Godzilla Earth: Origin

Chapter 29: Nagoya-Osaka Operation - Shooting the Arrow of the Gods (2)

Chapter 29: Nagoya-Osaka Operation - Shooting the Arrow of the Gods (2)

After destroying Shizuoka, Godzilla took half an hour to emerge from the ruins of the city.

It found itself amidst a green landscape.

Leaving the urban area and returning to nature, Godzillas body seemed even more massive compared to the surrounding hills.

Its form was more fearsome than any terrestrial beast, but its deep blue eyes exuded a sense of serenity.

Even the trees planted by humans didnt reach the height of Godzillas four toes on its feet.

Towering over the forests and mountains, it was the largest and most dominant creature on Earth.

The appearance of the King of Monsters was now vividly displayed in this world.

As for the green earth, it was the first time it had seen it since waking up.

Godzilla looked at the green expanse that covered the entire land. It appeared so beautiful, comparable to the ancient rainforests that once covered all of South America.

Beautiful greenery thrived across the vast land. If there were colorful creatures within, perhaps Godzilla would reconsider driving humans away.

But that was not the reality.

As Godzilla walked upon the earth, each step caused tremors and fissures on the ground.

Its 300,000-ton legs collided with the ground at a speed of 70 meters per second.

The impact of Godzillas foot created tremendous shockwaves, leveling the surrounding hundred meters of forest, with the shockwaves extending a kilometer away from its landing spot.

Soil cracked, and fissures spread for hundreds of meters. Each step Godzilla took was akin to a massive explosion.

A single footsteps power was equivalent to dozens of high-power missiles exploding simultaneously.

With a slight acceleration, the terrifying shockwave blew away everything around.

As Godzilla moved across the land, every place it passed meant the disappearance of the greenery in that area.

If an uninformed third party were to witness this, they might think that Godzilla is the destroyer of nature, rather than humans.

But in a certain sense, Godzilla is indeed a destroyer.

It is the king of destruction, aiming to obliterate the current ecosystem dominated by humans.

It is the most malevolent life form intent on wiping out everything on the existing land.

Activating its human radar, Godzilla searched for the nearest human city and proceeded towards it.

The distance was not too far, just a few tens of kilometers, and with Godzillas speed, it would only take an hour to arrive.

If there were forests beneath its feet, they would be flattened.

If there were canyons blocking its path, it would clear the way by breathing its atomic breath from below.

It completely ignored the missile strikes from unmanned drones along the way.

Standing on the land of the Far East, Godzilla moved in a straight line towards the human habitation.

It maintained a constant speed, disregarding any attacks it encountered.

This put immense pressure on everyone observing this war through the unmanned drones.

At this moment, inside a military vehicle at the Far East Army Base in Osaka, General Hirozou Satou, the Commander of the Far East Army, set down his teacup and gave the order.

Its time to initiate.

In the far distance, the swarm of unmanned drones once again closed in and launched an attack on Godzilla.

Godzilla was accustomed to this and chose to ignore them without using its atomic breath.

However, this time, the ammunition dropped by the drones was different from before.

They were the latest type of aluminum thermite incendiary bombs.

The latest improved formula of the aluminum thermite incendiary, with an extended burning time from 60 seconds to 90 seconds, filled every bomb carried by the swarm of unmanned bombers.

This was the secret weapon of humans against Godzilla, a newly developed tactic.

They vowed to make Godzilla pay the price for its arrogance.

The drone swarm approached above Godzilla and dropped numerous incendiary bombs.

At first, Godzilla didnt think much of it until the first incendiary bomb landed on its surface.


Instantly, countless flames engulfed Godzillas dorsal fins, burning with a bright yellow color and a temperature of 3000 degrees Celsius.

Together with the bombs raining down from the sky, the flames covered Godzillas entire back and the surrounding forest, enveloping its entire body in fire.

In an instant, Godzilla transformed into a fiery beast, with no part of its body untouched by the flames, and no spot spared from the scorching heat.

The forest shared the same fate. As soon as the incendiary bombs made contact, the entire forest ignited, and the intense flames consumed every inch of it.

Trees turned into charred remains and continued to burn, while Godzillas entire body was covered in aluminum thermite, leaving no exposed surface.

It resembled a colossal bonfire, hundreds of meters high, constantly radiating heat and raising the surrounding air temperature to nearly a thousand degrees.

It was like a scorching hell.

However, in the midst of this blazing world, Godzilla remained remarkably calm.

What were humans trying to achieve?

3000 degrees, a terrifying temperature. It far exceeded the melting point of most metals and was sufficient to melt almost all human alloys.

But this was only intended for humans.

For Godzilla, a temperature of 3000 degrees Celsius is not enough to melt its armor.

Its armor has a melting point above 4000 Kelvin, and it has high thermal capacity. It cannot be breached simply by using aluminum thermite or similar substances.

This attack with aluminum thermite may look impressive, but in essence, it is no different from conventional bombing.

No, it might even be less effective.

After all, conventional bombs did cause some slight damage to Godzilla, albeit minimal. They couldnt even break its skin; they were merely removing dead skin when scratching an itch.

However, that could still be considered causing some damage. If multiplied by a few hundred thousand times, it might even be able to injure Godzilla.

But this aluminum thermite attack, even if multiplied by a few hundred thousand times, would still be futile and unable to harm Godzilla in the slightest.

So why would these small things be used?

Godzilla soon found out.

While its entire body was engulfed in scorching flames, 160 kilometers away on a hill.

Countless capacitors lit up as over 500 million watt-hours of electricity converged into a super cannon measuring 300 meters in height and 100 meters in width.

Terrifying electrical energy was stored within it, and between its two tracks, lightning bolts pierced through the atmosphere, releasing intense flashes.

Amidst the continuous lightning, a metal box measuring five meters in length lay quietly at the far end of the track.

The coils were energized, and the magnetic field gradually accelerated the metal box. By the time it reached the electrifying track, its speed had already surpassed the speed of sound.

But this was not its limit.

The superconductor within the magnetic track created an unimaginable electromagnetic field when subjected to incredible electrical power. It exerted a force far exceeding the previous coil, accelerating the entire metal box from Mach 1 to over Mach 20.

The surface of the metal box instantly vaporized due to the powerful skin effect, revealing a sharp warhead within.

With a length of five meters and weighing over 10 tons, the projectile flew out with the sublime gas, leaving behind a dazzling trail of flames. It traveled at a speed of Mach 20, accompanied by successive sonic booms, heading towards Godzilla.

Meanwhile, the aluminum thermite burning on Godzillas body, although not melting its armor, successfully softened its strength.

The higher the temperature, the weaker the strength of metal materials.

This was the humans plan for the ultimate strike.

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