Gleam Karma Cultivator Isekai

Chapter 106: Talk no Jutsu

Chapter 106: Talk no Jutsu

Chance spent nearly five minutes filling Jade in on just who Vex was. He avoided saying anything about Yamish or Ocie, just focusing on the cultivator that had been plaguing Bellas life ever since she was a child.

Bella put in her side of the story to fill in the gaps or events that had happened before Chance had arrived.

He sounds like a terrible person, Jade said once the two of them had finished. But I dont understand. What does a cultivator like that have to do with any of this? I would understand if you were just running from him, but youre accused of killing multiple Shikari.

That was just the backstory, Chance said with a huff. Vex has been trying to get back at Bella because she turned her back on him and decided to follow her own path. Hes the reason the Shikari are after us.

Is he really that powerful? Jade asked, crossing her arms. Im trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, but the Shikari and Gleam are powerful entities. A single cultivator, especially one as petty as that even if he was a Rank 9, I dont think he could force them to do anything like this.

What makes you think he needed to force anything? Bella mirrored Jades posture. We were the equivalent of new recruits to the Shikari. Id been around for longer, but I was already known as somewhat problematic. Even if he hadnt had any other help, Vex could have shown up and say we were enemies to Gleam and theyd probably believe him over us. Why would someone that powerful lie?

Jade pressed her lips together and clenched her hands. The Shikari wouldnt just take his word for it. Theyre just. Theyd look into things, even if it seemed stacked against you. Thats why the Scholar Cities exist. To stand strong in spite of the monsters, not to be part of them.

I dont know about the Shikari as a whole, Chance said. Im from earth. I only arrived here a few months ago. The Shikari I had the most experience with was Pete, and I trust him completely, so I know where youre coming from. But, even if the Shikari are bastions of good, that doesnt mean they cant be tricked. Vex wasnt the only one involved in this.

Who else? Jade demanded. If you arent lying, there needs to be an investigation. We could go back to Gleam and argue

Chance shook his head. No. We cant, and I cant tell you who the other person is either. Its too dangerous. Its someone thats powerful enough to pose a threat to Gleam itself. Bella and I cant return to Gleam for about another two months. Please dont ask any more about the other cultivator. I wont answer.

Then how am I supposed to believe anything you say? Jade asked, rising from her chair. Bella tensed, but Jade just paced a circle around her sword. I want to believe you. But, without something else, I cant.

And we cant give you anything else without putting you in incredible danger, Bella said. Its an impasse.

Not necessarily, Chance said. Did the Shikari put a time limit on when we had to be captured?

Jade tilted her head to the side in confusion and frowned. What? No, I guess not. Thats not really a convincing argument, though.

Its my proof, though. In two months, the Shikari are going to completely forget this entire thing.

I find that hard to believe. You two arent our highest priority, but you still killed Shikari. Theres no way theyd just let that pass unless youre claiming that didnt happen either?

Chance lowered his eyes. No. That happened. An assassin tried to kill Bella. We protected ourselves.

And you think theyll just ignore that?

Youll find out soon, Bella pointed out. Chance is right. In two months, this will be nothing. Well show back up to Gleam, and thatll answer your questions.

And prove the Shikari are completely corrupt and controlled by people that dont actually embody the principles they claim to, Jade said softly. What if youre wrong and the order to capture you is still out?

Chance tapped a finger on his knee. His first thought was to promise that hed return to Gleam regardless, but Yamish was anything but predictable. It was totally possible the cultivator would decide they hadnt trained enough yet or flat out refuse to pull the Shikari off their tail.

I dont know, Chance admitted. Im sorry. We dont have a perfect answer that suddenly clears everything up. Theres nothing I can give you that just fixes everything.

And the Red Hand? Jade asked.

Someone that I ran into a while ago. I did him a favor, not knowing who he was. He felt indebted to me, and I think he decided that stopping Shae would count toward paying him off.

Then why did he follow you here?

Chand shook his head and shrugged. If I knew, Id tell you. I dont have any idea. Why did you know he was here, though? You mentioned he was talking to you. Were you wondering if he wasnt as bad as the rumors had said?

No. I didnt have much choice. He and Shae got into a fight in your room because he was keeping us there for multiple days. Lin Jade trailed off and shuddered. The fight was terrible. Lins a madman and a demon in human flesh. Theres no doubt in my mind about that. He kept waiting for Shae to use healing pills whenever he got too injured, then attacked again. When Shae ran out, he just gave him more.

Gods, Bella muttered. Hes a psychopath.

He eventually got bored with Shae. He had the same tokens you and Chance used, and he made me use one with him. I didnt have a choice, and he said it would be the only way he let Shae live.

Chances stomach twisted. It wasnt like he hadnt already known it, but there was something seriously wrong with Lin.

What is it with unhinged psychopaths randomly fixating on me? What did I do to deserve this?

And then what? Bella asked.

Nothing, Jade replied in a baffled tone. He just roamed around the ancient realm with me. Wouldnt let me leave, but wouldnt say what he was doing. I mean, I could guess, but he wouldnt confirm it. Then we got here and he told me to stick around if I wanted to speak with you and left.

Hes insane, Bella muttered, keeping her voice low and glancing over her shoulder as if she expected to see Lin standing behind her.

You dont have to convince me of that, Jade agreed. But it also became pretty clear he didnt know you.

Why? Chance asked. I mean, thats true, but why?

He was talking about your hunger for power and how you were like him. Thats part of why he helped you. But I dont think thats true. I cultivate the Essence of Righteousness.

Totally not pompous, Bella muttered under her breath.

Jade reddened. I know. Its a bit embarrassing, but its not like I chose it. Its just right.

Righteous, Chance corrected. Both Bella and Jade glared at him, and he raised his hands defensively. Sorry, sorry.

Either way, Im a pretty good judge of character. It lets me know when people are good or not.

You were traveling around with Shae, and I dont think hes that great of a person, Bella pointed out. Is it selective or something?

Jade grimaced. I was hoping I was wrong. He still means the best for people, Im sure. Hes just stricter than he should be. And maybe a bit too focused.

Right, Bella said slowly.

Look, this isnt about him, Jade said irritably. Im saying I want to trust you and Chance. My Essence is telling me that you arent bad people, but thats not what every other piece of information is telling me. Logic says youre both just very convincing liars without any proof one way or another.

Im afraid Im not sure what else I can do to prove Im being honest without putting you in serious danger, Chance said.

Jade set her jaw. I know. Thats why Im going to make the decision myself.

Well, try not to take too long. Were on a bit of a schedule. Id rather not be around when Lin comes back, Bella said.

Chance agreed with her. Jade did genuinely seem to be a good person, but he didnt think that was going to do anybody much good if Lin showed up in a bad mood. The man was terrifying in some ways, more than Vex.

I wont need any more time. Ive already figured out what Im going to do, Jade said.

She walked back to her sword, pulling it from the ground with a grunt. Bella rose to her feet, but Jade just slid the blade back into its sheath and turned back to face the two of them, a determined expression on her face.

I dont have enough information to make a good decision, so Im going to do my duty as a Shikari and get it.

How? Chance asked, but he got the feeling he already knew the answer.

Im coming with you, Jade replied.

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