Godzilla Earth: Origin

Chapter 2: Evolution of Godzilla

Chapter 2: Evolution of Godzilla

Nature has perished.

Godzilla was deeply saddened by this.

Although it was unexpected for the humans to kill the titan monsters, the gargantuan monster could understand it, as the titans had also killed humans before.

While the titans were near-eternal, they were still part of nature, and conflicts and killings among titans had occurred in the past.

As the King of the Titans, the oldest titan, Godzilla had witnessed the succession and renewal of multiple generations of titans.

So it could understand, but it couldnt accept it.

In the past, at least the titans left offspring, there were still next generations. But now? Apart from itself, all titans no longer exist.

Even their descendants are gone.

Not to mention the titans, even the large terrestrial creatures have almost died. This is more severe than any previous mass extinction event. The worlds ecosystem has regressed to the Ediacaran Period (because nature provided all the knowledge to humans, Godzilla understands everything).

To evolve titan life again would require even more time.

Godzilla was deeply saddened.

But then it remembered its control panel, which still had the reward for the main mission.

[Reward: Advanced materials, advanced energy, planetary ecosystem reshaping]

Godzilla ignored the first two rewards and looked at the last one: reshaping the planets ecosystem.

Is this possible?

Godzilla didnt know. The information provided by nature did not mention this control panel, and it was unaware that such a thing existed on Godzilla.

However, the human knowledge it received from nature, through the literary works of the Sunrise Country and the Hua Nation, often mentioned similar entities.

In their literary works, this control panel possessed enough power to reshape the planet.

It also had enough power for Godzilla to annihilate humans.

Now, it can fulfill the last wish left by nature.

And perhaps, it can witness the rebirth of this planet.

The system offers five enhancements for its body, which are:

Breath, body composition, size, power supply reaction, and self-repair capability.

Now, Godzillas current situation is as follows:

[Power Supply Reaction Magnetic Confinement Deuterium-Tritium Fusion: Dormant power of 10 gigawatts, active power of 0.5 terawatts, with a maximum of 300 terawatts.] (Note 1)

[Size: 218 meters, mass of 500,000 tons, total length of 389 meters (can be increased through feeding)]

[Body Composition: Composite armor consisting of carbon fiber muscles, aluminum-silicon alloy, and carbon steel.]

[Breath: High-temperature plasma (maximum output of 280 terawatts).]

[Self-Repair Capability: 5,000 tons per day.]

This is Godzillas current panel. Based on the knowledge provided by nature, Godzilla realizes that its composition is considered outdated compared to humans.

The combination of aluminum-silicon alloy, carbon steel, and carbon fiber for its armor is insufficient against the weapons developed by humans before the war. A single electromagnetic cannon shot would create a hole several meters deep, and with its small body

It could probably withstand a thousand shots.

After all, there are still several tens of meters of solid material, and even if one continuously hits the same spot, it would take ten electromagnetic cannon shots to reach its internal organs.

But it finds this condition unreliable for annihilating humans. A thousand shots are not a significant number for humans. It needs a stronger body.

Side Mission: First Step in Space Rolling (Completed)

[Reward: One body strength evolution. Would you like to use it now?]

Note: This evolution will require 48 hours, during which the host will enter the deepest sleep. Please proceed with the evolution when everything is secure.

In the underwater near Hokkaido, Godzilla looks at the mission record on its panel, feeling the changes within its body.

An hour ago, after its breath swept through that floating city, its mission panel rang like a mobile phone. It reminded it that the mission was completed.

Well, its time to retreat.

The current Godzilla does not want to confront the frontal forces of the small creatures, so after using its breath to destroy a city, it descended back into the sea and swam towards the depths.

Evolution takes time.

Humans have developed too fast during its two-hundred-year slumber. They have explored most parts of this planet, including the underwater areas. However, Godzilla still has some good places to stay, such as the caves it dug out for hibernation.

And the residences built for it by those early little humans are also good places.

The entire Pacific can serve as Godzillas resting place. It descends to the deepest part of the sea, and after roaming for a while, it reaches its nest at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, which it dug out.

Humans should not be able to reach this place within 48 hours.

The last time Godzilla returned to this place was thousands of years ago. At that time, although the trench was dark, there were many beautiful creatures that its sonar could see.

Godzilla is proud of its sensitivity to perception.

Unfortunately, the abyss is now filled with radioactive wastewater, and there is no living creature that can be seen. Even the floating planktonic organisms have become scarce.

The King of Monsters submerges into the deepest sea floor, the Mariana Trench, where the terrifying pressure is nothing to it. The pressure that can crush steel is like a massage to Godzilla.

As it swims underwater, relying on its past memories, Godzilla quickly finds its old nest in this location. It was established tens of thousands of years ago, when human civilization had not yet developed on the surface.

It used to enjoy the hydrostatic massage here, so it chose this place as its hibernation nest.

Later, with the rise of human civilization on the continent in the Atlantic, it moved its nest to the other side of the Atlantic to observe them and enjoy their offerings.

Godzilla can guarantee that it is not bored being a Titan. The natural signals in the trench were not very good, so it moved to a place where it could communicate with other beings.

It simply wanted to observe those little humans, but it never expected that they would be wiped out by a sudden disaster, and it didnt even get a chance to see their final moments.

Now there are little humans everywhere, but their numbers are too great, to the extent that they have squeezed out the living space of other creatures. Even the almost eternal Titans have been completely wiped out.

It really wants to go back to the past

But its not possible

Its time to sleep.

Lying in its nest, Godzilla closes its eyes and begins the evolution process.

=====Note 1: 1 terawatt = 10^12 watts, which means releasing 10^12 joules of energy per second. The energy of 1 ton of TNT is 4.1810^9 joules, so the power of 1 terawatt is approximately equivalent to the explosion energy of 240 tons of TNT per second.

1 petawatt = 1000 terawatts = 1 million gigawatts (GW) = 1 billion megawatts = 1 trillion kilowatts = 10 quadrillion watts. The scale is in increments of 1000.=====

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