Gleam Karma Cultivator Isekai

Chapter 117: Bluff

Chapter 117: Bluff

A massive crash shook the city. Debris tumbled to the ground as a building collapsed, crashing down on the main street. Stone shattered and exploded in every direction as the building struck the ground.

Chance and Bella ducked behind a glittering shield of blue crystal that Bella had formed in the air before them. The cloud of dust billowed past them, accompanied by a howl of wind, and they stared at each other.

Just minutes before, Chance had called on his Essence to lead him to the building with the worst construction in their direction. Bella had then sent a spike of crystal out at Chances direction, driving it through an already-rotting support beam.

Neither of them had expected the building to pitch into a neighboring tower, taking the tower down with it. As the last vibrations left the ground beneath their feet, Bella let the wall of crystal drop.

Well, thats certainly going to get some attention, Bella said, squinting through the dust. Have I told you that your Essence is terrifying?

You can remind me later, Chance replied, grabbing Bellas hand and dashing into the cloud. He let his Essence guide him as he ran through the rubble. Bella kept pace with him, but let Chance lead to take advantage of his luck.

They scrambled up the remains of the buildings and through the site of the crash, bursting out the cloud on the other side. A small crowd had gathered to stare, and several people stumbled as Chance and Bella nearly ran them down.

Stop them! a man roared in the distance. Chance and Bella exchanged a glance as they ran. Chances spine tingled and he grabbed Bellas other hand, spinning her as if they were in the worlds worst timed ballroom dance. A thick stone arrow howled through the air, passing between them and slamming into the stone just behind Chance.

Looks like we got one! Chance called, accelerating once more with a laugh. He felt Bellas Essence envelop his body as she encased both of them in a thin layer of protective crystal.

I dont know how much this is going to do against attacks from Rank Five and Six enemies, but theres no point worrying about it. The most important thing to do now

What do we do? Bella yelled.

Chance stuck his leg out, sweeping Bella off her feet as she let out a curse. They leaned forward and an arrow arced past, missing them once more. Chance grinned down at Bella, then pulled her back upright.

Have fun, Chance suggested. And follow my lead.

The joy from his Essence pumped through his body even harder, bubbling up in an infectious laugh. Bellas eyes only had a moment to widen before Chance yanked her away again, darting down a side street.

Angry yells rose up from behind them, but they only served to make Chance laugh even harder. It was like a game of tag. A very, very high stake game of tag.

Unfortunately for them, Chance couldnt remember the last time hed had the freedom to play tag. It had been too long since hed run free on earth with no purpose but to run and that meant he really wanted to win.

A man dropped from the sky as they drew close to an end in the alleyway, a furious scowl on his expression. His wavy black hair stuck out in every direction and his teeth were slightly pointed. He held a large stone bow nearly as tall as he was in both hands. The ground shattered beneath his feet as he landed.

You must be the little shits that killed Drayan, he snarled. Stop running around and

Chances urumi leapt to his hand and he sliced it down. The man smirked, clearly not even slightly concerned with any threat that Chance and Bella could pose him.

Unfortunately for him, Chance wasnt aiming for him. He was aiming for a strand of Karma. His blade sliced through it and energy poured into his body. Chance grabbed Bella, pulling her to his chest as he bounded into the air, sailing clean over the man head and onto the roof of a nearby house.

Chance cackled as they sprinted across the roof, and the man chasing them let out a roar of fury, leaping upward right as Chances foot caught on a shingle and sent it flying. The little rectangle spun through the air and caught the man straight in the eye.

The cry of fury turned into a yelp. It was more of surprise than actual pain due to how much his body had been reinforced by his aura, but every second mattered. By the time the man shook himself off, Chance and Bella had dropped back into another alley.

Holy shit, Bella gasped as they dashed back out into the main street. Was that one of

Chance spun Bella to the side. Another arrow sailed past them, slamming into the ground harmlessly. The wavy-haired man drew another arrow as he flew through the air above them, his teeth gritted in fury.

Probably the Rank 4, Chance said. He flashed the flying man a grin, then they sprinted off again. To Chance, the world was just the thump of his feet on the cobbled stone and the swirl of Essence in the air around him.

He and Bella dashed through the city, locked in a dance. More Brackern sect members joined the chase, but he was barely aware of any of them. Fire and ice roared around him and Bella, rising up in walls and trying to cut off their escape without doing too much damage to the city.

To his Essence-infused mind, it didnt matter. Winds blew the fires out for just instants as he and Bella ran through them. Bellas crystal formed ramps that they used to sprint over the walls of ice.

An invisible strand of Karma seemed to float before Chance, pulling him and Bella through the city. It wasnt him versus the cultivators chasing them. It was all the Karma that the Brackern sect had racked up against themselves versus the Brackern sect cultivators and their Karma was far, far greater than they.

The force of the Essence raining down around them intensified, destroying more of the city as their pursuers grew more impatient. Chance, once again, barely noticed. His laughter just grew stronger.

They burst from the cover of the main streets and sprinted out into the open, finally arriving at a large stone gate. The steel doors were shut, but that hardly even felt like an issue to Chance. At this point, he wasnt fully in control of his body.

Stairs! Chance called as they skidded to a stop by the wall. It was covered with beautiful runes, and Chance could feel it pulsing with Essence. The wall had been reinforced by something which meant that it was even more expensive than the rest of the city.

Bellas crystal raced up the wall, forming into a series of steps. A river of ice roared down from the sky above them, but it froze an instant before it collided with them and the wall.

Like Chance had guessed, the cultivators didnt want to ruin their own city completely. The moment they were outside the walls, then theyd be much easier targets. That, of course, was the plan.

They raced up the makeshift stairs Bella had formed, reaching the top just seconds later. Chance shoved Bella back, keeping a hold on her hand, and a spike of ice as thick as Chances entire body shot between them, below their arms.

Chance yanked Bella back, then jumped. His body was still empowered by the Karma hed freed from the bowman, so he dropped from the wall and landed on the grass beyond it without difficulty.

They ran out about a hundred feet from the wall, then spun to face their pursuers for the first time. Both Chance and Bella were breathing heavily, but more from excitement than exertion.

I dont think Ill ever be able to top that adrenaline rush again, Bella rasped, pressing a hand to her chest.

Chance drew deep on his Essence, sending it out in a thick golden mist. There was one last thing he needed to ensure and it was the most important part of their entire mission. Two men flew above the walls the first was the bowman, and the second was a gray-haired woman wearing long blue robes.

Hello, Chance called.

The two cultivators stared down at Chance in complete befuddlement, and that was exactly what Chance had been hoping for. Theyd just witnessed a Rank 3 race through their city, avoiding every single one of their attacks, restrained as theyd been. And now, once he got out, he turned around and started chatting with them like an old friend.

Im not just relying on luck here. Im relying on arrogance. When a fly up and starts talking after flying around your kitchen and pooping on your food, you dont squish it until you figure out what the hell was wrong with it.

What are you? the bowman demanded, keeping an arrow knocked and aimed straight at Chances chest. Who sent you? What sect are you from?

Shards of ice swirled in the air above them, waiting to drop at any moment. If they did, Chance was well aware that Bellas crystal wouldnt be enough to stop them. At least one of the people before him was Rank Five or Six, and even his luck could only take him so far when they werent holding back anymore.

No, the only way we come out alive is if I can keep them talking. They dont know much about us, and Drayan expected us to be from a sect. As long as they think weve got strong backing, I can keep them talking.

A few, Chance replied with an easygoing shrug. Wasnt that run fun? You must not get a chance to get out too often. Drayan certainly didnt.

The bowmans teeth bared in a snarl, but the woman put a hand on his shoulder. She watched Chance with narrow eyes. In the distance, a rumble shook the city. Chance hadnt seen any people near the gate when theyd run through it, so Jie must have been successful at his task.

Looks like the others are still coming, though.

Calm, Arlen, the woman said, confirming Chances guess that this was the Rank Four. She whispered something into his ear and Arlen lowered his bow slightly, though he still kept it aimed straight at Chance.

Answer Rials question, Arlen commanded. If you think youll be able to avoid my Essence out here, youre sorely mistaken. A single arrow will kill both of you.

Two places, then, Chance said with a shrug. Another rumble shook the city, this one far closer to the gate. Chance sent some of his Essence crawling across the ground toward the gate in a thin, almost invisible stream. Whoever was running through it was probably going to need some luck. Dancing Coud.

Whats the other? Rial pressed. Who dares challenge the Brackern sect? Answer now and your death will be painless.

Is that really such a good motivator? Its not like I couldnt kill myself faster than you killed me. Wouldnt it be much smarter to offer to let me live or something, even if you were lying?


Rial and Arlen froze. They exchanged a glance, but the tension was broken when Rial let out a burst of laughter.

Gleam? You claim to be a Shikari? There is no

There was a brilliant flash of gold and the gates flew open with a loud bang. Jade sprinted out from within them, her eyes as wide as saucers, dragging Quinn behind her like a ragdoll. She was surrounded by a sphere of bright yellow energy, but the energy was riddled with cracks and moments from breaking.

Chances Essence touched Jades foot and she slipped, skidding across the ground. A massive beam of fire roared out from behind the gates. It obliterated the air above her head. The residual heat from the magic was so intense that the grass was flash-fried, turning black in an instant.

The sphere surrounding her shattered. Jade scrambled to her feet, dragging Quinn over to Chance and Bella. She skidded to a stop, her eyes wild.

I got them. Wasted a powerful artifact in the process and Quinns knocked unconscious, but we made it. You better have something up your sleeve, Chance.

You dont say, Bella muttered.

Three more cultivators flew into the air beside Rial and Arlen, their robes fluttering in the air around them. Chance had no idea which was which aside from the first two, but he didnt care. It only took a single glance at their Karmic threads to know that their fate had already been woven into the universe.

So, Chance said, spreading his arms out and hoping harder than ever that they wouldnt just blast him into a paste before hearing out his technically correct claim that he was from Gleam. Im glad to make all of your acquaintance. If you kill us now, the full might of Gleam will come down on you for killing a Shikari. Shall we talk?

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