God of Money

Chapter 41: <It’s over>

Chapter 41: <It’s over>

This was already the second time he did a major presentation in his new life. Woosung spoke so confident it looked as if what he was doing was something natural for him. His point was simple, but unlike at the previous meeting with Daeyang System where he used the algorithm equations and examples, he instead explained with simpler language.

He was getting down to the level of the chairmen who only had basic IT knowledge. Woosung’s presentation was straightforward. It was quick, and he finished 10 minutes earlier than expected.

“Now, we’ll have a Q&A period.”

No one raised their hand. Everyone had already heard of how it was impossible to win an argument against Woosung. SS was here, which made it a bad idea to stand out.

SS was a nickname for Shin Semi. Woosung looked around and asked again.

“No questions?”

Woosung made eye contacts with Kwon Taegyun and Nam Kyungsang. Both flinched and looked away.

Woosung thought of how he could embarrass them but he changed his mind. His time here was coming to an end, and creating a scene was unnecessary and unwise.

Woosung then announced in a slow tone. “Well then, that will be the end of this seminar.”

“Wait.” Woosung saw a woman raise her hand. Her eyes were cold as ice.

‘That must be SS.’

Kwak Jungwook had already warned Woosung of her. The beloved daughter of Nuri Enterprise’s Chairman. Shin Semi looked unapproachable, but her charismatic demeanor was no match for Woosung. He answered calmly.


“You are saying that accurate data needs to be selected based on the pre-set goal, followed by analysis.”

“That’s right.”

“…And you gave an example goal of increasing the number of customers. To achieve this, you suggested we need to use the data on the stock trading transactions to improve the HTS. What you didn’t explain is how effective this scenario would be in real life.”

Woosung’s answer was simple. “Recent increase in the number of new users is due to the improvement on HTS.” Woosung glanced at Kwak Jungwook. “Don’t you agree, Manager Kwak?”

Kwak Jungwook took the microphone. He was familiar with what Woosung was referring to as he checked the numbers every morning.

“To be exact, 67% of the new customers indicated that the improved HTS was the reason why they joined Nuri Finances.”

Woosung continued. “Then the next question would be this. What does data analysis have to do with this? The answer can be provided by Oh Juhoon. Manager Oh?”

The microphone was passed along till it reached Oh Juhoon, who was sitting with his Daeyang colleagues. His answer was exactly what Woosung expected.

“After the last meeting, Woosung and I have been working on the data analysis to improve the HTS. 67% is an accurate number.”

Oh Juhoon.

He belonged to Daeyang but was not biased against Woosung. He recognized talent and had no problem working with an employee from a competing company. In fact, it was Oh Juhoon who asked Woosung to collaborate.

Shin Semi’s eyes sparkled at Woosung’s confident answer. She asked another question.

“Then do you have any other goals Nuri Finances should set other than increasing the number of users? We should know so that we can think ahead.”

Some people gave out a shard gasp. It was such a broad question that a newly hired employee would not be able to answer. It was very unexpected, but Shin Semi was a forward-thinking young woman. Woosung could guess her intention.

‘She’s testing me.’

By 2018, most major corporations had their own analysis department. If Woosung was correct, then this woman was testing him to see if she should hire him.

The prospect of having a new job did not move Woosung’s interest, but he also didn’t want to appear hesitant. He also couldn’t provide a direct answer that may change the future. After a quick pause, Woosung answered.

“I guess the first thing would be having a risk management.”

Shin Semi asked. “What do you mean? Please explain.”

“Think of what happened April last year.”

Subprime mortgage crisis occurred in April 2007. New Century Financial ended up filing for bankruptcy.

The audience murmured but no one answered. In fact, some chairmen seemed unhappy about SS’s involvement. Shin Semi ignored the way others percieved her and answered with a sincerity.

“Rick management and April 2007…Are you referring to New Century Financial filing for bankruptcy?”

Woosung nodded and replied. “That’s correct. Now, you should be able to figure the rest out by yourself. I came here to talk about big data, not provide the future path for Nuri Finances.” Woosung exhaled and continued. “However if you still want to talk about it, please arrange a separate seminar. Remember though, I will be charging much more for something like that.”

Before Shin Semi could speak, Woosung got ready to leave.

“Well, I guess that’s it. Thank you for your time.”

He bowed. Shin Semi had no choice but to seal her lips. Everyone else seemed baffled. The presentation was over, but all of those who attended was too overcame by either their emotions or the awe they felt after what they saw today that everyone forgot to clap. After a few seconds of awkwardness, Yoon Gihwan murmured to Park Junwoo.

“Hey, we should clap or something.”

“Oh, yeah.”

They started to clap, and that was the end of the seminar.


Immediately afterward, Kwak Jungwook found him. Shin Semi asked for Woosung and they were to report to the CEO room right away.

Why did she want to talk to him?

It was obvious. Woosung read through their intentions right away. How should he handle this situation?

Woosung decided after a long pause and looked at Kwak Jungwook.

“Fine. Let’s go.”

Woosung followed the grateful Kwak Jungwook. This was already the second time he visited the CEO’s office. Woosung opened the door. Kwak Jungwook smiled awkwardly and waved indicating Woosung was to enter alone.

Inside was Na Jaeman who stood up and greeted Woosung.

“Haha, come on in.”

After a handshake, Woosung turned to find Shin Semi on the sofa. She remained seated, ignoring everything as she stared at him with a promiscuous feeling of loathesomeness. Na Jaeman smiled at him to grab Woosung’s attention.

“Haha, have a seat. What kind of tea would you like?”

“Ice coffee please.”

The secretary brought in the drinks. Woosung took a sip as he noticed how Shin Semi remained having her gaze glued at him.

Woosung didn’t avoid her gaze. He looked right back at her while Na Jaeman realized he was sitting in an awkward position. He was sweating profusely.

After 10 minutes of silence, Woosung finally asked.

“Did you call me up for a staring contest?”

“For a new employee of a small company, you sure are confident. President Na, how many people have we hired from Daesan?”

“A total of 15 people.”

“Please cancel the contract with them tomorrow.” Na Jaeman started to sweat even more. Shin Semi repeated. “Do you understand me?”


Woosung didn’t even blink, he was planning to quit anyway. Daesan’s future was not of his concern. Woosung drank his coffee and stood up.

“Thank you for the coffee.”

Shin Semi’s hands trembled gently. “You better sit down right now.”

“It sounds like I won’t have a job by tomorrow, so why should I?”

Shin Semi gritted her teeth. Strangely, she looked even more attractive when she was angry. She replied with an obvious irritation.

“IT industry is a very small world. If you leave like this right now, you won’t ever get a job in this field.”

To her threat, Woosung smiled. She couldn’t be any blunter. “Haha, that’s fine. I guess I should go abroad then. I actually got a job offer from Microsoft anyway.”

Na Jaeman whispered to Shin Semi with haste after hearing what he said. He informed her of Woosung’s recent presentation at the MS conference.

This was enough for Shin Semi to make a definitive decision.

26 years old.

A brand new graduate.

She was trying to test Woosung’s ability and she learned all she needed to know.

“What did Microsoft offer you? I will double their offer.” Shin Semi now looked at him now with a new-found warmth.

“I am flattered, but I’m not interested.”

Shin Semi knew this game. She asked perceptively. “Did you have something else in mind?”

There indeed was something Woosung wanted, but he didn’t know as to how much he could reveal to those uninvolved. Woosung sensed it wasn’t going to be an easy negotiation. When Woosung hesitated, Shin Semi intercepted his line of thought by continuing her proposal.

“Let’s get going. Tell me what you want. I will consider it and let you know if it’s possible.”

“Are you saying you are willing to consider anything?” Shin Semi nodded. Woosung was surprised at her willingness. “Even if I ask something ridiculous?”

“I think I know enough about you that you won’t be unreasonable.”

Woosung smirked as he thought of how he should go on with her prosal.

“Give me a DMA line. Then…” He paused but decided quickly. “I will tell you how to make sure this company becomes ready for the future.”

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