Gleam Karma Cultivator Isekai

Chapter 76: Lin

Chapter 76: Lin

The task proved to be easier than expected. Chance and Bella spotted a squat guard building within just a few minutes of looking around. It was made of plain stone, and a single, bored guard sat behind a counter, his chin rested on his palm and fingers drumming against his cheeks.

He glanced at them as the door creaked open and poorly hid a yawn. Can I help you?

Were looking for some information, Chance said. We only just joined the Dancing Cloud sect, and we were looking to do a job to get some contribution points.

Yup, yup. You got a quest decided on? the guard scratched at the patchy beard on his neck and wiped his nose with the back of a sleeve.

Well, we were hoping you might be able to give us some advice. Weve never heard of a Windchucker before. What kind of monster is it?

Windchuckers? Theyre basically birds full of hatred. Big, nasty things. Theyre not too deadly, but theyre mean. Ive seen a few people get cut up real bad by them.

How would they compare to something like a Soothound? Bella asked.

The guard straightened slightly as he thought. He rubbed his chin, then gave them a small shrug. Theyre probably a little harder to kill, but less dangerous overall. I cant be for sure, though. Been a good bit since I last fought a Soothound. There arent really many of those out here.

This quest should probably be okay, then. Chance held the furled up job paper to the guard. He took it, giving him a quizzical glance before shrugging once more.

Suite yourself. Names?



The guard jotted their information down. He reached under his desk and pulled out two wooden tokens. Shuffling through a pile of random scraps at the bottom of the counter, the guard pulled out a pencil-sized piece of metal with a pointed tip. He pressed its tip to the wooden rune, and a faint trial of smoke rose up from it as it started to burn.

Muttering under his breath, the guard glanced from the job paper to the rune and slowly copied a rune over from it. Once hed finished, he repeated the process. He slid both newly carved runes across the table.

Chance picked one of them up. It was still warm, and the wood was rough to the touch like tree bark. The token felt like it could break at the slightest amount of force applied to it.

Those will take you to the area that requested help. Just break them whenever youre ready, the guard said through a yawn. Theyll give you more tokens to return you here once youre finished.

Chance glanced down at the token. He paused for a moment, then looked back to the guard. Say, about housing, how do we get it? A cultivator mentioned it cost around five contribution points a week. Where can we get that?

There should be some cultivator housing near the center of the city. Its simple enough to move in. Just show up when youve got enough contribution points.

The guard slumped back down, staring blankly off into the distance and clearly ending the conversation. Chance and Bella exchanged an amused look, then walked outside the guardhouse.

Shall we? Bella asked. Unless you wanted to look around at other shops to see what they had to offer?

Chance shook his head. Nah. Lets just get the contribution points and check out some housing. Id like a place where I can cultivate in peace, without having to worry about getting jumped by someone.

Bella nodded in agreement, and they both broke the wooden tokens between their fingertips. Essence swirled around both of them and they were yanked away with a subtle pop, leaving the spot theyd been standing on in the street empty.


Lin sat, legs crossed, on the sunny hilltop. Warmth bore down on his body, enveloping him in a comforting blanket as a gentle wind rustled through his hair and caressed his bare chest. He was content.

It had been so difficult to find peace in recent days. There were just far too many issues that constantly demanded his attention. Finding time to sit around and simply do nothing was becoming more and more of a luxury, but it was one that Lin was determined to ensure he could afford.

If there was no time to sit and enjoy the greatest of lifes blessings, then there was no point to living at all. The Essence burning throughout his body sung in agreement with his mind. He cycled it through his muscles, enjoying the prickling feeling of discomfort as he forced his body to grow.

In life, there were three things that Lin loved. Peace, the feeling of forcing his body to the absolute limits, and

A fly buzzed in Lins ear. His tranquil smile flickered for a moment, but he didnt let his eyes open. Perhaps it would leave.

It buzzed again.

Lin gathered his Essence and sent a tiny amount of it out, enveloping himself in a gentle cloak of gold. Insects were generally smart enough to realize when death was imminent, and would take the warning as a chance to leave and bother someone else.

This one did not. Its incessant buzzing grew louder. Lins eyes cracked open, his moment of peace ruined, and he looked down at the small man standing before him. The man wore fine metal armor and carried two long swords at his waist. Both of them held just enough Essence to warn Lin that the blades were more than just mere metal.

Despite the formidable weaponry the insect carried, Lin was a head taller than the man even while he was sitting.

What, Lin rumbled, a cold note in his voice, do you want?

The man held out a metal badge. Lin didnt bother even looking at it. He just cocked his head to the side and raised an eyebrow.

Im on an important mission, the man said, pushing his long black hair out of the way of his face. Im hunting a criminal, you see. One thats killed several Shikari. I believe I have tracked his whereabouts to this location, and as a cultivator yourself, I would like to interview you about any suspicious travelers you may have seen recently.

I do not wish to be interviewed.

I apologize, but this is not a request, the man said, placing his hands on the hilts of his swords. Sharp, cutting Essence washed out from him, running across Lins tanned skin like hot knives.

Lins eyes narrowed and his own Essence surged, strengthening his Aura and pushing the intruding Essence back. The man relented, pulling back but keeping enough of his strength unleashed to block Lins own Essence from growing too close.

I am Shae, the man said. A Baron ranked Shikari. I have no quarrel with you, but any refusal to cooperate with me will be seen as a direct challenge of Gleams authority.

Lin kept a smile from crossing his face. He studied Shae for a few seconds, then gave the man a single nod. You may ask your question, then. My peace has already been ruined. I do not believe I have encountered the person which you ask after.

Thank you for your cooperation. The criminal is approximately this tall, Shae held his hand up to his eye level, and has blonde hair and white skin. He is likely to be travelling with a girl the same age.

Lin tilted his head to the side, pursing his lips as if in deep thought. The prickle of the sun against his skin called to him, begging Lin to return to his cultivation and cease wasting time with the bothersome creature before him.

Girl? Are you chasing children? If they were powerful cultivators, I suspect Gleam would have sent more than a Baron.

Shae gave Lin a tight smile. They are dangerous, but they are not powerful. Not yet. That may change if left unchecked, though. The two of them have already killed a Knight rank cultivator and are fleeing our might. Have you come into contact with either of them?

Are you listening to me? Shae asked. Please, bear with me for just one second.

Lin let out a slow sigh. I have not met anyone with such description especially not one that seemed like they would be hunting Shikari. Your search will have to continue, for I have nothing to offer but your death, should you continue to interfere with my cultivation.

Shae pressed his lips together. The Essence swirling around him grew stronger, pressing toward Lin, but his own energy poured out to meet it. The two men stood locked in place for several seconds. Then Shae inclined his head and took a step back.

I see. Thank you for your time. If you happen to come across the people I have described, please seek out a Shikari at your soonest possible convenience. Lives could depend on this.

Hold on, Lin said.

Shae paused. Yes?

What were their names? In case I happen to hear them.

Chance and Bella.

Lin grunted and closed his eyes again. A few moments later, he felt Shaes sharp essence peel away as the man left. Lin remained motionless for a few more moments, then slowly let his eyes open again.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a glass vial with a glowing golden pill nestled within it. The energy radiating off it wormed into Lins senses even though it was sealed away, begging for him to pop the seal off and eat it.

Lin smiled and slipped the pill back into his clothes. He rose to his feet, arching his back and stretching out like the worlds largest, ugliest cat.

So thats your name, Lin said, running his tongue along his lips and lowering his hands. Chance. Apt. What a curious little criminal.

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