Godzilla Earth: Origin

Chapter 53: "Monster" (1)

Chapter 53: "Monster" (1)

This is getting a little tricky.

Just having lost its head, Godzilla was feeling somewhat puzzled.

Just now, its breath had gotten out of control, causing its own head to explode.

Hmm, it had been cautious enough. It hadnt expected to be taken down like this.

In the later stages of the operation, when it noticed that humans were continuously luring it to fire toward the direction of the electromagnetic railgun, Godzilla had already guessed what the humans were up to.

They want to detonate my body from the inside, huh?

Heh, I wont give them that chance.

So every time a transport helicopter came over, Godzilla didnt target the helicopters themselves.

Instead, it attacked the ground in front of them, using the shockwave to take them down.

Godzilla had seen through humanitys plan.

Even the direct hit on the transport helicopter carrying Akizan, which might provoke an electromagnetic railgun counterattack, had been anticipated.

But had it foreseen that it would now be left baffled?

Ah, it hadnt actually thought about that.

Godzillas initial idea was that if the electromagnetic railgun really fired, it would simply stop exhaling. Go ahead and bombard me, it wouldnt matter anyway.

However, what had actually happened was that it had exhaled, the electromagnetic railgun had fired, and it hadnt seen it, leaving itself puzzled.

I let my guard down, didnt dodge.

During this operation, the projectiles coil of the electromagnetic railgun had been made of superconducting material rather than conventional material.

Thats why Godzilla hadnt seen, nor could it see, the firing of the electromagnetic railgun. When a superconductor is used to make the coil, the resulting light burst isnt as intense as before.

With conventional electromagnetic railguns, during propulsion, the coil surrounding the projectile accelerates the projectile by means of the electromagnetic field.

During the acceleration process, due to the skin effect of high-frequency current, a large amount of current gathers on the surface of the coil.

The heat generated by this current gives the coils temperature an extremely rapid rise. The surface of the coil directly sublimates, becoming a flickering burst of light.

Even though electromagnetic railguns arent powered by gunpowder, the fiery burst of flames that always trails behind them is due to this phenomenon.

Godzilla determined whether the electromagnetic railgun had fired based on whether this burst of flames was present. Previously, it could be observed through the presence of humans around the electromagnetic railgun, but now that the humans were gone, this was the only indicator left.

This time, Godzillas plan fell apart due to this.

Superconductors have zero resistance.

As long as the superconducting state is maintained, no matter how high the current, there wont be sublimation. Naturally, no light burst will occur.

Hmm Human technology is advancing again.

Godzilla was quite impressed with the progress these little guys were making.

Maintaining a superconducting state was no easy task. After all, superconductors have critical current density and critical magnetic field strength. In other words, when the current or magnetic field reaches a certain intensity, the superconductor will start to exhibit resistance.

Even if you have room-temperature superconducting materials, theyll still fail when the current or magnetic field reaches a certain level.

As far as Godzilla knew, during the nuclear war era, humanity hadnt discovered materials that could maintain superconductivity at the level of an electromagnetic railgun.

But now, not only had humans discovered it, they were also putting it into practical use.

Human progress was indeed rapid. If given more time to develop, they could easily create weapons specifically designed to defeat me.

Therefore, the speed at which humanity is exterminated must be accelerated.

It wouldnt be good if humans created weapons that could truly defeat me.

Thinking this, Godzilla believed it was time to end its rest and proceed to destroy humanity.

Godzilla didnt have just one brain; its entire body was composed of brains, or rather, its network of thinking neurons spread throughout its body.

Not only thinking neurons, but it also had several backup memory neurons.

In a certain sense, blowing up its head wasnt much different from breaking one of its limbs. In fact, the former might even be easier.

Exploding its head wouldnt be a major issue.

However, a head is still a head. Without a head, there would be no eyes, mouth, or nose. Seeing things would be rather inconvenient.

Fortunately, it had sonar. Although it wasnt as useful on land as it was in the sea, it could still see within a radius of a dozen kilometers.

After finishing its rest, Godzilla began moving again after a silence of more than ten minutes.

Its headless body took its first step.

At that moment, the eyes of every person in the world focused on Godzillas corpse through satellite broadcasts.

Everyone, please take a look. This is Godzillas body! Weve completely defeated Godzilla

The world-devouring beast has finally been defeated by us! This is humanitys victory, but let us not forget the soldiers who sacrificed their lives in this battle

In 20 minutes, Commander Sato, who was in charge of this operation, will arrive in the Yanjing Metropolitan Area. Our reporters will be the first to interview him then

In just a little over ten minutes, news of Godzillas demise had flooded every webpage and channel.

Various live broadcasts showcasing its body rapidly increased in number within the first two to three minutes at an unprecedented rate in human history.

One million ten million a hundred million even one billion.

In just two to three minutes, the combined total of viewers on various medias live channels featuring Godzillas body had already exceeded one billion!

This number continued to soar. Among them, the largest live broadcast room had more than one hundred million real-time viewers.

Without exaggeration, this was the first time in human history that so many people were simultaneously watching the same event. It was unprecedented, and there would never be a repetition.

Everything that happened in this live broadcast would have a profound impact on humanity as a whole.

People who saw Godzillas body through the broadcast felt inexplicably relieved. Particularly in East Asia, people there had thought that the war they anticipated wouldnt come, making them truly fortunate.

After laying down their concerns, a sense of pride and disdain welled up in peoples hearts. Pride in being a part of humanity, and disdain for the now-deceased Godzilla.

What a joke, in the end, our weapons took it down. Godzilla was nothing special.

People didnt think about the cost behind this war, nor did they consider why previous operations had failed if Godzilla was truly weak. They didnt think about any of that.

But it didnt matter.

Godzilla would make them remember.

Hey, is Godzilla moving?

Godzillas moving! Its not dead!

Hows that possible it doesnt even have a head, is it immortal

The cheers waned as Godzilla took its first step.

Godzillas still alive! Godzillas still alive!

What, what, what is it

Fear began to rise as Godzilla took its second step.

Hey, is there a blue light coming from the cut in its neck?

No way this is

And finally, the third step was taken.

A radiant light emerged from the neck, illuminating the sky.

The cheers and fear vanished.

The sky was now pure white, so clean.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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