Godzilla Earth: Origin

Chapter 34: Nagoya-Osaka Operation Counterattack (7)

Chapter 34: Nagoya-Osaka Operation Counterattack (7)

Four days ago, inside the Eastern Osaka Command Center.

Commander Sato, we dont have many concerns about your plans for Godzilla awakening in 20-30 days, 30-50 days, and beyond 50 days.

But we have significant doubts about the plan for the next 4-20 days. Dont you think it carries too much risk?

Your plan relies on too many coincidences, and even if it succeeds, it wont be able to kill Godzilla. There are too many uncertainties.

In the meeting room of the command center, the senior officials from the Eastern region expressed their displeasure and raised their doubts about Satos short-term plan.

Risk has never been the problem; the problem is when the risk doesnt yield any rewards.

In response to the doubts raised, Sato answered seriously:

Everyone, perhaps you think my plan is too bold, with a low probability of success.

But think carefully, do we really have a reliable method to repel Godzilla, let alone kill it, if it awakens in such a short time?

Im afraid not.

Sato continued with a stern expression, So, if we want a method to repel Godzilla when none of the basic infrastructure is in place, it is bound to be impossible.

Its not that I want to rely on these coincidences. But to defeat Godzilla, we must take these risks. As for killing it? The time for that statement hasnt arrived yet, my colleagues.

I will address your doubts one by one.

Suddenly, a pit appeared in front, and Godzilla couldnt stop.

It stepped into the void and fell into a deep pit headfirst.

Upside down.


Godzillas head collided with the soil wall below at supersonic speed, burying its entire body underground.

The impact caused the soil above the collision site to explode, pulverizing the layers of soil several hundred meters above.

With 1.8 million tons and supersonic speed, Godzillas impact became an explosion comparable to a nuclear bomb.


A deeper pit appeared within the already deep hole, and the shockwave from the explosion spread outward, blowing the debris of the already devastated buildings once again.

In passing, it also reduced a larger area of buildings to ruins.

Godzilla lay on the ground, feeling a bit uncomfortable after such a tremendous impact. At this moment, humanitys battle plan began to reveal its fangs.

Sss, thud.

All the underground hangars in Nagoya opened simultaneously, revealing a fleet of heavy transport aircraft.

Fire trucks, liquid transport vehicles, storage vehiclessummoned from all over the Eastern regionfollowed the guidance of unmanned satellites in the sky and rushed towards the fallen Godzilla.

No traffic rules! No speed limits! All vehicles raced at their maximum speeds on the magnetic levitation roads!

Maglev cars, all-terrain transport vehicles, liquid storage vehicles, and transport planes carrying large bags of unknown liquid all headed towards the fallen Godzilla at the fastest speed.

In the center of Nagoya, an extremely enormous vehicle broke through the layers of the earth, advancing rapidly towards the pit where Godzilla fell.

After such a violent impact, Godzilla was feeling a bit unwell.

Originally, the pit was only slightly over a hundred meters deep, reaching just above its waist. But it smashed itself deeper by over a hundred meters, burying itself completely.

Its head had been hit with a force equivalent to a small nuclear bomb, far surpassing the power of a railgun shot.

However, although the total destructive power was higher than that of a railgun, the overall damage inflicted was only slightly greater than a railgun shot.

This was because the density and strength of the rocks and soil were too low. When Godzillas head hit, there was enough time for cushioning, taking several seconds to come to a complete stop.

If Godzilla had collided with a several-hundred-meter-thick super soil layer made of tungsten, it would have at least suffered a concussion.

But unfortunately, all the tungsten in the world weighs only a few million tons, not enough to construct such a wall.

Godzilla lay in the pit, its two short arms struggling to pull its head out from deep underground, trying to realign its position.

It sensed something being sprayed on its back.

More and more of this substance was being sprayed on its back, and it wasnt flowing down its body. Instead, it was coalescing on its back.

A sensation that made it very uncomfortable.

With its hands pressed against the ground, trying to lift itself up and stand, Godzilla encountered a pitiful situation.

Its weight was too heavy, and when its hands tried to support its body, the ground simply couldnt bear the weight and collapsed.

Its time to use the tail as well!

With the tail and hands combined, Godzilla slowly managed to get its massive body back on its feet.

Buzz, buzz

More and more transport aircraft were pouring the liquid substance onto it from the sky. Fire trucks spraying high-pressure water guns from the edge of the pit, and liquid storage vehicles launching their contents onto Godzillas body had increased significantly.

Thanks to them, Godzilla was now covered in this unknown coating.

Godzilla didnt appreciate this behavior from humans.

With a flash from its breath, the transport planes in the sky and the vehicles near the pit were instantly incinerated by the high temperature.

Fireballs rose in Nagoya, and in the bottom of the pit, Godzilla, after gathering energy for a while, jumped out of the hole and returned to the surface.

Its breath swept across the sky and the ground, turning all the assembled transport planes and vehicles along with the surrounding urban areas into molten iron.

Afterward, it quickly advanced towards the direction of the railguns. The railguns were about to enter Godzillas range!

On its way, there was a massive vehicle, whose model was unknown to Godzilla, and didnt exist in its memory. It had crashed through houses along the road and suddenly stood in front of Godzilla.

It had intruded into Godzillas range, moving straight toward it as if preparing for a final battle. This piqued Godzillas curiosity.

Is this humanitys ultimate weapon?

After gathering its breath, Godzilla attempted to confront this ultimate weapon.

But after its breath attack, this ultimate weapon, along with the already dilapidated city area, became even more dilapidated.

It was completely useless.

Godzilla felt disappointed.

Approaching the first railgun, Godzilla unleashed its breath, using the accumulated energy to bombard the entire railgun and the mountain it was on, reducing them to ashes.

A massive fireball, unlike anything before, rose, and under the illumination of this fireball, Godzilla continued its advance toward the other railguns.

It wouldnt be long before Nagoya would be completely annihilated by Godzilla.

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