Genius Wizard Takes Medicine

Chapter 157


Lennok, who appeared weary, began to retract his magical domain, carefully retrieving a cigarette from his pocket.

While enhancing magical control through one’s domain offered distinct advantages, it exacted a significant toll in the form of magic depletion and subsequent fatigue.

The drawback to this technique lay in the mental haziness and slowed thought processes that followed, the cost of synchronizing one’s senses with the entire spatial environment.

Would this provide sufficient respite for Lennok to recuperate?

Standing in his path, just beyond Dylan and Mila, was Irina, who stood alone, making unwavering eye contact.

Lennok spoke as he observed the faint tremor in the massive sword she clutched.

“I can guess why you’ve drifted here with injuries, just by looking at that thing in your hand.”


“That cursed sword, it must be something you can’t use without sucking the blood from others, right?”

If it could withstand the magical backlash caused by Lennok’s domain, it had to be a high-quality artifact. Simultaneously, it had to meet Irina’s performance standards.

Ever since she joined forces with a portly man to ambush Lennok from below, her swordsmanship had shattered the concrete floor. It possessed the cutting power to slice through meters of concrete with ease, and its destructive force didn’t waver when clashing with Lennok’s mana.

Just how much did this blood-sucking greatsword contribute to Irina Pheffield’s abilities?

“Everything makes sense now, including why you wanted to get healed by Yakson. The fact that a promising explorer leader is actually using a blood-sucking cursed sword and fell victim to its side-effects must be a secret you can’t afford to leak.”

Lennok smirked as he noticed her slight flinch.

He continued talking, all the while carefully scrutinizing her reactions with his icy gaze.

The objective wasn’t solely to uncover facts or causal relationships. Even a minor disturbance before the impending final battle would suffice.

“How many did you kill?”


“How many of your own team members did you kill to use that damned sword?”

If the cursed weapon operated by consuming human blood, it was a logical deduction, particularly considering Irina Pheffield’s role as the leader of an exploration team delving into scarcely inhabited ruins.

It wouldn’t be surprising if she ran out of fuel for her magical sword. And it wasn’t hard to fathom who she might have sacrificed to resolve that issue.

As Lennok persisted in his discourse, his thoughts flowed seamlessly, turning these vague notions into irrefutable convictions.

With natural intuition and acute observational skills, Lennok was guided to the correct conclusion through his impeccably structured logical reasoning.

“The rumors were that your team had a lot of unclaimed artifacts despite good performance. What if those were artifacts you couldn’t openly reveal because they were tied to ‘unsavory incidents’ during your explorations?”

“…….Stop it.”

“If everything was transparently disclosed, and those ‘unsavory incidents’ during the explorations were accidentally revealed—”

“Shut your mouth!!!”

Irina, losing her composure, filled the villa with her resounding voice.



Disregarding Lennok, who had sealed his lips, Irina moved deliberately to the side.

She made her way to a fallen member of the exploration team who still exhibited a faint pulse.


With force, she thrust her greatsword into him.


Simultaneously, the greatsword emitted a grotesque noise, as if it were a living entity, greedily drawing in human blood.

“Ugh…. Disgusting creature….”

Mila’s brows furrowed deeply at the gruesome spectacle.

The robust mercenary wouldn’t have been so disturbed by this act alone; her words were more of a condemnation toward Irina, who renewed her strength by turning her comrades into sustenance.

However, Irina spoke without the slightest hesitation.

“It’s regrettable. If I had killed just one among the three of you, it wouldn’t have come to this… I’ll have to be more careful when forming the next exploration team.”

“Every word out of your mouth is truly a gem. It’s not a concept, is it?”

Her demeanor, which suggested this wasn’t her first time engaging in such actions, remained composed to the extent that it even made Lennok click his tongue in astonishment.

He had initially thought he was dealing with a cold-hearted leader of an exploration team, but it appeared that she bordered on being a psychopath.

Could her prior display of composure and ruthlessness have been a facade concealing her borderline manic mindset?

“Well, it’s not like I enjoy continuing to do this. There are just items that I must retrieve, and I’ve only roamed through ancient tombs for them.”


As her simple cape fluttered, it revealed a silver staff with winged tips hanging at her waist.

With Irina at the center, she swiftly incanted a spell while holding the staff, causing light to suddenly descend from the heavens.


An immense cascade of holy light poured from the clear sky.

Although it didn’t exhibit overt magical or ritualistic effects, it was evident that this was a highly potent self-sustaining spell.

“Come to think of it, everything has been twisted from the beginning. Failing to find Yakson’s amulet at the auction house, having the separated artifact stolen… Now, I’ve lost the full strength of the exploration team.”


“It’s time to cut the entangled knots that can’t be untied.”


The instant Irina took a step, the villa trembled intensely.

One didn’t need to contemplate how much her physical capabilities had been enhanced within that petite frame.

“I will kill the three of you, recover my lost artifact, and end all of this. I’ll ask where Yakson is directly from your body. Don’t think you can die easily just because you’ve come this far.”

Having evidently completed all her preparations, Irina Pheffield’s expression radiated unmistakable intent to kill.

But did she know?

How many opportunities Lennok had to intervene while she was preparing all of this?

If he had chosen to, the moment his domain expanded, he could have inverted all the mana in her body, rendering her incapable of fighting and potentially ending her life instantly.

However, the reason he refrained from doing so and patiently listened to her extended monologue was to ascertain Irina’s full range of abilities, including those of her artifact.

The formidable self-sustaining spell residing within the ‘Compassion of Archangel’ staff.

He observed attentively the trigger words she employed to activate it, the flow of her mana, and even her subtle hand movements.

Based on this, it wouldn’t be too challenging to uncover hints about the artifact’s capabilities.


And then, Dylan, who had remained silent and immobile until this point, stepped forward.

“Remember what I said last time?”


“I asked to choose just one artifact as payment for this job.”


“I’ll take that sword she’s holding as payment.”

Reflecting on the situation, Lennok had his own motives for dissecting Irina’s capabilities, but there appeared to be a reason why Dylan had remained silently beside him all this time.

Prior to commencing their mission, Dylan had disclosed his quest for items related to the Gido series.

It was evident that the blood-sucking greatsword was among the targets Dylan had been seeking.

Dylan cast a glance back at Lennok.

“Since you’ve shown us your territory at your own risk, I guess I should tell you one of my secrets as well.”

With these words, he meticulously removed the thick gloves that had concealed both his hands.

Lennok watched in silence as Dylan’s bare hands emerged from beneath the gloves.

His bare skin bore a deep, unnatural red hue that defied human semblance.


As Dylan’s exposed hand gripped the sword, the long katana he had been holding began to ignite.

The once sleek blade swiftly transformed into a dark crimson hue, emitting swirling purple flames.


“Don’t need to say it, I’m already prepared.”

Upon Mila’s signal, she pulled the trigger of her shotgun.

Dylan bent his knees, launching himself off the ground, while Irina raised her greatsword.

“Let’s go.”

The moment they locked eyes with each other was fleeting, but the moment their breaths intermingled was even shorter.

The clash of their blades was a cacophony that resonated through the villa, shaking it so violently that it seemed to threaten the very foundation of the structure.


Irina, wielding her greatsword with bulging veins, dominated the space, keeping both adversaries within her field of vision.

Dylan, unfazed, absorbed the powerful blow head-on.

Mila seized the perfect moment to take a shot at Irina with her shotgun.

The world warped.

Irina’s body executed a full rotation around her extended left foot as an axis, and her greatsword spun twice more.

Crack! Screeeech!!

The deafening noise not only rang in their ears but felt as though it could pierce eardrums.

Yet, Dylan retained his composure and advanced, disrupting Irina’s focal point.

His movement speed was incomparable to before.

It appeared that removing his gloves and grasping the weapon with his bare hands had boosted his overall physical capabilities.

Dylan’s gaze darted about, searching for an opening within Daegum’s intersection as he moved deeper into the confrontation.

Meanwhile, Irina swiftly assumed a powerful stance and swung her sword once more.



Before they could even exhale, a flurry of sword strikes from both sides rushed towards each other’s throats.

Blinking was a luxury they couldn’t afford. By the time they realized it, they were inhaling the scent of death, lunging forward with every breath.

The terror brushing against their cheeks, the despair grazing their ears, and the fear piercing their hearts gripped them as they passed by each other.

The murderous intent coursing through the blades was so intermingled and chaotic that it was impossible to discern its source.


Dylan took a deep breath.


Dylan’s sword strikes rained down upon the Daegum like a relentless hail of bullets from a machine gun.

Not only did his katana come into play, but also the spear and dagger holstered on his back, along with the pistol strapped to his waist, turning his entire being into a tempest of living blades.

Even as he wielded this arsenal of various weapons simultaneously, he executed each sword strike with precision, leaving nothing to chance.


Blades infused with dark magic trailed his agile movements, darting between his hands and legs, relentlessly scraping against the formidable Daegum blade and piercing Irina’s throat like serpents striking their prey.

It was a ferocious assault akin to a wild beast tearing through flesh.

Dylan’s onslaught had transcended the realms of reason and combat strategy.

Drawing upon a wealth of accumulated combat experience while relying solely on the primal instincts coursing within him, he targeted any chink in Irina’s defenses.

A dagger, propelled upward by his combat boots, deeply sliced into Irina’s neck, causing a gush of blood to spurt forth.



Even as her own blood obscured her vision, she made no attempt to staunch the bleeding and instead gritted her teeth.

The potent auxiliary magic of the Archangel’s Compassion surged through her body, providing instant emergency treatment and infusing her with power beyond the usual limits.

The ground around her warped as her foothold, and the floor of the villa’s first-floor lobby finally collapsed entirely.


But in that very moment, her sword strike traced a long arc.


A vivid crimson crescent moon ascended into the villa’s sky, cleaving the massive mansion in half.


Facing both adversaries, with no excuses or justifications, Irina Fessfield’s frantic struggle for survival was truly unforgettable.

Despite her deceitful words and the sacrifices she had made to reach this point, Irina was undoubtedly a warrior through and through.

Utilizing the tremendous self-augmenting mana from the Archangel’s Compassion and employing the destructive might of the blood-drinking Daegum.

Yet, the skill to wield these weapons was entirely her own.

Handling the unwieldy Daegum in close combat at a pace akin to a machine gun’s rapid fire was undeniably a superhuman feat.

“You beast of Gido, how dare you!!!”


In response to Irina’s scream, Dylan erupted into hearty laughter.

“You’re only noticing now. But it’s too late!!”


A shockwave from Mila arrived without fail the moment he swung his actions widely.

Despite the villa being split in half by the previous strike, there was no hint of fear in her eyes.

The storm of sword strikes, challenging even to discern with both eyes, did not shake her in the slightest; it seemed to be an inherent part of her character.

However, her audacious, even recklessly brave moment exposed her vulnerabilities to Dylan.


His rigid combat boots ruthlessly crushed Irina’s toes.


He ascended to her knee and severed her joints.


He pivoted to her flank, thrusting a spear while simultaneously stabbing daggers into both of her shoulders.


The crimson-dyed cloth wrapped around Dylan’s arm unraveled itself as it circled around her right arm.

The greatsword she had clung to with unwavering determination soared effortlessly into the sky.

Irina unleashed a desperate scream.


In response to her sheer determination, the Archangel’s Compassion emitted an enormous shockwave. In that moment, Dylan and Mila, who had been gripping her heart, were forcefully propelled backward.



Capitalizing on the precious moments Dylan and Mila had bought, Lennok swiftly gathered his mana.

“You’ve worked hard.”


After a prolonged period, he amassed his mana to its fullest and cast it into the heavens.


His mind fixated on a single vision, the image of mighty lightning streaking down from the sky.

He harnessed all the experiences and research he had accumulated over time, summoning the Hammer of Thunder.

Hoping it would serve as a stark warning to any hidden backers who might be watching.

Elemental Electric Magic.

[Thunder Calling] Attribute Change.

[White Fall]


Perhaps, the moment Lennok cast his magic into the sky, she sensed something amiss.

Despite her left arm in tatters, she flung her cloak skyward and wielded the Archangel’s Staff of Compassion, conjuring a colossal shield towards the heavens.

But Lennok directed his gaze downward, a wicked grin forming on his lips.

“The tables have turned.”


A manipulation of mana, a teleportation, that shouldn’t have been possible under normal circumstances.

“No way, no way….!!! You, how could you utilize the artifact’s ability to this extent…!!!”

Finally comprehending the whole truth, Irina’s despairing screams filled the air.

However, a radiant white flash erupted beneath her feet, drowning out her cries.


Against the intense heat, even formidable protective spells and superhuman physical abilities proved futile.

In an instant, Irina’s form was reduced to ashes and dust beneath the scorching blaze of the lightning strike.

The ground quaked, and a thunderous roar reverberated.

A towering column of white light, capable of consuming the entire villa, shot skyward in a massive arc.

Following the blinding brilliance, all that remained were the crumbling remnants of a villa.

The frenzied screams of the once-ambitious expedition leader now faintly echoed.

In silence, Lennok retrieved the staff, still gleaming with silver among the ashes.


Though he had finally achieved his goal, his emotions remained remarkably subdued.

Perhaps due to the unexpected drain caused by the clash with the exploration team, Lennok’s attention shifted away from the immediate situation.

Instead, his gaze settled upon Dylan, who was retrieving Irina’s severed arm and her blood-soaked greatsword.

Dylan’s expression was a mix of complexity as he let out a deep sigh and slowly lifted the grotesque greatsword.


The gruesome weapon seemed oddly at home in his blood-red hand.

For some inexplicable reason, the sword that had been thirsting for blood in Irina’s grasp now remained silent and obedient in Dylan’s hand.

“Ugh, ugh… When you guys get back, you better give me an incentive.”

Mila, who had pushed her psychic abilities to the limit, held her throbbing head and grumbled.

With a faint smile, Lennok eased back against the dilapidated wall of the mansion and took a seat.

The minor dispute that had ignited at the auction had grown into a larger conflict, and ultimately, Lennok had succeeded in extinguishing the escalating flames.

He could make educated guesses about the predicament facing the Arashak Relic Exploration Team.

Cues could be gleaned from the cryptic words that had escaped Irina’s lips.

Kido. The name of an enigmatic cult that had surfaced within the framework of WORLD 2.0.

Irina was likely an individual affiliated with the cult known as “Gwido,” assigned to retrieve artifacts tied to the cult and to hand them over. The exploration teams were regularly replaced, presumably due to the sacrifices that occurred during the process.

The bloodthirsty greatsword she possessed must have been an artifact that directly aided her in her mission and belonged to the Gwido cult.

The mystery behind why the cursed sword, which had always thirsted for blood when wielded by her, remained quiet in Dylan’s grasp was a question that Lennok did not delve into deeply.

They were mercenaries, freelancers.

If they required assistance, they could simply post a reward and a request, just as Lennok had done earlier.

What presently demanded Lennok’s attention was not the enigmatic “Gwido” cult.

Having brought the conflict with the exploration team to a close, Lennok’s gaze now extended beyond immediate challenges.

“Shall I go and get an answer from Jenny?”

Drug King. Juice Master.

The drug trade. A sprawling enterprise of colossal proportions, where vast sums of money exchanged hands.

It was time to take action, to embark on a daring heist of the vault belonging to the top magnate rumored to control 40% of the illicit transactions that coursed through the continent.

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