Grabbing Your Hand, Dragging you Away


Chapter Forty

Father Emperor passes away, at the age of fifty.

The palace is filled with wailing cries, princesses, consorts, ministers, also the palace maids and imperial guards. Their eyes contain anxiousness, panic, be it of sadness or anxiousness, their faces are collectively expressions of sadness.

Imperial Sister sprawls onto the bed, crying so heart wrenchingly, the other sisters at the side are also gathering together to wail, as though competing whose voice is louder. I don’t know why I would think of those gangster films, the police are always doubting every suspect, if the cry is fiercer, then they say they’re trying to hide something, if the cry is softer, then it has nothing to do with them, then in the end, how should one cry, for it to be considered right?

I don’t know, because I am unable to cry.

I have not cried for a long, long time.

Eldest Imperial Sister suddenly stands and comes up to me, trying her best to wipe away her tears as she yells at me: “What exactly did you say to Father Emperor?! Why would Father Emperor suddenly pass away?!”

I find it rather funny, yet my face shows no expression as I say: “Eldest Imperial Sister should be asking this question to the imperial physicians.”

Eldest Imperial Sister pauses, then says with a face of grievances and resentment: “Are you even Father Emperor’s daughter? Father Emperor has passed away, yet there’s not even a single drop of tear from you!”

“Tears?” I furrow my brows, “Eldest Imperial Sister means to tell me to use my saliva?”

“You, you,” Eldest Imperial Sister was angered into waving her arms, her brows turning down as she says: “A fool, is indeed still a fool!” Having said that, she twists her body and once again sprawls onto the bed in tears.

I lower my eyes and calmly think, compared to all of you, am I not just a fool?

I look at Imperial Sister who is currently choking on her tears, she has already thrown away her usual elegance right now, only having the strength to cry out for Father Emperor. It cannot be blamed, Father Emperor has always doted on her like a treasure in the palm of his hand, is the most, most gentle and kind father to her, if I was Imperial Sister, perhaps I would also be that heartbroken.

It all comes down to people cannot be generalised. There are such words: arsenic poison to A, but effective medicine to B, it can be said the other way around as effective medicine to B, but arsenic poison to A. He is Imperial Sister’s good Father Emperor, but that doesn’t mean the same to me.

In comparison ah……

I shallowly hook up the corners of my lips, aren’t I already used to it?

That’s right, I’m already used to it.

When I turn around, I happen to meet eyes with Yuwen Rui, he just calmly glances at me then continues speaking to the minister next to him. My steps does not falter, quietly leaving the scene.

I look back at Father Emperor who is surrounded by the big group of people, I have promised him to protect the treasure map well, nothing more than that.

When I come out the next day, I could only see the decorations that had looked like they were for a festival, have all been taken down, replaced with white, white, white. In sight, everything is white. I hold a peach blossom in hand as I walk extremely slowly, right now, I am heading to Cheng Xiang Hall, in order to listen to Eunuch Lu read out Father Emperor’s imperial decree.

Imperial decree ah, imperial decree, what is it, you will say?

I toss away the peach blossom and lightly smile, with the change of skies in Yun Mi, what will become of my days?

When I arrive at Cheng Xiang Hall, there are already many people gathered, still the same bunch from last night, princesses, consorts, ministers, those with high status and great power have all come. Imperial Sister stands at the front with a pale face, eyes red and swollen, a delicate sight that moves the hearts of all who sees her. She purses her lips when she sees me, grabbing my hand as she holds it tightly, then quietly hold back her tears.

I lament, Imperial Sister is such a charmingly fragile and beautiful woman, she possesses so much doting love, but such doting love has now become her responsibilities. She needs to learn to take on her responsibilities, to not disappoint Father Emperor who had such high hopes for her. I rather unkindly think, in fact, being neglected, truly cannot be considered a bad thing.

Eunuch Lu and Yuwen Rui steps in together, Yuwen Rui is in a body of silver-grey robes today, such a boring and old-fashioned colour can also look noble and elegant on him. I inwardly shake my head, clothing ah, no wonder why they require models to be effective.

When everyone sees Eunuch Lu, they burst into chatters, but under Yuwen Rui’s indifferent sweeping glances, each and every one of them stands upright and appear serious. Eunuch Lu does not waste time with nonsense either, after walking up to the space, deliberately left empty for him, he slowly sweeps a glance across everyone, then takes out a clear yellow scroll from his sleeve, a crisp and bright voice shouting: “The imperial decree of the late emperor.”

Everyone kneels down, collectively shouting: “May your majesty live and reign for ten thousand years, ten thousand years, ten thousand of ten thousand years!”

“Fourth Princess come forth and listen to the decree!”

Imperial Sister’s body stiffens, then hurriedly goes up and kneels down, “Child is listening.”

“Passing down the wills of heaven, his majesty’s edict states: zhen have ascended the throne for more than thirty years, although with no son under me, zhen is fortunate to have eight daughters. Amongst them, fourth daughter – An Ke Zi – may be a female, but since a young age, has been talented, smart, alert and resourceful, more so than most people, and would even more so often familiarise herself with the readings of the five classics and the art of war. Zhen shall pass this seat onto Fourth Princess, An Ke Zi, in hopes of reviving Yun Mi, that is all!”

“Child accepts the decree!” Imperial Sister accepts the imperial decree with a serious look, yet her lips are pale and trembling nonstop.

“May your majesty live and reign for ten thousand years, ten thousand years, ten thousand of ten thousand years!”

I secretly observe the expressions of those around me, only seeing some people reveal looks of disdain and scorning in their eyes, presumed to have already predicted Father Emperor’s decision and deeply disagrees with it. I coldly laugh, so what if she’s a woman, it’s not like a female emperor has never existed amongst the three kingdoms, and they did not do any worse than men.

Eunuch Lu takes out another imperial decree from his sleeve, “Royal Official of the Capital, Yuwen Rui, listen to the decree!”

Yuwen Rui narrows his long and fine eyes, goes up and kneels down, “Yuwen Rui is listening.”

“Passing down the wills of heaven, his majesty’s edict states: Royal Official of the Capital, Yuwen Rui, although young, is extremely mindful and cautious, and is well versed in military strategy, truly an essential pillar of Yun Mi. Today, zhen grant marriage to Fourth Princess, An Ke Zi, the wedding to be followed through after the enthronement ceremony, that is all!”

Yuwen Rui’s tone does not waver at all, cold voice calmly saying: “This subject accepts the decree.”

Everyone in the hall once again collectively shouts: “May your majesty live and reign for ten thousand years, ten thousand years, ten thousand of ten thousand years!”

I lower my head and nonsensically look at my own shoes, en, this result was already to be expected, is it not?

Returning to my palace hall, I am welcomed with Xi Xi’s concerned eyes, she wants to speak, but stops as she looks at me, “Princess……”

I sit down at the table, “What’s wrong?”

“Eldest Gentleman……”

“Cousin? What about Cousin?”

“This servant, ai~, Princess!” She rushes over to my side, “What is Princess preparing to do?”

I meet her concerned eyes, baffled, “Going to do what?”

“This servant has already heard, they say his majesty laid down the decree to have Fourth Princess and Eldest Gentleman wedded, then what is Princess going to do?” Xi Xi reveals a look of regretting that I’m failing to do good, “Princess has no thought on this at all?”

I leisurely have a sip of tea, “Thought? What thought should I have? Since Father Emperor has made the decree, then us people only have the part of accepting the decree, is that not it?”

Xi Xi furrows her brows even tighter, “Princess……”

“Xi Xi, enough of your groundless worries, don’t you still have matters to attend to? Quickly go, or you’ll be receiving Nanny Mo’s nagging later.”

“Ai~!” Xi Xi hatefully stamps her foot, turning to head out, “What kind of a matter is this considered?!”

I wait for her to leave and then rest my chin in hand, muttering: “What kind of matter? A dog-bloodied matter.” (Dog-blood/bloodied – the use of plot devices that are too extreme and overly absurd, cliché and overdone)

These two words of dog-bloodied, contains far too many, far too many, meaning.

Why is the matter dog-bloodied? Only because under normal circumstances, the chances of this happening is the most big, most frequent, most common, also the most expected by others. A plot like this, is called dog-bloodied.

And undoubtedly, I am currently deep within the ‘gates of dog-blood’.

This imperial decree of Father Emperor’s is truly the dog-blood amongst dog-blood. Throughout the times, the emperor has always liked to match the best young talent with their most beloved daughter, in order to achieve the perfectly happy scene of talent and beauty. Not to mention my Father Emperor had passed the entire nation into the hands of Imperial Sister, this delicate beauty. Imperial Sister is talented, is thoughtful, but she far too weak, she lacks boldness and decisiveness etcetera etcetera, and Imperial Sister who is like this, wishes to hold up the kingdom?

Difficult, truly difficult.

But what if she is replaced with Yuwen Rui?

Yuwen Rui’s capabilities needs not be doubted, now that Father Emperor has granted Imperial Sister to him, it has another meaning of Yun Mi’s real authority is perhaps in his hands from now on. Yuwen Rui marrying Imperial Sister, is practically equal to gaining the entire nation of Yun Mi, not to mention, Imperial Sister is a beauty that could topple cities and empires. Towards any man, this is indeed the best bargain.

En, of course there is also the possibility that Yuwen Rui doesn’t wish to be the ‘big boss’ without a real title, he could also directly usurp the throne and become the emperor himself, but one person will not allow this, that is Yuwen Yi, so this possibility is also incredibly small.

I lament ah, Father Emperor, you sure have thought it out thoroughly, no matter who you choose to be your son-in-law, they cannot compare to Yuwen Rui, isn’t that right? You left the best for Imperial Sister, because she is the daughter you doted on most, only because she carries traces of the person you love the most. Your doting love isn’t fake, yet my sadness is real.

That’s right, I am saddened, only because ‘An Ke Lan’ is also your daughter, yet the one you wholeheartedly love and protect, is only An Ke Zi.

I suddenly recall a line from a drama: parents, can also really hate their own children.

But what about the child that was hated on, how is he innocent? Just like me, although not asking for your doting love, yet cannot hold myself back from thinking, how could you be so biased?


I abruptly smack my own forehead, what’s the point in thinking so much, I am no god, unable to go up and wave around a little bamboo stick, sprinkle a little ambrosia, and make him change the will or anything else. Although it is said that ‘matters are doings of mankind’, but clearly my capability is not enough to ‘do’ anything.

I am only a princess that had been neglected in this palace for a long time, was in the past, am now, will be in the future, always will be.

After the reading of the imperial decree, the back palace is once again thrown into a busy state, busying with the matter of Father Emperor entering the royal tombs, also busying with preparing Imperial Sister’s enthronement. Everyone is busying around, of course, except me.

I am still quietly going about my life, quiet and peaceful.

Every time Xi Xi sees me, she would look like she has something to say but stops herself, looking worried, I of course know why. Ever since that day, I have not seen Yuwen Rui or Imperial Sister, those two people under the spotlight are simply busying around to the point of become spinning tops. They have not come finding me, and I, naturally haven’t gone finding them either. It is like we’ve suddenly lost contact, in the same area but unable to get in touch.

Alternatively, those imperial sisters of mine that usually have nothing to say to me, have been making a few rounds to my palace hall. En, of course, it is only to come and laugh at me or attack me. For example, “I see that Ah-Lan is usually really close with Cousin Rui, just didn’t think Father Emperor would bestow Cousin Rui with marriage to Ke Zi, aiyo, Ah-Lan, you mustn’t be heartbroken.” Another example being “Ah-Lan, this isn’t Third Sister speaking nonsense, Ke Zi and Cousin really look like immortals in heavens when stood together, originally unbelievably compatible ah.” Or perhaps, “Ah-Lan, Ke Zi will be a female emperor in a few days, you must keep a distance from Cousin. But Cousin hasn’t been coming to see you now, right? Don’t be saddened, this is also something that cannot be helped, had I been a man, I too, would choose Ke Zi, isn’t that right?” And so on, etcetera etcetera.

I feel nothing when hearing these, but Xi Xi secretly gets back at them for me every time, explaining that Yuwen Rui has been far too busy as of recent, hence not having the time to come see me. I don’t say anything in response to her explanation, what has the process got to do with me at all, the decisive factor is the result, when the dust settles.

The days flies past amongst their busyness and my idling, in a blink of an eye, a month has past, and tomorrow will be Imperial Sister’s enthronement. After my evening meal, Imperial Sister’s personal palace maid – Bi Yu – passes on the message that Imperial Sister wishes to see me, and so, I follow her to Imperial Sister’s palace hall.

The white around the imperial palace were taken down, festive red once again hung up, I find the sight funny, changing it back and forth like that, they sure don’t complain about the trouble.

Bi Yu and I were walking neither hurried nor slowly, when Yuwen Rui’s figure suddenly appears in front. Following behind him were a few officials, upon seeing me, he slightly pauses, then resolutely walk over to my side and pulls my wrist, saying to the people behind: “Wait a moment.”

My weak and small body is very easily dragged behind a grove by him, the dense branches isolates the outside from the inside, seems to be a really good place to hide.

Yuwen Rui’s handsome face appears to have gotten thinner, making his face look even more elegantly refined. He stares at me for a while, suddenly leaning down to heavily kiss down on my lips, husky voice carrying attractiveness as he says: “Ah-Lan, trust me.”

After he says that, he doesn’t wait for me to reply and turns around, leaving the grove, and leaving me behind to gaze at his back. I reach up to touch my moist lips, heartbeat going slightly out of control.

I slightly purse my lips, thinking, it seems that no matter how many commitments are made, they could not compare to his two short words, ‘trust me’.

Only because he is Yuwen Rui.

When Bi Yu and I arrive at Imperial Sister’s palace hall, we hear Imperial Sister had just went to find the prime minister, Bi Yu takes out an in particularly glamourous outfit from the cabinet, saying to me: “Fifth Princess, this was specially tailored for you by our Princess, may Princess try it on first, see if it fits well.”

I nod, taking the outfit and changed into it before coming out again, then facing the mirror, I again lament: people sure do need to f*cking rely on clothing.

Bi Yu helps me with the finishing touches, smiling as she says: “With Princess wearing this outfit out tomorrow, afraid many people will be asking about you.”

I lightly smile, “Bi Yu, can you pour me a cup of tea?”

Bi Yu sounds “ah”, “The tea from this afternoon has all cooled down, may Princess wait, this servant shall go get some for you.”

Bi Yu comes back not long after, saying to me: “Princess, this servant……”

Before Bi Yu had finished speaking, a man in black suddenly springs out from behind her, knocking her unconscious. I turn around to run in response, but it cannot be helped that this pretty outfit has such a long skirt, one carelessness and I stepped on it, falling to the ground. That man in black does not hit the back of my neck, just covering my nose with a damp cloth, causing me to quickly fall unconscious.

Within a haze, I vaguely feel myself get harshly overturned, the discomfort causing me to sound a few squeaks, yet all I got was just a wet cloth ––– sh*t, well this is great, my consciousness has thoroughly disappeared!

After heaven knows how long, I finally regain consciousness, and extremely clearly hear a low and mellow voice, very menacingly say next to me: “En? This is the one you captured for zhen……Fourth Princess?”

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