Godzilla Earth: Origin

Chapter 25: Godzilla's Second Evolution

Chapter 25: Godzilla's Second Evolution

Did humans do so much while I was asleep?

As the sonar scans the vast ocean outside, Godzilla senses the intricate network of traps set up by humans around his cave, contemplating their actions.

These small creatures certainly have impressive execution capabilities.

I wonder, is it 10,000? 20,000? Perhaps 40,000 or 50,000?

No, it must be more, definitely moremaybe even 100,000 or beyond?

Just within a short period of ten days and nights, they have laid down so many bombs around my home. Their speed is truly remarkable.

But surprisingly, they havent placed any bombs on me. Are they afraid of waking me up?

Gurgle, gurgle.

Giving his tail a little shake, Godzilla, feeling revitalized with his new body, rises from the cave. He can sense that he has become even more towering.

Glancing at the panel, Godzillas current physical condition is as follows:

[Host Name: Godzilla]

[Energy Supply and Reaction Magnetic Confinement Deuterium-Helium-3 Nuclear Fusion Magnetohydrodynamic Power Generation: Dormant Power 50 gigawatts, Active Power 2-30 terawatts, Maximum Output 1 pavar, Instantaneous Power up to 30 pavar.]

[Body Size: Height 250 meters, Mass 1.8 million tons, Total Length 457 meters (Can increase through feeding).]

[Body Composition: Ultra-Dense -Iron Composite Carbon Nanotubes + Metallic Hydrogen.]

[Atomic Breath: High-temperature Plasma (Maximum Output 980 terawatts, Instantaneous Power up to 29 pavar).]

[Self-Repair Capacity: 1,500 tons/day.]

This evolution is no less significant than the previous material-based evolution.

Not only can the active power be self-adjusted now, but the original deuterium-tritium reactor has transformed into the current deuterium-helium-3 reactor.

An additional step of magnetohydrodynamic power generation has also been added.

The deuterium-tritium reactor is the type of reactor humans have created.

Its advantage is a low ignition temperature, but its drawback lies in tritium, which is a scarce material and can only be synthesized by high-energy neutrons colliding with lithium in nuclear fusion.

And high-energy neutrons can cause significant damage to the reactors shielding. A large part of the damage to the Godzilla reactor is due to these neutrons.

Thermal radiation is not a major issue inside the reactor; the main challenge has always been high-energy neutrons.

The deuterium-helium-3 reactor is much better in this aspect compared to the deuterium-tritium reactor. It does not produce high-energy neutrons and is much easier to control.

However, while the deuterium-helium-3 reaction does not produce high-energy neutrons, the deuterium-deuterium reaction, which produces helium-3, does generate high-energy neutrons.

If there were abundant natural reserves of helium-3 on Earth, direct deuterium-helium-3 fusion would be feasible and advantageous.

However, there is not much helium-3 naturally available on Earth. The total amount on Earth is only around 500 kilograms, which is equivalent to just a few dozen breath attacks from Godzilla. This amount is incredibly small.

As for synthetic production, it would require the deuterium-deuterium reaction, which still produces high-energy neutrons and has a lower energy yield compared to the initial deuterium-tritium reaction.

Certainly, deuterium-helium-3 fusion is not as efficient as deuterium-tritium fusion; its just a matter of more or less loss.

So, the question arises: if this reaction is so problematic, why has its power increased?

Godzilla looked at the detailed explanation and discovered that the panel had completely separated its two reactors.

Now, the vital reactor operates on deuterium-deuterium fusion, while the breath reactor operates on deuterium-helium-3 fusion.

The vital reactor generates the fuel, helium-3, needed for the breath reactor through deuterium-deuterium fusion.

Then, the breath reactor performs deuterium-helium-3 fusion.

This is because deuterium and helium-3 do not cause significant damage to the inner walls due to high-energy neutron impact (although there is still some minor damage as a result of deuterium reacting with itself before reacting with helium-3).

However, even with this arrangement, the materials limits of endurance have been greatly increased, naturally allowing for a significant expansion of the maximum power output.

And even though the efficiency of deuterium-deuterium fusion is lower than that of deuterium-tritium fusion, the abundance of fuel makes a difference.

Its like comparing one gram of gold to one kilogram of silver. Gold has a higher value per gram, but I have more silver.

Godzilla has essentially exchanged one gram of gold for one kilogram of silver.

Even though the previous reactor was stronger for the same weight, the current reactor has much more fuel. Previously, there were only a few dozen tons of fuel, but now there are thousands of tons available with a simple search.

So even if your efficiency is ten times mine, you still fall short overall.

Moreover, Godzilla has gained an additional feature: magnetic fluid power generation, which allows for electricity generation using plasma directly. Its no longer just boiling water.

The energy efficiency of boiling water alone is only around 40%, but with magnetic fluid power generation combined with boiling water, it can approach 100% efficiency.

With this combination, Godzillas power has actually increased.

Satisfied with this understanding, Godzilla turns its attention to the latest function on its control panel.

Human radar.

It appears as a computerized map that can be scaled down to a few hundred meters or expanded to a global level.

It displays the locations of every major human settlement in the world, along with the total population and the hourly flow of humans during evacuation, all with standard measurements. It also provides the current global human population as a reference: 15.79 billion.

With this information, Godzilla can determine where it should go next.

So, where should it go this time?

The first targets that catch Godzillas attention are the coastal cities with the highest population density.

The Far East already has very few people left, so attacking it again wouldnt yield much progress.

Therefore, Godzilla selects several large coastal cities outside the Far East, intending to attack them. However, after a brief analysis, it reconsiders its previous idea.

Its better to go to the Far East after all.

Its not because Godzilla has any grudge or special attachment to the Far East.

After studying the evacuation speeds of several major coastal cities, it realizes that not a single one will have any people left by the time it arrives.

Everyone is fleeing at top speed, and it will undoubtedly be met with deserted scenes upon arrival.

In that case, its better to continue its campaign in the Far East. By pushing all the human cities one by one, it can ensure that humans have nowhere left to hide.

Moreover, it can rely on human weapons to further advance its own evolution.

Endless evasion will eventually come to an end, and as long as Godzilla pushes hard enough, humans will have no choice but to surrender.

With these thoughts in mind, Godzilla began to move, utilizing its new ability gained from its recent evolution: magnetic fluid propulsion.

This skill involves transforming all the wires inside its body into superconductors, creating a powerful magnetic field that propels water backward, generating a reactive force.

Essentially, its still a backward propulsion within the scope of generating a reactive force, but the thrust is much stronger than traditional propulsion methods.

Emerging from its dwelling cave, Godzilla swam underwater, using magnetic fluid propulsion. It looked at the sea mines scattered above the trench and emitted the light of nuclear fusion from its mouth.

The evolved breath, showcasing its power, was displayed for the first time in front of the world.

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