Genius Wizard Takes Medicine

Chapter 153

The woman who had remained silent in response to Lenok’s words finally spoke.

[The city undergoes rapid changes, doesn’t it?]

Lenok was met with silence.

[It’s been less than three years since I last left Vulcan, and yet a wizard like you has already emerged.]

Her tone was indifferent, but there was a faint hint of amusement in her words, or was it just a trick of the mind?

Despite Lenok’s provocation, her voice conveyed unwavering composure.

[It’s usually tiresome to respond to the provocations of senseless individuals. However, when someone lightly grazes my patience like this, I feel compelled to respond…]

Lenok inquired, “What are you implying?”

[I’m suggesting that you might reconsider your words once you find yourself bereft of your limbs.]


A bone-chilling declaration followed, leaving behind only fading ripples.

It was a menacing threat of death, but instead of recoiling, Lenok extended his hand to grasp the vanishing ripple.


Despite his words, Lennok had no intention of simply waiting for Irina to track him down.

He had no plans to relinquish the treasure he held, especially after Irina had responded with threats rather than apologies or negotiations. In such a situation, there was only one course of action.

He couldn’t afford to hesitate, as conflict seemed inevitable.

The artifact operated on principles entirely distinct from conventional magic, but if it functioned on mana, Lennok believed he could decipher it.

Detecting the faint trace of mana dissipating in mid-air, he infused his own mana into it.

Like breathing life into a fading heartbeat, he meticulously regulated the amount of energy he imbued to sustain the ripple.

“The core ability is remote location identification and voice transmission. Then…”

It might also be feasible to reverse-engineer the artifact’s activation location.

Though the process would be considerably more intricate, the underlying principle remained unchanged.

Just as when he had purged the scavengers alongside the Krimgal Mercenary Office, if he could sense the tracking magic and approach it in reverse, he could disrupt it.

With each extension of his mana, he encountered resistance due to the need to reinterpret abilities rooted in entirely different principles. Nonetheless, he memorized the blocked points and swiftly moved on to the next step.

By recognizing and recalling these blockages on the spot, he pieced together a real-time map of mana.

He broke through in reverse.


A surge of sparks in his mind brought forth a flood of data.

Lenok retrieved his cellphone and began jotting down the numbers that flowed into his consciousness uninterrupted.

Although initially a jumble, there was no error in the raw data. It encompassed the artifact’s usage frequency, casting range, activation times, and intervals between them.

While currently just a random assortment of data, handing it over to Sebastian would likely yield meaningful insights.

The most prudent course of action was to take the initiative before Irina had a chance to react.

With this in mind, Lenok wasted no time in scrolling through his phone contacts.

This marked his first instance of searching for colleagues as a client rather than a freelancer, but the endeavor proved not too challenging.

Demonstrating that his year in the city had not been in vain, his once-empty contact list now teemed with dozens of numbers.

After careful consideration, Lennok discreetly distanced himself from the crowd and initiated a call.

He blended seamlessly with the throng, quickly vanishing among the people.



Following the severance of the telepathic connection, Irina’s immediate response was to slam her fist onto the desk.

The other members of the exploration team who had been observing her were wise enough to maintain their silence, given the icy aura she exuded.

“That man. Are you absolutely sure?”

Irina surveyed the apprehensive looks around her.

“He’s a master of words. Brook must have been deceived like this and met his end.”


Irina was acutely aware of the kind of person Brook Powell had been.

He was a dependable companion who had wholeheartedly supported her exploration team without ever questioning her exploratory activities.”

A trustworthy aide who willingly shouldered challenging tasks on her behalf, understanding that sacrifices might be unavoidable.

He possessed the audacity and skill to impersonate others without a flicker of emotion in front of anyone.

And the intelligence to back it all up.

Brook was the perfect choice for acquiring the items she desired in a bustling auction house filled with various desires and interests.

However, if the situation had escalated to this point, there had to be a valid reason for it.

The simple truth was that Brook couldn’t keep up with the intricacies of Lennok’s mind.

Fully aware that every move was being closely observed, Lennok fearlessly employed teleportation magic instead of manipulation-based magic. His subtle gestures seemed to taunt the expedition leader, Irina Pheffield.

On the surface, he feigned ignorance, but beneath his cryptic words, he blatantly called attention to her past actions.

He had already discerned the teleportation ability concealed within the iridescent gemstone, displaying discernment and determination to utilize it in combat.

He was not a foe to be underestimated, nor one to be trifled with for an extended duration.

The longer time elapsed, the more he would come to appreciate the hidden potential of the artifact’s abilities, and eventually, he might turn against them.

The battle had to be engaged before that happened.

Irina donned her coat, kicked open the door, and strode out, with dozens of expedition members silently following her.

“Our assessment of the adversary is complete. Now, we move into the ‘preparation’ phase.”

Irina’s icy gaze swept over her comrades.

“Contact our sponsors and inform me once you’ve secured the funding. Retrieve the necessary items from the mobile vault and secure our positions.”

These were comrades she trusted implicitly, unwavering in their loyalty and reliability. Yet, despite Irina’s feelings, not many were willing to meet her gaze.

Her exceptional organizational skills and loyalty were not solely the result of her remarkable achievements on expeditions.

“We will wrap up everything within three days and depart for Vulcan.”


After adjusting his coat and tapping his boots a few times, Lennok immediately took action.

Feeling the cold sensation of the glove against his palm, he slowly opened the glass door.

Although he had adapted to wearing shoes and a shirt instead of jeans, he had no significant complaints.

It was evident that even in such a ruthless environment, formal attire had its advantages.

Upon entering, he found himself in a spacious lobby.

Elegant letters loomed large behind the reception desk.

[Antares Mercenary Office]

He had heard about them extensively and had even collaborated with some of their mercenaries, but this was his first visit.

Lennok wasn’t sure what Irina had in mind, but he also believed that this matter couldn’t be drawn out.

His keen magical insights had already outpaced those of an experienced expedition leader.

One day.

Lennok intended to complete all preparations today and immediately take on the challenge.

The preparation time was exceedingly short, and it was impossible for Lennok alone to accomplish everything in a single day.

That was precisely why he had come to visit the mercenary group today.

In the lobby, the chattering mercenaries turned their attention toward Lennok.

Ignoring their curious gazes, he approached the receptionist.

“Could you summon someone for me?”

The staff examined Lennok’s face and instantly broke into a smile.

“Of course. Should I call Dylan for you?”


He hadn’t even mentioned a name, yet they knew whom to contact?

As the receptionist picked up the phone, she said playfully,

“If you don’t recognize the lightning wizard from District 49, you can’t really claim to work in a mercenary group. Please wait in the lobby, and we’ll summon him shortly.”

Only then did Lennok activate his mana to eavesdrop on the conversations of the mercenaries around him.

“That wizard, what’s he doing here?”

“I’ve heard he’s been quite busy lately; he must have a good reason for being here.”

“Hmm… I’d love to work with him sometime, especially if there’s a chance to witness his skills.”

“Azura, that guy’s dangerous. I’ve heard he’s pretty ruthless… there must be a reason Mila is involved.”

“Who cares? As long as you do your job well, that’s all that matters.”

“Many are curious about the magic he uses. If we play our cards right, we might gain some valuable insights.”

Lennok, catching wind of hushed conversations about himself here and there, quietly scratched his cheek.

The looks he received were a mixture of wariness and goodwill.

The conversations, carried out in nearly inaudible whispers, were laden with words that only those familiar with Van, the wizard, could comprehend.

If even those at the forefront of the mercenary ranks recognized his face, then his time as a freelancer hadn’t been entirely in vain.

He didn’t believe that becoming famous was entirely advantageous, but ultimately, to attain what Lennok desired, didn’t he need to gain a bit more renown?

Not just as a freelancer who merely accepted jobs, but as he was doing now, when he had ventured out to delegate work to a mercenary group.

Lost in thought, the elevator door positioned to one side of the lobby abruptly slid open, and a boisterous voice erupted.


A towering figure donned in an eccentric mask that concealed every inch of his face.

His habitual practice of covering himself with stickers remained unchanged.

Upon seeing Dylan enthusiastically waving, Lennok couldn’t help but let out a soft chuckle.

Dylan promptly procured two beverages from a nearby vending machine and tossed one to Lennok.

As expected, Lennok failed to catch the can with precision.

Dylan theatrically shrugged his shoulders while observing Lennok retrieve the fallen can.

“It’s been a while. Why did you decide to grace us with your presence only now, over a year since I invited you to visit the mercenary group?”

“I had no business, so there was no reason to come.”

“What’s more, you show up at this particular moment… I was planning on introducing you to the Boss, but you arrive just when he’s away?”

“Boss? Well, that’s certainly… unfortunate.”

Lennok had been eager to catch a glimpse of Antares, a figure shrouded in rumor; what terrible timing for him to be absent.

“On the bright side, Felix is holding down the fort. Want to meet him? Didn’t you run into him at the botanical garden with Mila?”

At Dylan’s nonchalant response, Lennok furrowed his brow.

“That woman has been blabbering about it?”


“Felix mentioned it. During a drinking gathering, he kept insisting on bringing you to meet the Boss. Despite his appearance, he’s quite the chatterbox.”


It was hard to imagine that stern, beak-nosed fellow engaging in endless chatter, but Lennok found it somewhat plausible.

Reflecting on it, he did recall Felix being rather talkative when they met at the botanical garden.

“Anyway, you’ve come here, which means you have some business. Let’s hear it.”

“It’s not too complicated. I’m in need of capable vanguards.”

“Ho… You, seeking vanguards, that’s surprising.”

Dylan’s tone turned serious upon hearing Lennok’s request.

Dylan was privy to a fair amount of information about Lennok, among other things.

They had not only fought side by side on numerous occasions but Dylan was also a frequent visitor to Jenny’s bar.

Lennok didn’t work solo purely by choice. He had initially teamed up effectively during their first mission against Croken Asilus in a factory.

Contrary to his public image, Lennok didn’t despise working in a team.

However, due to various reasons, he often found himself resolving issues independently as his comrades dropped out.

Nonetheless, Lennok actively seeking out teammates was a rare occurrence.

In response to Dylan’s remarks, Lennok shrugged.

“Mind if I smoke first?”

“Uh… is indoor smoking allowed?”

Seeing Dylan’s hesitation, Lennok put away the cigarette he had been about to light and shook his head.

“Let’s sit down and discuss.”

Dylan naturally led the way to a private room adjacent to the lobby.

“Hmm, so you’re the guest, eh?”

Ignoring Dylan’s banter, Lennok snapped his fingers to create a barrier against nearby noise and interference.

Dylan, recognizing Lennok’s action, altered his tone.

“All this suggests it’s quite a serious matter, doesn’t it?”


As anticipated, despite his outward appearance, Dylan was the real deal.

He could sense the flow of Lennok’s magic and discern the atmosphere, providing hints about his magical sensitivity.

Previously, Lennok hadn’t recognized this because he knew little and was primarily focused on survival.

But the fact that he had held his own against Croken Asilus was evidence enough of Dylan’s prowess.

In comparison to his skills, the compensation he received seemed ridiculously low.

Lennok hadn’t sought him out without a purpose.

Dylan O’Cassy was among the most formidable vanguards Lennok had ever encountered.

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