Genius Wizard Takes Medicine

Chapter 47

Certainly, this singular occasion would not eradicate the accumulated side effects of smoking entirely. Nevertheless, the prospect of mitigating the harm caused by the substance was indeed promising.

‘The ability to cleanse the body of pollutants that have amassed during smoking… That alone makes it worth the investment.'

The drug, a potent concoction infused with powerful stimulants, proved challenging to eliminate due to its intense effects. However, the so-called Elixir presented a notable divergence.

At the very least, a solution to rid the body of the detrimental residues stemming from smoking had been secured.

Swiftly discarding the blanket, Lennok diligently cleaned his one-room apartment.

Having flung open the window to freshen the room still saturated with an acrid odor, Lennok leaned against the wall, beginning a meticulous examination of his own physique.

"Let's see…"

Although he possessed no specialized knowledge in fields pertaining to the body or technology, he could generally discern areas of improvement.

Given the multitude of afflictions plaguing Lennok's body, even a slight alleviation would be readily apparent.

‘First and foremost, the mana addiction… has improved significantly.'

Anticipating the onset of mana addiction during the elixir digestion process, he had diligently attempted to fortify his body with mana. Yet, to his surprise, he experienced no noteworthy pain apart from mild discomfort.

Ordinarily, upon ceasing the mana enhancement, his energy should have depleted rapidly, accompanied by a sensation akin to needles pricking his body.

However, since a considerable amount of time had elapsed without any signs of such symptoms, it was reasonable to deduce that the addiction had greatly subsided during the elixir consumption.

‘There's no significant progress with the other penalties.'

There was no sensation of surging strength coursing through his entire being, no firm grasp on his unsteady body, and no sense of sudden fulfillment in something that had been lacking.

He harbored no delusions of resolving the penalty associated with lifespan through a mere health-boosting elixir.

Unable to resist his restlessness, he eventually placed a cigarette in his mouth.

Aware of the imprudence of smoking immediately after detoxifying, he found it difficult to refrain.

Engrossed in his thoughts, he held the flame at the end of his finger to the tip of the cigarette.

‘So, in the end, it only tackles mana addiction, and at best, alleviates insomnia?'

Even then, the penalties had not vanished completely.

His immunity to mana addiction during the elixir intake was merely temporary. Upon resuming the enhancement of his body with mana, excruciating pain would torment him once more.

Ultimately, to infuse his body with mana devoid of side effects, he would have to consume an elixir worth 100 million cells each time… Regardless of how one contemplates it, the cost-effectiveness seems dubious.

Unless Lennok attains the wealth to casually expend 100 million cells each day, this discussion holds no merit.

‘But it's not like I gained nothing.'

Lennok contemplated deeply as he exhaled the smoke, releasing it from his lungs.

Even the temporary alleviation of the penalties provided a glimmer of hope.

It affirmed that the burdensome restraints afflicting his body were not permanent, unshakeable afflictions.

Yes, that alone was enough.

With the mere knowledge that a solution existed, Lennok could forge ahead.

The next step could be fretted over when the time came.

Having organized his thoughts completely, only then did his body gradually relax, and drowsiness began to envelop him.

Carefully extinguishing the cigarette, he sank down to the floor.

Bathed in the sunlight streaming through the window, Lennok drifted off to sleep, seemingly lifeless.

It was a morning free from the torment of insomnia, a respite that had eluded him for an exceedingly long time.

⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩

Time flowed once more.

Lennok allowed himself a full week of rest, reaffirming the miraculous effectiveness of the Elixir he had consumed.

The effects of the Elixir did not dissipate after a mere day.

For approximately a week, insomnia eluded him entirely. He could sleep whenever he desired and awaken at will.

Without resorting to sleeping pills, he experienced restful nights, dissolving the hidden mental stress that had accumulated over time.

It felt like receiving proper rejuvenation for the first time.

After an extended period, he reached for his phone to contact Jenny.

It was crucial to set things in motion and inquire about the next assignment.

Especially now, having registered his name on the Deep Web, his value should have increased.

If fortune smiled upon him, he might even acquire the desired items as rewards. It was only natural that he should be in good condition for such opportunities.

[Tuut… Tuut…..]


The call failed to connect smoothly.

Was he out of the calling range, or was the recipient's phone switched off?

This marked the first occasion when Jenny's phone remained inactive since they exchanged numbers.

Lennok swiftly dressed and made his way to her bar.

‘…..Something feels off.'

The city appeared excessively quiet.

Aside from Lennok, it was arduous to spot pedestrians strolling down the streets.

Had something occurred during his period of news neglect?

He hastily switched on his cellphone and navigated to the news section, yet even there, silence prevailed.

"What's happening…."

Could it be that an unknown event had unfolded in the city, hindering the smooth flow of traffic?

Heightening his vigilance, Lennok promptly pushed open the door to Jenny's bar.

"Long time no see."

Jordan, situated at the bar, polishing a glass, waved his hand.

Upon sighting him, Lennok experienced a slight sense of relief and swiftly inquired as he took a seat at the bar.

"Where is Jenny?"

"She got summoned for conscription. She's likely stuck in some unfamiliar office at the moment."

Lennok once again spoke up, his curiosity piqued by Jordan's nonchalant response.

"What is happening in this city right now?"

He knew something significant must be occurring for his phone to be devoid of activity, but he had no means of accessing information.

As Lennok contemplated a solution to this quandary, Jordan widened his eyes in apparent surprise at the question.

"What, have you been unconscious for a week? It's strange that you're asking about this now."


Considering he had spent most of his time in slumber, it wasn't entirely inaccurate.

Though Lennok couldn't disclose the truth, Jordan proceeded to speak once more.

"Do you have any knowledge about the news concerning the Philenom Autonomous Region?"

"I have a rough idea."

"In that case, I can fill you in quickly. The delegation from the Autonomous Region, originally scheduled to arrive at the end of this month, sent a notification just a week ago. As a result, Vulcan is currently in disarray."

"…..But it can't be solely because of that."

Lennok understood why Jenny had left her post due to the impending arrival of the delegation from the Autonomous Region.

The draft imposed on the brokers essentially served as a recommendation from the city government, urging them to refrain from engaging in any unnecessary activities while the delegation was present in the city.

However, the city's current hushed atmosphere couldn't be attributed solely to that. The silence enveloping a city with tens of millions of inhabitants undoubtedly hinted at something more.

Upon Lennok's incisive remark, Jordan coolly nodded.

"You're right. The city's quietude is not entirely due to that reason. An unimaginably influential figure has expressed their intention to accompany the delegation from the Autonomous Region."

"An unimaginably influential figure?"

Although Lennok hadn't known Jordan for an extended period, he had a decent grasp of his character.

He spoke without exaggeration and conducted himself with great caution.

Given his preference for straightforward expressions, if he went so far as to make such a statement, it must signify the arrival of an extraordinarily influential individual from the Autonomous Region to Vulcan.

As expected, Jordan's next words far surpassed Lennok's expectations.

"The transcendental being, ‘The Great Seer', who has been dwelling at the Philenom's lighthouse for decades, is coming here with the delegation… It's the first time in nearly a hundred years that a level 9 ascendant set foot in Vulcan. Everyone must be holding their breath, gathered at the central square."

Although Lennok had limited knowledge about this world, he was familiar with the concept of ascendants from the introductory magic books he had read.

Grand wizards who are treated as strategic weapons on their own, creating tension across the continent with every move.

The term "ascendant" referred to those transcendental beings who challenged the boundaries, surpassing even the grand wizards. They imposed powerful restrictions on themselves to transcend the limits, making it impossible to discuss them on the same level.

These visionaries were monumental figures whose accomplishments were intertwined with history. They were the magnificent pillars supporting the fragile world revolving around cities.

Among them, ‘The Great Seer' held a special and respected position. Madrea Farsia, known as ‘The Great Seer,' served as the lighthouse keeper of Philenom. They were a level 9 ascendant, one of the few remaining in this era, who had watched over the perils of the Outer Sea for hundreds of years.

The Great Seer devoted their long life to observing disasters that traversed freely through time, peering into the past and future, and seeing thousands of kilometers from their seat.

As the most moderate, responsible, and respected ascendant, they had never interfered in worldly affairs while fulfilling their duties as the lighthouse keeper. However, they expressed their intention to participate in the negotiation process between Vulcan and Philenom as part of the delegation from the Autonomous Region.

This declaration carried a straightforward implication—the ascendant had endorsed the Autonomous Region.

Lennok, upon hearing this story, immediately sought Jordan's permission and left the bar. He knew he might not have another opportunity to witness an ascendant with his own eyes if he missed this chance.

In his hand, he held a small scope that Jordan had given him. Jordan had a vague idea of what Lennok was about to do.

Lennok quickly hailed a nearby taxi and headed towards District 20.

The taxi driver, idling without passengers, greeted him with a half-smile. The taxi's radio was broadcasting the live coverage of the ascendant's visit.

He asked the driver to stop on the outskirts of District 19, around ten kilometers away from the Central Square in District 5.


Using magic, Lennok levitated and landed on the rooftop of a nearby building. Levitation magic was not the most efficient means of transportation as it consumed a considerable amount of mana and didn't offer swift movement, but Lennok had no time to be selective.

As he attempted to ascend to a rooftop that provided a partial view of the central square, he furrowed his brow upon noticing a couple of individuals already waiting there.


On the rooftop, Lennok observed the presence of a sniper who had positioned himself with a long rifle and a communications soldier engaged in coded messages on his device. The insignia on their chests indicated that they were special forces directly under the city government. Similar forces were likely deployed on rooftops of taller buildings.

The fact that these forces were deployed even at a distance where sniper shooting might not be feasible spoke volumes about the level of attention Vulcan was giving to the ascendant's visit.

Lennok knew it would be unwise to reveal his presence or incapacitate them at this moment. Despite his mana poisoning preventing him from casting invisibility magic, he possessed the ability to deceive their senses.

Using simple illusion magic, Lennok created distractions in their surroundings and employed sound magic to completely erase his presence.

Though their goggles seemed to offer some resistance to the magic, Lennok pressed on.


For Lennok, who could successfully interfere with mana even against other wizards, the barrier of such equipment felt insignificant.

Casually passing by the two men who began to focus entirely on what was ahead of them, Lennok sat at the edge of the rooftop and brought the scope he received from Jordan to his eye.

It looked like something that would be used with the sniper rifle of the soldier next to him, but it couldn't be helped if he wanted to see a far distance.

Due to mana poisoning, he couldn't enhance his vision, so he had to resort to this method.

Still, the performance of the scope Jordan gave him was good, and he could see the central square immediately.

The vast central square located in District 5 was filled with tens of thousands of people.

This was the first time he had seen such a large crowd since he came to this world.

People from all walks of life had congregated tightly in one space, their gazes fixed in the same direction. Whether it was admiration, envy, respect, fear, or excitement, the intensity of their emotions was palpable.

Lennok, too, slightly rotated the scope and turned it in the direction of their gaze.

Countless police forces, soldiers, and agents in suits, as numerous as the gathered crowd, were gathered, creating a wide path and waiting for someone.

A voice seeped out over the radio of the communications soldier, who still hadn't noticed Lennok's presence.

[Arriving in 30 seconds. Everyone, stay sharp and stand by!!]

[They're coming..!!]

After a brief moment, a short procession of about thirty people revealed themselves.

The delegation from the autonomous region of Philenom had finally arrived at the central square of Vulcan.

Their faces were all rigidly stern, filled with fatigue.

Their faces were full of caution, their eyes surveying their surroundings were overflowing with hostility.

It was easy to see that the relationship between the autonomous region and the megacity was not good.

At the center of the procession shuffled a small, elderly woman with snow-white hair, hunched over. Neatly combed hair held in place by a small hairpin, she wore flowing attire and moved slowly, tapping the ground with a staff.

It was the Great Seer, Madrea Farsia, making her entrance into the square.


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