Ghost in the City

Chapter 27

Chapter 27

I think my sense of time towards how long a wound takes to heal was a bit off. The next morning after once again not sleeping a full eight hours Jun dragged me back through the window and into the Dojo then downstairs into the surprise Ripper clinic.

The same ripper checked me over, gave me some meds including some drugs to acclimate to the new limbs, and told me that she wouldnt have to see me again unless something went wrong.

That was the good part.

It should be another two or three days before everything feels normal, and probably another two weeks after that before you can start really using your arms for more than light work. She informed me as she air hypoed me with whatever drugs she wanted me to have.

Thats way too long! Ill be fine sooner than that! I argued but Jun and the Ripper werent having it.

Normally a surgery like this wouldnt take that long to recover from, a few days at most, but you went through two surgeries back to back. Trust me Motoko. You need to take it very easy for a while. Let your shoulders heal unless you want to deal with permanent damage. You are lucky that the Tyger Claws decided to allow you the use of some of our Speed Heal. If not for Juns contribution to the Tyger Claws it would not have been offered considering how low our stock is. The ripper informed me as she checked over a medical monitor.

Wait. Is that expensive or something? I can pay for it Actually I should pay for all of this. How much? I have a chunk of eddies already, and I can go get more. My mind instantly turned to how much loot I would be collecting from the dead Maelstrom I would soon be mowing through.

Dont worry about it Imouto. Its all taken care of. Jun stated simply trying to end the conversation but I just ignored him and kept looking at the ripper.

Hard to say, Im not running a normal clinic here. Im only here to work with the Kamikaze. But Speed Heal is currently almost impossible to find on the streets. You can guess why. Plus those arms of yours might have come from something your brother collected, but they still belonged to the Claws. She looked at me for a moment. It was an expensive procedure.

Fill out a statement of how much when you get a chance. Ill take care of it. I told her with a shrug. She was already basically wiping her hands of dealing with me, so I was more than happy to pay eddies not to have Tyger Claw feeling like I owed them hanging over my head.

You will not! It has already been taken care of Motoko. You dont need to worry about anything. Jun butts in, trying to cut me off. Jun was doing the overprotective big brother thing so that was nice.

But I was a bratty kid sister.

So just make sure you get that to me soon. I told her, completely ignoring Jun, before slipping off the chair. She was done looking me over, and frankly.

I had things I wanted to do, and people I wanted to see.

Hey Jun. You said you were gonna go to the apartment to pick stuff up right? So can I come with? I decided to change the subject as Jun was glaring at me with his cold emotionless eyes.

It quickly warmed up as I changed the subject. He hesitated a moment before sighing a bit at my puppy dog eyes. Fine. We will be going incognito anyways. Cmon. I borrowed a car.

Probably a good idea. I cant exactly drive my car like this. I agreed, and the reminder seemed to make Jun twitch a bit.

Right. A car. How exactly did you afford a car?

Its a long story. I was on a job for Wakako.

I still dont know how you pulled that off. Wakako isnt exactly our biggest fan.

She was nice enough. I mean, old lady rude, but I could deal. She even said I was a valuable agent last time we talked! I argued as Jun guided me out of the dojo, back through the apartment block this time I was led into an underground parking garage that was obviously blocked off for Tyger Claw use with a lowered gate. I was settled into an unmarked heavily tinted Arche Hella. And Jun started the engine and we were out in the city.

To my surprise Jun actually drove like a normal person.

Have to pretend we are unimportant. I dont want any Maelstrom to track us. He mentioned, after noticing my surprised look.

So thats what it takes to get you to drive safely. Interesting. I teased him, earning a scowl as he continued down the road.

Before we stop at home, there is a place I need to go. I told him now that we were already on the road and it would be harder to refuse. Need to go to Little China. I told him earning a very unimpressed look from Jun.

We arent going on a side trip. What do you even need in Little China?

My eyes went gold as I sent him a text for the location. My ripper. Vik is one of the best in Night City, and I mean that honestly. Hes a legend for those in the know. I told him as he looked at me like I was

Well his amnesiac kid sister making grand proclamations.

Listen. Just Please. I know you have your Ripper doc that you brought me too, but I dont I would feel a lot more comfortable with a checkup from Vik Please Jun? I begged.

He was definitely glaring, and I could see his chromed hands gripping the steering wheel tightly.

Fine. But first you have to tell me why you even went to a ripper, or how you know this guy.

Oh. You didnt notice? My eyes Jun. I got a set of Kiroshis Vik managed to find them for me.

Ow. I muttered as I barely stopped myself from bonking my head on the dash. Really glad I had my seatbelt on.

Jun had hit the breaks. Hard.

What?! When? How!? Kiroshi arent cheap! I dont even have a set of Kiroshi!

All of which is basically the same answer Jun. I told you. Ive been doing gigs for Wakako And some side biz. Its your fault you know! I wanted to tell you all about the adventures Ive been having but you wouldnt even answer your phone!

I couldnt I was on the job! You can be tracked through calls by a skilled Netrunner. I was trying to protect you! His voice rose up into a shout at the end. Now I find out you were doing jobs for Wakako! That you met some creepy back alley ripper!? That you chipped new chrome and I didnt even know!? He was roaring, his fist rocked out and smashed into the dash electronics and buttons pinged around for a moment.

I wasnt really surprised. I mean it wasnt the first time that Jun had expressed his anger by punching something.

We really should work on that, it was a bad way to release stress. But it was what he said that made me sad, or maybe what he was saying.

I was safe. Hiromi was with me when Vik chipped me. She was super sus too. But Viks good people. Like an honestly good person. So I was fine. And yeah Wakako is surprisingly nice to me. I mean she is really to the point, we dont chit chat And she may have sent me on some really boring gofer missions. I should tell you about the wedding ring fiasco Anyway. Im okay Jun. Honest. And Ill be okay moving forward. What happened yesterday wasnt your fault.

He slowly pulled his fist out of the dash. His fist clenching and unclenching.

I realized then.

Jun for all of his attempts to be cool was struggling with all his new chrome just like I was.

I reached out without a word. Even if it was still floppy I put my hand in his clenching fist.

I held his hand the rest of the way. Slowly feeling the tension in his fingers die down.

Which was super weird by the way because I was still getting a really bad phantom limb sensation, so I barely even felt like we were holding hands at times.

But I kept cool. I was trying to comfort my stupid brother after all.

Finally after a few minutes of driving through Night City traffic Jun spoke. Im sorry I wasnt there, Motoko. Ill Ill be there from now on. I promise.

Dont worry. And just give me some space, showing up to a gig with my big brother peering over my shoulder would be embarrassing. Almost as embarrassing as the time I had to take the bus to a job and the people I was trying to collect from literally watched me get off the bus I thought I was gonna die.

Pfft. A noise escaped Jun and I pouted at him as his little burst of amusement turned into a chuckle as he processed what I had just told him. They really saw you get off the bus?

Yep. They were at the gas station right there. I had to do a long walk over to them too.

Hahaha! Juns laughter was nice. It had been a while since I heard him laugh as he took endless joy at my suffering.

At least youve been safe Until yesterday.

Yeah I only got shot like once. Well more than that, but I had successfully covered up the bullet wounds every other time! Because I was a genius and master of disguise!

That was about when Jun once again slammed on the brakes.



Jun pulling the car in front of Mistys Esoterica was a relief. He had been seething for the last few minutes.

It was just a flesh wound. I mumbled. Quietly. Very quietly. Because the last time I had said that Jun almost smashed the car into a pole because he was yelling at me. Jun might have already parked, but I didnt trust him not to start throttling me if I tried to say it again.

Apparently the reveal that I had been shot on a job was not doing good things to Juns blood pressure.

I was gonna ask Vik to check over Jun now too. Because his face going so red probably wasnt healthy.

Oh my! Motoko!? A voice called out and I turned to see Misty having come out of her shop after seeing me.

Hey Misty. Hows the biz? I asked, but that was ignored as she rushed up to me.

Your arms! Vik didnt tell me you were getting that much work done! Is everything connected well? No problems?

Ah. Well it wasnt Vik. I got klepped by some Malestrom, they were pretty pissed so they decided to cut me up a bit. I'm here for a checkup from Vik. I trust him to make sure everything is good.

Oh.. Oh! Motoko. Im sorry. Misty gasped as she looked from my arms still held in their slings then up to my face. Are you Are you gonna be okay? Do you want to talk? I have some really nice soothing ambience shards that really help in meditation, and a f-

Im alright. I interrupted her. I just want to get Vik to check me over. I dont know the ripper that ended up fixing me up Oh by the way this is my brother Jun. I say shifting sideways since I couldnt really point very well. Misty sort of blinked in that foggy way she tended towards as she looked Jun over.

The fact he was wearing a big heavy shirt to cover most of his tattoos, yet still looked like a yakuza on vacation probably ran through Misty's head. Nice to meet you. She seemed to settle on and Jun just gave a disinterested nod. He was grumpy at me still.

Is Vik in?

Oh of course, come on, Ill walk you down. This is so serious. I cant believe that the Maelstrom grabbed you. I mean, Ive heard they do that sometimes, but that is She trailed off again with a sad little sigh.

Yeah it was pretty rough. I wish I had been a little less surprised. I would have been able to fight back a lot better, but I wasnt exactly prepared Which I guess is my fault. Always be prepared right? Eh. Ill remember it for the future. I told her with confidence.

It didnt seem to help as she was nibbling at her finger nail nervously.

But we all walked through her shop and down into Viks clinic. Jun was looking around, obviously unhappy with the aesthetics.

Hiromi and Jun were both so alike sometimes! No reason to be so skeptical. Just because Viks clinic was underground, in an alley, in a storage unit and not a building! No reason to be so sketched out! Vik was amazing!

I led us down as Misty followed behind along with Jun who was looking all over the place.

Hey Vik! I called out sounding a little chipper. I felt way more comfortable here than I had in the Tyger Claw Rippers chair.

Seriously the lady felt like a back alley yakuza doc. Which I guess she kinda was.

Oh? Is that Motoko, whats going on kid, any-What the hell? He stopped as he looked me over and noticed that both of my arms were in a sling.

Hey Vik. Lot of stuff happened. I kinda need a check up. I offered looking down at my arms.

Damn kid thats a hell of a job to have done No that ain't right. What happened? He asked his voice changing from surprise to anger as he actually got off his rolly chair and stalked over. Jun seemed to step closer, but I just moved away from him so Vik could see. His hand pulled up the shoulder of the generic T-shirt Jun had given me to wear as his eyes narrowed.

This was a hackjob. What absolute piece of shit did this work on you.

Well first was a Spider Ripper with Maelstrom. He cut my arms off and decided to add some Sketch Chrome. It was set up to drive me Psycho. Jun my brother, Say hi Jun! Rescued me and took me to his Tyger Claw Ripper. She got the arms off and chipped in these Condors so at least I would have limbs Im just wanting a check up from someone I trust. Make sure everything was handled right.

Vik was real quiet for a moment, as I watched his jaw clench. I realized he wasnt looking anymore, but instead was staring off into the distance.

Oh Vik was real angry.

Vik? I prompted forcing him to come back.

Yeah. Sorry. Cmon kid. Take a seat, lets check everything. Ill make sure everything is squared away Dont worry. Vik said going full dad energy as he helped me get settled onto the chair and started dragging equipment over. Jun was still hovering but Viks obvious skill was shining through even to me. So Jun, who had been under the knife of more Rippers than I had, must have noticed as he slowly started letting the tension drain out of him.

Vik was in full doctor mode.

It was funny Vik was usually a jovial guy, quick to make dad jokes at the drop of a hat.

But he was also an amazing Ripper. No. An amazing Doctor.

And right now he seemed to be Anger Doctoring? Hate Doctoring? He was still kinda scowling, but his hands were absolutely dancing over his tools as he scanned my shoulders and the chrome all at the same time.

Vik was possessed.

It was Nova.

Finally Vik with a quiet mutter to himself rose up and grabbed a few things from a few different containers around his office, before rolling back over.

Gonna port in here. The ripper did a half decent job, but I can see a few quick fixes that Well they work, but they can be done better. Take a seat son, youre gonna be here for an hour or so. Misty, can you get some water for everyone? Vik called out as first looked to Jun and then Misty as he tapped a few things on the shoulder of my new arm, and a port opened, where he plugged in a scanning tool of some kind, and then with the work of a man that had done this a million times, he poked and prodded and inside.

Need to find out what she gave you before I can give you any anesthesia. Dont trust some doc's doses. They either undercut, or give too much to seem like a safer doc. Quick blood test, and we will get started. Some of the nerve connectors are doubled up. Its faster, and doesnt really cause big issues, but it does mean the nerves not connected will either die off, losing some sense of touch, or you start getting pains as they start sending signals that something is wrong.

Thanks Vik. I told him with a smile and a sigh of relief. Even Jun seemed Impressed at Vik's skill as he balanced multiple different scans with the effortlessness of a man that was truly in his element. An hour later Vik had calmed down enough he was cracking bad jokes making even Jun have a smirk on his face as Vik finally pulled away from my other shoulder.

Ive done everything I can to make sure the interface is stable, and all the connections are done correctly Itll be a few days before you start feeling normal again. The injury and multiple surgeries takes time to heal. But it should heal fine from here. He added wiping his head a bit as he reached out and took a drink to quench his thirst.

Great. Thanks Vik. I really appreciate you checking me over Can you do Jun as well?

What? Motoko. I dont need a checkup. Jun interrupted instantly once he understood what I said.

But I ignored his stupid statement. All of his chrome is new. Im worried they might not have put everything together right.

Motoko stop ignoring me. Jun growled.

So I ignored him.

Vik watched the byplay with a bit of amusement. I wouldnt mind, but maybe another time. Im gonna need at least a few to stretch my legs. He joked with a smile and I blinked.

Oh! Right. Sorry I didnt mean to overwork you.

Nothing to worry about. How about it Jun? Want a checkup?

Im fine!

But your ripper didnt do all of my connections right. Vik fixed them right? I asked, turning to the man who nodded slowly. So maybe she skipped some steps with you too! For me Jun, please get a checkup. Vik is amazing. He can make sure all of your chrome isnt causing you any issues. Youve been irritable since you started getting chrome.

Irritability? Is that something new? Vik asked cutting in looking concerned. He turned to Jun. Have you been noticing any unusual emotional control problems? Irritability, shortness of temper?

No! I am in perfect control! Jun snapped. Losing control.

He quirked an eyebrow turning to me.

Its not that unusual. Jun has always been a hothead. Its the coldness that is more concerning. I offered and Jun was definitely unhappy about being talked about as he stepped closer and slapped a hand over my mouth.

A hand that I really couldnt do much about Vik had numbed my shoulders and arms while he worked.

Mwh fue! I called out telling him this wasnt fair as Jun suddenly returned back to that look.

The big brother taking pleasure in siblings torture look.

I am fine. He said turning to Vik. But I might seek out a checkup at some point. Your skill was Impressive.

Sooner is better than later son. Really. The one thing you dont want is to leave a problem to fester. With Cyberware that never, and I mean never, ends well. Vik repeated himself before smiling at my plight.

He was in on it! Traitor!

I am curious though. I I have been absent from Motokos life But how did she meet you? It must be a recent relationship. Jun asked now that I could say anything.

Oh, it was an interesting day alright. She-

Mgh fnto! I tried to tell Vik to shut his mouth because Jun was gonna freak out! I would have been cutting a hand across my throat as well if I could move my arms.

Unfortunately I could not. And Vik had no mercy.

-Came in with boxes of Cyberware. Tons of stuff. She offered it to me so I could do something good with it.

Boxes of Cyberware? Jun asked blinking. Where did she get that much Cyberware? Where did you get that much Cyberware? He asked head tilting down towards me.

My attempts to keep Vik from speaking failed.

Scav raid from what she said You didn't know?

SCAV!? MOTOKO! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!? Jun roared his flamey eyes really making him look like a demon as he glared down at me.

Ah. Is that why they called him the Oni? I guess that answers that question!


The drive from Vik's was very quiet. Jun had not taken the story about the Scav raid well.

And I mean really not well.

He had exploded at first. Stalking back and forth as I explained what I had done. Then he had gone quiet. Eventually just ordered me to the car when he was done. Vik had been a little apologetic, but I just gave him a smile telling him it was no big.

Jun got angry, and was overprotective. Nothing to be upset about. It would have come out eventually.

Exactly what jobs did you do for Wakako? The one you got shot. What happened? He finally said as we were half way to home.

To the apartment to pick up stuff I would need for a while.

So I started telling him about the job. About Scorpion, the gig. That I had brought an HMG with me. Which had earned me a startled look from Jun and me yelling at him to watch the road as we almost crashed.

I told him how the gig had gone, the chase, firing the HMG out the side of the car.

The car crash. That I had been shot trying to rescue Scorpion.

How I hadnt let the gig end there. That I had chased after him through the desert. Finding the Raffens' location.

How I had gone in and murdered each and every one of them. Unlike with Hiromi, unlike with everyone, I went into the whole thing. Every detail I explained the best I could.

The kills, and how I had done it.

By the end of my story we were at the apartment Jun pulled into the parking garage and stopped because my car was in his spot.

Do you like it? My Quadra? I asked a little nervously, he hadnt said anything since I had finished my story.

He pulled into the spot next to it, and stepped out without a word.

Which was annoying because getting the door was awkward. Eventually I got it, and slipped out Jun was just standing there looking into the darkness of the garage.


I didnt want you to put yourself at risk Motoko. He said quietly, practically whispering to the quiet stillness of the underground garage. You were supposed to be home safe. Taken care of. Little gigs with your friends that werent supposed to be dangerous. You werent supposed to have to kill. I messed that up before I even left, but this is Its not right.

He turned towards me. Why, why cant you just be safe? Why are you throwing yourself into this life? I dont want this for you! Not you! Not my little Motoko who always rushes into things! That wanted to be a Tyger Claw more than I ever did Who shouldnt have ever been caught by Scavs, and shouldn't have ever had to stain her hands!

He was ranting And not quite but almost crying. Damn. I hadnt wanted to shock Jun this much! I already expected he was in a sensitive state.

Okay Motoko. Time to calm Jun down.

Before he could say anything else I pushed into his space and forced him to hug me. My arms were still floppy, but I could move them enough for him to get the idea.

You didnt fail Jun. You didnt mess up. You didnt do anything wrong. You saved me. Took care of me. You made me happy even when I was scared about everything around me. Not knowing anything I was really scared but you made that fear go away. I spoke loud enough to be heard despite pushing my face into his chest. His arms slowly wrapped around my shoulders.

His hands were shaking.

You didnt fail. I was never going to be safe Jun. I was never going to stay at home and hide away. The best way to keep me safe was for me to learn how to fight. The only way to learn is to do. I told him as I felt his arms continue to shake.

You arent responsible for what happened. You didnt ask for it to happen, and you tried to prevent it. You cant blame yourself for other people's actions. You also cant protect me from the world. Not even if you were Not even if our last name was Arasaka would I be safe. So Ive been learning to make myself safe.

You shouldnt have to! You should be safe! He finally spoke, repeating himself blindly.

I shook my head making sure he could feel the motion.

The only way Ill be safe Jun is to become able to protect myself. Which is exactly what Im gonna do. I wasnt paying attention and let the Strom get the jump on me. That wont happen next time. Ill be prepared and if anyone ever tries to jump me again Ill make them regret ever trying. Ill make them die. I tell him confidently.

That burning sensation in my chest. That disgust and horror at what they had done to me was locked up tight.

But not gone. Never gone. That night had been an offense against me I would never forgive.

Scavs. Raffen. Maelstrom.

All of them were at the same level. Maelstrom I had tried to give the benefit of the doubt in some ways. Sure they did horrible things. I knew about their AI rituals. I knew that they tried to force chrome on people like the monk.

I knew they were scum, but I had mentally put them into another category from scum that needs to die. I had placed them above that, because I didnt hate their desire to gain more chrome. I mean. I liked the Mechanicus in some ways too. I can understand their motivation.

But my face had been firmly rubbed in the fact they were no better than the Scavs. So I would treat them that way. I would hunt them. Unlike Jun and his little band of borgs. I wasnt limited.

I was a Gamer. A superweapon the likes of which the world had never seen. I stepped away from Jun then. His hands had finally stopped shaking so much although he was still obviously lost in thoughts just like I had been.

Now if only my hands would stop clenching so hard. I was struggling to get them to relax. They were both clenched into fists.

Cmon Jun lets go get some stuff okay?

He blinked a bit as if remembering where he was before he nodded quietly. Juns protective arm over my shoulder was nice as we crossed the street.

The bloodstains were still there.

I did my best to ignore them. Maelstrom would pay for every drop of blood they took from me.

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