Genius Wizard Takes Medicine

Chapter 151

Beep. Beep.

The faint clicking sound reverberates through the darkness.

After a few more annoying minor sounds, a wall gradually illuminates as the beam projector becomes visible.

“Ah, sorry about that. I haven’t used this in a while; it’s not very responsive.”

The individual speaking is a middle-aged man of sturdy build, sporting eyeglasses and constantly murmuring something under his breath.

Despite his initial impression, his shirt and trousers present a relatively tidy appearance, although there’s something slightly awkward about his posture.

He continues to press buttons on the remote control in his hand, with one hand casually tucked into his pocket, yet no one in the room comments on it.

All eyes are fixed on a single individual, standing with her head bowed and her eyes concealed.

As she raises her head, her gaze pierces through her auburn hair, chilling those who meet it.

For a fleeting moment, one might have questioned whether the overpowering scent of blood had been a mere illusion.

Irina Pheffield responds softly, “No, don’t worry about it. Please continue.”

“Yes, so to continue… we have three suspects believed to have killed the exploration team.”

The man shifts through several slides projected on the wall while speaking.

During the auction house incident, the suspects wore masks, and the direct confrontation with the exploration team resulted in the annihilation of its members, making it challenging to ascertain their true identities.

Had it not been for the message Brook sent just before the pursuit, even this level of investigation through information networks would have been impossible.

As he narrates, he displays three photographs on the screen, one at a time.

“Firstly, we have Aladale Bamer, a genius wizard recently gaining attention at the Grabein Tower. After a long period of apprenticeship, he has recently begun appearing in official circles. He fits the profile due to traces of potent manipulation-type magic found at the scene.”

A young man with deep brown skin and an engaging smile appears in the video, playfully snapping his fingers as magical creatures around him are indiscriminately vanquished.

Irina and the remaining exploration team members watch the video with unwavering attention.

Sensing that sufficient time has passed, the man flips to the next slide.

“Secondly, there’s Sha Marah, a top-class fugitive who recently escaped from an extra-zone prison. An incredibly powerful psychic, his telekinesis could explain the horrific battle traces left at the scene. Personally, I think he’s the likeliest candidate…”

As the man speaks in a hushed tone and plays another video, a man with a scruffy beard and disheveled appearance causes people’s heads to explode or burn without any physical contact.

Despite the graphic and horrifying nature of the footage, no one in the room flinches or averts their gaze.

These members of the exploration team may not be accustomed to Vulcan’s lifestyle, but they are a group of highly skilled individuals accustomed to harsh environments.

None among them is so naive as to be disturbed by this level of brutality or bloodshed, considering the nature of their work.

The real issue at hand is that even such seasoned individuals were easily defeated, suggesting that the current adversary of the exploration team possesses overwhelming power.

Observing the team’s solemn reaction, the man clears his throat and advances to the last suspect.

“Finally, what I’ll show you is…”

A young man with black hair and a lean visage comes into view. While lacking any particularly distinctive features, the intensity of his expression is unmistakable, even through the screen.

Unlike the previous two suspects, this is not a frontal image. He appears to have known that the camera was approaching from behind, slightly turning his head as though acknowledging its presence.

Between the blurred gaze seen through the hem of the pitch-black coat, there was a streak of bright blue light, not pupils.

“I apologize. First of all, this candidate is a freelancer with no official identity. He’s also quite adept at avoiding being caught on camera. I had a hard time gathering information on him.”

“Only now does it feel like I’m getting my money’s worth,” Irina said, unfolding her arms

The man couldn’t help but break into a cold sweat at her candid complaint. Despite his job primarily involving sitting in front of a computer and navigating databases, had his intuition been dull, he would have already fallen prey to deception.

He understood that the leader of the group that had tasked him with uncovering information was none other than this woman, and her current mood left no room for incompetence.

“Please continue.”

“Yes. The last candidate is a rookie wizard named Van who has recently risen rapidly in the outskirts, District 49. He has been working for just over a year but has already built a network with significant clients.”


“You know ‘Croken’, even if you’re from outside the city, right? His skill has been verified enough to catch that monster’s attention. Despite having no past career, he is extremely efficient and is known to be quite cruel with his hands.”

The man explained, pressing a button on the remote control.

Unlike the previous two candidates, Van was a unique individual with much to unravel despite his limited past.

“You could probably guess, but he’s a very unique individual. He uses an unknown magical system and often relies on firearms and auxiliary equipment instead of magic. All these traits are easily forgotten because—”


The video began to play, and the faces of the exploration team members slowly contorted in amazement.

“Overwhelming combat sense.”

The video depicted Van, who appeared to be well over 2 meters tall, engaging in a fierce duel with a spear-wielding giant.

The exchange was so intense and brutal that it defied simple description. Van deftly parried dozens of spear thrusts while simultaneously firing his revolver and casting spells. Even the experienced members of the exploration team had never witnessed combat of this caliber.

Lightning clashed with fire, and frost surged forth.

When the giant clock tower became a tomb for the spear-wielder, sighs of disbelief emanated from all present.

“This is… too dangerous.”

“This is not a level that can simply be measured by skill.”

“Did he learn some unique magic? If it’s a one-man transmission of techniques, it seems impossible to gather information beforehand.”

Though they had encountered more monsters and magical creatures than humans, their keen eyes had not dulled. It was evident that the spear-wielder, despite succumbing to fatal blows, was not inferior to them in skill.

“That’s enough.”

The moment the conference room grew noisy, Irina abruptly quelled the conversation.


The exploration team members swiftly fell silent, revealing just how firm a grip Irina Pheffield had on the organization.

Amidst the awkward silence, the man hesitantly resumed speaking.

“……Anyway, based on my investigation, there are three suspects for this case. Well, I did talk at length about the last one, but I have also completed enough research on the first two for any additional inquiries. After the briefing, I plan to proceed with backing up the data I’ve separately gathered…”

“What do you think?”


“Out of the three people you’ve introduced, who do you think killed my colleague and stole the artifact?”


If honorifics and formal language were intermingling, it was evident that her thoughts were in turmoil.

Sensing this, the man cautiously continued to speak, striving not to provoke her.

“Uh… as I mentioned earlier, personally, I think the second bounty criminal, Sha Marah, has a high probability.”


“While the traces left at the scene are undoubtedly manipulation-type, a skilled psychic could imitate them to a similar extent. Sha Marah is also a member of the notorious criminal organization ‘Nine Count,’ so I believe there’s a high chance he targeted the departing group at the auction.”

The man fell silent after conveying his thoughts, but the exploration team members exchanged quick glances among themselves.

They had tasked him with investigating to avenge their fallen comrades and recover a portion of the stolen artifact, but he was unaware that the team sought an amulet of the potion maker.

Entrusting the task to someone who was unaware of one of the key motives behind this case meant that although he could gather valuable information, relying on him for a sound judgment would be challenging.

“….You’ve done well. You may go now.”

Irina swiftly grasped this as well and provided him with an appropriate amount of compensation before bidding him farewell.

As soon as the man verified that the agreed-upon sum had been deposited into his account, he promptly vacated his seat.

He clearly understood that Irina was politely signaling for him to depart.

Once the conference room door had opened and closed, and the man’s presence had dissipated, Irina spoke.

“We’ll have to investigate this wizard called Van. We need someone much more professional than that mediocre guy earlier.”

As if it had been predetermined, the team members exchanged puzzled glances upon hearing the name.

“Isn’t it a bit too early to move?”

“Shouldn’t we discuss this a bit more?”

“Can you tell us the basis for your thoughts, Leader?”

“No need to overthink it. If you consider the times when we are conducting relic explorations, it’s simple, right?”

Irina surveyed the silent team members and offered a cold smile.

“Out of these three, we already know who we’d least like to deal with.”


“Things like this, where the smell of blood is in the air, always end up involving the one you wish would stay away the most.”

Was this the unilateral decision of a leader whose rationality had been overcome by anger?

Or was it the intuition she had honed over a long period of leading the exploration team?

Regardless, the team members couldn’t fathom going against even a single word uttered by Irina.

Ultimately, they failed to recognize that her decision was the closest to being correct.

“Check Van’s movements, the magic and weapons he uses, his combat style, residence, environment, and clients. Understand everything and then proceed with the operation. Contact our sponsors.”

Irina softly muttered as she rose from her seat.

“Straying any further from the original plan will result in us shedding blood instead.”

By the time they failed to acquire the amulet, their original plan had already unraveled.

To compound matters, the loss of their capable member Brook and the damage to the relic they risked everything to obtain.

Before their means and ends became inverted, they needed to bring this matter to a close.

Hadn’t they been making sacrifices all along to reach this point?

They would simply continue doing what they always had.

Irina’s eyes gleamed coldly as she watched the team members begin to take action at her command.


At the university library, deeply immersed in books, Lennok commenced his journey home.

As usual, he navigated the bustling streets and effortlessly blended into the crowd.

Crossing numerous streets, traversing crosswalks, he moved purposefully between buildings, slipping through blind spots.

Given the significant acts he had undertaken under the identity Van, Lennok had no choice but to be extremely cautious in concealing his true self.

Just as he attempted to merge with the masses under the obscurity of a narrow alley,


Lennok abruptly halted as he sensed a magical surveillance, the intermittent ominous feeling now undeniable.


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