Godzilla Earth: Origin

Chapter 55: Comprehensive Evolution

Chapter 55: Comprehensive Evolution

Headless Godzilla swam in the depths of the Pacific, using sonar to sense the world beneath the ocean.

This time, it had sustained quite a bit of damage. Humans were indeed formidable opponents.

Even Godzilla had suffered significant injuries from having its head blown off and undergoing continuous nuclear bombardment.

While it wasnt afraid of the radiation from nuclear explosions erasing its genes, the sheer heat generated by these explosions would undoubtedly harm it. Otherwise, if no heat could harm it, it could swim into a cosmic singularity.

Twenty-one nuclear weapons, each weighing millions of tons, had saturatedly bombarded it, releasing an incredibly terrifying amount of heat.

It even caused Godzillas weight to decrease by tens of thousands of tons, essentially giving it a rapid weight loss treatment.

Although it couldnt currently see its own physical appearance, Godzilla, through sonar, could still discern its bodys detailed shape.

Its size had shrunk considerably due to the scorching fireballs; the whole body had reduced by a circle.

It would probably need to evolve to regain its previous size.

Navigating through the depths of the Pacific Ocean, headless Godzilla chose not to return to its home in the Mariana Trench.

This evolution was crucial, and it didnt want to undergo it while being scrutinized by humans from all directions.

It didnt want to be exposed to any strange substances being poured into its fusion reactor while it slept.

In the past, it wasnt a problem when it had a head. Now, without a head and just an open neck, anything could be poured inside. If humans managed to get some strange substances into its fusion reactor via a small submarine, things could go badly.

So, it decided to skip that and find a more secluded spot to rest.

Instead of returning to the Mariana Trench, Godzilla followed its memorys guidance and used sonar to head towards the Kermadec Trench near Australia.

Despite lacking a head, it could still produce sounds. After all, its vocal cords were intact; it generated sound through vocal cord vibrations, which were still functional.

Its ability to roar amidst the nuclear rain was possible because its vocal cords hadnt been entirely obliterated.

Swimming underwater and evading human submarines, Godzilla took over a day to reach the Kermadec Trench near Australia.

Then, it swiftly descended into the trench, reaching its deepest point.

Deep within the Kermadec Trench, Godzilla maxed out its sonar, spending several hours searching beneath the trench until it located a crevice on the seabed cliff.

The crevice was over 300 meters in diameter, around 700-800 meters deep, and a staggering 2-3 kilometers long. Among seabed fissures, it was unusually large, able to accommodate todays Godzilla standing upright inside.

Straightening its path toward the trenchs deepest point, following sonar guidance, Godzilla dived into the heart of the Kermadec Trench.

This fissure had once been the dwelling of a particularly powerful Titan, and even the Godzilla of that time would have struggled to defeat it.

That Titan had vacated this location hundreds of thousands of years ago. Then, over a century ago, humans had managed to kill it.

Now, the trench no longer resembled a Titans nest. But that wasnt why Godzilla was here.

It hadnt come here because it was once a certain Titans lair. It was because something here intrigued it.

This was the place.

At the trenchs deepest point, Godzilla found what it sought.

Using its short arms, it smashed the deepest rocks and threw them aside, exposing a hidden space even deeper within the trench.

A crustal cavity.

Thats how humans described the space before it.

Crustal cavities were various types of hollows within the Earths crust, reaching depths of over a dozen kilometers underground, inaccessible from the surface.

Humans hadnt yet discovered a way to access any of these crustal cavities. Now, Godzilla had found one.

Actually, it couldnt be said that it found it. In reality, this was a place Titans had discovered together.

And there isnt just this one cavity; Titans had discovered many crustal cavities accessible by them.

Godzilla came here mainly because it was relatively close and spacious enough for it to stretch comfortably.

In terms of pure secrecy, Godzilla had better options, but they were too far away. Reaching those locations would require circumnavigating the Arctic and traveling to the Atlantic Ocean.

That would be too troublesome.

So, Godzilla chose this spot.

The underground cavity behind the trench was enormous. This cavity in the Kermadec Trench took an elliptical shape, about 2-3 kilometers wide and 7-8 kilometers deep.

Its deepest point had already reached the mantle. Godzilla chose to start its new evolution within this mantles fiery glow.

All tasks were completed.

In the deepest trench, Godzilla looked at its interface. Except for the main quest, all tasks were now completed.

Although it lacked eyes, it could still visualize the interface, a strange sensation indeed.

Apart from the main quest, the four side tasks were also finished, and Godzilla had already collected their rewards. These tasks were:

Evolution of Body Material Strength Rain of Nuclei (Completed). Evolution requires 25 days.

This was the nuclear explosion task. It had initially thought it wouldnt complete it, but humans managed to finish it for it in the last moment.

Evolution of Breath Attack Incarnation of Destruction (Completed). Evolution requires 3 days.

Evolution of Regeneration Ability Immortal Monster (Completed). Evolution requires 1 day.

Final Form Evolution Evolution of the Grand King. Evolution requires 10 days.

Godzilla was experiencing simultaneous evolution of multiple functions for the first time. It pondered how to handle these multiple evolutions. Should they all occur simultaneously, or should it complete one before moving on to the next?

It opened the task pages for the four evolutions and soon understood.

[Four-task Completion Reward: One Body Strength Evolution, One Breath Evolution, One Form Evolution, One Regeneration Evolution. Do you want to use them now?]

Note: This evolution will take 35 days. During this time, the host will enter a deep sleep. Please ensure safety before initiating the evolution.

Hmm, it seemed it could evolve all at once. Moreover, the time for these evolutions would reduce after consolidation.

Originally needing 39 days, now it is only 35 days. This might be because the scope of the effect during evolution overlapped. Evolving them all at once eliminated unnecessary repetitions.


With a mental confirmation, Godzilla, lying on the magma of the mantle, entered its deepest slumber.

This time, it would evolve all four aspects of its body simultaneously. When it awakened next, it would step into a completely different level compared to its former self.

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