scanned the assembled crowd and shook her head.

“We shall conclude here.”

“What? What do you mean?”

Upon Manson’s statement, Nicole responded with a smile that radiated through her eyes.

“True, we were tasked with raiding the terrorist organization’s vault. However, nowhere did it mention we’d be tangling with that wizard, did it? This goes beyond our initial agreement.”

Wooshin’s disbelief was palpable.

“A wizard? You’re reconsidering this mission just because of that frail wizard?”


Nicole’s nod subtly shifted the atmosphere in the room. Her words seemed to suggest that she viewed Lennok more dangerously as an enemy than an agent.

“We had an understanding that we’d give each other prior notice about any matters endangering the office’s interests, didn’t we?”


“I understood the likelihood of encountering enforcement agents, but there was no mention of this wizard.”

Everyone present was aware that Nicole was seizing upon formalities.

In a place where fictitious deaths were commonplace, how many clients could truly adhere to such provisions?

Yet, reactions varied.

Through these pointless details, Nicole was seeking an escape from the wizard before her.

They realized the high regard in which she held Lennok.

The rift was fleeting.

As Nicole turned her gaze, Maoren trailed her with a smirk. Almost simultaneously, nearly a dozen individuals positioned behind Manson and Wooshin started to align with Nicole.

Chen lowered his head, watching the departing mercenaries with a tinge of despondency.

“This isn’t my concern, but it’s absurd. Is it acceptable to openly breach a contract with a Councilor?”

“No. She made a rational assessment.”


“In a way, she might have swiftly assessed the situation. That’s why she devised a logical pretext to withdraw and distance herself. She realized there was nothing to be gained by getting entangled here.”

“What on earth are you talking about…?”

At Chen’s words, Hina responded with a composed smile and retrieved something from within her attire, displaying it to Chen and Lennok on a palm-sized tablet.

On the screen, news headlines scrolled with urgency: ‘Breaking News’.

[Representative Reisen Azamaha, Self-proclaimed City Council Spokesperson, Indicted for Concealing Billions in Illicit Funds. Auditors Claim Substantial Evidence and Issue Arrest Warrant. More Details Await Confirmation via Video.]

Shortly after, Evelyn Marcia’s image graced the screen.

Adorned in a meticulously tailored suit, leading a contingent of agents, she strode into the city council with a keen anticipation etched across her features—an unequivocal reason why she hadn’t exposed herself during the final operation to suppress Craig.

The operation concluded, and she personally confronted Senator Reisen.

Had they preemptively declared victory even before reaching Vulcan?

Undoubtedly, Evelyn spearheaded the effort, yet it remained premature to strike at Reisen without properly transferring the extracted data from Craig.

Contemplating her actions thus far, she hadn’t acted without a feasible chance of success…

“That’s how it is.”

Lennok’s thoughts traversed that path, and he raised his gaze.

Hina wore a confident smile directed at him.

“You relayed the database contents to Evelyn. Did you discover evidence of the slush funds in those records?”


Her nod confirmed it.

“Cheisha’s bazooka boasts a performance on par with a supercomputer. Under normal circumstances, transmitting data from here to the city would be inconceivable. But she’s an exception. Immediately upon departing the labor camp, she managed to extract and transmit the data.”

Despite being caught by Reisen’s freelancers, her demeanor seemed oddly at ease. Perhaps it was because she had already accomplished her objective.

Lagging behind in their awareness of the situation, even Manson and Wooshin displayed perplexed expressions.

“I’m heading back to Vulcan immediately. This is not the time.”

Wooshin’s face, void of its usual smile, conveyed seriousness. Manson, on the other hand, nervously lowered his head.

“Well… then, our agreement terminates here. You’re responsible for the compensation. From the looks of it, the old man won’t be in any condition to hold a conversation.”

Observing even the usually obstinate Manson promptly cutting his losses, Wooshin’s expression contorted, yet he departed without saying another word.

Naturally, there was a distinction between the roles of someone who directly served as Reisen’s secretary and someone like Manson, a mere employee.

As Wooshin slowly departed, Manson nonchalantly shrugged and directed his gaze at Lennok.

“And that’s how things unfold. I had hoped to fully recuperate the repair costs for my battered body this time…”

“What a pity.”

“That’s why you ought to steer clear of those old fogies in the city council. There’s no telling when they might betray you while you lend them a hand.”

He stated that, then lowered his head and turned away.

“I thought I’d have some fun with my body for once, but the mood’s all gone now.”

For a freelancer, it’s atypical to chase interests over profits, adopting an impulsive stance unlike Lennok’s inclination to move only when necessary.

“Well, aside from that, there’s something I need to discuss with you. Her name’s Jenny, right? Tell her to have some quality whiskey ready at her bar later.”

“Will you get drunk if you pour alcohol into that big head?”

Lennok’s shaky retort barely made a dent in Manson’s stride as he swiftly moved on.

Whether he was still leading the remaining freelancers with that same spirit, others followed suit.

Chen sighed once all the Jeeps scattered across the expansive plateau had vanished.

“Damn. I don’t know how far I’ve come trying to raise startup capital. Thought I was about to bite the bullet battling that terrorist.”

“It wasn’t an easy opponent.”

“I better not stick my nose around here for a while. You’ll ensure the promised payment, right?”

Hina’s faint smile followed Chen’s words.

“When Reisen’s covert funds are divided, your share won’t be meager.”

It was the most radiant smile Lennok had ever witnessed.

“You can look forward to it.”

The operation’s casualties were lamentable, but in a realm where survival demanded relinquishing grief and memorials promptly, performance-based compensation carried high expectations.

With enthusiastic comrades trailing behind him, Lennok gazed back in quiet reflection.

The sky above the labor camp, previously shrouded in somber drapes and heavy clouds, now unveiled a cerulean expanse.

There, he had left behind all the fear and helplessness that greeted him upon awakening in that unfamiliar factory.

Whether by chance or destiny, he returned to that very place to bring one matter to a close.

Either way, it mattered little.

Only Lennok’s resolve to survive was truly his own.

Amidst lingering enigmas and concealed circumstances, he would forsake the illusions that once held his steps captive and forge ahead. Lennok’s trajectory was clear; he would move onward.

That much, he could guarantee to himself.


The night following the fall of the labor camp.

All of Falcon’s members had perished or escaped, and even the factory workers had dispersed into the aftermath’s uncertainty.

Here, where Craig’s aspirations crumbled, a man sat amongst the rubble, gazing at the frigid night sky.

Around this man swirled an aura darker than the starry night, an aura in constant motion.

After a brief interval, a faint tremor resounded in the distance.

Gradually intensifying, the noise began to adopt a rhythm akin to footsteps that defied human weight.

Boom, boom!

Echoing like the pound of weighty drums, an entity emerged from the darkness—a colossal creature enveloped in scales.

Sporting a lengthy snout and eyes of luminous yellow, Croken’s form glimmered subtly in the starlight.

Observing this figure, the man chuckled and remarked,

“Reptiles must have their fair share of hardships. Navigating this chill in the air can’t be easy for a cold-blooded being.”

“Heh heh heh… Your ceaseless prattle remains as consistent as ever.”

Accompanied by a subdued laugh, Croken bestowed a fleeting glance upon the man before settling down with a resounding thud.


A resolute crash ensued, and dust surged into the air.

The man evaded the dust with a dismissive gesture, finding amusement in something absurd.

“With your bulk, it’s your rear that should be weighty. Doesn’t it seem rather contradictory, just like your endless banter?”

“Let’s get to the point. I’m not in the mood to indulge your chatter for long.”

“Heh heh… Wit doesn’t pair well with a lizard, it appears.”

“Should I bore holes through your ears?”


In the dusky remains, the energies of these two entities collided.

The ground quaked in response to their forceful clash, and the stars in the sky seemed to shift, but none seemed to take heed of these cosmic disturbances.

Growing weary of the futile struggle first, Croken interjected.

“So, what did you summon me from afar to discuss?”

A war-hardened mercenary and an eminent dark wizard.

Encounters between members of the Pandemonium, known for their self-driven actions, were rare, yet the duo’s demeanor was as casual as if they’d crossed paths just yesterday.

“There shouldn’t have been many intersections for us in this affair, am I correct?”

Croken discerned that the man standing before him had meddled in the recent events.

Hadn’t he been overseeing the safety of the dark wizards affiliated with the enchantment faction due to his business pursuits?

The artifacts bearing their enchantment symbols served as a pivotal supply chain even for Croken.

Considering the man’s standing within the realm of dark magic, it wasn’t far-fetched to assume that he tacitly allowed the inter-factional conflict to unfold.

The giant’s words garnered a grin from the man.

“My original intention was to remain concealed and merely observe the course of events. However, there’s something I wish to ask you.”

“What is it?”

“If you were entangled in this affair, you must have encountered him. A somewhat haughty wizard?”

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