Genius Wizard Takes Medicine

Chapter 238

Chapter 238

Firstly, I suppose Ill need to contemplate it after following Evelyn to the Magic Tower.

As he descended to the below, Jenny greeted him with a disinterested expression.

I heard a bit from Evelyn Marcia. She wants to borrow you for a while.


The intense acceleration of consciousness during the executive meeting. Only a select few discerned something more profound.

There was no necessity to inform her about Pandemoniums involvement and the turmoil of the magical conflict.

In response, Lennok offered a faint smile, and Jenny let out a sigh.

Well, its your decision, so I wont say much You know? The rumors about that place are quite ominous these days.

The old folks at Blaiver Magic Tower are famously prickly, and there must be a reason they havent mentioned that incident even after a big fight with the Pandemonium.

Jenny also appeared to have grasped the essence of the situation, even though her knowledge was derived solely from newspapers and news reports.

It would be nice if things went smoothly

Were not going to confront the Magic Tower, just investigating whether theyre colluding with the Pandemonium.Lennok clarified. If they dont want to make a big deal out of it, theyll cooperate to some extent. Even if theres no gain for the agents, it wont be too bad for me

Lennok had already secured ample rewards, but more importantly, he understood the underlying reasons for these developments.

He didnt feel responsible for diverting the Pandemoniums attention towards the Blaiver Magic Tower, given their conspiracy with the Drug Lord and interference in the autonomous region.

However, Lennok still needed to observe the consequences of the cause-and-effect he had set in motion.

Once he verified that this type of subterfuge was effective, dealing with the Pandemonium in the future would become more manageable.

Eventually, Ill have to get involved with Pandemonium in one way or another

In an era marked by the encroachment of external threats, he surmised that escaping the situation favorably was unlikely.

It would be a falsehood to claim that he hadnt entertained the ominous notion that the chains binding Lennok might be connected to this series of events.

Therefore, Lennok felt compelled to approach the Pandemonium from this angle.

He needed to selectively gather crucial information from adversaries he could contend with, as opposed to insurmountable foes like Pandemonium or Croken.

Mere information from Blue Eye or Lapis wouldnt suffice.

The significance of Pandemoniums opened heavens ideology and why they were willing to disrupt the current order even if it meant summoning monsters from the external sea.

Perhaps this incident could turn out to be an opportunity for Lennok.


Untouched territory. A desolate desert expanse.

Dawn, before the suns ascent.

Winter had yielded to spring, but at this early hour, visible breaths still hung in the frigid air.

Relying on the glow of the cigarette nestled between his lips, Lennok looked up, sensing a familiar presence drawing near.

Youre late.


Led by Evelyn, two jeeps approached him, carrying three men and women in their midst.

The rugged, sand-colored jeeps, equipped with sizable off-road tires and loosely attached iron bars, made a striking impression.

Given the necessity of traversing the desert to reach the volcanic area where the Magic Tower stood, their preparations seemed thorough.

Evelyn, leaning out of the passenger seat, greeted Lennok with a smile.

Did you wait long? There was a lot to prepare. Itll take about a week to reach the volcanic area, and we need more than a few things.

Its fine. I havent been waiting long.

He had just arrived on his motorcycle and had concealed it using a shrinking spell.

In preparation for today, Lennok had also visited the Cartels executive vault and the black mage Rauls artifact shop. Given the unpredictability surrounding the Blaiver Magic Tower, he couldnt afford to overlook these preparations.

As Lennok settled into the backseat of one of the jeeps, the driver wasted no time in departing from the city.

Vroom, vroom!

They raced across the desert, engulfed in a cloud of dust, leaving behind the burgeoning metropolis.

The driver coughed, but the expressions of Lennok and Evelyn remained composed.

With the rising sun, the temperature swiftly ascended.

Lennok removed his coat and, with a quick application of a shrinking spell, stored it away. He felt considerably lighter in just his thin shirt.

There were three people in one jeep and two with luggage in the other.

Evelyn spoke as if she had caught Lennoks gaze.

Its a gift for the old folks at Blaiver Magic Tower. Even though its us, we cant just openly investigate the Magic Tower, so we need to give them a proper excuse.

A gift that the high mages of the Tower would like

Its similar to the advance payment I gave you. Rare medicinal herbs or elixirs. You know how many aging wizards are obsessed with their health?

Lennok, who had once contended with a fallen monk fixated on extending his life, was well aware of this phenomenon.

He had observed how the powerful, as they aged, clung to their fleeting time, not only within the Cartel but among other wizards as well.

Lennok himself relentlessly sought to break free from his own constraints.

Lost in contemplation, the jeep quickly left Vulcan, entering the undeveloped region still tainted by the remnants of the Black Consumer Projects living contaminants.


Naturally, Lennok and Evelyn swiftly dispatched the monsters threatening living beings and continued their journey.

In this undeveloped area, they could feel the eyes of unregistered vagrants upon them, but as they intentionally moved out of the desert region, those prying gazes quickly faded away.

Crossing the magnetic storm beyond the desert, they entered a region adorned with thriving vegetation.

Only then did diverse landscapes begin to unfold beyond the endless horizon.


Lennok, leaning against the jeeps back, started to take in the scenic surroundings with comfort.

Although he had ventured outside Vulcan when he left the autonomous territories, this was his first time moving in this direction.

The groups route slightly veered away from the continents center.

In other words, they were traveling parallel to the frontline where Vulcans defense forces were stationed.

On the right side, where the jeep raced forward, Lennoks eyes narrowed as a colossal object faintly appeared amidst the mountain ranges.

Even from a considerable distance, its massive size was unmistakable.

With its long, eight-legged form leisurely traversing the terrain between the mountains, the sight left an indelible impression.

A mobile fortress of the defense forces

Lennok mumbled, prompting Evelyn to turn her head as well.

Theyre usually in camouflage, waiting on standby. Its been a long time since Ive seen one directly.

Lennok, too, had only heard rumors and was witnessing it firsthand for the first time.

These were the core of the military might that buttressed the defense lines of the megacity.

During the latter part of the war, the siege and bombardment often revolved around these mobile fortresses, which sometimes acted as the frontline themselves.

The steel fortresses had played an unmatched role in Vulcans rise as a city-state, forsaking its national identity.

But now, they were gradually deteriorating in an uncertain peace.

Lately, the stand-by orders have been extended, so theyre only focusing on maintenance. Though its better for the machinerys lifespan to keep moving, such mobile fortresses are left idle unavoidable, I guess.

At Evelyns words, the driver, who had been silently steering the jeep, chimed in.

Many of my peers want to return to the city. A significant downsizing of the ground forces is inevitable.

Were you in the military?

In response to Lennoks query, the agent nodded slightly.

I was discharged due to an injury during the war.

There are quite a few retired soldiers among the agents. They can be immediately deployed in operations without special training, and they find it much more comfortable than the battlefield Evelyn explained, smiling at Lennok. Its similar to what happened with Dray, who joined your company.

Did you know?

Of course. It wasnt widely discussed because Dray Krimgal was handling it, but if such a number of special forces veterans were to be released into the city all at once, there would inevitably be problems.

Listening to Evelyn, it became apparent that the agents held Dray Krimgal in high regard.

Given his insight and character, it was understandable that he was considered suitable to lead an organization.

Originally, we planned to take in those soldiers who had nowhere to go But our situation has been so bad lately that we couldnt help it.

The military branches, except for the air force with its fleet power, are all undergoing major budget cuts. Eventually, Vulcans military power will be reorganized, centered around the fleet.

Evelyn gazed at the fortress with a complex expression and murmured, leaving Lennok lost in thought.

Upon reflection, Lennok had indeed encountered numerous retired soldiers.

The district head of Scavenger he had met during an operation with Krimgals office, as well as Beck Clinton of the Cigar Bang gang, who dealt in weapons, both had ties to retired soldiers living in satellite cities. It was not a novel phenomenon.

And, of course, there was Dre and the current employees he had taken under his wing in his company.

Considering the significant number of discharged soldiers returning to the city, it was a matter that shouldnt be taken lightly.

As they continued their journey, the mobile fortress, nestled amidst the mountains, gradually lost its distinctive appearance and blended into the surrounding landscape. The jeep sped across the grasslands, leaving the fortress behind.



In the darkness of the night on the grasslands, a bolt of lightning streaked through, narrowly grazing Evelyns shoulder before vanishing.

During the moons waning phase, even the starlight struggled to illuminate the terrain.

Only the faint glow of their magical emissions slightly brightened the surroundings.

Evelyn cast a glance back at the disappearing lightning and pressed forward without hesitation.

In sync with her steps, sand suddenly erupted from the ground, attempting to ensnare her legs, while shockwaves descended from above, limiting her room to maneuver.


Yet, the sand that had risen from the ground flailed through the air in vain, and her figure, leaping at the last moment, swiftly closed the distance with her adversary.

As she channeled her magical power, a green light emanated from her eyes, and the ethereal lights that flickered in the air, resembling will-o-the-wisps, relentlessly surged forward.


In the darkness, her arm struck precisely through the space countless times, a speed that no one in the vicinity could fully comprehend.

Only the residual noise that followed the rapid rotation of her shoulder offered a glimpse of her swiftness.

However, her opponent did not retreat; instead, they met her ferocious onslaught head-on.


From the shadows at their feet, a voracious maw emerged, while simultaneously, the lightning that surged forth now coiled around her, constricting tightly.

Dozens of lightning bolts, each seemingly guided by a wizard, meticulously adjusted their positions and compressed the space relentlessly.


Boom boom boom boom!!

A thunderous bolt, as thick as an arm, ruthlessly struck the spot where Evelyn had been standing, spinning and exploding upon contact with the ground.

While it stirred up dust from the earth, an invisible streak mercilessly cut through it, advancing forward.

Her footwork resembled a graceful dance on clouds.

However, what truly dazzled observers was her agility, seemingly defying the laws of physics.

Her speed appeared leisurely, as if she didnt need to exert her full power, yet her evasive maneuvers against attacks from all directions wove at least seven different directions seamlessly into a single breath.

She possessed an acute awareness of each ferocious attacks location, speed, and calculated trajectories within her mind.

Beyond her fluid movements, the onslaught of attacks steadily increased over time.

She efficiently recycled every wisp of magic she unleashed, leaving no room for wastage, even capturing and detonating misfired spells, using them as setups for her next offensive.

Rather than mere points or lines, she seemed to occupy entire surfaces, gradually encroaching upon the entire space, blocking Evelyns advances while steadily amplifying the power of her magic.


Thats enough for now.

As soon as she spoke, the deep green flash in Evelyns hand tore through the air, ripping apart the scattered magic surrounding her.


With an unusual sound, as if magic were being crushed, a gap opened in the web that had been closing in on her.

Almost as if by silent agreement, the residual magic that had narrowly missed her exploded from all sides.


Only then did Lennok lower his hand, which had been raised throughout the duel.

His expression remained composed, but the cigarette in his mouth had long since burned down to the filter.

This attested to the intense concentration Lennok had maintained during the encounter.

Evelyn approached Lennok with a light smile.

I suspected as much when you asked for this, but its more than I expected.

If you can manipulate mana this precisely, can you confront the vanguard head-on? Seeing it firsthand, its even more incomprehensible.

Thats not something someone who just fended off with one arrow should say.

Lennok responded with a nonchalant demeanor.

Indeed, the exchange had appeared fierce, but Lennok was well aware that he hadnt pushed Evelyn to her full potential.

Up until now, she had only used a single arrow in her hand.

She hadnt even unleashed her equipment; she had been countering Lennoks attacks with just one arrow incorporated into her gear.

Considering that ordinary wizards, let alone most vanguards, couldnt even gauge Lennoks assaults, it was evident how skilled Evelyn was.

Moreover, close combat wasnt even her primary expertise.

Yet, Evelyn chuckled and shook her head.

You didnt use any high-level magic either Anyway, lets leave it at this for today. During our journey to the volcanic area, we can gauge how much to adjust our strength in combat.

She leaned against a nearby rock, brushing back her hair, despite her ghost-like maneuvers, not a single bead of sweat gracing her face.

Ask if you have any questions. Ill answer.

Just wait a moment.

Lennok observed her and began to reflect on their recent sparring session.

Evelyns proactive attitude was markedly different from before, but among those present, no one pointed it out.

It was the final condition Lennok had established as part of accepting Evelyns request.

During their journey to and from the volcanic area, Evelyn would serve as Lennoks combat training partner.

(To be Continued)

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