Genius Wizard Takes Medicine

Chapter 145

Lennok moved with a hushed grace as he gently retrieved the pillow, carefully laying Jenny down before gracefully rising from his seat.

It was as if destiny had conspired to synchronize Yakson’s arrival with Jenny’s slumber, hinting that she had long anticipated this very moment.

A fleeting glance passed between Yakson and Lennok before she continued her journey deeper into the house.

With Lennok trailing behind, they entered a room bathed in the soft glow of a dimly lit lamp, where two steaming cups of coffee awaited them.

Yakson gestured towards one of the cups, and Lennok responded with a subtle smile as he lifted it in his hand.

“Did you also offer a cup to Jenny?”

[My custom is to meet prospective patients individually and share a drink, creating a sacred moment free from all interruptions.]

Lennok found himself bewildered by the peculiar voice that resonated directly within his mind, rather than through the conventional use of vocal cords.

Sound magic, perhaps? Or was it a mimicry of voice achieved through the direct resonance of magical energy?

Yet, if one delved into the intricacies of manipulating mana, it became evident that it was a far more complex task. The selection of an appropriate timbre to convey the message, maintaining a steady tone in accordance with the words uttered—all performed not by the human body but by the sheer manipulation of mana.

It was akin to crafting artificial vocal cords from thin air, an exceedingly challenging feat that demanded an intimate understanding of the human anatomy and masterful manipulation of mana.

Such an endeavor would only be undertaken with a compelling reason at hand.

There was no doubt about it—Yakson Anushka Greenway was mute.

“Nice to meet you. I am…”

[I was informed by Jenny in advance.]

Lennok was rendered speechless on multiple occasions today. Furthermore, had Jenny orchestrated all of this in advance without a word to Lennok?

He hadn’t anticipated such meticulous planning, even though Jenny claimed familiarity with Yakson.

Lennok felt the need to seek an explanation from her when she eventually woke.

[Hand over the amulet.]

“Here it is.”

As Lennok retrieved the amulet from his pocket, Yakson clutched it tightly and examined it closely.

[To find this location, you must infuse the amulet with mana, allowing it to serve as a direct locator. I employ it to determine who my patient is.]

“Is that so?”

[Even with mana infused into this amulet, there is much to discern. A potent yet imperious current, simultaneously rough and chilling. I can perceive a distinct will within the flow of mana coursing through this amulet.]

She gently closed her eyes.

[Among those I’ve recently encountered… no, among all the wizards I’ve met, your mana stands as one of the few. You already possess the key to ascend to great heights.]

That she could glean so much from Lennok’s mana alone spoke volumes of her renown.

Yakson, after holding the amulet tightly for a moment, nodded slowly.

[Very well. Let us diagnose your condition. For most guests, listening would suffice, but for one as accomplished in wizardry as Jenny’s colleague, it is worth investing the effort.]

“I have a question about that.”

[What is it?]

Lennok cast a glance at Jenny, who still slumbered by the lakeside, before speaking.

“I heard you treated someone named Kaiser.”

[That child divulged that much? It appears you have garnered a considerable amount of trust.]

Jenny had never explicitly mentioned Kaiser to Lennok, but deducing how she came to possess such vital information about Yakson was not an arduous task.

Lennok peered deep into her eyes and inquired further.

“So, why do you remember Kaiser and Jenny?”

[A pointed question. If you are aware of my reputation, it is a reasonable inquiry.]

Yakson gently set down the amulet and picked up her coffee.

After a moment of contemplation, she responded.

[Because the treatment was never completed.]

“What does that entail…”

[On that day, I lost one of my dearest friends. I believe you can understand the implications.]

Understanding her words did not prove difficult.

She had attempted to treat Kaiser, but Kaiser had passed away before the treatment could reach its conclusion.

The point at which Yakson Anushka Greenway’s memory of a patient ceased was when the treatment was successfully finished.

In other words, her recollections and secrets regarding Lennok would persist in her mind until his treatment reached its completion.

“What constitutes the end of the treatment?”

In response to Lennok’s series of inquiries, a faint smile graced Yakson’s lips.

[A discerning individual. Such an attitude is commendable. It benefits both the physician and the patient.]


[The moment I write the prescription and dispense the medication serves as the criterion.]

Surprisingly, the act of administering medication—an apt standard indeed for someone known as a potion maker.

How long would it take for Lennok to place his trust in her, undergo a thorough examination, receive a prescription, and acquire the necessary remedies?

Or could Lennok even obtain the answers he sought from her in the first place?

He had pondered this matter extensively, but the only conclusion he could arrive at was rather straightforward.

Nothing would change unless he took action himself.

The same principle applied to this situation. Instead of succumbing to the fear of exposing secrets, it was imperative to take calculated risks in search of an alternative.

The time he had spent contemplating by the lake was not in vain.

With Jenny’s assistance and a dose of luck, he had made it this far.

If there was ever a moment to take a decisive step, it was now.

“Very well, let’s begin.”

[Extend your arm. First, I need to check your pulse.]

Her medical approach appeared to follow older methods, distinct from modern medicine. Yet, what did conventional standards matter in a world permeated with spells and magic?

Lennok rolled up his sleeve and offered his wrist.

Yakson raised her aged hand, touched Lennok’s pulse, and closed her eyes.

He could sense her energy gradually flowing into his body.

His rational mind urged him to resist and push it back, but Lennok intentionally disregarded this inner voice and closed his eyes.

Even if Yakson were to change her intentions at this moment, he believed he could restrain her.

It was his confidence in this ability that had brought him this far.

[Hmm… this is…]

As Yakson touched him, she involuntarily murmured, sensing the peculiar energy within him.

It wasn’t merely a frail constitution; his body harbored an array of rare energies that hindered normal bodily functions. She could distinctly perceive it.

With such a clear issue, there was little need for an extensive examination.

She knew what she could and couldn’t do.

Shortly after, while still checking his pulse, Yakson spoke.

[You were born with a unique destiny. You possess this talent, yet you seem to be hurtling toward the abyss.]


[I understand why you sought me out. With a body like yours, even seeking a diagnosis must have been a cautious endeavor…]

Lennok, who had remained silent until now, finally spoke.

“I don’t expect you to solve all my problems.”


Yakson couldn’t deny his statement.

One could not simply shed the constraints that had been ingrained in them from the moment they entered this world, with the help of a single individual.

Lennok was not overly optimistic, nor did he expect miracles.

Even a modest breakthrough, one that could set a new direction, would suffice.

“Tell me what is possible and what I must do to achieve it.”

[You have already come to terms with your own future… and yet you still strive for a better outcome.]

Yakson closed her eyes in thought for a while before responding.

[If that’s the case, then I will provide you with an appropriate answer.]


[I am not fully aware of all the issues within your body. Even if I were, my capabilities are limited.]


[However, it is possible to alleviate the profound resistance your body exhibits towards mana, a kind of addiction.]

Lennok had placed five restrictions upon himself by pushing his talents to the limit.

[Insomnia], [Scarecrow], [Mana Addiction], [Overexertion], and [Life Span Reduction].

Yakson was suggesting that she could offer some relief concerning the mana addiction among these issues.

Lennok nodded without hesitation.

“If the limitations on physical enhancement can be somewhat relaxed, I would be content.”

[Have you been living in this city as a wizard relying solely on your natural abilities all this time? That’s quite daring…]

Yakson continued, clicking her tongue in response to Lennok’s composed statement.

[Producing the medicine for you isn’t difficult, but there’s one problem.]


[The substance has a petrifying toxicity, but with special processing, it can be transformed into a potent drug.]

“Are you talking about drug?”

Lennok, who had been nodding naturally, inquired with a puzzled expression. Did he hear correctly? Was she talking about drug?

Yakson nodded calmly.

[The root cause of mana addiction isn’t merely a physical issue. The reason you can handle mana adeptly as a wizard but have trouble with direct exposure to your body lies in the inherent rejection response your nervous system has toward mana.]


[Therefore, by using a drug that can provide a strong stimulus, we temporarily paralyze the functions related to your symptoms and finely adjust them. This, in turn, alters the threshold of your mana reaction. Essentially, we’re resetting the typical reaction threshold found in ordinary people to alleviate your addiction symptoms.]


[The drug known as Malabest possesses the unique feature of allowing precise adjustment of the stimulus inflicted on the user down to the cellular level by altering the dosage and mana projection. Thus, for individuals like you with ‘congenital functional impairments,’ it can function as a form of medication.]

Yakson continued, indifferent to whether Lennok grasped every detail.

[In summary, ‘by increasing the threshold of mana tolerance where addiction occurs, it can ensure that no other anomalies occur to some extent when mana is administered. While it may not offer a permanent solution, it can alleviate the symptoms.’ That’s what I mean.]

The explanation was intricate, but Lennok immediately understood.

“So you’re saying that achieving physical enhancement through mana can become feasible to some degree.”

[…You catch on quickly.]


By diagnosing the penalties within Lennok’s body with a single pulse examination, one could deduce the exceptional skill of Yakson as a physician.

This must be the best possible treatment she could propose.

There was no need for prolonged contemplation.

“I understand.”

[However, after the purification of the collapsed island, procuring Malabest has become nearly impossible. You’ll need to explore other avenues.]

“Do you have an alternative method in mind then?”

What could be the reason behind Yakson’s fervent insistence on the necessity of the plant called Malabest for Lennok?

While it might serve some purpose in explaining how Lennok could address his mana addiction, it seemed more like an act of emphasizing the importance of Lennok obtaining the substance.

She sought to persuade Lennok to acquire Malabest.

[…Because Malabest is utilized as a drug, there’s only one straightforward way to obtain it.]

Yakson continued with a composed expression.

[Drug King Dominic Cabaro controls all the drugs in this world and distributes them throughout the continent. If you wish to find Malabest, you’ll have to dig through his pockets.]

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