Genius Wizard Takes Medicine

Chapter 149

Observing the lively students engaged in playful interaction with Davi, who was gracefully leaping through the air, Lennok wore a faint smile.

The ambiance had relaxed to a degree that might raise questions, yet it remained within acceptable bounds.

At the very least, this would greatly contribute to enhancing the reputation of Evan Vylun, the assistant professor.

Although he found himself in a somewhat uncomfortable situation, it was not beyond tolerance.

While pondering these thoughts and infusing Davi’s form with the much-needed mana, Priscilla approached him.

“Do you want to touch it together?”

In reality, the sensation of touching a spirit may not be as tangible as one might imagine, but it is not entirely devoid of tactile perception either.

However, Davi isn’t truly a spirit from a spiritual dimension. It’s more of a cerebral spirit, born from the fusion of AI modules and incantations, resulting in a physicality less substantial compared to other spirits.

For a moment, Priscilla wore a hesitant expression, but she swiftly regained her composure and shook her head.

“It’s fine. Just looking is enough.”


“Seeing a spirit up close for the first time, it moves like this when you breathe life into a mass of mana.”

“Is it a different feeling than seeing it in books?”

In response to Lennok’s inquiry, Priscilla promptly concurred.

Just as it is rare to find a wizard among ordinary people, it is exceptionally unusual to encounter a spirit wizard among wizards.

Even Aris, who serves as a university professor affiliated with Sinclair Tower, had seldom encountered a spirit wizard, let alone most others.

The reason Aris chose to introduce Davi to the students in this manner likely stemmed from her assessment that the positive impact would be significant.

Indeed, Lennok was effortlessly blending in with Aris’ students through Davi.

The distance that would typically take considerable time to bridge seemed to melt away, even visible to Lennok’s eyes.

Simply having a common topic made conversation flow easily.

Priscilla and the other students were also conversing with Lennok much more comfortably than before.

Perhaps the sudden curiosity about him, who had joined Aris’ research team without prior connections, also played a role.

It was not surprising.

“If you had revealed earlier that you could handle such a cute spirit, unnecessary rumors could have been reduced.”

“It was difficult to disclose easily.”

Lennok deftly navigated the conversation.

“Given that spirit wizards are so rare, even the professor had a hard time deciding whether revealing this to the students would be helpful.”

“Well, if you invest most of your mana in spirit magic, I can understand why your own mana seems so faint.”

“I thought it was right to act rationally, even if it meant accepting such rumors.”

Indeed, as soon as it became known that Evan was a spirit wizard, many of the subtle glances directed at him significantly diminished.

The reasons for Aris suddenly recruiting an external researcher and the various circumstances surrounding not clearly revealing his talents were all clarified through the presence of the spirit.

Although unintentional, everything fell into place for Lennok and Aris, but it would be unwise not to actively utilize this.

Priscilla’s attitude, now that she understood what had transpired, offered a glimpse into how the other students might view the assistant professor named Evan.


In the blink of an eye, the break time elapsed, and Aris, who had re-entered the lecture hall, summoned Lennok outside.

Handing the pen she had been holding to Lennok, who stepped outside with Davi in his arms, she spoke.

“I need to attend an urgent meeting with the professors.”


“For some urgent matter, please look after the students for the remaining time and send them off when it’s time.”

After stating this briefly, she returned to the lecture hall, explained the situation to the students, and then swiftly departed, wearing her pristine white blazer.


Lennok watched her retreating figure as she hurried away, releasing a brief sigh.

“Come to think of it, there was something I wanted to ask.”

A multicolored gemstone obtained from the battle with the expedition team.

It was one of the components that composed the ‘Compassion of Archangel’, but thus far, no significant progress had been made.

The circumstances were not conducive to taking preemptive action when information was scarce and data collection with Sebastian was time-consuming.

He had visited the university primarily to consult resources in the university library, but unexpectedly, his to-do list had expanded.

“I’ll head to the lab or library after the lecture is over.”

As Lennok muttered these thoughts, he was about to head back to the classroom when he suddenly paused, noticing something that had popped out of his pocket.

It was Davi, who was boldly extending its head to get a closer look at the gemstone that Lennok was holding.

With a gaze akin to someone eyeing a delectable treat, Davi’s eyes sparkled before meeting Lennok’s.



A moment of silence hung in the air.

“Just so you know, it’s absolutely not going to happen.”

[I haven’t said anything yet.]


Lennok had no intention of simply letting Davi swallow this incredibly valuable gem. Handing over such a precious object to a spirit when its true worth remained unknown would be a grave error.

Furthermore, the gem was crucial for dealing with the remaining members of the expedition team and Irina Pheffield.

The previously silent Davi spoke up softly.

[I don’t necessarily want to eat that gem.]

“What do you mean?”

[The structure pattern of this gem is fundamentally different from the runes I’ve deciphered before. Just observing and analyzing it up close will be sufficient.]


[If you could just let me carry it, it would be very helpful.]

Considering that Davi, who typically didn’t speak much, was making such a request, it was evident how much it desired the gem.

However, if Davi’s assertion was accurate and there was a way to study the gem without losing it…


[I promise to be careful so that nothing you worry about will happen.]


Lennok scrutinized the spirit, who cleverly added this comment, sensing his internal struggle.

It was hard to believe that it was merely two months old, given its tactfulness.

If he couldn’t trust a life he had personally brought into existence, then whom could he trust?

Betrayal by Davi, of all entities, was a possibility that simply didn’t exist.

Considering all these factors, Lennok finally nodded.

“Fine. But you have to keep it where I can see it.”

[Don’t worry about tha…t.]

Seemingly unable to contain its excitement, Davi clung to Lennok’s hand as it spoke.

Lennok sighed deeply, watching Davi, who held the gemstone that was nearly half its size and playfully soared through the air.

It wouldn’t be an issue, as Davi, being a cerebral spirit, could effortlessly materialize and dematerialize objects. It wouldn’t carelessly misplace the gem.

The concern lay in the fact that Davi appeared somewhat different from its previous appearance to the students.

“Sigh… you’re quite conspicuous. Can you hide it when you move around usually?”

Davi nodded immediately, and the gem it held in its paw seamlessly blended into the surroundings.

[It’s not difficult using the principle of optical camouflage.]

“Let me know what you can do once you start adapting. For now, we need to find out what abilities ‘Compassion of Archangel’ possesses.”

With that declaration, Lennok scooped up Davi and made his way back to the classroom.

Unintentionally, some free time had emerged, but the atmosphere in the lecture hall remained largely unchanged.

Professor Aris typically conducted her lectures in a more relaxed manner compared to other professors, often leading to classes ending early. Furthermore, another lecture was scheduled right after hers in the same room.

Lennok simply waited until Aris’s lecture concluded before departing.

“About 40 minutes left. It’s an awkward time.”

It was a challenging timeframe for either engaging with the other students or leaving them unsupervised.

It would also be problematic for Lennok, who hadn’t been an assistant professor for long, to take over Aris’s lecture.

Planning to have the students study independently and stand at the podium, Lennok was interrupted when someone shouted at him.

“Professor, show us elemental magic!”

“Oh, that sounds good!”

“We want to see mana used by elementals!”

The topic sparked immediate enthusiasm among the students.

Since the students had limited opportunities to directly witness elementals, they seemed quite eager.

It wasn’t a particularly demanding task.

Considering that Davi already manifested as an electric fox, Lennok only had to demonstrate some electrical magic while mimicking Davi’s actions.

Objectively speaking, none of the wizards present would have the sensitivity to discern Lennok’s techniques.

Given the topic at hand, it made sense to showcase what needed to be shown.

With this in mind, Lennok was about to summon Davi and channel his mana when suddenly,


Someone stepped forward and stood in front of the podium.

This individual had a practical, short haircut, a physique brimming with abundant mana, and a mature appearance that hardly resembled that of a typical student, despite the university emblem loosely attached to their clothing.

His name, it seemed, was Roden Bailey.

“What is it?”

“If you’re going to show elemental magic, wouldn’t it be better to have an opponent?””

Roden remarked, a smirk replacing his earlier curt demeanor.

“I want to experience elemental magic firsthand.


Lennok shifted his gaze slightly, skeptical of the overt intention behind Roden’s words.

He nonchalantly crossed his arms and gestured toward the outdoors.

His forearms appeared unexpectedly robust as they protruded from the raised edge of his shirt. His physique seemed more akin to that of a warrior who had honed himself through physical training rather than that of a typical wizard.

“There’s a training ground right in front of the lecture building; it seems like the perfect place for the assistant professor to demonstrate commanding an elemental.”

While the words retained a veneer of politeness, Lennok wasn’t naive enough to overlook their underlying intent. Roden was clearly provoking an unnecessary confrontation, using elemental magic as bait.


Instead of responding with anger or derision, Lennok attempted to decipher the motive behind Roden’s actions.

It didn’t quite add up for him to pick a fight at this juncture; there was little to gain from it.

If this had been during the period when he had just assumed the role of an assistant professor and unwittingly harbored resentment, it might have been a different story. However, he had since fostered positive relationships with the undergraduates and built a favorable impression, largely thanks to Davi’s charm. Thus, it was challenging to elicit a negative response from those around him.

To be precise, this was a purely emotional judgment, and, from a rational perspective, there was little to be gained for Roden.

“Bailey, the lecture isn’t over yet.”

Sensing an unusual tension, Priscilla tersely interjected as she descended from the podium.

“You think you can roam around just because Professor Richellen is not here?”


Uncertain about the unfolding situation, Roden stammered, avoiding Priscilla’s gaze and muttering.

“Ah, it doesn’t matter anyway.”

“What did you say?”

“I, I just wanted to build a rapport with the assistant professor. The assistant professor will make the decision… you just watch from the side.”

“You call that a statement…?”

Priscilla approached Roden with a disbelieving expression, but Roden turned his head away, adopting an entirely different demeanor from before.

A subtle reaction, markedly distinct from his interaction with Lennok.

While Priscilla appeared increasingly incensed by his stiffness, Lennok perceived something entirely different.

The awkward demeanor, the failure to establish proper eye contact, the rigid tone of speech.

And even his ears, inexplicably flushed a bright crimson.

It was at that moment that Lennok grasped the answer, wearing a wistful smile.

‘Is this it…?’

He had forgotten, having operated in the shadows for so long.

What was the point of rationality and logic in a university filled with young adolescents?

It was an age when one inevitably succumbed to irrationality when confronted with a crush.

Even Lennok himself felt his limbs curling inward as he witnessed such a tender scene after such a long time.

Of course, Priscilla, who faced Roden, displayed no such demeanor at all.

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