Godfather Of Champions

Chapter 135: The Rookie Reports Part 2

Chapter 135: The Rookie Reports Part 2

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

This stalemate was finally broken by Tang En's and Moore's loud laughter. Whether it was MacDonald or Eastwood, it was a relief to see Tony Twain in front of them—the person who could prove they were right was there.

"Tony, you're finally here..."

"Mr. Manager, you have to quickly tell him that I am not a liar, I'm a professional footballer!"

At the moment, Tang En could not speak as he was snickering pretty hard while he looked at the two men who were flushed with anger from arguing with each other. Next to him, Moore helped him explain, "I think... this is a misunderstanding between the two of you."

"Yes, that's right." Tang En's laughter slowly died down. "Ian, thank you for your due diligence. But the person who drove the caravan here in front of you is really a player I signed."

MacDonald's mouth opened wide in disbelief. He pointed to the parked yellow caravan that nearly blocked the entire gate and asked, "A professional player who lives in a caravan like this?"

Tang En nodded and did not speak. Eastwood interjected impatiently, "This is our Romanichal tradition!"

Still adamant, MacDonald pointed to the back of the caravan, and there was a trailer attached to the caravan. Tang En stretched his neck to look over and was startled.

"Is a gypsy tradition to bring a horse to the training ground?" The old guard asked.

Eastwood exclaimed, "Yes! When the automobile industry had not emerged yet...ahem, we Romani gypsies have travelled the world with horse-drawn wagons! Horses and dogs are the gypsies' most faithful companions, they're just like family..."

He had not finished speaking when he was contradicted by his wife. "Don't be funny, Freddy. I told you to leave it at your father's house, but you wouldn't do it. You see, Mr. Manager's brows are creased."

Tang En was indeed in a somewhat awkward spot. It was still acceptable to park the caravan here, but a horse was another matter. This was a training ground for a professional football team, not a zoo.

"But that's my secret to guarantee that I'm able to maintain my condition!" Eastwood was still reluctant to admit his mistake.

"I've told you a long time ago that your habit of warming up with horseback riding on the morning of every game day should be changed!"

While this young couple argued, a long line was forming outside the blocked gate. The players, coaches, and the other staff members of the club had arrived to start the day's work. But now their cars were stuck outside by Eastwood's caravan and could not get in. A lot of curious players just surrounded the trailer and watched the horse eating the hay with its head down in the trailer and in animated discussion among themselves.

Tang En also found Doughty in the crowd!

Crap, Eastwood, you're so bullheaded! The first day on the team and you already caused this sensation. It's a pity the media is not here, or you would be famous, red-hot popular!

Doughty saw a noisy young man and woman at the gate and moved the crowd aside to walk over. He looked at Twain strangely, "Tony, what's going on?"

Tang En was a bit embarrassed. He scratched his head. "Oh... it's a new player, the first one that I have signed. That's Eastwood. I told you about him." He pointed to the still quarreling Mr. and Mrs. Eastwood. Strangely enough, the child who was just crying non-stop, was now quietly lying in his mother's arms and watching his father and mother quarrel endlessly with his big bright eyes wide open. And he even smiled!

What kind of family was this?

Instead of getting angry, Doughty just smiled. "This is funny. But you'd better advise them to drive in, otherwise we all can't get in."

Tang En nodded and then interrupted the quarrel between Eastwood and his wife. "Excuse me, Eastwood... Well, you can drive the caravan in first. Drive to..." He wanted to say the parking lot, but when he thought about it, with such a big car in the parking lot, it would basically occupy one third of the space. Where would the other cars park? He turned his head and saw an open space at the entrance of Building One, pointed to it, and said, "Drive your caravan there, and we'll further discuss the matter about your horse in detail."

"Very well, I'll listen to you, Mr. Manager." Eastwood gave his young wife a glare, then returned to the car section and started the caravan.

Upon hearing the roar of the engine, the horse in the trailer finally stopped eating and looked up curiously at the players around it.

From the rearview mirror, Eastwood saw the men around his caravan. He waved his hand and shouted, "Guys! Let's make way, I'm going to reverse the caravan!!"

When they heard this, those people hurriedly retreated. The cars that were parked behind the trailer quickly reversed to give way to and make space for this two-in-one colossus.

Tang En and Edward stood at the building entrance and watched Eastwood skillfully reverse, shift the gears, turn the steering wheel, and then smoothly make a turn through the gate to park the car by the entrance. They both exclaimed in admiration.

The entrance way to the gate was cleared, and the others were able to drive in. When they passed by the entrance, they did not forget to greet the manager and Mr. Chairman who stood at the door.

After greeting them, Walker asked, "Tony, did the zoo send a horse?"

Upon hearing this question, Doughty suddenly burst into laughter. Twain looked at Walker in dismay. "Des, why would you think that?"

"Uh... Then who are they?" He pointed to Eastwood and his wife who had come over.

Twain smiled and said to him, "He's the first player I signed during the winter transfer, the future striker of our team, the cheerful and optimistic Romani, Freddy Eastwood, and his wife and child."

Eastwood walked over and spoke at a rapid-fire speed. "Okay, Mr. Manager, I've parked the car there as you requested!"

Completely unprepared, Doughty and Walker could not understand clearly his machine gun-like words. Only Tang En and Moore understood. Tang En nodded. "Very well, Freddy. Let me introduce you." He pointed to Doughty wearing a beige jacket and said.

"Mr. Edward Doughty, the chairman of the club."

Doughty and Eastwood shook hands. "Welcome, lad."

"Hello, Mr. Chairman!"

Tang En pointed to Walker as well and said, "This is the assistant manager of the team."

The two men also shook hands with each other.

After the introduction, Twain said to Eastwood, "Well, there is something you need to know. The club will not hold a special press conference just for you but will let you enter the field before the game to meet the fans at the FA Cup. But whether you're going to be playing in that game depends on the state of your training."

Eastwood nodded. "No problem. It doesn't matter to me that there are no reporters. I do not like press conferences anyways. As long as I can play. Shall we go to the training, Mr. Manager?" He leaned over and asked Twain.

Seeing how he was itching to get on with it, everyone around him laughed.

"Don't worry, there's no hurry. Freddy, we still have some things to talk about. Like your horse." Tang En pointed to a trailer in the distance that was still surrounded by people watching.

"Ah, the horse ..." Eastwood was about to explain when he heard a cough from his wife behind him. "Well, the horse... All right, you can handle it in whichever way you think."

When he saw Eastwood become down, Tang En smiled instead, "Don't treat it like it's such a serious problem, Freddy. You can place the horse in the care of the zoo."

Walker coughed beside him, "Tony, Nottingham doesn't have a zoo."

"Oh..." Tang En scratched his head awkwardly. "I didn't expect that a city surrounded by forests has no zoo. Okay... You can still place it in the care of those pet shops. A horse is also considered a pet, right?"

No objections were raised.

"Ok, we'll place it in the care of a pet store, sign a contract, and let them to take care of it for you. If they don't take good care of it, they will have to compensate you. Then on every home game morning, you can take out your horse and ride it around the streets to complete your top-secret warm-up." Tang En clapped his hands. "Don't you think this is quite good? And if after you perform well, score a lot of goals, and make a lot of money, you can buy a small estate outside Nottingham. That way, you can keep your horse in the garden, and you can ride it whenever you want."

Eastwood thought about it, then nodded and agreed. "Well, if I find that those pet stores don't take good care of my horse, I'll send it back to my father."

"Very good, now let us solve the second problem... Freddy, do you have to live in the caravan? The era of caravans has passed. And as far as I know, many gypsies are now living in brick houses. Those fixed dwellings have garages."

Both Eastwood's and his wife's opinions were of the same on this point. "I'm sorry, Mr. Manager. We are accustomed to living in a car. Besides, Sam is the son of a gypsy, so he must to live in the caravan first," said Sabina. The young wife looked at her son in her arms.

He never expected this young couple to be so traditional. Tang En gave up the intention of persuading them and shrugged, "Very well, Freddy. Anyway I just want you to score for me, so I don't care where you live. It just so happens that there are lots of unused open spaces in the training ground. You can just find a suitable place to park your caravan and set up home. But I have a piece of advice for you. Don't park too close to the field and be careful of balls flying out of the field and smashing the glass in your home. Go on, pick a good place, park your car there, and you don't have to worry that the congressman here will come looking to give you trouble. This is our Forest Team's turf." Tang En spread his arms and said, "Park your car well and go to the number one training field. We'll start training shortly."

Looking at Eastwood running to the distance, Doughty said happily, "Tony, why do you always find the interesting guys?"

Next to them, Walker frowned. "But honestly... Tony, have you seen him play?" Obviously, he did not feel very reassured with this unknown player.

"At an amateur game. That should be considered as having seen him play." Tang En told the truth. He could not lie about this because Walker's coaching team had to know every player's real situation so that they could plan everyone's training program.

Edward suddenly exclaimed, "Tony, I think I have heard you say this guy's leg was kicked and broken by one of our players?"

"Yes, by George Wood."

Walked sighed, "Tony, do you really believe he's the one we need?"

The yellow caravan was just passing by them, and Eastwood leaned out of the driver's seat window and shouted at Twain, "Mr. Manager! Which one is the first training ground field?"

Tang En waved his hand to the opposite side of the road, "Look to your right! The one with people on it!"

Eastwood twisted his head to take a look, and then turned back, "I see it! Thank you, Mr. Manager!"

The modern caravan continued to drive forward, then turned a corner in the front and was concealed within the forest.

Then Tang En turned his head back to look at Walker, nodded, and answered his question in an affirmative tone. "I'm certain, Des. He'll surprise us all."

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