Genius Wizard Takes Medicine

Chapter 257

Chapter 257

Pavlen Archiwood.

Since the day Lennok assumed the role of associate professor, Archiwood had consistently engaged in provocation. During a conference trip, he even made an attempt on Lennoks life but ended up losing half of his magical energy. Archiwood is currently a senior in his fourth year, nearing graduation.

Despite his reputation for having extensive connections and influence among the undergraduates, his demeanor drastically changed after the conference, and he became entirely subservient to Lennok.

Whats the matter?

Lennok inquired with a stern countenance, causing Archiwood to startle before entering the classroom.

Making sure no one else could overhear, Archiwood cautiously began, Regarding the issue you mentioned earlier

Lennok recalled that he had instructed Archiwood to promptly report any suspicious incidents within the university. With his broad network and ability to swiftly pick up on rumors, Archiwood was ideally positioned to be of assistance.

Archiwoods demeanor appeared noticeably subdued, possibly due to his concern about Lennoks absence from the university for a while.

Go on. 

Recently, two students from the Necromancy Department were expelled, and the reason is quite peculiar.

What was the reason?

They were expelled for conducting a ritual of the Gido Sect.

Lennok remained silent, processing this unexpected revelation.

It appears they were caught performing the sects ritual in the Necromancy Departments laboratory, prompting the department to convene a meeting and decide on their expulsion.

Lennok had been searching for remnants of the sect to uncover time-related magic, but he hadnt anticipated encountering it at Rabatenon. If these students were conducting the sects rituals, they must have held a significant rank within the organization.

Slightly tilting his head, Lennok inquired further, Do you know their identities and where they reside? Can you find out?

Archiwood responded cautiously, Its a sensitive matter, so I only have their names but Priscilla might have more information.


One of the expelled students was Priscillas roommate.

Lennok hadnt expected to glean useful information from Archiwood, but he concealed his surprise. Instead, he asked, Is that all youve discovered?

Ive uncovered something that both the department and the Necromancy field have been keeping quiet, Archiwood hesitated, noting Lennoks scrutiny.

Lennok offered a wry smile and remarked, Wheres the courage you displayed at the conference?

Acknowledging that he was now in a position of power due to his magical prowess and understanding of the Domain, Lennok addressed Archiwood coldly, There must be someone in the higher years of the Necromancy Department whom you know. You have their names but cant find out where they live?

Archiwood explained, The Necromancy Department often witnesses frequent transfers, leaves of absence, and dropouts. Many students dont move for months due to the need to prepare for their research.

Lennok understood the challenges of obtaining information in such a unique department. Even Craig Tillion, who attempted to summon abyssal monsters through black magic and necromancy, had spent months in preparation.

Just this month, over ten students dropped out, and twice as many transferred in. Its uncommon for students in the same department to maintain close relationships. 

Lennok contemplated the situation, recognizing the limitations of acquiring information. Ultimately, he instructed Archiwood to gather whatever information he could and dismissed him.

With little hope of obtaining more from Archiwood, Lennok decided to take matters into his own hands.

Priscilla, he muttered.

Fortunately, he had already acquainted himself with her as Evan. It no longer mattered that she knew his true identity. If she was typically in the dormitory at this time, he could go and ask her directly.

Priscilla? She went home today for some business. She wont be back until the weekend, replied the bewildered dormitory supervisor, leaving Lennok with one last question.

Do they have home visits in this world?


It was a slightly belated weekend morning.

Strolling down a serene alley with the melodious chirping of birds in the background, Lennok adjusted his glasses. The surroundings were filled with scenes of carefree children playing in one corner of the alley, people leisurely walking their pets, and families engaged in relaxed conversations in the nearby park.

At first glance, it might appear to be an ordinary residential area, but for Lennok, who understood how the concept of public safety held little meaning in this city, it took on a different significance. This was a neighborhood where residents were willing to invest in the intangible value of security.

The peaceful atmosphere of this street, nestled amidst the bustling districts of the 20th, was the result of substantial financial investment. It seemed evident that Priscilla hailed from a well-off family background.

The given address should be around here

Standing before a two-story house adorned in a soft shade of brown, Lennok pressed the doorbell. The front door creaked open, and someone tumbled out clumsily.

Effortlessly landing in the yard, what initially seemed like a zombie slowly rose, scratched its head, and unlatched the gate. Dressed in a loose-fitting tank top with disheveled blue hair and sharp, familiar eyes, it was Milaa mercenary from the Antares Office, someone Lennok was acquainted with.

Yo~ Nice to meet you. Youre Priscillas homeroom teacher, right?

Lennok remained silent, simply observing her. Mila playfully stuck out her tongue and extended her hand for a handshake.

Im Lyudmila, just a lowly mercenary. Oh, do you not like handshakes? My hands are clean, though.

Behind a veneer of politeness, Lennok concealed his reluctance, seeing her nonchalantly wipe her hands on her pants.

Of course not. Im also pleased to meet Priscillas sister. My name is Evan Byrlyn.

Lennok had never anticipated that Priscillas sister would be Mila. Despite sharing the same hair color, their personalities were so contrasting that he had never considered the possibility of them being related. Nevertheless, it wasnt entirely surprising, given Milas prominent role in the Antares Office, which likely brought her substantial income. Yet, he hadnt expected this connection to extend to a place like Priscillas home.

Since there was little to discuss with Mila beyond his role as an associate professor, Lennok decided to maintain professionalism. Mila casually led him into the house.

Within the spacious living room, a figure lay sprawled on the sofa, their face concealed beneath a towel. A feeble voice emerged from amidst the animal-themed pajamas and the towel.

Ah, sister I forgot to mention that someone might visit this afternoon. They mentioned having some inquiries regarding the Phenia incident

Theyre already here?

The movements on the sofa halted abruptly, and the towel slipped off, revealing Priscilla lying upside down, her gaze locking onto Lennoks.

Lennok greeted her with a cheerful wave.

Hello, Priscilla.


Her ear-piercing scream sent the household into a frenzy.

Youre insane, sis!! I told you not to let strangers in!

Come on, whats the big deal Hes your school teacher. Should I have left him outside? If he gives you a bad grade because hes upset, what happens to the tuition fees I paid with my hard-earned money?

Hes not that kind of person!

Pouting, Priscilla stormed off to her room.

Observing Mila with a noticeable bump on her head, Lennok couldnt help but chuckle.

Dont worry, Priscilla is an exceptional student in the Elemental Studies Department.

It was true. She had achieved nearly perfect scores in the midterms of both Elemental Studies Introduction and Water Series Theory, which were graded by Lennok and Aris. This demonstrated her commitment to her foundational wizardry studies, and Aris was also quite pleased with her performance. Priscilla was undoubtedly a student well worth the tuition fees.

Oh, really? I was just teasing; I already knew that, Mila replied.

Sitting somewhat awkwardly on the sofa, she reached under the table to retrieve a beer from a small fridge. Using her finger, she popped open the can, took a swig, and offered one to Lennok.

Want a drink?

Lennok hesitated for a moment before declining, stating, Im on duty.

Mila looked slightly embarrassed, smacking her lips and then taking another sip of her beer.

The laughter emanating from the TV provided a brief respite from the silence in the room. However, with Priscilla still absent, Mila grew increasingly uncomfortable.

Lennok was well aware that she couldnt tolerate such awkward silences, but he anticipated that Priscilla might handle the situation differently. Unable to bear it any longer, Mila was the first to break the silence.

You must be quite skilled to be an associate professor at Rabatenon.

Lennok gave a modest reply, stating, I have much to learn.

Mila chuckled at his humility. Youre very modest. Are other wizards like that too?

Faced with a complex question, Lennok remained silent, causing Mila to realize her mistake and lower her head slightly.

Ah, sorry. Being a mercenary myself, Ive encountered a few wizards Its rare to find truly skilled ones.

I see.

Of course, I do have a friend whos like a genius, but hes incredibly rude.

Lennok couldnt help but wonder if he correctly guessed who Mila was referring to. However, Mila, unaware of his thoughts, continued to grumble while holding her beer.

He acts as though he can do anything, waving his hands around, and he actually can do it, so you cant even argue with him. Always making arguments that are hard to counter. It makes you think all smart people are like that.

Id be interested in meeting someone so talented.

Lennok replied with a smile, prompting Mila to laugh but firmly establish a boundary.

Well, its difficult without talking to that guy first.

I suppose so.

Realizing that the conversation had become somewhat tangled, Mila offered an apologetic lip-smack.

Sorry, Ive been rambling on and off. I heard that guy recently started a business, but its hard to get in touch, so I was just gossiping a bit.

No, its fine, Lennok reassured her with a friendly nod.

He wondered what they would discuss when he wasnt present, but this topic seemed harmless enough. Given that he hadnt seen her since the Arasha expedition incident, Lennok could somewhat understand her curiosity.

Hed probably be delighted to hear from you if you reach out to him.



As Lennok calmly brushed aside Milas inebriated inquiries, Priscilla entered the scene.

Dressed in a tidy shirt and trousers, she took a seat across from Mila and let out a soft sigh at the scent of alcohol in the room.

Rather than reprimanding her sister for drinking, Priscilla turned her attention to Lennok.

Associate Professor Evan.

Priscilla, I apologize for intruding on your weekend.

No, its perfectly fine. You mentioned you wanted to discuss something regarding the Phenia incident Should we move to another room?

No, here is fine. If Priscillas guardian doesnt mind, Lennok replied.

Priscilla chose not to comment on Milas choice to bring out beer in front of a guest. Instead of maintaining propriety, she probably wanted to avoid nagging her sister. Lennok only witnessed a small part of their relationship, but he could sense that they were close and likely would keep sensitive information confidential.

So you can stop pretending to be drunk. Theres no issue with Priscilla.

Mila had been feigning drunkenness, likely to remain in the room and eavesdrop on their conversation.

Milas relaxed demeanor suddenly shifted, and her smiling face became expressionless. Leaning forward on the sofa, she spoke.

Our wizard Youre quite perceptive. Or is my acting that poor?

A mercenary wouldnt get intoxicated from just one can of beer, Lennok responded casually.

Youre correct. Its a valid deduction.

Suddenly rising from her seat, Mila spoke with eager eyes.

You seem more suited for our industry than a typical wizard.

Tension filled the room. Just as Priscilla was about to intervene, Lennok spoke first.

Would a place directly governed by the city have only naive wizards?

Davi, perched on Lennoks shoulder, crouched and emitted a powerful surge of electricity.


The interference waves from the lightning spirit swiftly enveloped the premises, disabling specific devices. Observing Milas astonished expression, Lennok reclined and smiled.

So, lets disable the security recording devices and discuss something sensitive.

It was natural for Mila, a mercenary, to have installed recording devices at home to deter intruders.

Damn it, do you know how many millions of cells it cost to install those?

Milas voice trembled slightly.

If its a minor issue, you better be prepared.

No need to worry. It concerns the Gido Sect.


Witnessing the profound change in the sisters expressions, Lennok immediately got to the point.

Ariss absence, the emergence of the sect, and the seemingly deliberate expulsionsall pointed to a pressing issue.

Time might be running short, and this matter needed to be addressed as swiftly as possible.

(To be Continued)

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