Goddess of Ice: Going for One Piece

Little Garden

Little Garden

Minutes later, Nami noticed a river coming from within the island, so she quickly navigated the Going Merry there so the crew could get better access to the island.

"Whistle This place seems ancient~"

Hearing Yuna's exclamation, the rest of the crew nodded their heads. They could only agree to her words since ancient-looking colossal trees stood on both sides of the river.

The feeling of having reached an ancient island became only stronger after seeing a massive Pterosaurs flying overhead.

"Hoo~ An island stuck in the ancient times, huh? How fascinating."

"M-M-My if-I-go-on-this-island-I-will-immediatly-die sickness is really acting up right now!"

"T-That's right! Let's just wait on the Merry until the Log Pose resets."


While Usopp and Nami were decisively against going off board, Luffy already had stars in his eyes and was ready for an adventure, causing the previous duo to despair.

Surprisingly, Vivi decided to follow along, making it rather clear that she wasn't the normal kind of princess.

Following Vivi and Luffy, Zoro jumped off the ship as well, claiming he was going on a walk. However, when Sanji asked him to hunt a few animals for meat, Zoro provoked him, claiming that he would hunt something Sanji couldn't defeat, followed by Sanji getting angry and challenging Zoro to a hunting contest.

Now, only Yuna, Nami, and Usopp were left on the Merry.

"Oh well, guess I'll go on a little adven..."

"How about you stay on the Merry, Yuna."

Before Yuna could finish her sentence, Nami appeared next to her and quickly ensnared Yuna's arm with her own.

"T-T-That's right, why not stay on the Merry?"

Seeing Nami and Usopp attempting to keep her on the Merry, Yuna could only roll her eyes at the duo, their intentions crystal clear.

'So they want to keep me here so I can protect them, huh?'

"Hehe, what do I get in return for staying here? Why should I stay?"

A smirk appeared on Yuna's face as her gaze met Nami's, who started blushing when she understood Yuna's request.

"I-I'll give you a massage!"

"Hoo~ Not bad, not bad~"

"Yesyesyes, I'll also give you a massage."

Hearing Usopp's words, Yuna looked at him blankly for a second before averting her gaze.

"I'm leaving..."

"Nonono, just ignore Usopp. Come, come, I'll give big sis a massage~"

Due to Nami's coaxing, Yuna nodded in agreement, but before anything else could happen, Yuna's head snapped in a certain direction, where a bunch of trees were pushed away by a huge pair of hands, revealing a massive figure figure.

The figure was easily over 20 meters tall, wore a Viking outfit, and had a huge beard and beady black eyes.



"Do you guys have any ale?"

While Nami and Usopp were panicking, the giant figure simply asked if they had some ale, causing Yuna to chuckle in amusement.

"We got quite a bit of ale, but considering your size, I doubt it will be enough."

"Oh, that... ARGH!!!"

Suddenly, the giant yelled in surprise, and after closer inspection, a dinosaur was currently biting into the giant's butt. Obviously angry, the giant turned around and beheaded the dinosaur with a single swing of his axe, almost fringing Nami and Usopp to death.

As if nothing had happened, the giant turned back around and focused on Yuna while showing off the dead dinosaur.

"That's fine; it's just for the taste. It's been a while since I had some ale. Here, I got the meat. Let's have a feast!"

"Oh! Sounds good! I'm Yuna, by the way."

"Right! I'm Elbaf's mightiest warrior: BROGY!! KBABABABA!!!"

'What an interesting way to laugh~'

Minutes later, Yuna, Nami, Usopp, and Brogy were seated around a huge campfire. While everyone was waiting for the meat to get cooked, Yuna and Brogy started drinking—Yuna from a huge two-liter glass and Brogy straight out of the barrel.

"Say, Brogy, are you alone on this island?"

"Mhh? No, there is someone else. A fellow warrior from Elbaf. We have been fighting each other for a hundred years by now, KBABABABA!"

"Oh? That's quite a long time~ Do you still even remember the reason, hahaha!"

Before Brogy could answer that question, the volcano in the middle of the island erupted, causing Broky to smile.

"KBABABABA, another erruption. A volcanic eruption of the center mountain is a sign for the start of another battle."

Brogy stood up and readied his battle axe and shield, and then he charged away, yelling loudly.

"As for the reason for us fighting... WE HAVE LONG FORGOTTEN KBABABABA!!!"

Seeing Brogy approaching another giant in the distance, Yuna could only shake her head while smiling wryly.


"Yuna, what the hell is this about? They have been fighting for hundreds of years and don't even know the reason anymore! What's the point of such a fight?"

"It's their honor."

While Yuna sighed wryly at Nami's question, Usopp answered Nami without a moment of hesitation.

"Indeed. It's all about honor. The reason doesn't matter anymore; the only thing that matters is the outcome of the fight. Personally, I would not apply this principle to myself, but those who consider themselves warriors often live by such a code."

While Nami didn't really get it, Usopp had stars in his eyes as he watched the two giants fight it out.

"I want to be like this one day as well."

""A giant?""

"OF COURSE NOT!!! I want to be a brave warrior, fighting with my pride on the line!"

The battle continued, and after a long back-and-forth, it ended. After quite a spectacular battle that easily changed the landscape, the two giants punching each other out with their shields simultaneously ended the battle. It was a draw.

"73466 battles."

"73466 draws."

With those words, both of them fell to the ground, while Usopp still had stars in his eyes. This was exactly what he wanted to be. A proud warrior of the sea who fought with honor and his head held high. His goal! Seeing the way the giants fought, a desire to one day visit the country of the giants, Elbaf, was ignited within Usopp.

Meanwhile, Yuna approached the two downed giants, who were currently heartily laughing with each other, making it rather clear that they were good friends, and rolled her eyes.

"Men are really stupid."

 Both giants heard Yuna's statement, which caused them to stop laughing. However, moments later, they started laughing even harder, causing Yuna to roll her eyes yet again.

However, suddenly, a white wall of some kind of liquid shot at the two exhausted giants, causing Yuna's eyes to widen.

'Is that cu...'

[No, it's not, and you know it!]



Anyway, Yuna's little argument with Kurama aside, the white liquid quickly covered the hands and feet of the two giants, effectively binding them to the ground and preventing them from moving.

"Pfahahaha! Easy! Too easy! I just had to wait until they exhausted each other and then capture them! It's simply too easy to defeat idiots!"

Suddenly, a thin-looking man who had his hair styled in the number three appeared, earning weird looks from Yuna.

'That certainly is... a hairstyle.'

[That can't be easy to do.]

'Maybe he uses his Cum-Cum Fr...'

[Stop calling it that!]

"You damn fiend, have you no honor!?"

"How dare you ambush us after our duel!"

Naturally, Brogy and the other giant were incensed that someone ambushed them when they were exhausted."

"Haa? Don't be stupid. Only idiots care about honor!"

Hearing the man's dismissive words, the two giants grew even angrier, but before one of them could continue the conversation, someone else appeared.


A young man in a straw hat flew through the air, directly crashing into the man with the "three" hairdo and sending him flying away.

"Dorry, I'll help you!"

Completely ignoring Yuna, Luffy, who apparently knew the other giant, stretched back his arm and smashed it against the now-hardened white substance. Unfortunately, Luffy's attack bounced off of it, flying toward Yuna, who only tilted her head to dodge the attack. This resulted in Usopp, who was standing a few meters behind her, getting punched in the face.

"Ah? Sorry Usopp~"


Usopp quickly recovered after Luffy apologized rather casually. He briefly considered firing a few [Tabasco Stars] into Luffy's mouth but suppressed the impulse.

Meanwhile, the man Luffy just sent flying managed to recover and glared at Luffy.

"Damnit, who are you people!? Why are you here!?"

Unlike in cannon, when the Unlucky Duo spread information about Luffy and his crew, this time, that didn't happen, so Baroque Works had no idea about the Straw Hat crew's presence in this conflict.

"Eh? Ah! I'm Monkey D Luffy, and I'm going to be the Pirate King."

"Oh, and I'm Yuna; I'm going to be the Harem Queen."


"Carefully, everyone, that's Mister 3 of Baroque Works!"

Hearing Vivi suddenly introducing the person they were fighting, Yuna ignored the strange man and walked near one of the white constructs binding the giants and put her hand on it.

"That's not cum..."


'I didn't plan to eat any Devil Fruits, but if it is the Bukkake-Bukkake fruit, I would have eaten it.'



Hearing Luffy's attack name, which, by the way, was way too short for Yuna's taste, Yuna's attention was drawn to the fight between Luffy and the man with a three for his hair, expecting it to end almost instantly.

However, to Yuna's surprise, Luffy punched the ground directly in front of him instead of attacking his opponent, initially confusing her.

She quickly realized that a symbol had been drawn on the ground and that Luffy was, for some reason, only attacking it.

'Some kind of Devil Fruit ability?'

Yuna quickly scanned her surroundings and immediately found a little girl holding a paintbrush. Seeing the little girl, Yuna frowned a little.

'No Devil Fruit? How interesting.'

For her, it was rather easy to see whether someone was a Devil Fruit user or not, as all Devil Fruit users had some form of Nature Energy accumulations in their bodies. She didn't understand how these accumulations manifested the corresponding Devil Fruit ability yet, but she at least noticed that every Devil Fruit eater she had met so far had it. There was still a lot she could learn about Devil Fruits!

The little girl was just about to draw another symbol when Yuna appeared behind her and put her hand on the little girl's shoulder.

"Now, now, do you really want to find out what happened to naughty little girls who intervened in someone else's fight?"

A shiver went through the little girl's spine as she slightly moved her head, allowing her to see Yuna smiling at her kindly. That supposedly kind smile instantly sends tremors of terror through her spine.

"O-Onee-san, I was only going to draw a pretty picture~"

"Oh? Is that so? Such a good girl."

While the little girl felt like her dignity was fading away due to acting like a kid and getting her head petted by Yuna, she still preferred this over whatever Yuna would have done to her if she resisted.

Meanwhile, the red symbol on the ground Luffy was repeatedly punching was gone due to Usopp interfering and smearing the paint, allowing Luffy to act freely.

Now, without his partner's coloring powers, Mister 3 was pushed into a corner by Luffy, but he didn't give up so easily. So, he engulfed his whole body, except for his head, in his power, forming some kind of semi-mech, instantly causing Luffy's eyes to shine.

"So coooool!"

Unfortunately, that instantly resulted in a smack on the back of his head from Nami, telling him to take the situation seriously.

Anyway, as the battle continued, it became rather apparent that Mister 3's situation wasn't looking too good. Although his armored form made him a little stronger and harder to damage, his armor unfortunately didn't cover his head, allowing Luffy to punch his lights out rather easily.

Seeing that the situation was under control, Yuna drew one of her blades and sliced through the hardened liquid, binding the two giants with ease and surprising the duo a little.

"Well, since this is over, let's continue drinking, shall we, Brogy?"

"KBABABABA, yes..."

Before Brogy could fully answer her, a volcanic eruption interrupted his words, causing him to smile as his gaze landed on his comrade Dorry.

"It seems like before we can drink together, we shall have another fight!"

"GYAGYAGYAGYA!!! Let's fight!"

Seeing the two giants excitedly getting up to have another duel, Yuna couldn't help but roll her eyes at them.


However, as she saw the two large friends take some distance from each other and from the Straw Hats, Yuna couldn't help but smile, hearing the conversation between the two giants.

'Another interesting way of laughing. Hehe, maybe I should...'


'You don't even know what I was ab...'


'Come on, do y...'


Hearing Kurama decisively rejecting her idea of coming up with a unique way of laughing, Yuna couldn't help but pout as she watched Brogy and Dorry clash again and again, ultimately resulting in another draw.

Seeing that, Yuna could only shake her head with a wry smile. She couldn't help but wonder how long these two goofballs would remain on this island, endlessly fighting each other.

'Oh well, that's not my problem~'

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