Gleam Karma Cultivator Isekai

Chapter 115: Cash in

Chapter 115: Cash in

Neither Chance nor Bella spoke. Chance wasnt sure how long they were silent, and he didnt care to keep track of it either. But, eventually, their silence ended.


Bellas eyes opened and she looked up at Chance. Her expression was still relaxed and she looked like shed been a step from falling asleep in his lap. Yeah?

I know this is a very personal question, but have you ever interacted with the vision you had when you reached the Squire Rank?

Bella blinked. That clearly hadnt been the question that shed been expecting. After a moment, she shook her head slightly. Not beyond when I actually had the vision. I just observed, and that was about it. Why? Did you

I did. Multiple times now, I think, although the latest one was the first time Ive actually spoken to something in it.

Bellas eyes widened. She made as if to sit up, then thought better of it as Chances hand combed through her hair. She settled for sending him a shocked glance. Ive never heard of anything like that before. You probably shouldnt have even told me.

I trust you.

Bellas cheeks reddened and she glanced to the side. I trust you too. But something like that is really dangerous. You basically just confirmed that youve got some secret treasure or special cultivation technique.

But I dont

Chances sentence died before it could pass through his lips. He did have a special treasure or, at least, he had at one point. The stale Cheeto that Bob had given him had been the only unique thing given to him when hed arrived on Centurion. It had purged all the impurities from Chances body, but maybe it hadnt just stopped at that.

You didnt even realize, did you? Bella asked, laughing softly.

Had no idea, Chance admitted. Im still not totally sure its related, but theres a strong possibility.

Well, youve gone and spilled it now. What happened? Bella asked.

Chance grinned down at her. What happened to keeping it secret?

Dont be a tease. You already spilled the beans, so let me eat them.

Fine, fine. I spoke with a being. I dont really know what it was, but it gave me advice. Both for myself and about what we should do about the Brackern sect.

Really? Bella swallowed. You actually spoke with something? Visions are supposed to be of something really powerful thats much farther along our Path than we are. Are you implying

He was really powerful. Stronger than anyone I think weve met, Chance said with a nod. Stronger than Yamish, I think. But its not like hell help me directly. I think its more that he was so powerful that even the vision of him was able to bring some personality and wisdom in.

Thats terrifying.

It wouldnt be if you met him. He was kind, Chance said.

So I take it his suggestion wasnt to rip the Brackern sect apart one by one, slaughtering the slavers until none of them remain?

No, Chance agreed. That wasnt it. He kind of just told me to trust myself.

Bella stared up at him. She raised an eyebrow. Wow. Thats inspirational.

Chance laughed and shook his head. Now that he put it into words, the golden mans words werent exactly awe inspiring they certainly had been at the time, though. Well, he also gave me a ball of yarn and told me to untangle it.

Bella blinked in confusion. Chance coiled a strand of her hair around one of his fingers and matched her raised eyebrow. Turns out, this was the yarn.

You know what? I take it back, Bella decided. I like him. But is that really it? Such a powerful being took time to speak to you just to tell you to play with my hair?

Chance grinned. I think your hair just happened to be conveniently placed. I think what he meant was that Im not using Karma to its full extent. Im still trying to force and rely on external factors too much, and that everything I need is at the palm of my hand.

Bellas eyes flicked to the side as she tried to get a look at Chances hands. My hair?

Probably not quite that literal, Chance admitted. He untangled a hand from Bellas hair and patted his travel bag. He meant that weve already got everything we need to deal with this, even though it might not be exactly the method I think any of us were planning on.

Wait. You mean youve got an idea on how to deal with this?

Chance nodded. No clue if itll work, but thats how life works, I guess. Its the only way I can imagine handling this in a manner that doesnt result in at least some of us dead.

How? Bella asked.

Not yet, Chance said with a shake of his head. The plan doesnt actually hinge on me, and I dont want to say anything else in case the key party isnt comfortable doing it. Thatll make them feel pressured to say yes.

Thats thoughtful of you, but Im sure all of us will do what we have to if it means theres a possibility that

Cant assume like that, Chance said, tapping Bella lightly on the forehead. I know youre willing to, and I know I am, but that doesnt mean everyone is.

I guess thats true, Bella admitted. Chance shifted and she pushed herself upright into a seated position, tucking her tussled hair behind her ears. So whats next? Who do we need to ask?

Not we, Chance said. Just me. I dont want to put extra pressure on them.

Bella tilted her head to the side, then shrugged. Okay, if youre sure. Should I wait up here?

No. Im asking Ocie.

Understanding washed across Bellas features and she nodded, rising to her feet. Bella held a hand out to Chance and pulled him to his feet. For a moment, the two of them stood there in silence.

Bella glanced away, a slight blush on her cheeks. Ill head down, then. Let me know how it goes.

It wont take long, Chance said. And, even if this plan doesnt work out, well figure out a new one. We just have to trust that Karma is working against the Brackern sect. The universe is going to help us, even if it doesnt plan to.

The advice you got really was just go with the flow, wasnt it? Bella asked with a laugh.

And to believe that that the flow will lead me where I want it to. As long as I do, it will. Chance flashed Bella a grin. Bella shook her head, smiling, and turned to head down the stairs back to the floor below.

Oh, one more thing, Chance said.

Bella glanced back toward him mid step, tilting her head slightly to the side. What is it?

Do you have a boyfriend?

Bella started in surprise, nearly tripping over her own feet. She and Chance stared at each other for a moment.

Is that a yes? Chance asked.

No! No, it wasnt, Bella said, shaking her head quickly as her face started to redden again. Shed been doing so much of that in the last few minutes that Chance was slightly worried that the rest of her body wouldnt get enough blood. Is there a reason youre asking?

Just going with the flow, Chance replied with a grin, trying not to show quite how much he liked hearing that particular piece of information. Ill be downstairs in a little.

You cant just Bella gave up, throwing her hands into the air and scrunching her nose in annoyance. You better finish that line of questioning later.

Will do, Chance promised. Bella headed down the stairs, leaving Chance alone on the second story of the building. He took a moment to gather himself, shaking out his jittery limbs. It was one thing to say hed just do whatever he felt was right, but it was an entirely different one to actually execute on it.

That was basically a yes though, right? Ah, I really should have waited to ask that a bit later. Now Im not going to be able to properly concentrate.

Before Chance could finish his miniature internal argument, the rubble at his feet trembled. Rocks rolled together, forming into a stubby golem. It wasnt anywhere near as complex as Ocies forms usually were, but there was probably less material to work with that wouldnt involve tearing the building down on accident.

Ive seen a lot of human courting rituals, and Im not sure if that was impressive or depressing, Ocie said, stretching her stumpy stone arms above her head. Was your plan to ask me for love advice? Im afraid that, as an artifact, I have yet to experience any emotions like

I can handle that myself, thank you very much, Chance said, shaking his head as the tips of his ears heated. Ocie wasnt exactly very quiet, and he wasnt sure if they could hear him downstairs. Theres an actual plan that I wanted to talk to you about.

Ocies golem tilted its head to the side in question. Chance leaned in, whispering under his breath to her. He doubted anyone was going to overhear them speaking, but the last thing he wanted to do was let the plan get blown for some stupid reason.

It already had enough risk in it. More than he normally would have liked to take, but it was the best idea he had for the time being. Chance straightened when he was done. Ocie was silent for several moments.

You dont have to agree, Chance said. This isnt a trick question.

You were mad when I didnt act and put Bella at risk.

Of course I was. Just like Id be mad if she didnt act to try to protect you. I dont value your life less than hers. I dont want either of you to be hurt. Im serious when I say that you dont have to do this. We can find a different way that isnt quite so risky.

Ocie studied Chances face. The beady stone features of her golem were completely unreadable. Then, slowly, she nodded. It is not a bad plan. Not one that I ever would have thought to do on my own, but I can see the merits.

Youll do it? Chance asked, surprised. Hed fully expected Ocie to refuse him.

Ocie nodded. I think that you are a bad influence on me, Chance. Give the belt to me.

Chance dug the belt out of his travel bag and spilled it onto the ground before Ocie. The golem extended a hand and rock rose up, enveloping the belt and pulling it inside Ocies body.

Youre absolutely sure? Chance pressed. Im confident in your abilities, but I dont want you to do this out of some obligation. Were equals in this partnership. I dont tell you what to do.

I know that, Ocie said irritably. Even as I know that, as an artifact, I am being a fool.


But, Ocie continued, cutting Chance off before he could finish his sentence. I am no mere artifact. I am the Old City of Gleam, manifest of the greatest Scholar City in Centurion. I am more than any mortal could ever comprehend. This minor task is nothing to me.

Thank you.

Shut up, Ocie said with a sigh. Dont get sappy. I dont like it. Itll take me a little time, but youll have to do your part as well.

We will, Chance promised. How long?

An hour. Is that enough for you to move?

More than. Well be there.

Ocie nodded, then sank into the ground. Chance turned, his heart starting to thump in his chest. It wasnt just his own life he was putting on the line with this plan it was all of theirs. He drew a deep breath, letting the Essence swirl within his chest and permeate throughout his body.

The stress left Chances body as he exhaled, replaced by determination. Golden mist curled away from Chances back like a cloak as he strode downstairs.

It was time to cash in the Karma that the Brackern sect had accumulated against themselves.

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