Gleam Karma Cultivator Isekai

Chapter 87: Red Hand

Chapter 87: Red Hand

Chance stepped into his room. Bella was still sitting on the bed, cultivating, but the sound of the door clicking shut behind him was loud enough for her to open her eyes. She blinked, then caught the serious expression on Chances face.

Her relaxed smile faded and she hopped off the bed. What happened?

The Shikari are closer than we thought, Chance said. I did a job that sent me down below the surface because a village was getting attacked by a pretty powerful monster, and there was a Shikari girl there. We were the only two that showed up to fight.

Crap. Howd you find out she was a Shikari?

I looked at her Karma and saw ties to Gibson. She didnt seem weak, but I dont think she was particularly strong either. Probably around our strength, but they wouldnt send someone like that alone, would they?

Bella shook her head. Its possible she was working on her own, but I couldnt say. Did she figure out who you were?

Yeah, she did. I didnt realize she was a Shikari until later, and she was just as bad of a liar as I am. To be honest, she didnt really seem like a bad person. Maybe we could reason with her?

Not worth risking our lives over. A lot of Shikari are probably decent people, but theyre after us for the next two months, I think?

Roughly, Chance said with a nod. I didnt let her see my token to the Dancing Cloud sect, though. She shouldnt know where I came from.

It wouldnt be too hard for someone to track what sects are in the area, Bella mused, walking over to the window and peering out of it as if expecting to see a group of Shikari waiting for them on the streets. We should get ready to move, but I dont think we have to panic either. Even if they know where we are, it should take them a little while to actually track us down. We need to figure out a plan.

Chance nodded. He picked up the box that had come in the mail and handed it to Bella. What about this?

What is it? Bella asked, popping the top off and reading through the letter. Her eyebrows and she took the token out of it. Thats not a bad idea, actually. Its an immediate teleportation, so if we get cornered, we could both use it and vanish.

We should probably save it for as long as possible then, right? Chance guessed.

Yeah. For now, lets go get some supplies and spend any contribution points that we havent used yet. If the Shikari track us here, we probably wont be able to come back in the near future.

Chance grabbed his case from his bed. They both gave a quick glance around the room, but aside from some empty pill vials on Bellas bed, there was nothing there. There hadnt been enough time to really settle into the room.

The two headed out the door at a brisk pace and left the building, heading for the market. Chance let a tiny amount of Essence slip out of his Gate to guide their steps and hopefully give him forewarning if the Shikari were getting close.

Were you mostly doing jobs when I was cultivating? Bella asked.

Yeah. Im mowing through my supply of pills at a pretty fast rate, so Ive been trying to keep up with what I use, Chance said. He rattled his case. Its not working too well. Most of what I have left are the better mid and high level pills, and I havent made nearly enough to afford anything better than those in the stores.

Only you could have a case full of mid and high level cultivation aids and complain about them not lasting enough, Bella snickered. They turned a corner and reached the edge of the market. But if youre really going through pills that quickly, shouldnt you be getting pretty close to Knight rank?

I think Im definitely getting close. Its kind of hard to tell what the actual differences between the ranks are, but Pete said wed know when we ranked up. I figure the same thing will happen this time around.

Yeah. Knights gain access to their aura, Bella said. I was lagging behind before, but your pills gave me the push I needed. I can feel that Im almost there. While I was meditating, I could almost sense my aura. Just a few more days and I think I should be able to access it.

Nice! Chance exclaimed. Im not quite there yet, but some defensive abilities beyond luck would certainly be useful.

They stopped beside a wooden cart, where a merchant was selling a variety of roast meet on skewers. Without a word, both of them bought a skewer. They devoured the food as they headed deeper into the market.

How many points do we have left? Bella asked.

I think we should have somewhere around fifty or sixty, Chance replied. I used the rest. Sorry.

All the pills you gave me more than made up for it, and thats not an insignificant amount at all. Do you need a new weapon?

Chance patted his thorny wristband with an affectionate smile. No. This is more than enough for me right now. Ocies urumi is perfect. What about you?

Bella rubbed her chin contemplatively. I prefer my hands. If were going to be running into this Azure Moon Realm, it could be a good idea to stock up on healing pills and other utility stuff. Its not exactly my ideal idea of how to spend money, but

Seems like the smartest idea, Chance said with a nod. We cant spend money if were dead.

Their course decided, they swung by all the merchants that looked to be selling pill vials and lifesaving treasures. It took around an hour to work their way around the stalls, but by the end of it, theyd both purchased new carrying pouches and a variety of tools to store within them.

Each had a new vial of healing pills, a smoke bomb that the merchant had sworn would fill an entire building with smoke so thick that it was impossible to see through for at least ten minutes, and two small vials with a single pill that lit up like the sun for a few seconds when exposed to air.

By the time they were done, not a single contribution point was left. Chance spent the majority of his gold as well, so his case was lighter than it had ever been before. The only things it still had in it were a few coins, some high level cultivation aids, and the enlightenment pill that hed been saving.

They headed back toward their room, their shopping finished. Chance couldnt keep himself from glancing over his shoulder every few minutes, half expecting to find Jade behind them.

Calm down, Bella said, nudging Chance in the side. This city is pretty big, and weve already got a plan to escape. At this point, were just waiting to see if theyre actually on our tail or not.

Yeah, Chance said. He turned the token in his pocket over, running a finger over its rough surface. I cant say I like getting chased.

Neither do I, Bella said. But if your teacher is to be trusted, then itll only be for a little while longer. We can do that.

To be trusted, huh?

Bella caught the pensive frown on Chances face. You think hes going to betray us?

Chance stopped walking and Bella did the same, turning back to look at him. After a moment, Chance shook his head. I dont think so, but I think his idea of betrayal is very different than ours. Id like to believe he was serious, but who knows if this is just the first part of some even more elaborate test. I only just got him to promise not to try to kill me, and even that was a bit of a reach.

Well, its not like Ive got much better luck with my mentors, Bella said. That makes two out of three of us that landed some weird or crazy bloke as our teacher. Maybe Yeos the lucky one.

They both laughed and resumed walking. Chance kept his Essence at hand, feeding it into his third eye and idly glancing at the people they passed by. He didnt dig too deep to avoid invading anyones privacy too much, but he kept a general scan for anything that felt familiar.

No Shikari emerged from the crowd or jumped from the skies. They reached their room without incidence. Chance went for the handle, then paused as a towering man stepped around the other side of the hallway, his hands in his pockets.

You! Chance exclaimed, stepping back in surprise. What are you doing here?

We meet again. What a pleasurable coincidence, the man said with a bassy chuckle. Bella looked from him to Chance, then lowered into a fighting stance.

Who is this?

I ran into him back in the village on the ground, Chance replied. When we were in the bath house.

He returned a valuable pill that Id misplaced, the large man said, stretching his arms above his head and arching his back. Quite the boyfriend youve got. I would have kept that for myself.

Bella let her hands lower and pushed her hair away from her face. Were just traveling partners. I didnt see you taking the test with us. Are you a cultivator?

As she spoke, Bella sent Chance a pointed glance. She didnt say anything, but the question in her expression was clear. She was asking if this was the Shikari. Chance shook his head slightly.

I am, the man replied. I never got a chance to introduce myself to your traveling partner. I am Lin.

Pleasure to meet you, Bella said. Chance does have a habit of being nice. Maybe a bit too much.

Perhaps. Lins face was unreadable. Speaking of kindness, I find myself in lack of a room. I only just arrived on this city. Would you be willing to lend me a bed for an hour so I could rest? Its been a long day.

Chance and Bella exchanged a glance, and an unspoken conversation passed between them.

Uh I suppose thats fine, Chance said after Bella shrugged.

I am truly fortunate to have run into you again, Lin said, pressing a hand to his chest. I have supplies for dinner. I will provide in exchange for the stay.

Oh, thanks! Thats kind of you, Chance said, sliding the key into the door. I have to say, I wasnt expecting to run into you here.

He pushed the door open and stepped forward. His foot caught on the edge of the doorframe and Chance tripped, stumbling forward. A sword whistled over his head and slammed into the wall behind him with a thud, burying itself several feet into the stone and vibrating within it.

Chance rolled to the side, launching to his feet as golden Essence poured out from him. A lean, black haired man standing inside his room lowered his hand, his brow ever so slightly furrowed, as if hed just found out that hed have to wait an extra ten minutes for an appointment.

You really are lucky, the man said, his voice emotionless. He flicked his ponytail over his shoulder. Do you have any idea how long I was holding that, waiting for you to open the door? My arm got tired.

The sword ripped itself free from the wall and whistled back into the mans hand, narrowly missing Chance.

Youre Shikari, Chance said, more of a statement than a question.

I am Shae. And you are a fugitive. Shaes eyes moved over to Lin. And you claimed to not to have met him.

Did I? Lin rubbed his chin, then shrugged his burly shoulders. Ah, yes. I remember that.


I lied.

Shae snapped his fingers. Jade stepped out from behind the door, moving to stand beside the older Shikari. Unlike Shae, her face was taut with stress and unease. She held her large sword before her with both hands, and a faint glow emitted from her eyes.

Bella sent a pointed glance at her pocket, where shed stored the Realm token. Chance inclined his head slightly.

Through my authority as a Shikari, all three of you are a threat to the peace, Shae said. You are to be put to death.

Jade cleared her throat.

Shaes lips pressed together. Or you may surrender and be brought back to Gleam, where we will give you a trial and you will have the opportunity to atone for your crimes.

Please come easily. Jade sent Chance a pleading look. I dont think youre a bad person. I could tell that much from watching you fight. Id vouch for you. You dont have to die here.

Before Chance could respond, Lin shook his head.

Im afraid you cant do that.

Oh? Shae tilted his head to the side. Please, explain.

Youre saying theres a chance to pardon me for my wrongdoings.

Should you surrender. My compatriot has spent the last few hours begging to give the option.

Ah. No, I wont do that. Lin let out a heavy sigh and clapped Chance on the shoulder. The force of what should have been a comforting gesture nearly drove him into the ground, and Chance staggered.

Rather die fighting? I can oblige, Shae said with a small smirk. I told you, Jade.

Thats not it, Lin said. Youre a Baron rank, yes?

I am.

Then you dont have the authority to offer me such a deal, Lin said. A Shikari of a much higher rank than you already told me that my crimes are forever inexcusable, and the only payment I could ever offer for them is my death.

Lins fingers curled up like he was trying to cup the air. An involuntary shiver ran down Chances spine and he instinctively stepped back as a wave of energy rolled off Lins body. The tips of Lins fingertips shimmered and turned a cherry red.

Red veins bulged along Lins skin, running down the back of his hand and along his forearms. A small cloud of white steam coiled off Lin and dispersed into the room. Shaes sword leapt from his hands and the Shikari opened his mouth to call out a warning.

Lin vanished though that wasnt quite the right word. He seemed to slide forward, passing through space so quickly that for the briefest instant, Chance would have sworn that he occupied every single spot in the line between where hed stood and Shae. Red lines of Essence trailed behind Lins fingers as he moved his hands through the air in a lazy circle.

With the air of a father greeting his infant son, Lins hand brushed Shaes chest. The entire motion felt like it took less than a millisecond, but Chances eyes somehow managed to pick up every single part of it.

Shaes chest exploded. Bone and blood bloomed behind him, splattering across the wall and painting the back half of the room completely red. An instant of stunned silence hung in the room, an executioners axe placed at all of their necks.

Officer Shae! Jade screamed, scrambling to open the pouch at her side. Shae was faster. His hand darted out and he slammed something into his mouth. An instant later, the savage wound yanked itself shut and he drew a ragged breath, staggering back a step and pressing a hand to his chest.

Red Hand, Shae snarled, his face a mixture of fear and anger. Youre Red Hand? Jade, leave immediately. Report back to Gleam and get reinforcements.

Jade grabbed a token and snapped it. Essence swirled around her, preparing to whisk Jade away. Lin flicked his fingers, and a wave of red light washed over the room. Chance reached for his Essence, but the light washed over him harmlessly. It washed over Jade, blowing the smoke around her to tiny wisps.

I insist that you stay. I am no Karma cultivator, but I know the danger of unpaid debt. Your lives will suffice to help even the scales.

You caught me by surprise, Shae growled. His knuckles whitened around his sword. You wont be able to kill me that easily, Red Hand.

Yes, Lin replied. I will. You just used a powerful healing pill to recover from the damage I inflicted. Your body will not be able to handle many more of those, even if you have more pills.

Shae grit his teeth. Jade, buy me time. This isnt an opponent I can handle on my own.

Lin raised his hands, his eyes flicking to Jade.

If he moves, Jade is going to die.

Wait! Chance yelled.

Everyone looked at him.

Please dont kill them, Chance said, struggling to not quail under the enormous weight of Lins gaze. I appreciate you protecting me, but I dont want to kill people in my room. Its distasteful.

They will kill you.

I Bella and I were just about to leave, Chance said. Were not in danger.

Lin tilted his head to the side. But their death would simplify things for you. No other Shikari know of your exact location.

I dont need them dead, Chance insisted. He swallowed and cleared his throat. We were about to have dinner, werent we? What if you just treated them to dinner instead? A long one?

A thin smile crossed Lins face. Very well. I will treat them to dinner. Is this acceptable?

Youre a murderer! Im not going to

Shae clapped a hand over Jades mouth.

I will gather intelligence about you and report back to Gleam, Shae said, his eyes narrow.

Then sit, Lin said, crossing his legs and taking a seat where he stood. I do not believe you will be able to make dinner today, Chance.

Im afraid not, Chance said, hiding the relief on his expression. Thank you, though.

Lin just inclined his head. Chance and Bella both stepped out of the room. Before Chance could even say anything, Bella pressed a finger to his lips and shook her head curtly. She pulled her Realm token out and gestured for Chance to do the same.

As soon as she saw him take his out, Bella broke her token. A swirl of blue light enveloped her. Chance sent one glance back at the open door, where Jade and Shae were staring at them past Lins enormous figure. He gave them a weak smile, then broke the token. Essence swarmed around him.

I really hope Lin doesnt kill them. Jade seemed like a decent person.

Then Chance was gone, and the only ones that remained in the sickly red light within the room were Shae, Jade, and the monstrous man sitting across from them, waiting to start dinner.

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