Godzilla Earth: Origin

Chapter 9: Before the Battle (4)

Chapter 9: Before the Battle (4)

Breaking news: According to observations by Starlink Corporation, 55 minutes ago, the World United Government officially detected the Titan monster, Godzilla, which attacked Glaufadamoni three days ago, moving towards the Tokyo Metropolitan Area in the Pacific Ocean.

On the television, a charming woman dressed as a news anchor was reading an urgent piece of news.

Twenty-five minutes ago, the World United Government dispatched the Indian Ocean Expeditionary First Fleet to intercept Godzilla, and it is expected to make contact with Godzilla and initiate the operation in 11 hours.

She sat in a studio with a background of a starry galaxy, delivering this urgent news with the most authentic broadcasting tone.

At present, the Tokyo Metropolitan Area has initiated a large-scale evacuation. It is estimated that the entire population within 13 coastal districts will be evacuated within 10 hours, with a total evacuation of 30 million people, making it the largest population evacuation since the Agatha terrorist attack 50 years ago.

Now, we will switch to the live coverage of the evacuation by our correspondent in Tokyo. Please switch to the Tokyo scene.

After finishing the urgent report, the television screen shifted to an overcrowded outdoor area from the studio.

Alright, I am our correspondent, Fang Yuxi, stationed in Tokyo. Currently, I am evacuating together with the main force from the city center of Tokyo.

A beautiful female reporter stood among the crowd, providing updates on the situation to the viewers.

As you can see, there are so many people here, and you cant even see the end of the crowd. Many people rushed here without grooming themselves, emphasizing the importance of evacuation for everyone in Tokyo.

Although the crowd is enormous, everyone is patiently queuing in an orderly manner, waiting for the arrival of the supersonic trains. There is no congestion or stampede, and everyone is following the rules.

According to our information, there are a total of 20 supersonic trains in the 13 evacuation zones in Tokyo. They are responsible for transporting the residents waiting in Tokyo to Osaka. Each train can accommodate 8,000 people, and a round trip between Osaka and Tokyo takes only ten minutes, making it the primary means of transportation.

However, the total population that needs to be evacuated from these 13 coastal zones exceeds 30 million. So relying solely on trains is not enough. All 11 airports in Tokyo are already operating at full capacity, and the seven maglev bidirectional 10-lane roads leading out of the city are also fully loaded.

According to a recent report from the Tokyo Metropolitan Transportation Bureau, in the past half-hour alone, there were as many as 300,000 vehicles leaving Tokyo.

But this rate is still insufficient to evacuate the entire population. Therefore, just now, the Tokyo Municipal Government decided to convert the bidirectional lanes into one-way lanes, aiming to complete the evacuation of all people in the coastal areas of Tokyo as quickly as possible.

The person next to me is the person in charge of the trains in the eighth district of Tokyo. May I ask if the trains in the eighth district are operating smoothly? With such intense transportation tonight, will there be any


Slumping on the couch, Akira Akizuki turned off the television and stared at the ceiling.

Has it emerged so quickly?

Working continuously for 60 hours without rest, Akira Akizuki suddenly fainted during a meeting a few hours ago. He woke up leisurely only when his good friend, Arita, carried him back to his home in Hokkaido.

With the rapid development of robotics technology, the rescue operations for personnel have been mostly completed in these past two days. What remains is the handling of the nuclear wasteland contaminated with radiation.

Unlike the urgent nature of rescuing people before, even if he doesnt go to work for these few days, it wont cause any significant losses.

So Arita told him that the intention of the members of parliament was for him to rest during these few days and go over afterward when hes fully recovered.

After all, even if he works tirelessly now, he wont save any more people. Its better to take care of his own health.

Akira gladly accepted this well-intentioned suggestion.

But on his first day of rest at home, when he was ready to get a good nights sleep, he saw this news.

Godzilla Reappears! Indian Ocean Fleet Takes Initiative! Seeking Revenge for the Million Dead!

He couldnt sleep anymore.

Opening his phone, Akira started scrolling through social media.

The trending topics on social media tonight were exceptionally lively, even the 3 a.m. Jito in the far eastern district had far more activity than usual daytime trends.

Godzilla, Godzilla, Godzilla is here!

Ah, Im a Tokyoite, and I have nowhere to stay tonight!

Thank goodness Im from Hokkaido.

Kyoto residents welcome Tokyos high school girls to stay at my place tonight. Contact information: XXX-XXXX

Why do we Tokyoites have to be so unlucky?

The majority of social media posts are filled with meaningless content, consisting mostly of complaints, pleas for help from Tokyo residents who need to evacuate, and the gloating of people from other regions.

There are also some Tokyo residents who express their desire to stay home tonight instead of evacuating. However, among the sarcastic remarks from internet users, there are also some people who advise against this and urge them not to take such risks. Although everyone doesnt believe Godzilla will successfully make landfall, its always better to be cautious.

Life is precious, you idiot.

These words can be considered as strangers showing concern.

There are still good people in this world, but there are also plenty of jerks.

Godzilla taught those noble people in G-Force a lesson last time. Is he going to teach those arrogant Tokyo ghosts a lesson this time? Haha.

This tweet infuriated Akira Akizuki when he read it. Just as he was about to curse the person, a message appeared on the screen stating that the owner of the tweet had been permanently banned.

Thats more like it.

After scrolling through Twitter for an hour, Akira was starting to feel tired. However, he came across a headline that caught his attention.

He knew he wouldnt be able to sleep tonight.

Starchain Corporation, Godzilla Annihilation Battle, Live Broadcast!

Thanks to the powerful satellite system of Starchain Corporation, we will be tracking Godzilla comprehensively in the next 24 hours, from before the battle to the actual confrontation. Join us and witness the destruction caused by this colossal beast

It was a live stream.

Organized by Starchain Corporation, the first to discover Godzilla, this live stream featured the ongoing movements of Godzilla. Although the current view was just a blurry ocean, the outline of the shadow beneath the surface could still be seen.

That was Godzilla moving forward.

As Akira watched, a heavy feeling settled in his heart. He knew he couldnt sleep anymore because he had to witness it all, to watch this creatures path of destruction.

Since he had decided to endure another sleepless night, he thought he might as well have a cup of coffee.

With that in mind, Akira called out to a room:

Okaasan, ko (Mom, cof)

Ko (Cof)

Hi (Fee)

He paused, his mind finally remembered one crucial fact.

She was no longer there.

His mother is gone

His wife is gone

His daughter is gone

They all gone

Hes all alone

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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