Genius Wizard Takes Medicine

Chapter 3

For two consecutive days, Lennok's routine remained unchanged.

During the day, he evaded the supervisor and examined the factory's layout, and at night, he dedicated himself to honing his magical skills.

As if the magical talent he had set was not a lie, Lennok quickly got used to gathering mana and moving it.

Rather than easily accomplishing something high-level, the hurdle itself felt absurdly low.

But that was enough.

In just three days, he transformed from a worker in a gloomy closet to a full-fledged wizard, successfully performing simple spells beyond just the light magic.

At the same time, Lennok explored the factory and discovered multiple escape routes.

Despite encountering other supervisors during his wanderings, they ignored him due to his pale, weakened appearance.

Lennok's body was pushed to its limits from the constant physical and mental strain, but he considered it a privilege to not be further mistreated.

He felt fortunate to have gone unnoticed while sneaking around during work hours, as other supervisors were occupied with their own responsibilities.

Had he been caught by another supervisor, he could have faced severe punishment that could have left him unable to open his eyes.

Finally, the day of the union member's arrival at the factory arrived.

Lennok, who had stayed awake all night, gently exerted his magic as the other workers began to stir.

He was able to control the small amount of mana in his body with ease, something he had never experienced before.

By gathering the mana around his forehead, Lennok cast a simple spell to increase the temperature of his skin surface.

This spell required no special incantations or gestures and was only intended to prevent the body from losing heat in cold weather.

However, in this situation, its impact was significant.

Lennok's face turned red and sweat poured out as the heat concentrated on his skin.

The other workers noticed him and started whispering,

“Hey, that…”

“Looks like it’s about time.”

“Anyway, it lasted a long time. It's not a place where a weakling like that can work for a long time.”

Despite the workers' chatter, they didn't approach Lennok.

He feigned sickness, groaning loudly to show that he was unwell.

“If you wake up, what are you doing without going to work!”


Opening the door with a strong kick, the supervisor frowned when he saw the workers' eyes on Lennok, who was lying on the bed.

He walked up to Lennok, examined his complexion, noticed that his forehead was boiling, and shook his head.

"Haa… I'll give you three minutes, so run to the parts room right away!"

Knowing he hadn't opened his eyes, the supervisor left the room without bothering to touch Lennok.

He realized that Lennok was no longer useful for labor, especially since the union members were visiting the factory to collect products.

The workers discreetly looked back at Lennok as they dressed for work.

"What's going to happen to him?"

"Looks like he'll be dead by the time we get back."

"It would be easier to clean up if he's already dead."

"Yeah, it's better to bury a dead body instead of a live one that might have to be buried again."

They spoke as if Lennok was already dead and only his body remained.

In this old factory, where even a shred of humanity was lacking, the death of a weak worker from exhaustion elicited no empathy.

Just then, one worker approached Lennok.

Despite being caught off guard, Lennok mustered what strength he had left.

“Van, what are you doing?”

The other workers scolded him, “We don’t have time, let's clean it up later!”

But Van merely waved his hand, annoyed.

“Quiet, will you? It's okay to let him smoke a cigarette before he dies.”

Van pulled out a rolled cigarette from his pocket and offered it to Lennok.

“If you had this, you should have told us,” said the other workers.

“I stole a few while cleaning the supervisor's bed,” Van admitted, “but I have nothing to give you.”

He lit the cigarette and placed it in Lennok's mouth.

To everyone's surprise, Lennok inhaled deeply and Van chuckled.

“It's great, isn't it?” he said.

“This is a mix of antipsychotic plant leaves and cheap drugs. One smoke and the pain will go away. Not a bad way to go out.”

Van patted Lennok on the shoulder and then disappeared with the other workers.

A breeze flowed into the room through the slightly opened window, causing the stained curtains to flutter.

Lennok, who was still in the empty room, slowly got up while holding a cigarette in his mouth.

He initially should have left, but instead, he sat on the bed in silence and focused on smoking.

Surprisingly, the cigarette given to him by Van completely altered Lennok's plans.

The acrid smoke that filled his lungs revitalized his body.

In other words, the tobacco blended with various harmful substances made Lennok forget all the fatigue accumulated in his body and dulled the nerves that sensed pain.

Simply by losing sensitivity to the fatigue that consumed his body, Lennok felt a sensation of refreshment that he had not experienced since he arrived in this world.

He felt a physical ability as if he had returned to the days when he played games carefreely.

Lennok, who quickly sprang up from his seat and swung his arms a couple of times, was certain.

It didn't matter if it was a drug or an odd plant.

Regardless of the side effects, Lennok desperately needed a performance-enhancing substance like this.

"…Did he mention finding it in the supervisor's bed?"

Lennok thought aloud, changed into work clothes, and quickly left the room.

Having already familiarized himself with the factory's layout, he knew roughly where the supervisors' quarters were.

With his head slightly lowered, he moved quickly, his light and fast steps in stark contrast to his previous state.

As he made his way down the hallway, he encountered other supervisors, but they quickly disregarded him upon seeing his face and realizing he wasn't one of the workers they were in charge of.

Normally, they would have found fault with the workers even for small things, but on a busy day like today, they didn't have time for that.

The supervisors were already preoccupied with dealing with union members who were conducting inspections and collecting the factory's products.

Blue-vested individuals were roaming the factory, causing the supervisors to scurry.

"The product quantity is incorrect. Did I expect too much?"


"Hey, who do you think is enabling you to run this plant?"


"It's not uncommon for the workers here to have been previously punished by the Human Rights Commission, but we understand the pitiful situation. Then, you should show some sincerity."

The supervisors, who were like ghosts to the workers, are busy lowering their heads as they listen to the conversation that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up.

Among them, an exceptionally old union member shouted as he threw the documents brought by the supervisor.

"The fu*k! The ledger shows that I've already suffered some damage. I will inspect the warehouse myself and check for missing materials. It would be better to be prepared if the shortage isn't filled by the time we return today."

Along with the union members' threat, the surrounding supervisors reluctantly nodded, but their expressions were full of relief that they were let off the hook.

Targeting the material warehouse meant that the first punching bag was chosen, and the members who pour out their energy to help will come up with a more reasonable compromise.

Of course, the supervisor in charge of the material warehouse will have to bear the brunt of the punishment, but there was no loyalty among the supervisors to even cover such small matters.

Lennok picked up a scattered box and hesitated.

A nearby supervisor noticed him and approached, inquiring about his presence.

"Why is the worker here?" he asked as he looked at the work clothes Lennok was wearing with a scrutinizing eye.

"Uh… I was sent on an errand. There was something to see at the supervisor's lodgings…"

"What kind of errand?"

"Well… um… it's a leak."

Lennok made a gesture of puffing smoke with his mouth as he said so.

If the worker had pilfered from the supervisor's bed, it was likely that other supervisors were also enjoying similar behavior openly.

The supervisor, with an understanding expression, grabbed Lennok by the collar and led him down the hallway.

"They said it would take time if it was sent by courier openly, but these crazy guys even delivered it on a day like this. Damn it…"

After a few turns down the hallway, they reached a cleaner area than the shabby workers' room.

The supervisor found a keyring with a few keys and unlocked the door to a small bedroom.

Compared to Lennok's past experiences, the room was still small, but it was a significant upgrade from the cramped quarters where he had been eating and sleeping for the past week.

If he had come this far, there was nothing more to do with the supervisor.

Lennok brought his thumb and forefinger together and raised his mana.

The image of an electric shock came to mind, and he precisely channeled that energy while replaying the effect of the stun gun in his head.

He whispered the incantation,


A small current shot from between his fingers, and as the unsuspecting supervisor turned towards him, Lennok placed his fingers under the supervisor's chin.

“Okay then, quickly put out the stuff….AHHHHHHHAHHHHAHHHHHH”

A bloodcurdling scream burst forth from the supervisor's mouth as his previously greedy eyes became lifeless in an instant.

The supervisor's large frame, which had been violently convulsing, crumpled to the ground in front of the partially open bedroom door.

Lennok grasped the supervisor's shoulders and with great effort, transported the massive body into the room.

If left in this state, it could create difficulties if someone else stumbled upon the body.

It would have been ideal to position the body in a more secure manner by propping it up on the bed, but Lennok was unable to do so due to a lack of strength.

Nevertheless, after maneuvering the body into the room and closing the door, Lennok was able to relax and sit down on the bed with a deep sigh of relief.


Despite the lingering effects of the cigarette, Lennok did not succumb to helplessness or drowsy fatigue.

The unknown vitality coursing through his veins offered only a brief respite from his pain and exhaustion, but he knew that the repercussions of its eventual fade would be severe.

He could not afford to rest for long. He had to hurry to escape the factory.

As he ended up in the supervisor's bedroom unexpectedly, it was important to get out of there as soon as he got the thing he wanted.

Lennok took the keychain from the fallen supervisor's hand and immediately started searching around the bedroom.

If it was a favorite item used among supervisors, there was a high possibility that it was treasured and stored somewhere.

After digging through the entire mattress, Lennok finally found an answer.

“They hid a lot.”

Lennok clicked his tongue at the piles of cigarettes arranged neatly along the hidden space under the mattress.

No matter how low you set the price, the quantity seemed to exceed one carton.

Lennok snatched the cigarette case from the supervisor's pocket and swept the cigarettes under the mattress as much as he could.

As soon as the case was full, he did not hesitate to stop his hand.

He doesn't have the space to move it, even if he tried to take it all anyway.

The case used by the supervisor was just the right size to fit in a pocket, and even had an ignition function to make a spark, so it was very suitable to carry it alone.

He wanted to put it in his mouth right away and recall the feeling he had felt earlier, but Lennok held it back and began to look for other useful items.

In the middle of rummaging through the old chest of drawers, Lennok paused when he felt the hard metal gripping his fingertips.


It's the first time he's ever touched it, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't know what it looks like.

Lennok took out the old handgun from the drawer and looked down at it with a complicated expression.

Subtle details are different, but the overall silhouette was familiar. The magazine at the bottom of the pistol was fully loaded, but no other magazines were visible in the drawer.

Lennok briefly considered the lack of a safety device, but he knew that he could not afford to hesitate if his survival was at stake.

He tucked the weapon into his waistband, determined to do whatever it takes to survive.

He found the cigarettes he needed, so he had to move right away, but the set of keys he had snatched from the supervisor's grasp held a curious allure.

With a furtive glance around the dimly lit hallway, he began to examine them.

To his surprise, each of the three keys was labeled with a sticker denoting its intended use.

Lennok's eyes darted over the foreign characters on the labels, but to his amazement, he was able to decipher their meaning.

It seemed that the old Lennok was not the illiterate man he had believed himself to be.

"One was the bedroom key. One was the assembly room key…" he muttered to himself, mentally cataloging the information.

The supervisor was clearly in charge of the assembly room, which left Lennok to wonder what the other key unlocked.

He quickly turned his attention to the final key, which was labeled for the break room.

Without hesitation, Lennok began to move in its direction.

"It's a little different from the original plan… but this will be more effective," he mused, adapting his strategy on the fly.

His plan had been to make his escape through an underground parking lot, which he believed to be the safest route despite its risks.

However, he had only been able to scout out the factory's interior, leaving him uncertain about the defenses that awaited him outside.

In such a situation, if he hastily used the land route outside the factory as an escape route, he would be helpless if he encountered an unexpected guard or any defense measures.

In his mind, the parking lot offered a measure of safety precisely because it was primarily used by vehicles rather than pedestrians. Still, he knew it would be a challenge to navigate barefoot. That's where the break room came in.

Located between the supervisors' quarters and the work area, the break room was eerily quiet when Lennok arrived.

He pressed his ear to the door and listened intently for any signs of life before producing the key and slipping inside.

As expected, no one remained in the break room as supervisors were busy dealing with union members.

In the empty break room, there were only snacks left over by the supervisors, bottles of alcohol, and clothes.

It seemed obvious that they enjoyed drinking while on duty, after all, if one could maintain their working attitude so diligently in such a shabby factory, they wouldn't have ended up here in the first place.

And for such guys, it wouldn't be strange at all if they left important items out on the clothes scattered across the place.


Riffling through the pockets of the clothes scattered in the break room, Lennok found an old pair of sunglasses, an empty wallet, and some keys.

Most of the keys were typical, designed to unlock various rooms or doors, but one caught his eye. It was labeled with a code that looked suspiciously like a vehicle's serial number. With a smirk of satisfaction, Lennok pocketed the key, knowing that it could prove to be a valuable asset.


A low, barely perceptible vibration rippled through the walls of the break room, followed by a distant, thunderous roar.

The commotion was unmistakably the work of the union members, who were making their presence known by ambling about the factory.

Lennok retrieved a cigarette from his pocket and promptly lit it, placing it between his lips.

Though he had never been a smoker in his previous life, he had quickly grown accustomed to the habit.

The same plumes of smoke that had once suffocated him now enveloped his body, momentarily easing his fatigue and pain.

It was good that it made him forget his body's fatigue, but loosening his mind was never a good thing in the current situation.

Drawing in a moderate breath, Lennok removed the cigarette from his mouth.

"He said it's mixed with antipsychotics," he muttered to himself. "Take too much, and my brain might slow down."

The risk was not to be taken lightly, for in many cases, the effects were severe, and the side effects even worse.

One wrong move, and he could end up like a raggedy piece of laundry, beaten by the cruel supervisors. Until he could escape the factory, he had to remain vigilant.

Lennok flicked the cigarette to the ground and crushed it beneath his shoe, then exchanged his conspicuous workers' overalls for a set of plain clothes, suitable for supervisors on their off hours.

He tucked the overalls under the couch and grimaced at the noxious stench of cigarettes and sweat that wafted up from his new attire.

It was a necessary disguise, however, and he had to endure it.

Just as he was about to make his exit, he heard footsteps approaching from the end of the hallway.

Lennok quickly released the doorknob he had been holding and darted under the couch, holding his breath.

His premonition had been correct: the sound of footsteps grew louder, and then stopped right outside the break room door.


The door creaked open, revealing two exhausted-looking supervisors.

From their haggard faces, Lennok surmised that they were not in charge of the parts room where he had been working.

The supervisor on the right sniffed the air and smirked at his colleague.

"Looks like a few others snuck in here like us," he said, referring to the lingering scent of cigarette smoke.

Apparently, they were no strangers to smoking on the job.

The other supervisor, understanding the situation, sat down on the couch with a grin.

"Well, we did a bit of sneaking ourselves, so who are we to judge?"

"Let's light up and have a chat," suggested the first supervisor.

The sound of a match striking and the soft rustle of smoke filled the air, as Lennok lay motionless beneath the couch, his heart pounding in his chest.

The voices of two men reached his ears, their words hushed but their frustration palpable.

“Ah… I feel alive now. Those bastards won’t go back until the quantity of products is filled, right?”

“Don’t you know when you see it? I guess they'll have to run the factory today to adjust the quantity."

“Ha, fuck… I’m going crazy.”

The two spoke in low tones, their words laced with tension and anxiety. Lennok heard them, his eyes flickering, trying to catch every nuance.

"Decided," one of the men said, looking at his colleague with a firm expression.

"What?" the supervisor asked.

“Let’s smoke this and go to the parking lot.”


“I got a new car this time. If we hide in there, no one will know.”

It wouldn't be strange if they got hit by the Boss later on, but is that a big deal? As long as they can avoid the current troubling situation, it doesn't matter.

The supervisors looked at each other and grinned.

"Where’s your car key?"

“Ah, it should be here. I think I threw it away while drinking yesterday.”

“Let’s look around.”

Lennok watched as the two tall men rummaged through the clothes and stomped on the floor, preparing to leave.

He knew he had to act fast.

Due to the lack of mana, the attack magic that was effective against humans cannot be used properly. However, there were many things that could be done with the amount of mana he has.

Lennok drew his pistol from his pants, and slowly brought his hand closer to the muzzle.


An intangible membrane enveloped and covered the muzzle, glowing blue before disappearing.

Lennok pulled the slide, finished the reload, and waited for the moment, holding the pistol with both hands.

The supervisors, who were searching for the car key while sweeping the floor, looked at each other with serious expressions and jumped up from their seats.

"….It’s not here."

"Come to think of it, the door was open earlier…"

“Damn it, could it be?”

The two started to act right away, as if they weren't stupid enough to not feel the seriousness of the situation.

“You go straight down to the parking lot.”

“What are you going to do?”

“I have to report to the Boss first. Someone should at least say that someone jumped out with our keys so that we won’t be held responsible later.”

As if that made sense, one of the supervisors immediately moved toward the break room door.

Lennok sensed that he should not hesitate any longer and immediately raised the gun.

There was a momentary tremor, but Lennok's finger pulled the trigger naturally.


The tone was too light to be the sound of gunfire, and the supervisor, who was about to grab the doorknob, collapsed in a splatter of his blood.

After a moment's delay, another supervisor shouted.


“Shut your fucking mouth!” shouted Lennok, who jumped from the back of the sofa immediately and pointed a gun at him.

After checking Lennok's face, the supervisor glared at him like he was going to kill him, but the moment he saw the gun he was holding, he bit his lip.

Lennok slowly closed the distance between himself and the shot-down supervisor, taking care not to miss, but also ensuring he was close enough not to be ambushed.

The supervisor lay before him, collapsed with the back of his head exposed, wriggling little by little but making no other movement. He had died instantly.

It was the first time Lennok had killed a man, but he remained unmoved, save for a cold sweat that broke out across his skin.

His strong mental strength, calmness, and reason had helped him keep his sanity while suppressing guilt, fear, and disgust.

In the face of extreme situations, his coldness was even more evident, a clear manifestation of the Wizard's talent.

Lennok was close enough not to miss but close enough not to be ambushed.

Because he almost knew that if he allowed an ambush with his meager body, his gun would be taken away and he would die in an instant.

The supervisor looked at Lennok's face and said in a trembling voice.



“I won't tell anyone about this. So please…”

Lennok did not respond, merely studying the supervisor's face for the first time. The man's eyes were bloodshot from fatigue, and his beard sparsely grown and unkempt.

All day long, he took care of the workers and repeatedly abused them, but the supervisors were not that great either.

They, too, as members of the factory, are ordinary people who cannot escape from this grueling work and feel fear in front of the danger of death.

Perhaps letting the supervisor live would not pose a significant risk. He might live his entire life pretending he didn't know about Lennok without ever speaking out. Lennok thought it might not be a bad idea to leave a little mercy before escaping the factory….


The supervisor fell backward, his eyes still wide with astonishment, unable to comprehend his own end.

Lennok felt no regrets, his cool-headed reasoning having already decided everything.

He was determined not to leave any regrets behind.

Unlike the supervisor who fainted in the bedroom, he could not save the supervisor he encountered here.

These people knew the car key was missing, and they suspected that there might be a problem with the parking lot.

He would be in trouble if they woke up and started searching the parking lot before Lennok escaped the factory.

Lennok rummaged through the wallets of the two lifeless bodies and examined the contents.

He found cash, a few unidentifiable cards, and IDs, but none of them sparked recognition.

His suspicion that this was not Earth, or even the game world, was confirmed. He didn't have the luxury to ponder it for long, though.

He took what looked like money from the wallet and threw the rest under the couch.

He gave up and removed his hand while trying to get rid of the body. There was already blood on the floor. It would take too long to clear the body and sweep the floor to erase any traces.

Anyway, there was only one thing left.

Lennok quickly exited the break room, locking the door behind him, and scurried through the nearby staircase to the underground parking lot.

The dimly lit parking lot was filled with scattered trucks and factory vehicles.

He searched for the car that matched the serial number on the key, moving stealthily through the cars.

There were two vehicles that shared one serial number: an old gray van, the other a polished two-seater.

The two-seater car was tuned with all kinds of unknown mechanical devices, so it was difficult to guess the prototype.

He tried both cars, praying that the inconspicuous gray van would open, but unfortunately, it was the two-seater car that he got the keys to.

He had no choice.

He unlocked the car, opened the door, and sat down on a seat that smelled like leather.

It was not just the exterior that was strange, the interior was even more spectacular. All kinds of mechanisms and buttons filled the front of the vehicle, and the steering wheel was completely rectangular.

As soon as he put the key under the steering wheel and started the engine, the instrument panel lit up and the car started vibrating slightly.

When he stepped on the left pedal and applied power to the gear, the handle started to turn.

When he shifted gears and let go of the pedal, the car began to slowly move forward.

No matter how much Lennok had a cool and calm mind, he couldn't stop his heart from beating like crazy at this moment.

He finally escaped the factory. For the first time since coming into this world, he was going out of that old closet.

He couldn't quell the curiosity and anxiety bubbling up within him.

He was finally leaving the factory, stepping into the unknown world outside the closet.

As Lennok slowly made his way out of the underground parking lot and climbed to the ground, he saw the figure of a person standing in front of the entrance to the parking lot.

A clumsy figure with one leg limping and familiar work clothes. His eyes calmed down when he saw the supervisor in charge of the parking lot.

The supervisor noticed the approaching vehicle and started approaching it.

He has already killed two, so what difference does it make in killing another one? Lennok immediately picked up the handgun he had thrown in the passenger seat, but soon realized there was a serious problem.

There was no more mana left in Lennok's body to use the silence magic.

One time in the morning to increase the temperature of the body. Once to stun the Supervisor with lightning. Twice to reduce the noise of gunfire.

For a wizard who had just awakened his mana, this was a significant feat, but in the current situation, it meant nothing.

Lennok immediately realized where the problem was.

‘It all happened because I wanted to take the cigarettes.'

Considering what magic could do, it shouldn't have been that difficult to escape this old factory by using magic four times.

If he hadn't used the lightning magic [Volt] to stun the supervisor, he wouldn't have lacked magic as he does now.

It was too late to regret it now.

After a certain amount of time, mana will be restored enough to use magic… but there was no time to wait.

The supervisor said as he approached with a smirk, as if he knew who the owner of this car was.

“Ed, are you out of your mind? Where are you going to go in this situation? No matter how much you want to cut it, you have to refrain from it on the day the union members came.”

He approached the driver's side, banging on the bonnet of the car.

“Show off your new car this weekend. If you want to go to the club, me too…who… Who are you?”

Seeing Lennok's face in the car, the supervisor's complexion changed dramatically.

As the supervisor hurriedly groped around, Lennok thrust the muzzle of his gun into his chest.


“Drop the gun.”

The frightened supervisor quickly dropped the pistol grip behind him to the floor. Lennok glanced down at the gun he had discarded and grinned.

Even though the supervisor may have wanted to fight back, the gun was not properly loaded. Lennok was in complete control.

Looking at the superintendent staring at him with frightened face, Lennok asked

“Is there a barrier in front of this?”

“There is…”

“Take it away.”

The supervisor trembled and turned around to enter the guard post near the entrance to the parking lot and manipulate something.

The sweaty supervisor looked at Lennok and nodded his head. A face that seems to be longing for something. Lennok didn't have a hard time figuring out what that meant.

Everyone has a strong longing for life.

Lennok, too, was covered with strong mental power and cold reason, but he was more desperate than anyone else to want to live.

And that's why he did not take any chances.


The sound of gunfire that shook the eardrums resonated powerfully through the parking lot.

As if the sound was a signal flare, Lennok let go of the brake.

He grabbed the steering wheel and pressed hard on the accelerator as he passed the supervisor who collapsed with a look of disbelief.


Lennok's heart began to beat more violently.

As the parking lot sloped upward, his body got pulled backward.

As his vision brightened, the dazzling sunlight began to sting his eyes, but he didn't care.

For a moment, the surroundings seemed to flash white, and then the car floated up and the body returned to its original state.

Through the thick glass of the car, the wide front yard of the factory began to come into view.

Lennok moved forward without hesitation. The only passage to the outside was visible between the thick walls.

The barrier that should be blocking the middle of the aisle was still closed. It seemed like the supervisor cheated on Lennok.

However, Lennok grinned and put his strength on his feet.


Using the speed, Lennok smashed the barrier at once, speeding up and quickly exiting the factory.

An open plain could be seen as soon as he came out of the factory.

In the barren landscape seen through the car window, Lennok focused his mind and quickly surveyed the surroundings.

It was the first time he has seen the world outside the factory since waking up in the old alcove.

He had to figure out what kind of place this area was and run away as soon as possible.

Lennok frantically scanned the area as he drove down the road along the low hill. There were a few buildings and people coming and going, indicating that it was not an uncivilized rough area.

Rather, in the direction Lennok turned the steering wheel, he could see a large city with tall buildings that seemed to pierce the sky, forming a huge forest.

Realizing that every moment counted, Lennok pushed the accelerator and continued to increase his speed.

The closer he got to the big city, the more exotic the scenery became. It took him over an hour to finally reach the outskirts of the city, but he felt a sense of relief and hope as he drew near.

⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩

Neon signs flickered in a dazzling display, their electric glow bathing the streets in a hypnotic aura. s and billboards crowded the visual field, each one vying for attention with a seductive promise of the future. The air was alive with the upbeat rhythm of music, as if the city itself was singing a cheerful melody.

"Welcome to Vulcan, the city that leads the future of magical engineering," declared the voice of the city's leader, spoken through a public address system.

The city's name was jarring to Lennok, who was unaccustomed to such a place.

He gazed out at the airship hovering above and the sleek vehicles whizzing past, their signboards displaying unfamiliar letters.

"I knew it wasn't Earth, but…" he muttered, his tongue poking out in consternation.

Lennok had never imagined a world so different from the one he had known. Was this the world view of ver 3.0 that had been planned to be updated? The civilization was certainly more advanced than what he was used to, but the chaotic landscape left him feeling uneasy. He wondered whether having magical talents was a blessing or a curse in this world.

As he drove deeper into the city, the roads widened, and the traffic grew more congested. Lennok gradually slowed his vehicle, his eyes scanning the surroundings. He checked repeatedly for any sign of pursuit, but found nothing out of the ordinary so far.

‘Did they not chase after me yet because they are suffering from union members?’

It felt like a wise decision to choose this particular date for his escape.

Lennok looked around at the vehicles standing around him and realized that this two-seater car, which he thought was an esoteric design, was quite passable compared to the others.

It seemed that the various devices that were attached to this vehicle belonged to the universal design of this world, not the supervisor's esoteric taste.

It was unintentional, but it might have been noticed had he been here with the old gray van from earlier.

The deeper he went into the city, the more vehicles there were and the more sluggish the operation became.

Lennok, who had calmed down somewhat, took a cigarette out of his pocket and began to observe the people passing by.

There were a lot of people going back and forth on the sidewalk, and their clothes were different.

Although the clothes themselves were not special, there were a lot of people who were revealing parts of their bodies or chose unusual hairstyles.

There were people who had one arm replaced with a prosthetic arm, some people who carried ghosts that looked like spirits, and ordinary people who walked alone without anything at all.

Judging from the carefree expressions of the people, it seemed that security was being kept to some extent in the downtown area.

It was unexpected for Lennok, who had vaguely imagined an anarchic city full of chaos because of his experience at the factory.

‘And when I look closely…'

Things that were easily overlooked when running in a hurry began to come into view little by little, and Lennok was able to examine the surroundings with a more analytical gaze than before.

Signs and letters hung on the walls of buildings, and a faint light shone through the moving machines.

‘There's little magic mixed in.'

It has been less than two days since he came to this world, but he could feel the familiar power all over the street.

He was quick to notice that mana was also contributing to the civilization built on these lands.

‘It will take some time to learn basic common sense.'

Even if there was not much difference from the Earth on the outside, if mana and other magic were being used in the development of civilization, the process and history would be completely different.

It seemed like it would take quite a bit of time to adapt to this world and have a future here.

Lennok suppressed the chaos within his mind as he lit up a cigarette, inhaling the smoke deeply.

Aside from planning for the future, there was not much time left for Lennok right now.

It was not because he was worried about the tracking that he couldn’t even see right now. It was because he had used all his physical strength and mana to escape the factory.

He was still holding on due to the effects of the drug, but soon there will be a limit where his body couldn't stand it.

Over the past few days, Lennok has been acutely aware of how weak and lacking in stamina his body was.

It wouldn't be strange if he fainted in this place right away. Before that happens, he had to quickly find a place to lie down.

As soon as the city's long congestion ended and traffic began to clear, Lennok immediately turned and headed for an isolated alley.

The further he went around the main street, the dirtier the streets became, and the buildings around him also became run down.

Even in such a huge city, slums existed.

He stopped the car near an apartment complex that was about to collapse at any moment, and concentrated his energy while sitting on the seat.

Fortunately, during the congestion while entering the city, his mana recovered a little, so he was able to use magic at least once.

He placed his hand on his face and used all the remaining mana.

The burning sensation and the twisting of the skin on his face made Lennok's body tremble.


The face of Lennok, who opened the car door and got out, was a middle-aged man with a stern expression that was completely different from before.

He put on the sunglasses he had brought from the break room, got out of the car, threw the keys inside, and closed the door.

He can't continue to use the car with the serial number intact.

Not overlooking the danger of the chase, he had no intention of going anywhere near this place after today.

As soon as he got out of the dark slums, the sunlight poured through the deep blue sky.

Lennok blinked his eyes as he couldn't come to his senses at the sunlight he was seeing for the first time since he came to this world.

His eyes sting and his head hurts. His hands trembled and the back of his neck began to pull hard. His whole body was covered with sweat.

There was not much time.

Walking quickly while inhaling the cigarette in his hand, he found a small hotel located on the outskirts of the downtown area.

A neat yet discreet location. Quiet lobby and laid-back employees. Both hygiene and safety don't seem bad.

Lennok entered the hotel without hesitation.

Wiping the sweat running down his forehead, he headed towards the counter.

“….I would like to have a room.”

“100,000 cells per night.”

The receptionist didn't say anything when she saw how he was dressed, but instead called for a price of 100,000 cells.

It didn't sound like a small amount of money to Lennok, who didn't know anything about it, but Lennok wasn't in a situation where he could argue whether the price was reasonable or not.

As soon as he put down the cash he took out of the supervisor's wallet, he got the key, and got on the elevator.

As he crawled across the corridor, he opened the door to the designated room and went inside. It went dark in an instant before Lennok's eyes.

The fatigue and tension that had piled up, and the side effects that had been suppressing them forcibly ended, and everything hit Lennok at once.

Lennok, unable to properly remove his shoes, collapsed on the front porch and fell asleep as if dead.

It was the first time he slept soundly in this world since he had been plagued with insomnia.

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